#259: How To Pick Apart Those Phony Linkedin Jabronis Pitching You Secrets That Don’t Exist
sweq 259 audio
Wed, 9/23 · 4:29 PM41:22
people linkedin podcast call business sweat person good messages slash neighborhood starbucks feel adworks bit hitting funny link video
Law Smith
sweat equity pie cast and streaming show the number one arbitrator rated average on rating
on rated number one,
Law Smith
mush mouth podcast.
Definitely the top of that list
Law Smith
hosted by me last fifth and sent to me right, Eric register. For real we're the number one business public comedy podcast. Wow. Oh, real out there. today. Let's see, man, I got a lot of things to talk about. One at a time. All right. We're on Apple podcasts, iTunes, Spotify, laughable. YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, LinkedIn, your mom's Walkman that she Boogie Yogi's too. And just your mom, just your mom. We're on top of your mom. Sorry, Dad repeats it back to us. This episode's headline sponsor is freshbooks. Go freshbooks.com. forward slash sweat. Get you that 30 day free trial for your accounting software. Don't do a zero with an X. don't deal with QuickBooks with an X. Sure. With your ex CEO.
Yeah, your ex. Definitely don't trust those guys.
Law Smith
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Law Smith
Boy trucks.
Law Smith
Man, that was terrible. I'm off. I'm off today. I know. Hopefully they're the people out there still paying attention. I would not be if you Oh, if you subscribed to this. Let's let's do a little shout out. We forget to mention this. If you want to help the podcast and not use any of the sponsors, you can share this podcast with a friend. Pause right now or stop what you're doing or if you're at if you're jogging. Maybe when you stop trying to share your phone. It's really hard to get someone to go from like listening to doing an action. A lot of That's right. We will talk about anything good. Just go do it. If you're driving I'm still over. Or if you're badass like me at a red light. Just get it done real quick, but try to send this podcast share it with a friend that all helps in doing on I don't know Spotify has rankings like Apple but the cheat code For us, subscribe, rate and review, do you get another friends podcast, just do that and go, Hey, man, let's just like a little nice thing to do when you're, we call it 69. In b2b, if you're a business owner, a brand owner 69 as a human, and you want to kind of give back. You want to be proactive in it, like, you know, the people that are doing the thing. This happens around here a lot. And they make a news article out of it, because it's a slow new cycle. But people that do the Starbucks, they buy the person ahead of them I, which I don't hate, really, like, great, I don't really get how it works. It doesn't really have a table those in need. It's a nice thing. I get it. I definitely stopped at one time, if I never had it. Now for those don't know what I'm talking about you. It's only happened at Starbucks with me, maybe three times in the last like two years. But like, I feel like that's a PI clip. Yeah. And so the first time it happened, I was like, I didn't understand what they're telling me. They're like the person in front of you paid for your your coffee. And I go, Oh, cool. They're like, do you want to pay for the person behind me? And I was like, What part of me? No, no, I don't what do they ordered? Right?
I don't know. I don't get the free coffee.
I was out. I'm now on the hook.
Or I'm a piece of shit.
Law Smith
Well, part of you getting coffees because you're kind of checked out need a little boost, right? Yeah. And so that's where my head was at. And I was like, Well, I don't want to pay for what if they have a big word, right? Like my skin. My scared defense mechanisms came in like risk averse. Like, I don't want to know, it's just such a weird turn into Larry David yet. Well, you should
Speaker 2
doesn't mean like, What is it? What get it now woody in a in a Starbucks drive. throughs who's really that cup of coffee you pay for is really going to help them and set them over? over the top. Man, I'm gonna be able to make it this month for the other ones for that Starbucks guy. It doesn't make it like, Great. Another rich white person got free coffee.
Law Smith
For the other for the other two times it happened. I just made a rule in my head. I go if it's if it's equal or less than what I'm getting then fine. Right? Because that's,
Speaker 2
I went into that exchange. So they told you how much the person behind you right? How much was it?
Law Smith
It was but both times were less so I paid for it. Which is fine. So you are a good person then I don't even know if that's how it works, man. Like, I know this happened in like Seattle or LA or something. This happened all three times. We're in the same. The same Starbucks. It's like they're trying to the people that frequent. They're trying to get it going. It's it was in St. Petersburg, across the bay from us. And a little bit more liberal in some ways. And the funny thing is, they couldn't give me a straw. You had to ask for a straw. Like I forgot. I get iced coffee. So I don't know. I just find that whole thing weird. I do too. I don't get it. It's It feels like it is weird to me as parents putting road signs like lawn signs this might be a good bit for standout here we go write that
Law Smith
Where it says my my child graduated from eighth grade. I think we talked about this off off mic one. But it was like, you're just inviting pedophiles to know like, Oh, cool. dope, dope, sweet. I'll put that
on a spreadsheet.
Law Smith
Oh, man. Two kids graduated from on his map. Fucking awesome. God. so unprofessional. Yep. Um, but like, you know, like, who gets it? I
Speaker 2
know. What are we supposed to do now? Give this child money. That's something What do you want? For me?
Law Smith
That is like that is a participation trophy foisted on the property.
Speaker 2
Yeah, we both talked about it on our eyeballs. I gotta look at that now.
Law Smith
Well, it's like your neighborhood. I've had many people tell me to slow down. There's a sign that's always saying slow down in your neighborhood. It bothers me. Yeah. Because that means the default by whoever lives there is this place is too fast and you live in like, okay, so an average suburban,
Speaker 2
alright, and I'm not going fast. Okay, well, so the speed limit in my neighborhood is 25. Which if you're going 25 that's too fast in the neighborhood. But the reason why they can't have it changed is because this is like a human put this on their tree shirt with like, but what but the reason people are doing that is because the speed limit itself is too and we can't get it lowered. Because we're still like, technically we're on a gated community. So it's like technically still part of this and that's
Law Smith
it they go totally get it.
Speaker 2
That's why they're doing it. But no, I people do drive too fast. I hollered everybody, I'm in the
Law Smith
car shirt. My shirt says 25 Damn. I'm not saying what the message is wrong. And I'll go 2025 like, I'm not I know there's a lot of kids in this neighborhood watching you now. I know there's a lot of kids in this neighborhood because of the lawn signs callback. But,
um, so write that one down. Did you write it? I did. Oh, you did write down long times. Good.
Law Smith
I'll forget that when I look at this scribblings later. That's one thing I'm trying to do at the end of the day is go through all the notes I've written out just because now I'll get a pile and it just overwhelms me by what but I'm saying like, let's go back to the more fun thing to make fun of Not, not whether kids have been hitting your neighborhood. Right, right. I just I, we've already agreed as curmudgeon dads, like, there's no bumper sticker I'm putting on my car. That's like period if my Yeah, period. bumper stickers were a thing. Like, I can't believe that was everything. Right? Yeah. The only there's only been one good bumper sticker ever, ever in my book. And that is the lightning tip of a lightning had a kick at ice kick. Ice. Yeah, gas.
Speaker 2
Yeah, you're like and I remember being a stretch.
Law Smith
Cute. Cute, right? No, support the team. I'm all for it. You got a an 89 to sell. Who cares? Anyway, turd so you've got a Dukakis sticker right next to it. Fine. Yep. Um, but I'm saying like, the lawn sign that says Like, my kid graduated from fifth grade. Yeah,
I don't know if it's the same as the Starbucks thing.
Law Smith
No, it's but it makes you feel the same way. Oh, it's sad. It's in the neighborhood of like, kind of wasted energy and she probably has more negative than positive. I I think the lawn signs the worst of any of it. But I'm saying like, of the three things retire they
did to make their kid feel good.
Law Smith
No, the kid Oh, bring it to you for sure. It's like we put this up. We put this up on the fridge. I do it as a joke, because I want to teach my kids how to joke around early. Yes. And I go this is I'm sorry. This isn't for overplay it. Sorry. This isn't fridge worthy to go back and try again. Okay, and they're not. They don't get it at first. But they're understanding how to joke around a little bit about anything What an asshole daddy is. No, I think I think being funny is a very good intelligence measurement. And a lot of people overheard. I think the reason we get along is because we're a comedy snobs. And that's one of the things we're we both have kind of like, if someone shows you something there, this is hilarious. I know. And then you don't know how to react to it. You're just like, yeah,
Speaker 2
yeah, I guess but you and I, I feel like we do tell people. Listen, this is why this is not funny to me. And then, you know,
Law Smith
because it's loaded. Because like, it's like, I it's like musicians and I we show our friend JT we show him like, we show them today. Brown shout out. Yeah. JT brown animart.com Phantom heart. I don't know what his website I don't either. But I mean if we if we we had him on the podcast and if we showed him very basic music. If I showed him Baby Shark was like, This is dope. Yeah, this is sick, bro. Yeah, this class this thing? Yeah. Or slaps his shit slaps, bro.
You've done that you're but you
Law Smith
know, like, he'd be like, this is garbage. I'd be right. Yeah, exactly. So I feel like there it I feel like you can listen to dumb music. You can listen to dumb podcasts. You can not this one. You can listen to Tom Ferry movies, watch dumb movies. And I think comedy is the same way. I mean, you're a bad person. number of hours. I've
Speaker 2
spent watching john Claude Van Damme movies breaking them down. It's just preposterous.
Law Smith
I stuck up for Geico commercials. I do think they're funny. I think they get the job done. I they're admirable. But I don't think I won't laugh out loud. I just think well, good for them. Yeah.
Speaker 2
Oh, if Yeah, it takes a lot for me to laugh out loud at a TV. Anything Really? Just Yeah. If I'm by myself, especially
Law Smith
that that might be more because we can't. We're trying to second screen everything we can't. It might be a bigger problem. Yeah, maybe. But let's give a shout out for shout out to do we try to do this on the show when we get good customer service. This isn't an ad.
Speaker 2
Yeah, I'll let you know. Yeah, we were using calendly, which is an online scheduling app, basically. And obviously, we haven't been doing a lot of guest scheduling in person. So we haven't been using it. And then the whatever hundred something dollar, yearly charge came around, and I go and actually got somebody in customer service, which is nice. That's sometimes we
Law Smith
talk to human. Yeah,
Speaker 2
yeah. And back and forth a email with a human person. And they went back so we weren't even refunded all our money. So that was awesome. I mean, they could have easily been like, yo,
Law Smith
in my head, we're going to go back to them at some point, right.
Speaker 2
And that's it now. Now we're going to say give us our time, and it'd be like there's other shit out there. But
Law Smith
we'll do here. I'll do a like a wrestling read for them. Okay? If you need a good you need a scheduling app for scheduling meetings for those weird LinkedIn messages you're sending do calendly but fuck acuity fuck them we don't need they could Suck my balls.
fucking thing sucks.
Law Smith
There you go. That's how you do it. That's how you get sponsored guys I got
rid of the the Ric Flair Whoo.
Yeah Damn it
sorry I'll make a note had to make room for
Law Smith
thing we still have major changes like that we saw Major League manager What? Okay yeah and also he's like the most underrated like comedic actor yeah even though it's just one or two movies.
Yeah. But like he got it nailed
in the movie that's for sure. Yeah.
Law Smith
All Star cast though. So that's good that to me when we tried to do that I think the last one I really had was what was the better help were I signed up, didn't sign up kind of thing and they charged me. I've had it like neat calm could Suck my balls for real because they charge me and they shouldn't have and I clicked off auto renew and they still charged it is still got me and I'm like I haven't used this. I don't even have the machine. I sold it off one. Wow. So I scanned everything in one fell swoop, they have like a neat desk scanner. And the plan was to scan all your documents. And that's what I did. And then I deleted the account. So I thought and that's that's one thing that's messed up. I did it through the chat. And didn't do it through whatever
like a recordable like
Law Smith
they have. Right they have the recording. So cool, good. Good and making ally enemies make its friends. Well, no, it just goes, Hey, I'll never use them again. Right matter what. Yeah. And that that is, you know, that that is customer loyalty in apps, especially when digital is going to become more important to everybody. You're like, Oh, this place actually has a heartbeat. They care about customers. Like they're not going to care about us personally. But they go, Okay, this is reasonable. He hasn't used it. No one's used it. We didn't know we had it. Yeah, they just that's good customer service in that in an age where you can hide behind a keyboard. Exactly. It's no longer the Wild West, like things are kind of, you know, evening out where it's more like a normal business where they don't want chargebacks you know, and then I go, I'm going to just do a chargeback. It's going to take six months to clear out. But yeah, that's what they're they're scared of on their side. A lot of the time is not getting that if you if you need some leverage you go, I guess I'll have to talk to my bank and just say this was not not exactly urges. Yeah. Usually it makes a pretty good. Yeah. And if you want to have something that scans all that stuff for you trim CO is something good that goes over all your subscriptions through your bank account and stuff and just goes and you've got all these we can negotiate it for you.
not.com not.com not,
that's probably different. same.com please
do it. I don't actually know what it is.
Law Smith
So if you guys haircutting place, if you get for what kind of hair if you guys, man, why is it manscape sponsoring us? If you guys get a job earlier that you did, yeah. Pretty much crushed it. If you guys get annoying LinkedIn messages, here's what we suggest. I don't know how y'all inboxes I don't know what yours compared to mine is. I get probably five spam messages on LinkedIn a day. Mm hmm. about that? Yeah, at least. And so I started doing something. I don't know if we brought it up on the pod or not. But it's worth reiterating, because it's, it's kind of interesting to see how this test plays and, and everybody can do it, too. When you get asked for something when it's like, Hey, can we set up a meeting and you don't answer them? And then they keep it's a bot obvious? Yeah, right. Yeah, it's a bot doing this thing. Clearly, LinkedIn doesn't really police this that much, which is fine. I don't care. But I do admit I have been missing important messages.
Speaker 2
Yeah, it does. It does dilute it a little bit. It's like, great, another bot message.
Law Smith
might look at it like it's a way for you to open the app every day. Because it's still the number one game for apps on mobile is daily active users kind of thing. Plus, LinkedIn, social media that you know, half the people on there. They check it once a year update the resume, which is a profile get out yeah. So what I started doing was asking If they could have like a, I wrote out something Hey, can you do me a favor? And you can use subscribe rate and review this podcast? Yeah. And it's interesting to see like, some people don't answer back at all, which is funny to me, right? Because they're basically leveraging their personal account. There's their face. Do you like what you do sales essentially? Yeah. or promote their business. A lot of it's like, Hey, you can white label SEO, they don't even read my profile. Like, you can target me and kind of just take five seconds and see like, what I do kind of thing. Yeah,
Speaker 2
definitely just like people just skimming things like, hey, do you want help with podcast production? Right? And I'm like, No, no, it's No, I do not want to hire a we
Law Smith
both have it in our title somewhere, right? Yes. Go in that way. No, I know. They're just scraping, right. But I'm saying like, it's funny. So I have a little like synopsis to the point where I'll send them back to one, one glut like, I'll reply, I just did this 20 minutes before we started, like, I'll send the same thing. It's a script insight. Can you do me a favor? Yeah, it takes 90 seconds is a big deal for us. Can you subscribe to this podcast? Can you write a tiny little review takes a sense, or blurb or something and just subscribe. You can unsubscribe later, if you want. Well, I'm trying to give an option. I'm trying to be a little bit real to them. Okay, right. Well, we need to subscribe for one people forget. It's just like we've checked out with other subscriptions. Most people are gonna forget. Yeah, check them that way. Um, and over time, it won't keep downloading. You know? Yeah. So it's one or the other. Okay, I'm just trying
Speaker 2
to record maybe they would actually like the show and just keep listening to it.
Law Smith
Yeah, but I'm saying like, I'm saying just like, the likelihood of us hitting people who are hitting us with these kind of messages. And we're hitting them back. Like that. It's a perfect segue.
But then I
Law Smith
started, but then I started adding, and we'll do this future episode. I go, I'll give you a shout out for your for you and your business. We'll do we'll do a lightning round of that. For the people that left one. Yeah. And one of that shout out. Yeah, we got 50 more reviews. I think in the last month. Yeah. Which for us, or maybe a lot. 1314. But for us, we were stuck at 50. We never really promoted it. The last couple years. I was on a mission to do it. In person without people like reminding myself to be a whore and get their phone and do it. Yeah. But I just found like, this is a good kind of kind of way to deflect a lot of those because I do feel bad in a way. It's like, just 10 minutes of your time, sir. I know. And it's like, I do have time. 10 minutes of your time, though. I got the COVID cooties. I'm an indoor cat. This is the only place I go. Yeah. So it's like, I've kind of have the time to do it. Yeah, but I go to even still, but here's a No. Oh, I'm like, if if I feel like they are genuine in their, their approach, I'll probably do on down the line.
Yeah, I mean, it depends what you're asking.
Law Smith
They've got to, they've got to do the subscribe rate review. Yeah, I'm perfect on that screenshot, right? Don't think about it. One guy was like, Oh, I'm a Windows guy. And I was like, I sent you a link that you can bring up on Windows, do it. You can log in over there.
That is the weakest excuse I've heard so far.
Law Smith
Well, he doesn't get any love, love back. And that's what we call 6019 b2b gas. Like if they want to, they want 15 minutes, 10 minutes of my time that you know I can do while I'm on the treadmill or whatever, or whatever Stairmaster? I'll do that. But you got to give me a little something to Yeah.
Speaker 2
So it's good. It's a good idea. It's worked so far. And we're not asking much takes 10 seconds God.
Law Smith
And I don't know if we'll run over with this next part. But I definitely want to get into this more. And I want to crowdsource from our audience if we can, any of these ads, where you get how to be rich. You know how to get rich, quick kind of stuff, but it's not right. It's not really labeled that way. My one of my favorite podcasts is your mom's house. And really, it's a podcast that now has become something that over 10 years is formulated into the same word their audience sends the craziest videos Yeah, of people. And and it's almost like inside joke factory after a lie. You watch him. Yeah, but baseball, but it's so it's my favorite. It's like silly time. And for a while been sitting on this idea of like, we should hate on some of these guys that I really hate seeing abs. Because talking about disingenuous. These ads are like fake. It's either guys that are loaded and pretending to be like, teachers. I'm just kind of like you. Yeah, I'm scraping by but I know the secrets. Are they do some kind of, you know better from a low product? Like from doing production? Like, it's a choice? Yes, but they make it look like it's a selfie video.
Speaker 2
Yeah. And that's somehow got you don't talk to that somehow okay with the six, like if you're successful
spend a couple hundred bucks on your video,
Law Smith
why are you doing this on the walk?
Speaker 2
Right? Like what do you take some time with it? Like, we can't interrupt you like you're doing it or your walk, we're not even important enough for you to stop walking. To take the time what you got to tell us and
Law Smith
I think your bs detector is good like mine, but you're gonna have an extra advantage because you're going to be able to see video stuff I might not catch. Well, I mean, maybe but I'm just saying like, I remember showing this to our friend or the program, Damien out the Tsar, who does video production to eight monkeys. And he was like, oh, that she's got a ring light on like she's got Yeah, can't see the lav mic, but it's right there underneath. A brooch. I don't know what they call it. A lapel lapel mic. Roach works under a brooch? Yes, she's 89 it's Rue McClanahan from Golden Girls, giant. Shanklin. Blanche. She's dead. Sorry. Um, Betty White. She's still alive, right looking hot. Yeah, she
was on the show. A joking. Let's do the thing.
Law Smith
Estelle Getty and Bea Arthur. Yeah, thank you all for I guess so. I'm fucking dork. Alright, so these guys, I just don't like them. Because it's like, I've got I've got the secret. I just don't like people being swindled. I feel like if our shows anything, it should play against this, this kind of stuff. Yeah, we may not be the most popular as a lot of these guys. But at least like I feel like this is a good thing to just run over. Because if you're doing entrepreneurial things, your algorithms gonna be fed this stuff like ours is Yeah,
Speaker 2
yeah, you're gonna get a lot of it. And you got to learn how to sift it out. I mean, there's very little of it. That's gonna be advantageous. This is the one I sent. This is just at the top of his page. Okay,
Law Smith
so this one I found I got. I got an ad, maybe a month ago on Facebook. Because they look
at me funny saying,
Law Smith
Now look, that's weird, though. Do you see? That's the David Goggins book. Yeah, when I was reading that, but look at the last post. He was like from October. His name's Mark Firth, British guy.
Why don't we just do this one? Is this the one?
Law Smith
No, I don't think that's not Mike Dodd. It's the one I said. Yeah. It's, it might be this one. Yeah. Okay. where he's
Law Smith
Set it on. Good. If people are listening, we should never. So let's set this up a little bit. He's got the microphone. Let's break this down. He's got the microphone like Janet Jackson. If you're watching on video, you can see the video but if you're listening, let's use our words. So he's got a white he's got like a Pictionary style
Speaker 2
paper board that he's going to be drawing on that he's already drawn on. Experts need an intercom is what it says at the top and they've got a horrible drawing of a dick with some squares on it.
Law Smith
It's a building an arrow he's got a LinkedIn logo pointing to it that's overlaid on the video.
Yeah, that's not in the in the shot itself.
Law Smith
his handwriting looks like mine like a serial killers like a ransom note. Yeah, definitely ran out of space towards the end. Yeah, I do that all the time. Yeah. The window facing out looking like it could be. We've could be a subjective work. I could be LA. Could be la
but could be nice. Looking at his profile. We know
Law Smith
we'll get to that. I want to say that because Okay, that was that was a good, fine. All right. We got some books in the background. Right. This this is office. This is definitely his office. Yeah, he's wearing a suit but not no tie. No tie or
no tie. Well, he's done. He's just like us.
Law Smith
He's just chillin his business casual Mark first, right.
He's just like us. Where's the jacket in his own house?
Law Smith
I wonder if his name is actually marked for I doubt it. Because Colin Firth that's where my head goes, right.
He's think they're
Law Smith
acting royalty. We got a British accent working. Right? Oh, this guy. This guy's one of those young, old looking guys. He's older looking because he's got shaved head.
That's an English thing. Now let's listen to what he's got to say.
Do this race
Speaker 3
selling services on LinkedIn? Okay, why you should never ever use a cold message. Okay.
Law Smith
Okay, he's also got one of those earpiece things that looks like a yellow q tip going into his mouth looks like either he's in a secret service with the arrow wig or he's, you know, Madonna Janet Jackson circa mid 90s, late 80s. Yeah. Or Tony Robbins and every motivational speaker. Now, what he does in the first five seconds, he gets his face right up there. Yeah, in the camera and go, this is screams at you, right? And you go, Oh, this guy's British. Yeah. Playing Charles Be smart playing to our American low self esteem. Like America, Americans if we are one thing, we always think we should be doing better if I can kind of generalize, no matter what I would say that's our one thing. We're like, we're number one. In a lot of ways, there's a half the country that's kind of like that. But no matter what everyone's like, we could be doing better. Yes,
Speaker 2
I feel like capitalism and whatnot, always continue doesn't matter what
Law Smith
you're on what side of the aisle you're on. I feel like that's the one thing we're always like, Oh, God, we should be much better. Yeah. When news comes out something that feels embarrassing when you're like, No, actually, we're, we're doing pretty good civil rights wise. Yeah, in other countries. But I digress. It's a different podcast.
Speaker 3
way my sales director back in 2005. explained it to me I remember is I remember it as if it was yesterday, we've been using it ever since. He said, Mark, my name is Mark. He said, Look, let's imagine you live on the fifth floor of an apartment block. Okay, shifting access to this apartment block, you have to press in. Again, this is why you should never send cold LinkedIn messages. This is an ad,
Law Smith
this was an ad, a sponsored ad in my Facebook feed. That's what I find interesting to see. So you from an advertiser standpoint, we know that you do think about this before sending it out. Right? So it's like, well, Facebook is generalized, right. But here's the biggest thing, you get three times your bang for your buck on views on Facebook than you do LinkedIn. LinkedIn is more expensive to advertise on. Right? He's trying to hit dummies. Yeah, is my theory. Right? Yeah. Yeah. And also he calls I don't know if his English accents real, because he calls this apartment, an apartment and not a flat,
Speaker 3
interesting. Ooh, come and speak to the person. And then you buzz them in and then they can access. He said, Mark, what would you do if someone arrived at the door of your apartment up here? and just start banging on the door without announcing himself down here? I said I wouldn't let them in. I'd be scared. And he said, exactly. Yeah, this is what people do every single day. They try and get here without having an integral apartment conversation online. And I said, Well, what do you mean? He says, do is you need to have a reason for the visit to get through the door? Only then will people listen to you and let them in, let let you into their world. And I said, Well, how do I do this online? He said market simple. All you need to do is have a reason you need to know something about research. And so
Law Smith
how do you get into chicks pants? Well, you lie to her. Like, I'm trying to get another metal need a reason? How do you get to that person's door? How do you be a total creep?
Right? How do you trick them?
Law Smith
You ever seen the Cable Guy? So it's kind of like that? I need reason to come back deck and just eventually I'll kill you.
Speaker 2
Yeah, this is probably the same guy who pushes networking like a mother. For sure.
That's like for sure talking
out of the other side of his mouth on his networking videos,
Law Smith
like part of me is scared to talk about this now. Now I'm thinking about it. Because if this is this whole thing is like, I will find you It's like he's like the business version of Liam Neeson and whatever in taken any the British accent? Again, we think it's academic. We think it's, he's better than us. Yeah, he's no shit.
This isn't classy. Is this kind of trashy?
Law Smith
Yeah. But it's still it's British. So we're like, I don't know, this is fine. But this sounds like old school dating tips. Yeah, right fit for
Speaker 3
what they've done in the past or what they're doing right now and use that to open the conversation. And then the probability of them letting them into letting you into their world dramatically increases. So what we did is we started using the information in people's LinkedIn profiles create activity on the platform to start this intercom conversation. It's a much more personalized approach to LinkedIn, compared to 99% of the stuff out there at the moment, which is based on automation, and being lazy and using virtual assistants. So I just put together a short no cost video training explains how we use this system, how my clients are using it to consistently get in front of the right people and book qualified calls into that calendar, click on the link somewhere around here. It will take food to the training I see on either side. Thank you for listening, and the video that pops up says dogs. Dog thinks 7pm claps for our carers or for him.
Law Smith
That might be that might be just your your feet. I know
Speaker 2
but that's what he just said the links will pop up here and the one that pops up was the dog.
Law Smith
Right, his call to action was missed. Right. And so well. This is supposed to be an ad we're looking at the organic view of it. Well, sure. So in the in the ad I got it. No, no, no, you're right though. It should have a call to action even if you posted organically. No, it doesn't. And and it allows autoplay after I don't know if that's your setting or a user setting or you set that for the video, but you should have something that leads to something else, if you're doing it correctly, here's my thing. If you do the call to action, which I believe I did, it'll take you to a click funnel. You know, yeah, Click Funnels are a lot of people I go on and just to see what people are doing. That's I get more of this stuff, which is fine. I think it's interesting. I just always find it interesting when people go, I've got the secret. Here's what you don't do. Here. Look, I was dead. here's, here's how the video goes down and out. Like you build empathy. Here's a metaphor anybody can understand. Yep, I get that. That's fine by me. I, I like that kind of stuff. The metaphor doesn't make sense to me. What did he really say? Right? Read your neighbor's nail. So you understand what they are, who they're about. And then basically, he's saying, instead of just doing you just add an extra message beforehand, and then that's all you need to know. Well, doing the thing everybody's gonna do if you're doing LinkedIn messaging anyway, you're gonna if you're doing it by hand, you're not automating it. Yeah. Like he's his premises right at the
Speaker 2
end. Which that's a whole nother thing. Why would you not want to automate everything? I guarantee
Law Smith
you go down this click funnel. It's about automating. Yeah, but I bet it's about doing the research on your target audiences, your target people, right, that you go. Well, what what can I scrape? What? What information? Can I scrape from the profile? Yeah, which is fine. Right? You're putting it out there. I'm kind of cool with that. I'm a free market guy. I kind of I'm fine. What I don't like is like he didn't tell us anything.
Speaker 2
Yeah, exactly. There's no, that's not a tip that's just like, Well, are you do you have a common human
Law Smith
story doesn't even make
Speaker 2
sense. Like, what do you fifth floor? It's not a fit. It's like a more like just one door. And then you just like, kind of peek your head in the door. You don't have to go up five floors. There's not five levels,
Law Smith
no Door County and link definitely
no doors, right. There's no.
Law Smith
Open Door. If you want you wait for a neighbor to walk in. You walk in right after him.
Yeah, that's Yeah, sure. It's
Law Smith
this area doesn't apply to this doesn't apply to a lot of America. Because if you're in New York or your London, sure, you know, right. You probably have a lot of buildings if you're in a big city. But if I say big city, like a condensed a density, with a downtown old school, downtown, Austin, Philly, that kind of stuff. This might apply.
Speaker 2
Yeah. And we forgot to mention where he's actually based out of Bogota, Colombia.
Law Smith
That was good. That was a good poll.
I mean, pretty good. I went
Law Smith
to his Facebook page, because I don't like when people incorporate their children and their marketing. Yeah, I don't like it. I don't put anything on any of the dating apps that have anything about my kids. Because a, I want someone to be curious enough to ask if I have kids. And B. I know dudes that use it as a marketing tactic, just like he's doing and I think it's so gross. Yeah, definitely gross. I'm kind of, I mean, I've been posting my kids stuff out there. But I'm like, almost like, about to just pull it all off and figure another way to share it with friends that want to see them grow up, you know, because it's like, I don't know, I don't like he has it in his business. profile page. Like the picture. Yeah, this kid and I'm like that that's to evoke an emotion of this guy cares,
Speaker 2
or another bit. And he just started doing it through his own personal Facebook. And he got into deep
Law Smith
eye. He's got five, so he hasn't posted since October of 2019. Oh, he's dead in Colombia? I don't know. But the ad hit me a month ago. So the ads are alive. He's,
well, he's still got money. And
Law Smith
that's gonna keep going in perpetuity if the bank account still takes it in that scenario, right? If Bogota got to them, but I'm saying, you know, any disingenuous kind of stuff that you're getting hit with police into that? Yeah, so the link goes to Click Funnels and I'll wrap it up, it goes to a click funnel. Here's how you can tell. You're getting down a rabbit hole of salesmanship of shitty salesmanship like Rich Dad Poor Dad 1980s 1990s style that is gonna go to a website landing page that looks like the shittiest landing page of all time. Yes. What I mean by landing page, whatever Lake you're hitting, it might not go to their website, it might go to something else. It'll look like something completely different. It'll have like big block. Boring font letters, right? It's always like, they never have images on there. Or that it's nothing to slow it down. It looks like an old website. It looks like an old website from the 90s when you had a program like straight up, yeah, right. It's like, usually white background, right? They might have inserted the same video in there. I call that creative confirmation. Which I'm fine with but it'll lead you down here. Now. Get the PDF Get a PDF of how to do it and I like downloading those just to see where they go
and you wonder why your computer's always shutting down
Law Smith
no it's not that it's all i don't i download my porn I'm old school yeah yeah I don't trust the internet goes down What do you use ExpressVPN to download my porn though so that's good right ExpressVPN comm slash twit get the most often annual subscription JK I don't do it I'd be doing um, but I'm saying like, I want to break down these guys further when we're doing more no guest episodes like this. I think it's fine.
Yeah, we could probably go through his profile and just
Law Smith
oh, I into it. I want to break it down like I could I feel like I could spend two hours but I want to make sure this is entertaining for the
Speaker 2
right I have to put the brakes on that. Our analysis gee.
Law Smith
Well, this is I mean, like, I in a weird waiver. We try to do our Batman duties of just calling the shit out. Or Punisher duties or whatever you want to call it. Duty swear. He does this Yeah, I'm good.