#260: How To Put Yourself Out There and Cease Worrying About the Consequences

sweq 260 audio

Wed, 9/23 · 4:29 PM36:10


people shit podcast talk friends impression big slash feel fucking business sweat writing good open mic middle drink bit fuck bogota

Law Smith


Oh wait. Whoo hard knocking it Knock knock.


Yeah, man

Law Smith


click clack, man. You ready for some business comedy podcast? Yeah. Let's go sweat equity mob. Oh ours? Yeah. Ah,


even more exciting. We're gonna be one thing you're talking about.

Law Smith


I'm gonna be like Sean McVeigh. I'm gonna take my shirt off. Yeah. Ramsay coach


Mark fiance.

Law Smith


And yeah, the real eye candy doesn't take her clothes off. They're like, could you do that? The producers like he's like,


I got it. We brought all the stuff out and everything is gonna.

Law Smith


Don't worry, guys. I'll take my shirt off. Yeah, this episode of sweat equity, save the number one comedy business podcast because literally, there's no other company business podcasts out there. But we still would be saying


that. I didn't know that until now.

Law Smith


We're also Arbitron rated, number one. Yeah. From the 90s on terrestrial radio. If you want to help out this podcast without hooking up the sponsors and their affiliate links that we're about to give out. You can go give a five star review, write a review. Once it's a little blurb, subscribe to the podcast, that is the cheat code to get us up. We want to get to 5000 high quality subscribers. That's the goal. Okay, by the end of the year, I think we can do it. This is what almost twice as many as we've ever had. And I don't know, but it's a by the end of the one. It's an ambitious goal by the end of that by the end of the year. Okay, we could do it. We're gonna do some community marketing. We're gonna talk about that second. Oh, listen to us on iTunes, Apple podcast, Spotify laughable. Watch us on YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo. This episode is brought to you by try grasshopper.com forward slash twit. It's grasshopper phone lines. Y'all people listen to this podcast. They've been our longest sponsor. I think try grasshopper.com forward slash let get you $75 off an annual plan. I'm not only promoting it, but I'm also a member. Yeah, yeah. Look, don't have a Google Voice sign for your business or brand. Your side hustle you're trying to do that looks like some jabroni shit, right? Don't have to go to your personal phone line. You're not


going to get a good one for free.

Law Smith


Because you're gonna answer it like Hello, right? Are you gonna think it's robocall? Nothing's got right, which is cool, because you can't get off Do not call this now. Awesome. Thanks. Thanks a lot. Politicians. Thanks For Nothing that I had don't know who passed that bill. But try grasshopper.com forward slash at 75 bucks Look, I don't know any other podcasts giving out that big of a discount? That's a girthy ask discount. Look it up. Try grasshopper.com Ford slash sweat is the only place to get that discount. I'm gonna roll through our feature sponsors ExpressVPN get and naanum eyes web searching try expressvpn.com forward slash twit get you three months free after the principle of it all. Yeah, man. Don't let the man it's like know what you're doing. Yeah,


Speaker 2


you're on it's not what you're doing. It's that they want to see it and

Law Smith


don't get to see it. I told my probate lawyer Eric has rights to all my history and all the weird crap. I don't know if I'm the same but all your will but whatever.


roadway worth mine.

Law Smith


Get your fancy fancy athletic gear try brown.com forward slash sweat 20% off using that link or the promo code bridge 20 these things hook us up on the show keeps the engines running freshbooks go freshbooks.com forward slash sweat. We don't believe in QuickBooks. We don't believe in zero we believe in a free 30 day trial. Go to freshbooks comm forward slash wet and Warby Parker Warby Parker trial.com, forward slash five free peers to try and oh, let's do this.

Law Smith


I got my tinnitus is kicking in. And I was like, Oh, no, I'm back. I'm back in the jungle, man. All right. We're doing this the business.


Are you in the jungle before? I've never talked about

Law Smith


Auburn's football stadium the jungle? Well, I'm in a silly silly goose mood sleep deprivation we'll do that but I feel accomplished because I got a lot of shit done


good for you know one of those

Law Smith


things where you're just like I'm sober drunk right now. Totally. And, you know, from I'm probably gonna Uber home and not have any alcoholic beverages over here. Yeah, I think one of the things we're just like, you know, smarter. Ai, we're trying to figure out what to talk about right before we got on air. And right


before we got on air.

Law Smith


While we're busy guys lately, there's a lot of stuff going around going on like the Rona, the core era.


What the core was that the core was no,

Law Smith


I heard Tom Papa called the core, like the quarantine. Ah, and I just really like it. So


are we going to core?

Law Smith


You like the core bro? Cold core? We're in the Kwan. It's better than the COVID era. I don't know. look cool. Well, I'm getting there's a lot of tension building up. It feels like to me like, could be bias it'd be my circles. School starting up almost everywhere around the country. I'm looking at people's feeds that I'm friends with. They're kind of losing it a little bit you can tell they're like, almost every state's like now we're gonna we're gonna push this back. Everybody starting to zoom. I had to Yeah,


Speaker 2


well, I mean, we're doing. We got one week. So Florida, we had originally declared that it was going to be the first month was going to be elearning. And then our awesome governor and state legislature turn that down and made it one week,

Law Smith


bro, if you guys like Trump, Florida's got some politicians. Pretty cool teen it's.


Speaker 2


I mean, I wasn't exactly psyched about a month of elearning. That's for sure. But

Law Smith


well, it falls on one parent, God bless yet if you are working. You're a single mom, I don't even know how you do this. Like and you can't


Speaker 2


it? Yeah, I don't know. I literally don't know what you would do if you didn't have an extra. I mean, you can't just hire a tutor. Like

Law Smith


that's a one if you have a job that you have to physically be there like you work in a warehouse. Sure.


Speaker 2


Yeah. I mean, in the a tutor is going to cost a ton of money to have them there every day while you're at work. Also teaching your kids also keeping to the curriculum that's handed out which also kind of crazy

Law Smith


by the way tutors aren't tutoring. They're not tuning as much because they don't want to have any social interaction.


To Yeah, good luck finding one.

Law Smith


I wanted to go to a birthday party of a friends on Friday. And I was like, I don't even know. I'm not even gonna look for babysitters not even worth like feet like fielding it out. Really? I haven't just seeing if it's now worth an option. Oh, fuck it, it's gonna be too much trouble. Yeah, man. It's, it's, it's weird. There's opportunities opening because of that.


Like, if you don't care about,

Law Smith


like the people that are like, embrace it, embrace it. Like, look, man, I do that on on the rag. Like I look. Yeah, exactly.


I'm like, I literally don't know what to think

Law Smith


I do try to take some time. Every day, I have my kids and just go all right, you know, try to take it in a little bit, instead of just going through the motions all the time. But, man, if someone told me that it's like, my, I have a couple friends about to have babies in the core. And yeah, that's weird. And like, you know, it's one of those things where I was I was bringing out my my least favorite advice is get sleep like can before you have a first kid. Like, Oh, cool. I'm going to store it up.


Speaker 2


Yeah, my sleep 100 hours and then I'll be able to stay up for

Law Smith


today straight. Oh, Thanks for the advice. I'm a grizzly bear. Thank you. Right. Thank you. Thanks a lot. I'll be trying these jokes out at open mic at side splitters comedy club on Sunday. August 23. Yeah,


we do.

Law Smith


Yeah, you ready? Yeah, man. That's something I do want to talk about that. Okay. Right now how do you feel? I feel good. We're as we're recording this we're five days out. You know, good. Feel good. Last time I saw you doing over my five years ago.


Dude longer not

Law Smith


maybe six or seven? Yeah, longer over here shooting sketches and stuff. Uh, you know, you flew through like, a filibuster of 20 minutes in for Yeah, and I think he had an extra minute. Yeah, I went over. No, I have but it is a wrecking that like, think Thank God you got that out of the way cuz that I wouldn't even want to like talk to you. Oh, Sunday. Oh, yeah.


Speaker 2


Yeah, dude. I mean, well, you know, it's been a long time. I have a lot more experience.

Law Smith


Well, this podcast should help. I mean, yeah, look how good I'm doing right now. The hardest thing is really just taking command and pausing. And just Yeah, don't rush it. There is a thing of like, I like Ron Wyden style. I kind of took from that a little bit because I got too jittery, running back and forth on stage a lot of the time. Mm hmm. I don't have that energy. Anyway. I the way I I'm conversationally funny. I'd rather have the mic in the stand and just hold a drink even if it's water. Yeah, not MacAllan in a cigar but I like icon is like, Oh, you can do that. And I felt like he emotes more somehow by standing there. And I feel like I've I've definitely just copied that but


I never noticed that. Yeah, because you do do that.

Law Smith


Yeah, because I'd be too spazzy my add kicks in so much I can now I mean, now I can do it. I can walk


right? Yeah. You never hold the mic. Do

Law Smith


I prefer instead? I'd rather have Italian hands. Like, right? Yes. Three. And plus, like, it helps me focus on the audience a little bit better because I'm not having to physically walk around a lot. Yeah. So if you The trick is like kind of emoting people think I'm kind of animated more than I actually am.


in a weird way. Okay.

Law Smith


Oh, cuz you just don't have to hold the mic. But I'm not like I would have a back and forth like Chris Rock in the when I was 19 doing it. You know, like, I'ma beat Chris. I'm gonna be Chris Rock Star. Remember people preparing you to Chris Rock. You know, I in my head was like, this is a good way to do this. Like a preacher. Like a black preacher. Yeah. into black church once.


You don't have to say black preacher. I know what you meant.

Law Smith


I'd have to say black church, but I said it and went to a funeral and it was one of the coolest trips experiences I've ever had. was awesome. Sounds awesome. Shout out to grandma. Come dog. You dude, dude. Cummings. We can't come dog. Ah, okay.


Speaker 2


Yeah, that, you know, it's weird, cuz it's like, it's been six, seven years since I did stand up. And I just I don't want to say I don't have feelings anymore. But I do have a much thicker skin.

Law Smith


There's just like, are you?


Sure? Yeah, exactly. I'm just like, what are you gonna do

Law Smith


seven years ago, you're like, maybe I'll do this as a thing. Right? Maybe I'll maybe I'll be good at it. Right? Give it a go. Yeah, like, even I'm like, Look, if I get anything, I'm like, okay, whatever. I'm just gonna do it for the love of the game. Exactly.


Speaker 2


I'm doing this because I am going to jolt myself into a guy's mind

Law Smith


drives back essentially what the idea is. It's a lot of people were always like, wow, how can you do that? You're like, Oh, you fail a shitload. And then you don't care as much.


Speaker 2


Yeah, that too. But I mean, it's also just like, you know, look in the mirror. Go up there. Do your taco chick go up there, do it. You know, looking at doing it not helping. No, I'm not saying I don't actually. I'm saying. Metaphorically look in the mirror. You know? Have you been writing?

Law Smith


Oh, yeah, that's the thing. I I started to get back into it the last couple years. And one of the biggest bombs have ever had in front of like, some of my best friends in comedy watching me and I can hear my fucking suck. Like a like, come on that I can hear you. I know. It's you by Johnny laughing not laughing at the jokes. Yeah, just knows I'm rushing through and I'm like, oh, man, that's a fucking mindfuck on top of it. And look, I deserved it. I went home and beat the shit out of myself. Right? Because I didn't prepare. Exactly. I tried to wing it like I used to. And I hadn't done in a long time. And I'm it's like us trying to shoot hoops the other day. It ain't pretty. If you haven't if your middle a is like middle aged white guy.


Speaker 2


We had to so we played two on two. And we had to stop at four four and call to try to be

Law Smith


fair to us. It is 90. What? eight degrees? Very, super humid. Still not an excuse. We were pretty. You guys have been drinking for a while. Not me. Well. Yeah. And I was hurting the most. I thought I was having a stroke. I was like, wow, this is not good. Um, but we so you've got you've been writing?


Speaker 2


Yes. I've been writing I've been putting in just just

Law Smith


bludgeoned it in your head. I mean, it's I'm trying to hate it.


Speaker 2


Yeah, I'm trying to make it just not super regiment like I don't want to make it a big deal because I've been there I've done open mic inside splitters. I've done it before. done in the big room done a little room. I've done all the shit.

Law Smith


By the way. We're gonna get bt now owns it not the infamous Bobby jewel, but we're gonna get him on the podcast. We're gonna do it now. Yeah, that's why it's been turning around like you can see the people that bring it in are all like the New York a lot of new york like really good up and coming comics. Yeah, no, I mean, that's awesome. Yeah, I mean, to where a lot of people used to get like ripped off or the old owner polluted the whole thing? She Yeah, that I'm not gonna get into that. Sir. Don't involve me but kind of involved me. Um, but not good things. That club had a lot of like, a lot of bad stories for the old owner. Which look charismatic guy when he's drinking. Having a good time. Who was it that stole his wig? I don't know. I don't know. It was so fucked up. Somebody stole it. Like you had a rule after a show. If if an audience member offered a shot you take it seems like that's the bar tab. Who to who?


Who's taking it him the comic?

Law Smith


Oh, like, so if you're like, I don't really want to drink. You're just like, Yeah, man. I'll take it. You don't drink it. If you're not drinker, but he's like, always take it, man.


I didn't understand what you're saying,

Law Smith


yeah, that person's bar tab, they're gonna pay for two drinks, regardless, and you're like, who burning bridges for dollars at a time? You know, I may be burning bridges, because I may be speaking out. I don't know, it's one of those things where the guy's gone. I know, but I feel like he could just reappear. But he's that kind of guy who. At any rate, it's cool to see someone I've known that was the GM for 10 years. Just take it over. And really, he really loves comedy. He's really killing it and got to help him with some strategy like four years ago, in the office a lot, you know, some digital stuffs that didn't get ripped off like crazy. Because there's a fuckload of ticketing sites that are just jabroni shit. Yeah. Anyway, it's I digress. So you're not? You're not.


Speaker 2


I'm not super stressed. I mean, you will be Sunday. I will be sure I brought you know, but I can visualizing it's sort of like, like I said, when you've done it before, and in this certain place, I can kind of, you know, I know what that's going to be like, what it looks like, you know, that's a big thing for people who've never done something like that, where it's like, oh my god, I don't even know. Where am I gonna fuckin park? Where do you park? Who do you talk? Yeah, it's like all that shit. When you break that oh, my God,

Law Smith


come on, come pick you up. But like, know where to park? You know, that is like another just another thing if you're not prepared. Yeah. I say I was telling you yesterday. Get like 10 topics if you have five minutes, each topics a minute. And it's like, someone did something similar and you're like, fuck it. Like the the minimum. You bomb and no one really remembers. Right? But you write as long as you're not mean. Right? There's there's guys that bomb and they're dicks. Yeah. You doing? Yeah. One of those guys that just need a place for a couple hours to hang out from the mental institution. Yeah, that's a lot of Mike's do.


Speaker 2


And And honestly, like, Matt's gonna crush, like, I know be like, Oh, it's pretty good. It's all exact. That's what it that's what you can hope for. It's like, I did it as this like I did a handful of times years ago. And it was like, I never felt like I bombed. I never felt like it was like, Oh, that was awful. And it was like I was doing I did in front of four people. Pee bodies in New Tampa. It was, which is like a bar. It's like a bar. It's a pool hall, basically. And

Law Smith


oh, yeah, that used to be good. Yeah, I used to do well at that because I go up with any material.


Speaker 2


Right? Well, there's nobody there and it was like, for people to laugh is

Law Smith


um, it's confident it's just better than being at home. Exactly. But there oh my to do the roving mics actually good. It is. It's something uncomfortable. I'm all for that. You made me do an ice bath the other day? that's uncomfortable. retribution. I'll do


I'll do over Mike.

Law Smith


Yeah, so shit like that. Where you get out of your comfort zone? You know, it's better for you. It's always a good thing.


Speaker 2


Yeah. No, I mean, just that. You know, honestly, I can't wait for it to be over. That feeling. You know, not that it's like I'm dreading that it's happening. But everything we're doing ice bath all that shit. It's not because of the ice bath feeling awesome. After feeling you work out because you look better after and you feel better by like, all this stuff is not exercise

Law Smith


or gym feels awesome,


Speaker 2


right? You leave the gym fucking jacked up, pumped up, you know, get your music going. And that's what it's about. It's not necessarily about the work you're putting in while you're doing it.

Law Smith


Awesome. courageously, and then you're done.


Yeah. Feeling after? So good.

Law Smith


Would you say that? Oh, you're so hot. Sorry. You know, like, the things that are difficult while you're doing them are awesome. Like, directly after.


And that's why we're doing it. Yeah, that's why you do it.

Law Smith


And like stand up if you really start doing it and getting into it. Like there's no better feeling than when you're fucking killing it. Yeah, or doing just doing well. Yes. It's like the best comparison I have. And I don't know what being a rappers like but I I you know, I don't rap that much anymore. But I do miss it. But you know, like, you're writing shit by yourself all the time. You're like, do people feel this? Right? Right. It's not as social as you think it is. Like, I rappers are kind of introverted in a lot of ways, like comedians, but it doesn't feel that way. It's like a one way Convo Yeah. masquerading as a real conversation. A little Jon's like, but you're getting these thoughts out and you're like people feel this thought to. There's something that's awesome about it. Yeah. No, yeah, for sure. It's it's very liberating. To get out there to think you're you got it and then they they're laughing and it's like, okay, that's that's but sometimes you have a premise. You're like, do other people have to see people's faces when they get angry driving on the road. And I was like, that's I started with that. At one time, and I was like, Oh, fuck it fucking everybody was like yes, yeah, yes. I have to see the person's face. It was like, I didn't know other people did this shit too. Yeah, looking cool.


Speaker 2


Yeah, that's it. That's a huge thing. Just find out what it is. We're talking about I don't know if it was you or me umiam Maguire.

Law Smith


Yeah, that's cool.


Speaker 2


I got a buddy staying at my house. McGuire. Mike McGuire. He's been on a tree. Anyways, we've talked about Fred Armisen. Well, we're actually talking about Ross Mark land, who's one of the best impression guys out there that you claim to know.

Law Smith


We're Facebook friendly.


Speaker 2


Uh huh. And we're talking about how you can't really do a lot doing specific on the show on Saturday Night Live like doing specific like, impression celebrities like what are you gonna you know, you go on the late night shows you do that shit. And then a YouTube channel, maybe but like, really? Like, if you want to make it big. You're not gonna be doing it?

Law Smith


Yeah, like, film. Back in the day, jack nicholson back in the day. I think it was like you come in with some some anchor celebrities, but like, someone's gonna have to pick up the president impression. Right. Dana Carvey is gonna do all of them. Right? Yeah, exactly. He fuckin hustled on that show. But like that he was like, I just figure out a hook and can't finish can't afford right. And you think of ross perot, like a total imbecile. And you're like, I've read all these biographies that God is awesome. Yeah, he was, yeah, he paid a lot of people's health care. And like, was the president funeral bills and like, was the third party that bought his way in? Yeah, but we have this weird thing where if you're Republican or Democrat, you have to have like, 10% of either to be able to debate or something like that. There's, there's some percentage that you


Speaker 2


feel very arbitrary. It is arbitrary. It's the people who are did the debates are not nationally, like those are not sanctioned by the government. That's right. network TV doing that shit and being like, this, like the Better Business Bureau, isn't it? Right? That's a government body like that. Anyway, okay. Well, we were, we were talking about Ross Mark when can't get very far on impressions with him. Right? A lot. And then it led into how Fred Armisen who might be my all time favorite. He, rather than doing impressions of specific people he on like, portlandia, he went out and found people that everybody knows Yeah. And he's doing that guy to relate to everybody where that can go, what impressions?


What he

Law Smith


was hoping you're like,


Oh, shit leads me And no, I Werner Herzog.


No, here's my Nicole Kidman, Florida to be closer to Disney World.

Law Smith


Not bad. I don't think a lot of people know who he is. But yeah, I think it was pretty good. I think it would work in a Brooklyn. Thanks. I barely know who he is. kind of thing. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like I watched


good amount of he does a lot of documentary voiceover stuff.

Law Smith


Um, but sometimes the impression doesn't matter if you don't know who it is. If you have a hook. That's just really funny. Sure, no, sure. No matter what. It's funny. Yeah.


Speaker 2


I mean, if it's Harry Carey will fare right doing that shit. Of course, a

Law Smith


lot of people don't know who he was. Yeah, but like, then you find out you're like, Oh, this guy's wg. And every day in the middle of the day? Yeah. But, uh, if you're a hot dog, would you eat yourself? So, uh, you know, the one thing I did have, I'm going to pivot into pivot. I don't know if we really talked about it at length on the pod, but just you and iPod episodes, but we've been helping some people off the ledge a lot of business owners. Oh, I kind of put it out there. About two weeks ago, I took a clip out of a meeting and put it out on my personal social and was like, you know, if anybody wants to talk about their business and just need somebody to talk to because that's kind of a lot of my job. Initially, this therapist, the first meeting is being a business therapist, and a lot of people if you're executive C suite level, or you're a business owner, or you know your big decision maker, you know, even for middle management, you still a lot of times you can be very isolated. We talked about it kind of throughout the years on this podcast, entrepreneurship is a lonely sandwich. It is. I don't know I said this. It's it is but we found that article. It is a raft in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. It on top of a sandwich even if you're a mom and pop shop and you guys are divvying up sandwich is a sandwich shop, a sammies and you guys divvy up the duties one person's to the back of the house, one person's front of house. It's still they don't know each other side because they feel overrun a lot of the time and we're not working. We don't want to talk about The restaurant Yeah,


you know, like fuzzy work together like yes.

Law Smith


And then a lot, you know, so even even in that, you know, pure partnership of swords, people, it's really hard to empathize when you're maxed out to. So a lot of people I find over the years, hundreds and hundreds over the last six years of meetings, that first meeting is like, they just got to verbally diarrhea, a lot of stuff that they can't talk to anybody about. Hmm. So I, I went out of my comfort zone and kind of was like, you know, because I want I want to do a little bit more content I'm writing and a little bit more video to have stuff come our way for this show. For me, professionally, for me, personally, I'm a big community guy. And I don't know I kind of sit on it. Because it feels a little bit. I never wanted to be disingenuous. I never want to put something out. That's like, I'm really trying to sell you something. Yeah. I so I find a hard line with that. Yeah, you can't fake it. So I was like, but stop being a pussy and put put something out there. Yeah, right. Like you. I know. A couple of things. I'm writing right now that I just keep mulling over. I have six different blog, blog post for my agencies, the employers website that I'm like, I gotta tweak it. It's like, again, it's like the open mic. It's like it's gonna be an eight at best, right? It's gonna be a three at worst. Like, just get it out there. Because the some of the information is actually good. Yeah, cuz it's not mine. I just, we're vessels. Yeah, blog is a five minute open mic. So something that was something that was cool was I put it out there and I said, if anybody wants to send me a video, I'll put it out to the listeners of this show, or viewers of this show. If they want to send us video asking a question. We can try to answer it on air if it makes sense. Eventually, I want to do a live version of that. For this show, I think that'd be fine in a kind of a neat gimmick. Overall, like a business love line for business. Well, it just be fun to see all the dadbod trying to FaceTime in and be like, oh, haven't you guys hear me like just make fun of them?


Yeah, and they have to be shirtless.

Law Smith


Sure, I will be shirtless. Yeah, we'll mix it with some fans only only fans, but it's called and so one thing that was cool is like I kind of put it out there got a little bit of shit for my best guy friends of course. What are you doing you fucking a bet the edge would be but I want to put guy friends because guy friends are brutal. Right? Your eye your groomsmen in your wedding? Like those are like closest guy friends that keep you accountable? Uh huh. I know you're saying let me say someone the other day. I don't trust anybody. Any guy that has all girlfriends as his closest friends because yeah, they're not keeping them in chats yet guys moving on. He's a vagabond. He's a male feminist. Vegan cremate 99. One percenter protester, social justice warriors, Ducati Park. What? What I ran out of shit. Um, there's another one I had in my head. Sorry, Lou. But um, you know, I put it out there and a guy contacted me. I'd seen his feet were both LinkedIn horrors, but like, we I sent him a video of answers. I was like, here's, here's some live chat options you're asking about? Just shit we wouldn't answer on this show. You know, more episodes ago when we were really like breaking it out like five minute chunks. Shit. Uh huh. I was like, here's what I tell anybody send him like a one way video kind of thing. And then we he wanted to? He's like, I don't know if I asked the right question. Can we do zoom calls? So we 9am this morning just randomly. He's like, Are you good? Now? I'll talk right now. Like I got a lot of shit out of the way. Yeah, I'm actually flexible. So made a good connection. It's like this is the exact kind of customer I'm looking for for my business that I work for. I know that shower door company down manufacturer, b2b b2c like but we got him and I got along and I told him a lot of stuff we've talked about in the pod so I mean, shout out to Keith my shower,


Speaker 2


that's really hard to do, you know, keep up with that when it's like not like an immediate return on things and it sounds gross even saying it like that but like just

Law Smith


well that's what marketing kind of sucks because it's like I'm just gonna put a lot of stuff out there. Do a lot of what I call push pull strategies that's kind of want to push this out into the ether and hopefully it comes back you know, someone sees it because honestly, you don't know how many people will see your feed on an organic if you're just kind of just a regular person. No


Speaker 2


there it's just hard to stay diligent with networking and you know, like, especially now without overbearing, right and not being a Yeah, exactly.

Law Smith


So I've been trying to think of like, a mix of like, stuff from this show a little bit more. I need to clip out put out there stuff from just maybe just silly shit that You know, you and I can write up or whatever ship from stand up, but also like, a little bit more. Jeff, I was like, I need to use the tools. I know, like, I'm doing these meetings. We're having these cool conversations. I'm getting these great questions. Why am I not clipping this out in just with their permission, obviously, but pulling it out and just going, Hey, this is something we were talking about this can help. Ah,


yeah, that's the same as the diligence man.

Law Smith


And I don't have to like sit in, like, try to re record that idea. Yeah, like, that's where I feel like a douche like by myself like, Okay guys here. I want to talk some sales strategies. You want to beat on the feet out of lower you go get through the door, you know, you've got a guy at the front desk is not there. If you listen, or if you listen to the last episode. You know that? I was thinking about that. We recorded that one yesterday. I'm like, you know we are he could probably get a hold of us pretty easily. It's not like yeah, it's not like the affer mentioned your mom's house where, you know, there's people famous and have millions of people that listen. Yeah, it's like, he could probably get pretty pissed at us and hit us up. But here's what I'll throw out there Marta fly all the way from Bogota. I hope you get I hope you listen to this episode of the follow up. I don't


have any we don't have any hate or hurt. Let's talk it out with that video was kind of


stupid. We thought

Law Smith


it was a little corny. Maybe it plays in UK or Bogota? Yeah. South America, whatever.


Speaker 2


Buildings are built differently. There's some shit. You know, like, that's probably look like


that video.

Law Smith


We don't get that I'm open


Speaker 2


to anybody. Um, but I would be really surprised if he changed my opinion of that stupid video.

Law Smith


I've got no hate for anyone really, honestly, like, on this show. Like, I don't have to love them. But if anybody that we talk shit about on the show, here's about it wants to come on.


You gotta love everybody. He's not to like everybody.


Yeah, that's why I tell my kids.

Law Smith


You gotta love everybody. But you don't have to like in the middle of the night. Wake him up and tell him Hey,


hi. This is a rule for dad.

Law Smith


Does that mean you just like Shut the fuck up? It's just like


are you at Tony right now? You woke me up?

Law Smith


He told us to call you Sean McVeigh Shut up.


I think it's still good advice.

Law Smith


No, I think it's good advice. I think it's about like, it's a lot of people are self they sell their self


prep. preserver preserving. Yeah, the

Law Smith


guy self. Yeah. To not be vulnerable to be open to stuff like that, too. Right. Well, I mean, I think that's that is like a good like,


Speaker 2


I say that because it's like everybody's present in your yearbook. Everybody was a baby. At one point. Everybody had to go through a childhood Who the hell knows? Who the fuck knows what happened there. Just try and remember the

Law Smith


Bible. Don't worry about that. It's all


Oh, okay. Nevermind and read that.

Law Smith


Yeah, it's in the Bible symbol. Yeah. dinosaurs, dinosaurs. They're just, they're a failure of the Bible. Yeah. Well, I mean, they're on Noah's Ark. But we didn't really like oh, log


epilogue which one comes first? prologue.

Law Smith


And your astronauts I've been asked you these kind of questions now. I'm nervous. I had to tell her story. When I was on this call this morning. He's like, Man, you're dropping some some really like, you know 50 cent words. I was like, I couldn't spell any of them or tell you the definition really. I just know in context, how to use like androgynous bloviate and bloviate in mail you and some of these things because I've heard other people say him in movies, right? In podcasts. Please. Don't call me out on it. Please don't call me out on it. But I was like, I'm a math nerd. And I don't know how to read out loud. So I don't read so good. I don't I'm reading comprehension. Yes, very low. But. So, look, I'm going to put some more out there trying to help people pivot. Like a good basketball. Everybody wants me to use the friends reference, I don't know, something with Ross and pivoting. They're


Speaker 2


moving a couch and then trying to get it around down a staircase and Raphael's

Law Smith


I almost put money I looked it up I almost put it in because there's a lot of means a lot of people know about it, but I thought it would lose a little bit of professional for the stuff I'm writing for my employer stuff, you know,


Speaker 2


I don't it's a little too silly for that. Oh, well. It's old enough that it kind of passes that like silly like it's kind of like referencing I don't know. Andy Griffith Is it? Almost I mean, in the 80s or something, but like, you know, saying like friends has been around for so long and it's accepted by society so much.

Law Smith


Yeah, I was just thinking like, put a meme in there. I think it would take away from like, any mean okay, like referencing it. You got to put some kind of like little meme in the middle of the article that otherwise it's like, why? Yeah, right now why would I put it that? We need to get off here buddy? I know. I'm getting off Kami, bro.


Ah, yeah,

Law Smith


yeah. All right. Well, are you gonna record your sec Can we play it? Yeah.


I really don't. I really don't

Law Smith


just, you know, stay between the nautical beacons man sweat equity pod.com Any question? See no one


don't fucking do that. Not feel bad.


Yeah, but why they got


#261: How To Mentally Prepare for Stressful Situations You Have Foisted On Yourself


#259: How To Pick Apart Those Phony Linkedin Jabronis Pitching You Secrets That Don’t Exist