#258: How To Stop Taking Yourself and This Life So Seriously with Vadim Davydov
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Wed, 9/23 · 4:29 PM45:54
people joking shit ego talking podcast energy point business thinking nice sitting bit feel man watch country russia sweat move
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Law Smith
sweat equity podcast, the number one business comedy podcast out there in the streets, in your earphones on your screens. were number one because there's no one in the category hell yeah baby. Hey, we're trying to dole out that pragmatic entrepreneurial advice but throwing in some dick jokes peppered in there with. I'm your host, Maspeth sitting next to me is your host, Eric red ginger. With I'm your host Yeah, I had a stroke midway through with I'm your stroke. I'm your stroke without your stroke and listen to on iTunes, Apple podcast, Spotify, laughable. watch on YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, LinkedIn, your mom's Walkman your mom's fanny pack FUPA this episode, a very Russian episode is brought to you by grasshopper. Try try grasshopper comm forward slash sweat gets you $75 off an annual phone plan. I have this on my phone. I do not have a Google Voice number for my business that tells me your total jabroni when I call right I can think sucks. I grasshoppers awesome try grasshopper.com forward slash sweat to get $75 no other podcasts I know of is hooking you up with that kind of discount. I mean either look at all and if you're trying to get a business a brand going on the side or you're really trying to that's your main but bread and butter of income. These are the COVID times man start taking shit seriously. Start getting a real business phone line, try grasshopper.com forward slash sweat $75 off that annual plan. And it has a desktop app that you can chat with people on there too. That's huge. I like doing that better because I'm a keyboard guy. That's our headline sponsor for this episode, our feature sponsors ExpressVPN try Express VPN comm forward slash sweat to get that anonymize internet search and get three months free on us. We're not saying you're doing something bad. But you probably are but China road drive road comm Ford slash sweat get to 20 20% off using that link or using the promo code bridge 20 like the Bridges of Madison County and then the number 20 like why rondae barbers number. Fresh books. Fresh books fresh books.com forward slash swag gets you 30 day free trial on accounting software get direct deposit the next day. Warby Parker Warby Parker trial.com. forward slash sweat gets you five free pairs to try on at home or your office and have everybody say your face is too fat for those or too skinny for those
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Law Smith
like all five you go for five cinnamal back get five more prescription sunglasses in eyeglass wear shouldn't be this expensive. I'm wearing them right now. If you're watching my pretty blue hazel eyes, green eyes whatever they are right now green for
sure or get blue. Like why would
Law Smith
they change colors? I don't know man.
We're superpower ever.
Law Smith
By changing color. Our buddy our buddy Vadim will give you the plugs for his his stuff at the end of the episode. Check out Russian astronaut on YouTube. It was a good conversation philosophical more than his story that we thought were going into it. And Eric has a new man crush. Let's get the show started.
About my sweater.
Law Smith
you dislike him cuz he likes. Yeah. I'll talk shit, right? I don't give a shit. Okay, don't kiss him on the mouth. Yeah, I'm not scared. recording. No. Yeah,
Speaker 2
that whole time. We're recording for sure. Yeah. I'm good with that. All right, you just get it going, buddy.
Law Smith
I look, I'll say it again. I'm not scared of a Diem. I'll, I'll get in a fistfight with him and then kiss him right on the mouth. I'm not scared. I don't care if that's our cold open for the show. That's okay.
Speaker 3
I will not scare you know. Like, it will be painless.
Law Smith
Yeah, there you go, buddy. Although I will say okay, I'll
kiss you right back, buddy. Yeah, right. But that's how you do it.
Law Smith
I will say to Deuce I will say the Russian accent. I mean, not knowing you but we've been trained with movies that the Russian accent is scary. Whatever he's saying is evil for some reason,
rescue rescue coming.
Law Smith
So we had you on man. It was probably two years ago. And you got to Really interesting story if anybody wants to go back and listen to that, your origin story of sorts, and we got you all the way from, you know, hustling like crazy. Would you had your e commerce business, and a bunch of like 20 other businesses, or jobs back in Mother Russia, and we got you from St. Pete, Russia to St. Pete, Florida. And then we had to cut it off. And I want to hear more. Now I want to hear you know, this is where we left you. You were in an apartment, a one bedroom apartment, I believe with two or three kids at the time. It was
two kids and one wife.
Law Smith
Yeah, see my memory for someone who is kind of a degenerate my memory somehow pulls burning some stuff out. I didn't. I'm not gonna listen to her. But I don't remember the first half of
the story personally, but
Law Smith
I remember it because I felt like such an American piece of shit. Because the stuff we complain about is like nothing.
Speaker 2
She do remember feeling like a piece of shit. I do remember that feeling? Yes, that feeling for sure.
Law Smith
Like, I watched five of my uncle's die, but assassination in front of me. You know, they do it publicly. And then, you know, I had to start eight businesses because no one's gonna help you there and you're like, and then I celebrated my 13th birthday. Yeah. I was like, cool. I was really bad. I didn't get a Super Nintendo. Yeah, my instacart I forgot about guys that I clearly checked. In that I wanted your story was one of the ones we've had on the podcast sets. It minimises a lot of like trivial shit. A lot of us worry about. It's something we've kind of talked about on the show a lot is like almost that self care, self improvement stuff. And what a lot of us focus all our attention on a lot of the wrong shit. Because it feels like we need to do it. And then when you realize, Oh, that's it, you're like, Oh, I didn't, I didn't need you
Speaker 3
trying to save a lot of people. They focus on like a small things. And like,
Law Smith
they weren't small to babe when she should work big too small. That makes
Speaker 3
everybody focus on, like, everybody could have different sizes, as you know. And
Speaker 2
that's actually that is incredibly profound. Everybody's sizes have shit that they're worrying about is different, right? Like, you know, like, the shit we're complaining about. to us. It's so big, right? And then the people who are starving to death, don't give a fuck about our internet connection, speed, right? That sort of thing. It's just Oh, yeah.
Speaker 3
And to be honest with you guys, I will not like connected like, countries or nations or regions under one like umbrella, that if you are Russian that you don't care, like or if you're American, you like so lazy or do nothing or whatever. So it's like basic stereotypes. But majority of people in Russia, they have certain problems, and they never reach any higher problems. I will see. Right? Totally fine for them. And everybody have their own universe.
That's a really, yeah,
Law Smith
yeah. I will generalize, because that's what I like to do. But it's just so much easier, like comedian standpoint in
general. But it'd
Law Smith
be really tough if you want to stay true to like, women, some women are like, Well, okay, a fraction of women, they're really bitchy. And then there's another, like, not all women are bitchy, right? Some of them are. And I'm gonna talk about them, but not, they're not always on there, period. Like, if you keep like jamming it down like that, for shorthand. It's a 33 minute podcast. So for shorthand, I just try to think like, for shorthand, we'll see the phobic and yeah, I just think Americans have like a low self esteem of some sort. And I think that, that can help a little bit, that anxiety can push you in a way it can also bog you down, but I feel like we're always like, God, we're a piece of shit country, or we know we can do better and kind of that. I wouldn't say everybody has that but I'd say there is a general Gestalt of that. Love that
Speaker 3
to be honest with you, I don't know because I will argue with you if I have like a piece of data that we can move left to the right and see like okay, X amount people they think this and X amount people they think this but
Law Smith
that's the beauty of emotional arguments.
Speaker 3
Then people and or like 1000 people and you make your opinion based upon their kind of reality. All this will be wrong.
Law Smith
Totally agree. There's bias, right. So it's one of those things you have to kind of go Is this my point of view overtaking that opinion? Yeah.
Speaker 3
Cuz like a point of view nobody, like it's all built by society by our friends family. Yeah.
An original point of view that is not, you know,
Law Smith
even though I do it's iterative. Yeah, I would say because it's, it's like I heard a speech about all creative is is iterative? Yeah, it is. Nothing's new. And then he explained all the Apple products that have come out in the last 20 years and he's like, let's go from iPod right now. It was like, okay, we they made 17 versions of the iPod. And they everybody bought each one of them because they had to, then the iPhone, they made it too high to forced obsolescence because your cell phone becomes a pager, I
Speaker 3
just recently watch. And to be honest with you, it was a little bit high. And they wrote you got like, two hours of like monkeys, they just do things without
monkeys doing things while you're high. I love that shit.
Speaker 3
And we are very, very close to them. And I think when we buying things, or when we enjoy some shiny stuff, it's it's all from like, when he was like a monkey. Yeah, Lucky reaction could have been in the forest. Yeah, we'll see something sparkling. In the
Law Smith
marketing world. We know everybody buys on emotion, right?
Speaker 3
Yeah, these emotions, actually, our animal instincts. Sometimes they get affected by people by society, you know, we're kind of moving to the right. You know, you have like a, in, in Russia in the winter of people going to the lakes. I think in Canada, they do too. So you make a hole. And then you fish. So yeah, and it's cool when people moving to the left and to the right. If you put there the your poop actually hitting walls, but it's not going anywhere. And a lot of people they just hitting walls, but they actually own the same place. Ah, gotcha.
Law Smith
Yeah, got it. Yeah. We're all shitting in the same plumbing. Yeah.
Yeah. So it'll sit in the same river.
Well, I mean, we'll see
Law Smith
write that down. Write that. But your story's it's still going. And that's why I found it interesting. I don't know. It's always interesting. I always think of, you know, entrepreneurial, kind of things in an American mindset, a lot of the time forgetting that. Just because I know there's constraints in other countries in my, my brain, for whatever reason, doesn't want to go look into, you know, how people make it in other countries and stuff. But I do think you have a unique perspective of someone, maybe not point of view, maybe your basic pitch and the point of view department,
Speaker 3
but I can tell you this great. Look at immigrants secret secret, because, let's say in Russia, we got a bunch of immigrants and when they coming, everybody start being that the thing, somebody's job the like, do something with whatever. And the
Russia has immigrants, huh? Yeah. Like kidding.
Speaker 3
Can you imagine like 90% of all money Russian, like a Russian money sitting in one city in Moscow. So everybody trying to get in Moscow. Like from different countries from like, Russia. So when somebody's coming to new place first, you know that everybody don't give a shit about him for sure. And when you realize that you only in charge in your life, like all your actions will be either put you in jail or put you in the nice chair.
This is the first part second part. I like
Speaker 2
how Russian man only wants a nice chair. Oh, he wants to give me a nice chair.
Law Smith
utility of a nice chair.
Speaker 2
panicle good enough. nicest frickin chair is though. Anyway, sorry.
Just saying it's good to be thankful
Law Smith
you could have said chair. Yeah.
Working sitting here.
Law Smith
Yeah, I don't have to share the chair with the rest of the people I live
with good. It's easy to have a chair. He's not he's not looking for the world. He's looking for good.
Law Smith
Yeah, he's been on the street all day.
Speaker 3
So in second part, it's like a noise. We all have a bunch of noise, daily information. When you coming to the new country, you have no idea about anything. And you start learn, you basically became a student that every motivational speakers and these motivational books they telling you, you have to be a student every day but but everybody not really understand how to be a student. So be a student you have to remove information that distract you from I will say you know, you can learn If you will go to but coach, He will teach you how to do things. But
Law Smith
like we know that, like we like we know the earth is flat now. Right? So like we had to retrain our brains to learn that
Speaker 2
as an image science he you know, he's got a lot of stuff coming in, there's a lot of people that might try and take advantage of you. There's a lot of like, smoke and fog that you got to kind of sift through
Law Smith
Not to mention, you just have to,
Speaker 3
because you, for example, huge. You might like 20 people who start creating condoms and you like, and they fail, they all fail. And you're like, it's no way I will open like, quantum factory,
Law Smith
a startup.
Speaker 3
I have a start a condom business. Yeah. And it's sitting query GPU, not even think about it. It just when new thought coming to you, you just decline it right away. Like you're not even touching. Yes. That's not good without knowing. That's not
easy, though.
Law Smith
I feel like that's like old guy logic. That's like kind of how you remember when you're younger, and you try to tell your dad a bunch of shit. It's just like, yeah, just like not paying attention to it. You're like, This shit is not going in his brain at all.
Yeah, if you get there.
Law Smith
Yeah, it's hard to
Speaker 2
not easy to just filter out your thoughts, and recognize your thoughts as being stupid. Because everybody has stupid thoughts, that's for sure.
Speaker 3
Yeah, and you can. I mean, sometimes you can tell. Yes, it was stupid. But yes. Yes. Virtually.
Speaker 2
Yeah. Would you think I'm thinking this, it must be a good idea. I trust myself really? Well, I
Law Smith
got some good thoughts. It's an efficient way to kind of be present about thinking, I would say, I'd say if you read that in the morning, something like that every morning, like, Hey, don't sift through the bullshit you need all day? And if you find yourself in that
Speaker 3
bullshit, actually, you keep this own bullshit. Yeah. And this, you're not allowed you to move.
Speaker 3
let's see when you meet this new person, or this person that you might maybe once and if you know exactly, and everybody have this feeling, when you already know like what this person will say Next, you will already know what will happen next. So now you're actually wasting time sitting in you're not learning anything, you just waste, like, his time and your time. And the same happen when we moving to another country, you don't have anything to apply. So you don't have your own beliefs about how to get driver license, you just have no idea and you go and Google it. And you don't listen to anybody. You just go and Google it.
Speaker 2
Yeah, you didn't come here as a Republican or a Democrat. You came here and you saw that they both suck. And then, you know, you don't vote you can't Yeah, I mean, but the idea is that, like you don't come and show up and then like, you just automatically lay into these,
Law Smith
how about I'll give, I'll give him maybe more practical metaphor, real, getting a new job, your new perfect and you work for a new company. The one thing a lot of people don't like when you're in a new office, or something is you're gonna change, you're gonna change the whole game that foreigners but you're gonna come in and change everything around, right? Unless you're brought in to really do that. So like, you have to sometimes retrain yourself on how to act in a new environment with intrapreneurs personality intrapersonal kind of relationships, but also like, learn their system, learn the things they do, that you can't come in, because my, my natural proclivity a lot of the time, you know, do the consultants work is coming in and going, oh, here's 20 things you guys should be doing. And knowing that, like you're saying, not really listening the whole way through, and I'm trying to do a predictive answer back to them to speed it up. And that was something I had to figure out how to go. Okay, see, but take that first day may be vanilla be just be blank.
Speaker 3
Yeah, like, everything, we're gonna be trying to predict things.
It's most of time.
Speaker 3
Like, we have certain information in this our brain trying to collect and try to always make a prediction in order to run from animal.
Exactly, dude, I was gonna say said,
I thought you're gonna say that one. No, no, I was gonna say,
Law Smith
I was trying to make a good point
Speaker 2
he's getting at is that like, your brain has stuff that comes in and it's like, you're so you don't die. And if you assume that, so you just say your brain is is the tendency is to assume that somebody's out to get you and you have to be on the defensive. And when you assume that, how's that gonna work out for you, you're going to be on the defensive and you're going to be a rival to whatever person or situation you're in and that doesn't ever work the way you want it to
Speaker 3
and that Believe eager is the big, big part in it. And the ego actually moved our civilization forward. And this is how we, like, even remember that somebody beat us last time and we still don't like the same animal or I don't like this human. And the this is move us forward.
Law Smith
We sit in an ice bath longer than Eric like twice as long.
Yeah, so well had his first ice bath today. He's gonna talk about that. Over here.
Law Smith
But the yeah. Oh, yeah, I'm seeing other ice pass. But
yeah, look, are you talking?
Speaker 3
Yeah. Like even right now evolution move moving us. And if you're talking about individuals, it always will be one picture. But if we're talking about everybody, it will be like way different perspective.
Speaker 2
Sure. Yeah. Mostly. Yeah. It's the thing where it's like, oh, man, society's going to hell. And then you go around, you talk to people out publicly. It's like, we're all these terrorists. We're talking about all these people who so everybody I talk to you pretty nice. And why are we just shitting on everything all of a sudden, like, why is everything a conflict?
Law Smith
Yeah, we Eric and I both did away with major media news years ago, and our lives are a lot better for it. Because that's shit. That's like fringe fear shit. And so most of us live in the gray most of us are.
Speaker 3
It's always fear. Yeah, yeah. You'll have three everything.
Speaker 2
Yeah, no, it's true. I mean, yeah, the ego stuff it's like it got us to a certain point in evolution. And then it it needs to be kind of peeled back a little bit where it's like okay, that God is there but at this point we're kind of still laying the pedal to the metal on it and we might need to you know, lay off it a little bit right
Law Smith
too much is bad too little is not good either. You know you want to be like 80% ego like I scored that's your strategy Sorry, what was the next thing Yeah.
Speaker 3
Especially like a jerks you know, like for society who's like really really jerky people sure you think of this like a huge ego and they like pushing very hard
and their power to they're the ones that the power to because they want
Speaker 3
the power because they have it up to you you want to be this Jor can be on the top or you want to live up in
Law Smith
exactly when you're either or when you have that ego you you believe that's a fulfilling life though if your ego no empathy you you probably don't even know that that is not a few you know, you get a boner off of being CEO
till you may be a good some I wasco right. You
Law Smith
know, you have mushrooms whatever we need to do here. Those See you guys they don't have that. That doesn't they don't even think of that as an option. They're not looking they don't think right? They don't think why do you need to grow more? You're making $42 million a year what do you what what else do you want? At
Speaker 3
some point? They feel lonely, right? Yeah. Oh, sure. I could tell them no. And then they start to sound like what's going on? Here's the money. Here's the mic.
Law Smith
I'm still saddled with it I'll just fast forward this conversation to Yeah, those guys get peed on they like it because they want to be told what to do you know? Right are sure that's where you're gonna go. I shouldn't have predicted it was a ball
I was gonna say ball stomping
Law Smith
Yeah, it's the beginning of billiard balls. Watch it on Showtime. Sure.
Not everybody like the same if you for example.
Law Smith
Everybody's sad but like
you know their balls to just be kicked.
Law Smith
we generalize here.
I think environment dictate
Speaker 3
who should be successful in certain societies? Let's see in North Korea, if you want to be successful, you have to be a certain way. level of darkness should be there. Yes. You have to reflect
Speaker 2
your buying in hard on that stuff. You are in
Speaker 3
yeah 30 fleeces, but if you if you're talking about like New Zealand, you probably have to have very nice like, wallets is like
empty. You might Yeah, you might actually have to be a
good leader.
Law Smith
Yeah, not just dictator or does that just never gonna leave that island?
Yeah, it's working. It's like everywhere. You see people
Speaker 2
they do have a lot of sheep in New Zealand. Yeah, sheeple.
Law Smith
They got rid of Coronavirus I saw no article. I was like but this is kind of what we were talking about. It plays to the American self esteem that psych fuck they did it we should be able to do it. And it's like bro like
Speaker 2
Coronavirus were like 50,000 to 12 or whatever they got
Law Smith
Florida's like the eighth biggest country hell yes. If you if you as a country, Florida would be looking at number eight.
Speaker 3
Yeah. This actually a big problem. Once everybody telling you you're the greatest and you're the be the best one. Right? Yeah, you actually start thinking about like, oh, Yeah, they're great. It's like fuck everything, I will go and lay down.
Law Smith
I believe there's a duality to it. I believe there is, I think there's that we're, it's, you know, we we kick ass around the world and really try to help kind of ego stuff but also like, you talk to guys that have done a lot of great things for the country and they they're the one it's like, someone watches me watch football, I'll hate on our team more than anybody out loud at a party. Because I it's like, it's not good enough or whatever, like, you know, that you owe everything to intimate, you know, and I know your true potential.
Right, right. I'm living up to it. I'm really
Law Smith
right. And so you deal with both of those kinds of things. I I don't think it's as easy as, as like, the old the kind of stereotype of like, America knows. Or many Americans all feel like they're cocky and like Merica world police or whatever.
See, America world police sounds gone for
Law Smith
that kind of stuff. That's a great movie. Wait, I feel like you're on like a second point of three or four.
And we have and yet I still kept talking on and on.
Law Smith
And on. So what this podcast is about?
Speaker 3
Yeah, I think like a old I've been let's say in Georgia. Remember I told you about like a it's close to Georgia at school occasion. It's like way different mentality in this country? Normally, I
Speaker 2
wouldn't have to clarify Georgia, the state or Georgia the country?
Yes. It's a country. Yeah, the country Georgia.
Speaker 2
In Florida era, that thing in Georgia, making her name is
Speaker 3
like way different than 50. You can't even imagine how people can leave in certain roles that they still leave. And the let's say Georgia, they have a little bit different. So the whole idea is when you move from different places, when when you leave from the different families, you realize that all people I mean, kind of similar, let's say a bunch of Russians or Europeans, Europeans, they talking about like Americans, the Americans are surface people. So you can talk with somebody on Jeep stuff about like, I know, like how deep your paintings or something like that. But it's not true because it's all about people. And again, I know a lot of Russians who live in here, and who know that they're not able to find friends who will deeply understand their pain, but it's because they know that they're not looking for it. Oh, yeah, that's the bro gave up.
Speaker 2
Yeah, so sad, man. That's sad to think that I mean, shoot yourself in the foot. But you're right. It is like that's the problem with the generalization or it's like, it's always individuals everybody talked to is nice. You know? Like, when's the last time you talk to somebody who's like that guy was a fucking day like it's so rare. You can remember all the time somebody was addicted, you know, and we lose the dean.
Law Smith
I don't know. Bro,
up too bad.
are good.
Speaker 3
I got to change my camera because this is does he look different? Is that two minutes ago brought in a body double click one button.
Law Smith
You're the You're the best. well lit. Guest we've had via zoom. that's for damn sure.
Thank you. Nice.
Nice, so crisp shirt.
Law Smith
That's how he rolls man. I think I believe you you believe in the philosophy of not having a lot of different clothes so you don't have to pick. Did we talk about that once? Yes, but
Speaker 3
you know, even if you believe something hit not means you fall always.
Law Smith
Oh, yeah, there's I mean, there's times when I'm trying we're getting a Greco Roman wrestler you got a big
pile of feather bows sitting on the floor behind you, don't you?
Law Smith
Right, shake
Speaker 3
we start cleaning up everything from our apartment maybe four years ago, like heavily in the we have three keys they always get bunch of toys from birthdays where we just were not looking anymore like is good or not we just right in the garbage? we donated majority but most of time it's been in garbage. Yeah,
Law Smith
yeah. I think if you're using this time wisely in the quarantine area, you're purging You know, a lot of crap in your house. Look around your own house before we're going to try to fix someone else's, you know?
Speaker 3
Yeah. I can't tell you the difference when you For example, I'm very sensitive for marijuana. And if I smoke a little bit or eat a little bit I'm, I feel it. I feel the first first way coming in all this stuff. So I want to record actually I just spoke with my friend about it. I want to put like a video camera. When I get kind of you know when everything should be perfect when I start cleaning up everywhere my desk when kids start doing something I'm start telling them like you can't come here and do this blah blah blah. So I I became like a kind of angry perfectionist. Then as soon as you smoke little bit
Speaker 3
or eat the thing is like, people change. I can prove I can sit in one place and be a little bit pieced after I smoke. People start coming to me like my kids my wife. And like I'm truly believe from this energy. Yeah, man inside us actually can take everybody out or bring everybody inside.
Law Smith
Well, it's probably a dead giveaway when you're giggling, waving your hand in your face.
It looks fun. Right now let's go hang out.
Let's ask for money. Is party
Speaker 2
Yeah, let's party. No, I Dude, I completely agree with that. It's it's a it's something that I think especially in America that just gets brushed aside where it's like, energies, it's like, you could tell when somebody's pissed when you just walk out. They don't have to say nothing. Like even if their face is completely blank. You feel this thing coming off of people.
Speaker 3
And you feel it too. Like when all this relaxed, relaxation coming. You feel like a stages. Yeah, removing from you and people start coming.
Speaker 2
I mean, it sounds obvious. But like, it really is something that people just brush off so much this like idea that they're putting off an energy that's not cool for other people. It's like, just, I don't need to hear that, like, go back to your commune hippie, like, like, No, dude. Like, that's obvious. Like, it matters how you are sitting in a room putting off whatever is like people know, I just hate that. It's just so like, brushed aside.
Speaker 3
Two things like first I thinking about like, is it reality, and other people actually separate from me? Or I just playing a game, we're able to pull some energy out or, like, a good energy or better energy. And then when you look at the birds, and the Can you imagine like, one huge amount I have to see correctly. Like a bunch of birds together the microwaves. The you know, like each other were to move like a flock. Yeah. And can you imagine one sick bird actually not able to move or everybody trying to? And they can send each
Law Smith
other? Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2
Okay. Yeah, I got it. Yeah, no, that's just crazy, like hurt still, like all turn on a dime instantaneously. It's insane. Yes. So, same idea, it's the same idea they're feeling, there's some kind of communication going on there. We can't quantify at this point. So eventually, probably, we'll be able to say that's this radio wave that is communicated,
Speaker 3
it's very hard to catch it from first time, let's see if you if you get the first time and you will not notice it. Because you will be distracted by your like a sensations. Yeah. This right moment. And you if you if you do it for purpose, you will notice like a straight line and you're able to separate it and remember it when you not hide anymore. And because you know the difference now you are a little different thing. And you let's say you you work on this, like a different dimension that you're trying to fix. Yeah, and you for example,
Law Smith
you can tap into that without weed eventually.
Speaker 2
Or it doesn't even have to be weed whatever I mean, if you're super drunk, but you're feeling very peaceful and you're thinking feeling very thoughtful, like it doesn't have to necessarily be we we just we does produce the result of calmness normally and like inclusiveness and all that but like it you know, it's all about a different mindset and basically that we live kind of different lives as we go along where it's like I'm this person from one minute than the next.
Law Smith
Well, I like but I'll be doing a lot of a lot of the time I had to catch myself in a bad habit. I was bombing on stage a lot a couple years ago and I was getting so much stuff going on and I'm coming into a gig with all this like gotta get shit done energy kind of stuff and didn't think about so I had to start like right before show starts just I have to go walk somewhere, you know by myself and just go like people here and have a good time. Even if you're not
Giving them a good time I've had
Law Smith
people tell me like, Oh, this friend died and then you got to go on stage. You're like, Fuck, you know shit like that. No, I definitely hear bad news. And then you have to like, I've had it literally like a sitcom like 30 seconds before getting on stage. And I'm like, That's fucked up. Why did you tell me that? Forget it. And then just like, Alright, they don't know, the audience doesn't know about that. It's not they don't need, they don't need that heaviness. And on and I have to, you have to kind of go, I have to tell myself remember to smile. Like you're having a good time because I have resting bitchface. And so I can tell jokes. And people don't get the cadence that I'm you know that I'm joking around. Sometimes.
Speaker 3
I also noticed and you said right about like a stage when you're on the stage. It's like you feel it completely. It's all about energy that you kind of communicate this human.
Law Smith
Oh, yeah, that's the I mean, like, if you could bottle that energy, like when it's going well, fuck, it's the bat. I also notice for example, when you tell a joke,
Speaker 3
like these mic lines, for example, somebody staying in front of me and they telling joke if I if I'm not in the best mood or in on the rush mood. I will use it's very interesting. I will use my eager when I said a joke, and somebody didn't laugh on my job on my joke or didn't react, my ego start coming out. And now I start getting from the like, a funny mood and started getting on there like what's going on? Like, you're bombing?
That's funny.
Speaker 3
Guy or like, Was it good? Yeah. Why not? Laughing Yeah, then it's very hard to recover very hard. Yeah. And also notice that when you joking, and not expecting maybe by accident, or like you you're not even pay attention reaction, but you just continue joking. And kind of overflow. Other person, then it's break true. So
Speaker 2
yeah, um, yeah, I don't think either one of us don't expect people like I kind of do expect if I'm not, if I'm not getting left out. I'm gonna
Speaker 3
maybe use fixing to get some sort of energy feelings. Sure.
Speaker 2
Yeah. Yeah, definitely expected. But I cannot. I'm not gonna otherwise have all my energy to this person is not going to live. I mean,
Law Smith
now it's good shit. No, and you can feel it sometimes, like you sit down. And it's like, this person, probably not the mood for
Speaker 2
right. I'm not putting energy into this joke. It's like
Law Smith
EQ stuff, emotional intelligence, all that stuff, like trying to assess. I like it. Same with going on stage. You have to assess the room a little bit before you get on. If you can watch a couple people before you go. All right. They're really tight. Oh, if you bring anything political at all, that's gonna be a shit show. Like whatever it is, you're trying to assess. You know? The. Yeah, the field.
To feel the field you have to slow down.
Law Smith
I literally feel some guys heads and stuff. As I walk up onto the stage. I just like to rub So yeah, I
Speaker 3
mean, ball guys heads. Yeah. I think it's all your imagination. You can go to the stage and you can do like this.
Yeah, sure.
Speaker 3
Like, you feel it, but you actually can believe that you you feel the people.
Law Smith
That dance is copyright.
law does that already.
Law Smith
You're gonna have a couple of things
I can work with you guys. Right? Yeah.
Law Smith
But just being silly. Like that opens it up to I mean, like I've told people before I sit down at clients, and I used to keep those worlds separate. And then I kind of lead in some way telling him I do stand up at night and it opens a whole conversation up. And like, we get kind of to the point quicker
Speaker 2
a lot. Yeah, I think a lot of people relax a little bit more. When they hear that. It's just like, Oh, this guy's joking around all the time.
Law Smith
And then I didn't get navigate. And I have a preface of my I'm not like your favorite comedian, whoever it is. Because that's what are you like? Like, what kind of Puppets do the opposite? Whatever the
Speaker 3
Yeah, recently, maybe like a half year ago, my daughter she broke her arm at school. And somebody from school they call us in on the panic like your daughter's broken arm, blah, blah, blah. be kidding. They're the principal was scared. She was scared. Everybody was scared crying. And I'm like, Hey, guys, what's up?
Law Smith
tension. Yeah, I tend to have I didn't have a contrarian kind of mood going into a lot of stuff. So if there is an emergency, and everybody's freaking out, I can get into like, laser focus, like, get into the hospital. Like, oh,
Speaker 3
yeah, you wouldn't be good to do hospital. The doctor said, we have to do like a surgery right away. Bah bah bah. So we go To the room and because she cried a lot and too tired, it was very dangerous to put a lot of