#239: How To Instantly Scare Away Your Ego By Covering Your Face & Hands Like Tom Hanks In His Future Project "Quarantine"

Law Smith


Ooh sweat equity inside. Inside sky strategics office get your PR help from sky strategic marketing out of Tampa white. Wow.


Speaker 1


Yeah. Thanks Tanya. Let's use the studio now.

Law Smith


That is Eric ledger on the ones and twos Jr. co hosting and producing hashtag girthy ROI hashtag 69 b2b hashtag sweat equity. I'm your host last minute where our sweat equity podcast is streaming show pragmatic entrepreneurial vice and dick jokes that muffle you hear it because I have a face mask on and it looks really cool that I think I look like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. But anyway, I just had splinter before I said splinter I said Scorpion I'll say sub zero. Get all


the cool

Law Smith


cool references out. I'm a ninja in the league of shadows. I dad jokes plenties Been I've been in a room all day. Like kids, right three in two years old. I'm dad jokes everywhere. iTunes, Apple podcast, Spotify laughable. Hit us up on those apps we want to listen if you want to watch YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, your mom's Walkman, your dad's portable TV outside, sponsored by grasshopper try grasshopper comm forward slash sweat that'll get you $50 off your business phone line Don't be a jabroni with a Google Voice number try grasshopper comm forward slash sweat get you $50 off that business phone line once again try grasshopper comm forward slash slash freshbooks we got a tax we got our taxes. We got a little lien on it. We got a little bit of a cushion do your taxes so what better time to go freshbooks comm forward slash let's get $150 $150 off your off your yearly annual whatever a subscription Go freshbooks.com forward slash let's do better than QuickBooks do better than zero with an x. That feels Chinese that's like Tick Tock being Chinese, I'm trusted. Go freshbooks.com forward slash swept. And lastly, Warby Parker Warby Parker trial.com. forward slash sweat. I left my Warby Parker glasses on my desk at my temporary home and my ex soon to be ex wife plays


but are we doing there? Oh, JK Wilson donated

Law Smith


are all in precarious position for the Parker trial.com Ford slash let us get five free pairs. Try them on. Ask everybody in your house. Do I look like a dipshit? Ask people on the resume. Do I look like an asshole with these glasses on? Or prescription sunglasses which Eric is a fan of so Warby Parker trial comm Ford slash light puts you up puts us up Now let's get to this girthy show. Okay.

Law Smith


nice lady. Fix my chair. I want to make sure we're six feet apart. Yeah, we're not when I know why I care why don't you already kiss me right on the mouth when you saw me that's that's don't count. Okay, those those are Eskimo kisses on the mouth though. Yeah, those are French Eskimo kisses.


nationalities you can't talk about

Law Smith


French. Oh was talking about the anyways. Eskimos French. Hey well I'm thinking of we gotta film a new intro for this puppy. new studio we already do studio. It's very teal which works because that's our brand color.


It's a light blue.

Law Smith


Yeah, sky. I get it. I get it like the sky. I wish I was about to say, I know how I know why the sky is blue because I just watched it on storyboards with my kids. I'm really doubling down on educational TV because I don't refuse. I just don't have the study packets to teach my kids anything. Oh, yeah, I haven't received those from


there's nothing for them to learn at this point.

Law Smith


There's three and a half, two and a half it they get more out of Cat in the Hat. What are we about? zoomy I like all the ones where they talked to the TV


Speaker 1


zoomy the one that's like a mushroom trip. Like everything is like crazy looking like it looks like I want to. I want to tell the kids what it's like.

Law Smith


It's a little I think it is like I think the two things are mushrooms that are talking to you. It looks like toadstool from Mario. Yeah. Okay. And then like, it'll be Life figured out this pattern, and it'll be less.


Yeah, it's the one,

Law Smith


which is great because they actually talk to the TV. Oh, to me that's like, this is your friend now. And then Mickey Mouse Clubhouse will do that they break the fourth wall as well. I'm trying to give all all the people at home trying to work. Because this podcast is about trying to help people in a really pragmatic way. And I was like, I'm trying to find time eaters. I'm trying to find all the tricks that their mom and I have switched off every half day, so I'm watching them half the day. And during the time, we're both watching the kids respectively. We're trying to do whatever work we can. So you try to shove all the meetings into the time you don't have the kids or like doing this podcast. And then when you have the kids, you're like, what can I do email wise? What can I do that like if you get on the phone, it's over? Oh, yeah, the dog said, we're talking to someone else that you know, we're just being loud on the phone. The dogs are getting in it. Yeah, like Dude, just


my kids will go an hour without talking to me.


Speaker 1


Get on the phone. Daddy, I need to talk to you right now. It's important I need the dog is on the couch.

Law Smith


Thanks. Cool. Okay, Daddy's on the phone. Did you see that? I've really gotten in tune incentives and penalties kind of world that


yes. I

Law Smith


that is definitely a thing. I said it's good enough for freakanomics good enough for me. Yeah, that's all I mean, that's all they talk about behavioral economics. And, like, if anything, we're getting that with the media through how everything's like, I can't believe it's getting spun. When you read it on Twitter and stuff, and you're like, those aren't the facts, like you're giving the CDC numbers that aren't correct. Like you can easily go to cdc.gov I've been told the wrong numbers by multiple people.


Just one like Corona virus infection things.

Law Smith


Yeah, like and like I gave the wrong number. Are someone on the phone? I was like, Oh, I guess I didn't read the updated one. Let me go Look, I didn't find him on it. I was just like, last I read it was 6000 more than us and I maybe that was updated April 6. And then I went and looked at the site updated April 7, there's 12,000 Yeah, I mean, does it matter? It does in terms of like, I we haven't you and I have a distress for the media in general. And so for this reason, we have to do more work to actually get the right info. Well, I'm just saying, I don't know how much the numbers behind this many people are affected this many people died. Is it gonna change the way we're doing? I mean, we're already going to be sitting at home, you know, getting out talking to people so like, it just I don't want to get bogged down. I don't want misinformation or disinformation just to like, just to happen, right?


That's a principle thing. Here we go.

Law Smith


Now I it's like we were talking about in the last podcast episode. It was like people were confusing the severity of the fatality of it, the fatality rate severity with the contagious severity. Right. Right. And then I want to know the pre consisting pre existing conditions on top of that, right? Yeah, I think like 83%. That's a made up number, I think. But of people that died of it are obese. So I put it in our Slack channel. And I was like, I just wanted to put the numbers in there because it was like, okay, there's two as a four to 20. There's 2013 cases or 20.

Law Smith


And there was a 4500 deaths. And then I looked at how many in Florida because we're in Florida, 7495 cases in Florida, okay, whatever. But then you really look at, you really look at like, what is the number of Americans that are considered obese, and I know BMI is not the best index right? And I, we might have Corona fatigue. So I don't want to like get too deep into into like, this kind of stuff because really know what, what's on CDC. I mean, what's on the CDC is all I know. Right? And I think everybody's got fatigued from it but 40% of Americans are considered obese and 80% are considered severely obese as a 2019 so funny. That's fucking insane. Yeah, that's that's a lot of people, dude. Yeah,


yeah. But I mean, look around that's.

Law Smith


So as of 2014 the physical activity report 25% of adults. This is when I looked out there's a report on the CDC because you there's other shit on there, apparently. Sadly do other stuff. Yeah, they do other things. But they had their own physical activity report. And I just wrote like, you can look at this table. I flopped in there. It was like by state how many it's called the state indicator report of physical activity. Behavioral indicators. Ooh, you guys let What? But 25% of adults don't do shit. Ah, yeah. And 15% of kids don't do shit. And I don't do shit. I mean, just don't do anything. That's hard. I mean, that's that's how I don't know how the study was reported. So I have these children down like two kids even Is that even possible? Look, I can see it in my own kids. We don't go out and do PE as I call it. We have to go outside do PE I bring a bag, I get a gym bag and I put all the toys and balls in there. Like there's a field of a block away. We have to go out for at least 20 minutes and go do something. It's super easy with Disney plus and onward. Streaming for free. Yeah, what do you think? I didn't watch it. Yeah, me neither they had it on but I was. I am not in the mode where I couldn't sit and watch them too anxious. I need to do stuff. Yeah. So I've been like trying to tend to lean time to clean kind of life.


Speaker 1


Yeah, my kids are to the point to where it's like we're watching you to see if you're watching it. Wow, you better sit there and watch it.

Law Smith


You're like, do you want to make me cry? Right? Pretty sappy. Want to make me feel bad? It's a it's it's weird. It's like they're trying to bring their dad back for a day. Yeah. They just walk around with his legs all day. Yeah, that's funny moments. Chris Pratt, Tom Holland, huh? Yeah. Spider Man and Guardians of the Galaxy gardens. garden Star Lord.


Peter Quill

Law Smith


Yes, yes. Yeah.


And the here as

Law Smith


well from Lego Movie. Well, it quill will cool. Peter Quill. Look, I know you're excited about the Buccaneers uniforms and that's probably why you got nothing today. You know that. Like What a disappointment. Give me something. Give me a little creamsicle in there. I don't need the whole thing to be orange below do it. They'll do it. They'll do it. They're doing all all that if they're smart, they're doing it. They're doing in a smart way like apple. It's all iterative, right? Is it though? I don't think it does. I think that for the majority of people, just even in Tampa that aren't book fans. The books came out trying to make an announcement about having new uniforms, which are the exact same uniforms they used to have. Yes, except for the helmets, which are the new ones, right? us being football nerds. And you know, I'm a big uniform nerd. I like uniforms. Because they mean something like colors mean something. The font means something, all that stuff that if there's a lot of precision in it, it's like a logo. It's really hard to condense all this stuff into a logo.


Speaker 1


Yeah. The alarm clock numbers last time, they still couldn't wake up.

Law Smith


Is that good? Does that work? What your tight shot of you? It makes you look really small as I am really small.


He's like tiny weigh 104 pounds.

Law Smith


Oh man, it looks good. You got farther away. It's all wonky now. Heavy. I'm trying to turn to her trying to cheat a little bit. Whatever.


Speaker 1


It's our first run here. People aren't going to be that picky and if you are

Law Smith


no, I'm talking about your solo shot. single shot if you look like you're a dwarf. Yeah. Just a little guy. Didn't frame yourself up. No.


Speaker 1


I was doing a lot. Okay. Cheese.

Law Smith


Oh, man. No, I didn't frame us uptight. No, thanks for getting us in here. It's been a blast in your workplace. But I think I think we've worn out our welcome. Maybe, I don't know, your masturbation didn't know i mean we could have we could have continued on in the Master praetorium but This is definitely better. We can actually have guests in person now. Yeah, we are except we can't. Well, now but in the future technically we're part of the media. So podcasts were part of essential. Yeah. You know that Yeah. I've already been using that under the Serena phase on media guys. Zero sign outs I saw I saw a friend of the program got her brand going you're helping her with that.


Mm. Yeah, we got a lot going on. It's exciting.

Law Smith


Well, I was talking to Josh Eldridge of up up up my influence calm yours up is yours of your influence. I should talk about a rival PR company because technically be competitor to or new humble bodes but I don't think they they go head to head on anything. Um, we had a conversation about this is kind of the time to double down on relationship marketing. Really. And if you really want to talk about what that is, look, we talked about this last week. If you got a zoom call, frame it up better than Eric's frame this show out the number one. Try to try to do something tight. You can get you can get to the keyboard quick enough


to my own sound

Law Smith


maybe have a button. Thanks sucks. Just get get a mic that works. Don't get the don't get the external speaker on your laptop. It doesn't work that way.


Speaker 1


definitely get headphones at least just get headphones. Nice thing that's crazy.

Law Smith


Your air pods don't work probably


no. Get wired headphones.

Law Smith


And then if you're gonna go, you're gonna go from your phone. Get up, get a holder clamp. That was like a gooseneck thing with a vise grip. that'll hold your fucking phone up. Yeah, so you don't have to do this the whole time and it doesn't make any sense because your arms gonna go Yeah,


Speaker 1


good luck taking notes when you're doing that. Trying to look normal.

Law Smith


Try to find a quiet spot. Like I get it kids and dogs. Like but I do my best like I covered the door up like there's a fire on the outside like because wherever there's there's gaps in the door. That's where sounds gonna creep for sure. Yeah. I try and pull up a carpet and thrown in front of there. Yeah. more the more edges in the room the better stuff to bounce off of. is that I don't know. Also, the audio foam is doing is creating more bounces. Oh, I never knew that. Yeah. Do you know why the sky is blue? No, I don't know either. I forgot. It sounds story bots with the one with the Garfunkel notes. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So anyway, um, how do you double down on relationship marketing? Well, one thing we we've already kind of used as a good rule and I've been applying is Jordan Harbinger had a good rule that every day at 10am, he texts five people, they isn't talked to what he does. He goes all the way down to the, like the last people on his, his text message app. And he'll text him and just ask a question. Mostly just like, how you doing? What's been going on? How's life? Something like that. But don't just text thinking of you. That's like, it's the opposite of improv. You need to ask a question for this, like you need to, like, engage in kind of create engagement by asking a question because you might you'll likely get something in return. You mean a question beyond? How are you like improv, you know, questions, because it kills the scene. You already know what's going on? Well, I'm saying just for real life, real lifetime write a question about something that would make them feel smart sort of thing. Are you just talking about Hey, how you doing? It's gonna depend on the person but it's also you can just be like, hey, haven't talked to you in a while. How are you? How are you doing in this quarantine? You know, like, anything I can help with? That's what I've been asked a lot of people. You know, we have we have a lot of nerd knowledge doing this podcast for four years or whatever it's like, what do you need any telecommunication help like we can kind of tell you a lot of people want to start by cast. I've been getting hit up. I don't know about you. Oh,


Speaker 1


yeah, for sure. I know, Mike. We're gonna start doing it from here too. I mean, we're gonna get some some heavy hitters in here.

Law Smith


Yeah, but I'm saying like, yeah, you play. You want to know what equipment to use. we've thrown it out there plenty of times. I had someone that hit me up yesterday. I was like, Alright, pick out something on my calendar. I was like now. Yeah, what I didn't What? Someone someone hit me up. This was someone I hit. Yeah. Can you help my friend that wants to start a podcast up and he's like, great. It was like a three of us on a text was like great. It was like, can you hit up? Here's my calendar, the latest choose one out and I'm like, What am I Thank you. Now when I get around to it, maybe Yeah, I'll call you and text you at 10am tomorrow, okay, that's how we do it. If you're on the last of all the texts, but you're not going to be there for a while, there's been a lot of texts in between. So that's, that's kind of the idea you said, but a lot of these relationship marketing things aren't. There's no silver bullet in marketing. There never is, of course, except for just pounding Coors Light. Like, it's your fucking job. And you're unemployed. You have no job. By the way, have you seen? What is it? 6.6 million unemployment. submissions, dude, the unemployment website in Florida. So technically, I got fired. From my job at Forest Hills dental. Yeah. Which is your wife phones. Yes. Yes. It's gotta be all time coming really,


Speaker 1


really tough combo and a headache coming. We can't keep you on. But like trying to go on the unemployment website. It's It was literally like, acknowledge this thing if you're going to go to jail if it's false, whatever. Okay, click it next start the application next back to the other thing that was just like looping in on itself and like crazy just all text it wasn't like they were trying to play video or anything it was it's so bogged down that like it's

Law Smith


so I don't know what what time this is gonna work for people who are paycheck to paycheck which how many days you did. It was in the evening when I went it was doing that try to do it like odd hours. I did it this morning around seven and it still was messing up. Not as bad. Yeah, further along, I think Yeah, you got to do you get up at 430 still do it then. Yeah,


Speaker 1


it's no actually what it was. It was like we're having we have a lot of incredible training trying to verify it. Give us some time to verify your social security number. Whoa, yeah. Oh, like it's not. Isn't that a computer's job? Some computers.

Law Smith


So it goes by so I thought I thought I've never done an employment does it go by federal i thought was federal not state? No, this was state Florida's thing. I know when federal be national, so I thought it was I understand federal national look like you did.


Speaker 1


Oh, I was saying that I was double checking in my mind. Okay. What the website was through was through state of Florida.

Law Smith


Right. So I didn't know it was a state thing. I thought you use your social security number though. I didn't know if you apply through the state or through the federal that's what I was asking. Do you know what federal means national? Is that a state contiguous? It's all 50. It's all 50 of them. Alaska, Hawaii, seven states. They've got Yeah, the whole thing. Well, I've heard like that paycheck programs, almost bullshit because it's never gonna like no one. No bank is going to take That on as far as like, the TPP programming. Yeah, that stimulus is gonna like, to me that sounded like when you could buy a house, your first home on like 3.5%. Like, yeah, that's cool, but no one's no banks doing that so you're not going to do it. Yeah, whatever that was crazy man.


Speaker 1


It's like, cuz you're definitely taking a risk doing this stuff you go down that direction. It's like okay, I'm keeping all these people on my payroll then you gotta keep paying if you stopped paying them. Oh, really? Yeah, the idea is that you'll get paid back for the unemployment website doesn't go down. That's what they're trying to, you know, keep people want to join in. But Dude, it's so it's crazy. I Charlie,

Law Smith


thank you in the mailroom. Carol, epi Sanchez, what was it? Carol, Carol, she that for you see that meme for the tiger, whatever, Tiger King. So it's just him wanting to Carol. The checker, I guess killed him. I'm never gonna find out until you watch that. Yes. Is it good? Yes. Should I watch I said


Speaker 1


I wanted it. I wanted you to think about it. There's a scene where a girl who works there gets her arm bit on by a tiger, right? Because the guy who's doing the documentary was doing it for like, years he was following this guy who, obviously Tiger King was freaking out and he's in his office and his reaction was, I am never gonna financially recover from this.

Law Smith


Not Oh, man. I hope she's okay. And then she's like a straight g she comes back to work like yeah, like the next two days, something like that. Yeah, I get like a sinus infection of mine. Nope. But that ability to leave camp, um, well, relationship marketing, like that's a common ground you can you can hit up people. Hey, I saw you talking about this. That'd be a really bad way to do it. But you can like a lot of people been hitting me up Hey is LinkedIn legit and it's like this all we've been talking about for two years on the podcast is like, yeah, it's legit. But if you do it corny, you're gonna be corny. If you want to look cool like me and have this video out there. This podcast. Give it a thumbs up with my wide receiver gloves on. I feel cool with these. Thanks to my buddy Paul pass wall for buying these for me. Yeah, he's a real guy. Oh, I ran out. I ran in the rain Sunday I ran 10 miles with a mind. Why? Because I want to be a hard ass motherfucker like David Goggins. What does that do? Because I in between, I was doing like push ups and I find a bench. I do some tricep stuff. You know, those are that? Well, I don't you're touching public places that I've had people maybe sneeze or fart or whatever. It was raining, though. Not on not on not mega Zeebo. Where I find it Both spots are I felt like I did a good job. I saw book, a little book, book bank for the neighborhood. Books are laid out. It's about to rain. I was like, I'm going to be good human. I see these books I save these books motherfucker. Good for you read is fundamental and shit. Yeah, that's good. That's a nice thing. But I ran in the rain with a mom because because you forget how much you touch your face too.


Speaker 1


But it's your face. Yeah, but no, like, are you coming within six feet of anybody on this run? And if you are Yes,

Law Smith


that's the other fucking thing that's crazy. It's like, I'm running. I would run like I'm choose. I'm running like a to boogy for everybody in the neighborhood like I'm running around him. If run a sidewalk someone's coming this way. I'm running like route, like going way out of my way, exaggerated like we exaggerated. And then I'll be running on the sidewalk and a fucking guy on a bike would Zoom right past me. I'm like, What the fuck? Why? Why? I can't hear you coming up. Listen to the Dark Knight Rises. score and I'm running. I'm running like a hard ass motherfucker could been banged up like I was born in darkness. I made the kids watch that yesterday. Oh good. Yeah, they didn't like it so much. Oh, man. Thanks. That was pretty scary. Yeah, we'll try the dark night. See what they've all


Yeah, start with the beginning the first one

Law Smith


Well, yeah, Batman Begins I'm sure the Scarecrow part won't freak them out. They actually like to win when Kristen Bell's getting out of the prison because they could do that chair. Oh, oh. Oh, you Oh, it falls off. Nice and creepy later on. Look, man, they're getting lessons from the streets. From from daddy. Oh, but I was just like, I gotta do something uncomfortable. I gotta go for a long walk or run. It was raining and I go fuck it. I'm just gonna go hard ass motherfucking I'll look like a tool while I'm doing it. Don't make it harder is a shit. I don't Who cares? Obviously you don't write it. You're basically unfuckable anyway.


Speaker 1


And now I'm gonna wait. And this find out when you're running and I'm gonna get one of those. What's the thing that shoots the footballs through a machine when I mounted my car? Did you better be ready?

Law Smith


Oh my god, I can't wait. That would be


a great idea.

Law Smith


That'd be amazing. I have fun we look how much a judge machine is like $400 or something like that. Gotta be right hundred something some crazy jugs machine. And then your dad brain goes I could fucking make one of those.


Give me my belt sander.

Law Smith


I've seen shoe polishers that'll fucking that'll glide those things through. You can put two of those together. You know, one with the Furies on the


Yeah, they're like two grand

Law Smith


Damn, dude. That is a good idea. I bet Antonio Browns doing that shit right now. It's all yours AB. So, where are we at? What? What time? Are we at? We're about 20 minutes in. Okay, so, to double down on relationship marketing Look, what I'm doing is I, on Sunday go, I'm going to go on a walk. And while I go on a walk, before I started my ride, I'm just going to I'm going to call five people up and just see what's going on that I haven't talked to in a while. That's all you have to do. Yeah, that's good. sharing information too huge. Emailing people you haven't talked to in a while, like, we have a lot more time now. And you in a weird way?


Speaker 1


Yeah, for sure. It might actually bring people closer together.

Law Smith


Don't fucking fill it up with grazing in your kitchen all day. Work. I've been doing that. Yeah, I've either eaten like nothing in a day or been just fucking kid food is so good. And they don't eat it. It's so good. Like, they don't like Lunchables


on my plate. are a little while yes let it

Law Smith


marinate there and then no hard and then they freak out when they found out like I was gonna eat that I was seeing that I'm having fight with my three year old like fucking work I like when the dog licks it first and then I'm like don't let Don't let the dog eat it they're like they think I'm not looking and they like try to feed the dog I'm like What the fuck? Yeah, we're always look I've done bad I would be I'm good with the kids but this is a it's my I find myself I find all parents that are freaking out. It's definitely all on the parents. Yeah, like if I haven't worked out like made myself go out from for my own sanity before the day is kind of started. I thought I'm way way worse mood. Yeah antsy, and I'm way more like PE coach all day like No, do it. Not just like a military. Yeah, like


Get out there.

Law Smith


But that's a lie. I would say. My only advice really right now is reach out to people you haven't talked to in a while and I feel like you have an excuse. Yeah, it's not even new video calls a lot of people still doing it because they're scared to do.


Speaker 1


Yeah, well, I don't know what the deal with the zoom. security issues are remain. There's been like a big hubbub over zoom and its security issues. Apparently Taiwan

Law Smith


no one wants your shit, guys. I know. Especially right. If you're really that insecure about it, do VPN and then call it a day. Yeah. Do from there. Yeah. Oh, you're not gonna look up what a VPN is. So you decided to do both. Okay.



Law Smith


Just don't call anybody. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, just don't don't do anything. And then and then we'll just have no sad. That's a bummer. No. Well, I mean,


Speaker 1


that's how I feel. Maybe people are doing that or I feel like they are reaching out to People they haven't talked to in a while having these zoom parties

Law Smith


and I have a big fuck you for the people going to worship centers that are meeting with 1200 people what happened in our own backyard over here? Yeah, that was on TMZ but there's a lot around the country going up. Have a big fuck you for people that aren't like respecting other people's like space if they're if they're got like I saw my favorite thing was going to the free Huawei the free air at Huawei phone in normal times, because everybody would fight over free air and just sit there people watch. But I had a guy cleaning up stuff. While I was I was putting air in the tire. I was like Finally I can use this I never get to use the free air at wah wah. And he's a guy with a wall and he kept moving towards me. I was like, What are you doing? Let's go I had to get up and like move back and like what what what? You're gonna cough on me what's going on so


paranoid about it? Hmm.

Law Smith


Well because people are asking symptomatic about it so you don't know how many people are dormant with this thing we just don't know a lot so it I hate I'm never really on that site like better be safe than sorry kind of thing but with this I definitely because if you're if if you overdo it right now, that's look it sucks. It's nerdy, but it's like, it's that's an ego thing if you don't want to do it. I'm not saying you got to look like I do right now, right?


What I do not want to be clear. I do not

Law Smith


but I'm saying like, want to look like that. It's not it's not a big deal. But if you but I bet if you go pick up groceries, you're respecting the rules that are laid out. Yeah. Oh, you're it's to the point. You're a pariah if you're not wearing your mask out. Oh, there's people that fucking I've seen so many people. They don't give a fuck. It is such an ego thing. It is an ego thing. It makes me mad. So I have a special big fuck you for the people that are just like, I don't need to do anything because I'm fucking who cares about society? Ah, yeah, you like roads. You like the Economy you like having a job? Oh fucking get over yourself and fucking do what you're supposed to do. People are like I can't I can't take my apartment anymore. Oh I know that's you right on you yeah you suck yes not your apartment your apartment didn't do anything


Speaker 1


yeah it's not about like when people are taking these precautions it's not it's viewed as shit for other people it's not for you in general to get I mean that's why most people are doing it so they don't want to get sick.

Law Smith


I wish I could touch people to Terry take linebacker them fucking job check the shit out of people. The idea is to protect the oldies. Yeah, we don't want the old people to die. We need wisdom. We need their wisdom and their bones. Yeah, so that that is that's how I wanted to end this with a big old Fuck you. Okay, well check us out at pod




#240: How To Instantly Reject Exposure in the Face of Adversity Because the Value of Free is Zero Like Kanye West in anything he has ever done


#238: How To Periodically Wash Your Hands Of Scary Responsibilities Like Matthew McConnaughey Inevitably Playing Joe Exotic In The Tiger King