#235: How To Incrementally Nose Your Way Into A Job At A Marketing Firm Using A Business Management Degree Like Will Smith In The Pursuit of Happiness Part 1
Eric Readinger
here we go.
Law Smith
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah hot is it got over it? Yeah.
Eric Readinger
It gets you going fine.
Are you excited?
Law Smith
excitement and motivation, sweat equity podcast. That's what we're all about all those things more your pragmatic entrepreneurial advice and Dick Jokes coming at you with hashtag girl cry hashtag six time p2p support for businesses that support your business.
Eric Readinger
In the good old 69 and yo
Law Smith
69 b2b it's just a little Yang, a little good karma, man. You get something, I get something. But try to be thoughtful about helping your friends businesses out. I can't stress that enough. Go give them a review right now. good reviews, you can give us a review on iTunes, Apple podcasts, Spotify. If you want to subscribe on there. You want to be a second Is the kids caught on YouTube?
Eric Readinger
No, I don't like that.
Law Smith
They call it subs. Yeah How many subs you got, bro? You don't get you don't get we don't have that. We got 20 we're gonna we're gonna figure that out YouTube is what it's important we're not urges, right? yes um yeah if anybody knows anybody out there wants to interview SEO for our YouTube I i would love that Yeah,
Eric Readinger
I you know something we've just never taken the time to learn it no
Law Smith
that's the sad thing I know it I just don't do it for YouTube though Yeah, but it's it because it is it is like just it's like very
I'm not a clerical guy. I'm not the best. You're not I'm not
Law Smith
the best administrative clerical per Asher strategies test we took two years ago hanging on to that. Hey, is the most accurate test I've taken. We're sponsored by try grasshopper comm forward slash sweat get a business phone line. A forwards to your mobile phone line grasshopper. is just an app on your phone it doesn't take away from your phone you don't need to cell phones like a drug dealer I see a lot of people doing that try grasshopper comm forward slash let I've got five business lines to sell my phone that's all forge my line
Law Smith
Willie at one point yeah you got your Google Voice for your burner sure you got grasshopper we're kind of stuck with a business line line to I can't transfer it over for some reason. Speaking of apps that are good on your phone yes go freshbooks comm forward slash sweat you get $50 off your membership into use go freshbooks comm forward slash sweat for your freshbooks account better than QuickBooks better than zero direct deposit the next business day? That's a big deal. You got no cash flows and Warby Parker Warby Parker trial comm forward slash sweat slash slash sweat I was looking At prescription sunglasses, they've got them on there. I was looking for new sunglasses ago. why don't why don't I go through our stuff? Warby Parker trial comm slash sweat. I gave him the size of my fat face. The width is not huge, but it's bigger than normal, very low head, but it remembers my old eyeglasses I had in there. Good. So I'm gonna give you five. I'm gonna get five to try on maybe I'll bring them in the studio. Try them on here. We'll see how they
Eric Readinger
look at all at the same time.
Law Smith
Right and you guys can judge how good or bad they are Warby Parker trial.com. Slash sweat gets you five free pairs to try on at home. Let's go
What about my sweater?
Law Smith
I am mumbling more than normal because I have gum in my mouth. Oh, really get that spit it out. But
given this minute, man,
Law Smith
no your kid. Where's the trashcan in here? Right over there?
I have a lid up put.
Eric Readinger
Well, you could do it from there.
Law Smith
No, I put it like a dip. That's not better if I hadn't, but I hadn't worked Chagos and that's why I was mumbling. This at least is a lot better. Okay, just put it on the floor or something
on the floor. And Jesus.
Law Smith
Well, they're spinning. You know, when you have got, here's something I've one of those things that I don't care enough to look up and may I might do it now is you don't want people who are like if you swallow gum, it stays in your stomach for seven years. Yeah, I don't think that's true. No. How could that be possible? I don't know. I I kind of still believe it as an adult. Sure. Why not? I mean, how long does it take for gum to digest? look that up?
Eric Readinger
Yeah, that's a good thing that people need to know right away. I mean, it would have to pass faster than that there's no there's nothing that stays well This podcast
Law Smith
is about exploring curiosity. I would say
Eric Readinger
the cells in your body regenerates. It still says seven years. But yeah, that's bullshit. What is the internet? No,
Law Smith
you're the resident health guru. So it will the internet,
Eric Readinger
let's say seven years but
Law Smith
whatever health line com Well, that no, it's one of those ones where before you even get to the search results. A Google has the answer like in an inline box, you know, and then it gets to the Mayo Clinic. Ripley's Believe it or not, probably. I mean, yeah. Just don't follow your gut, does it? That's gonna be a whole whole rabbit hole myth, as horrible as the gum itself holds that the chewy confection sticks to your innards like it does the bottom of something. Okay. So we'll figure that out. We'll get our research team on know the answer calling. Yeah.
Eric Readinger
But, uh, never to be heard of again.
Law Smith
And that that, uh, what's it called? I also was pounding a bunch of Voss water. It looks like on on off rich Voss water. It talks about Kisha and it's one of those things where people I'd like to just pretend I drink Voss water all the time. But I buy one
Eric Readinger
bottle, that same bottle for years.
Law Smith
This bottle. I think I've counted. I'm at 25 refills on it. Yeah,
Eric Readinger
that's probably I mean, are you washing it out with soap with more water that I drink? Right. So that's probably accumulating that bit of bacteria.
Law Smith
Yeah. All right. Cool. Isn't that? It's probably good, man. Yeah, but my kids drink out of it. Yeah. drink out of it. Yeah, keep that don't walk into ammonia. Exactly. Yeah, they're probably get it. No, I actually had to buy baby ones because they want to take mine because I'm drinking the two bosses. So I got the smaller ones and they liked the screw cap and all that stuff. Because everything with a lid or a capper, it's like to do stuff. Yeah, anything, anything they had, like, they wouldn't leave the house until I let them bring thermoses that I was like, we're not bringing food with us. They're like, Nah, man. Like, we're fucking we're getting out like,
Eric Readinger
yeah, there's something we're getting something.
Law Smith
Yeah. And so I was like, fine, take them. I don't care. You're gonna fall asleep in the car anyway, I was taking suckers. So that is quite interesting in my life. anything going on ears? You're doing a lot more art.
Eric Readinger
Oh, yeah, man. Yeah, we're gonna put
Law Smith
it out. We're gonna do a show.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, I'm gonna do a little show. But I mean, I got I'm running out of like wall space in my house to hang this shit up. You can
Law Smith
hang it over the phone here.
Eric Readinger
No, not the big ones. Because I'm using. I'm doing the inch and a half deep gallery quality canvases. So they're not completely shitty, you know? Okay, so those take a little bit more strength to hold up.
Law Smith
Yeah, why don't you Get
cuz I don't wanna. I don't want to. That's it.
Eric Readinger
I mean it's just already all these walls are spoken for. I don't need to worry about these walls.
That's fine. But yeah, go to my
Speaker 2
website generic character work all of it's up there doc work work
Law Smith
do you have Do you have your name? Eric red ginger calm you didn't want to get that No, no it's gone why now it's gone
Eric Readinger
because I could say generic dot work and there's no explanation needed but it sounds like you're good to see I guess.
Law Smith
Yeah, you got to remember you got for any domain stuff any anything like that it has to be as phonetically sounding as possible to even if it like I know you're saying dot work but I people can kind of half listen because they're listening to this while they're jogging or you know, in their car. They're not. They're not a nerd like I am or I have a notepad out sometimes. If I hear if I'm listening to someone that's like, like the as a sinner Previous podcasts we just went to be homeless fans Jordan Harbinger show. But he gives out like he is he is the pragmatic advice champ, I would say Yeah. And some stuff is so good that I have to like, I'll pull over write it down or put in my Evernote and stuff because or what I've been doing like a fucking weirdo. And I do this at the gym a lot. No, I'm excited no is I get my watch and I have an app called bear. And I put creative dictated notes in there. Mm hmm. It's like Evernote, but it's I kind of wanted to segment out. I want to use Evernote for kind of work stuff and bear for creative stuff.
Eric Readinger
That is over segmentation, I would say create a new notebook in Evernote. You see
Law Smith
I have 20 528 61 notes in Evernote. I'm trying to clear that out for sure. Yes, but the thing about compartmentalizing is the same reason I like the Livescribe pen that I don't want to open anything else up because something else is right there. And then you're going to get into to list. It's like when you're doing creative. It's like when you're doing art you don't want to have to. It's hard to think about anything like math logic base, like.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, I guess when you're in it so many more apps.
Law Smith
You don't want any more apps, but I feel like, once you're to a certain threshold of using lot, it doesn't really bother you as much. Yeah. But it was more about capturing it in the moment. How do you spell it? Bear Bear? Just like a bear like a game? Like a gay guy, right? With a lot of chest hair,
Eric Readinger
right? Or the animal. So you've got bear and you've got otter.ai right?
Law Smith
Yeah. Okay. Yeah, just saying that's another good one, right? Yes. I thought it was just some bears. And then someone told me about otters. Yeah. Those are like, send you a kind of Yes, they have speed.
For what?
Eric Readinger
That's at none of your damn business. Okay? Look, you know a lot of slick and they're fast.
Eric Readinger
you can you can picture exactly what I'm talking about.
Law Smith
So don't play doh. I don't know. What are you talking about? I don't really know what otters do. Honestly. I get them confused beavers. otters hold
Eric Readinger
hands while they sleep. otter Sony's cuddle is that I don't know. I'm repeating always sunny rhetoric. That's where I learned it all. Yeah,
Law Smith
that's where I learned power bottom. Yes, we're exactly but the real the real my older gays. They tell me and this might be for boys Sunday as well as like, your the misnomer is you're you're not like the lead dog. If you're on the bottom, but really power from the bottom. Right. Yeah, I think everybody's different. No, I think that's like, I think that's the you don't know this until you get into ballgame. Sure, yeah.
Eric Readinger
It's better to speculate than us.
Law Smith
Oh, I'm curious. And when you hang out with a bunch of comedians that are just shooting the shit, you get to hear some of this stuff
Speaker 3
do you need to know? I want to know for empathy reasons, I don't want to assume things. You know, I'm at a party and gets to that area for some reason. You just assume that it's something that needs to be empathized. Mm hmm. Yeah. Oh, I'm so sorry.
Law Smith
Yeah, her bottom. What also says, hey, I've done the research a little bit. You know, I'm asking around, I'm not turning my sister off. I don't just turn off when that conversation gets there. I'm curious. I want to know, you know, shy away from I don't need to have the, the experiential learning of it. But I'll listen about it. Just because I don't know. Step one. Maybe and you don't know what you're gonna I don't know what I'm looking for. But maybe find something else. Maybe you think you know about an open mind right? You don't. Anyway. Yeah, Barry So I like a psycho. I'll dictate on my Apple Watch, and then go back and I've been writing it in it's been a lot better life. Okay.
Eric Readinger
I mean, sounds like a lot of work.
Law Smith
Well, jokes come to me. There's two ways to do a creative process, either jokes or business, you know, problems to solve kind of thing. And it's, there's two ways I go about it. Either you get the shower thoughts kind of styled, right? Or that that's capturing lightning in a bottle per se, where, you know, I go on a long run. I get a thought, like, I had a weird flashback of we could stage someone told me on some I said on stage, it's not a joke I have in my like, joke book or anything, but it's just a good like riff that from the side I look like. I belong on a coin. Yes, like the profile that yes, that was a riff from like, seven years ago.
Eric Readinger
Do you have a coin face,
Law Smith
right? I've got like an in big nose and dented and we're Put glasses. So like, if you look at any profile or coin, it's it's kind of like that. Oh, yeah. And I can't and now I can't remember. Yeah, no. Famous
Eric Readinger
coin famous sweat equity Memorial memorabilia coin. Oh, yeah.
Law Smith
Go. Yeah, we'll make them in. Kubrick zirconium.
Eric Readinger
Okay, but that's the one. I mean, those are like, diamond. How do you do that? I'm starting to think of an alloy copper, anything.
Law Smith
Yeah, but it takes more than a penny to make a penny these days, right? Yeah. No, it's that's all there is. So that's something that is in my deep subconscious. That's from seven years ago. I don't even know if I said it on stage or someone made fun of me that way on stage about it. Well, it doesn't matter. Regardless. It's like oh, well, it's like the general manager of side splitters, one of the clubs in Tampa the company clothes. He stopped my set. He's now I've never seen him doing this to anybody. He knows the club and he's awesome. He's new to vt. He stopped my set once and just said I look like Nicolas Cage and Con Air and I was like, thank you it like got like a fucking like applause break. How did he stop it? He walked back a voice of God in the back and he really taught my set and said it. Wow, it wasn't like the most It was like a showcase show. Like, you know, slap deck. A bunch of us do 10 minutes, but it's like, Okay, I will keep that forever. Yeah, that in there. Those are I'm fine with those. You're not really stealing jokes. That's kind of like, that just kind of happens to the moment. Yeah, send me something he wrote out. Anyway, you're not gonna reuse that. At any rate. It's one of those things that happens on stage too. I'll just whatever. There's something in your subconscious or something that you pulling out of yourself that if you weren't having this anxiety on stage, a little bit of show anxiety, it may not come to fruition. So I get that when I'm working out a lot of times because you get so They say in that zone meditation doesn't have to be sitting, you know, crisscross applesauce on the ground with your eyes closed. It can be a repetitive task done over and over and over. You probably find a little meditation zone when you're doing artwork. Yeah. Not really thinking about anything.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, it's like just Well, you think about one thing. I mean, oh, yeah. We're just focusing on narrowing your focus, I guess.
Law Smith
Yeah. And you're not looking at your phone in five seconds. You know, you're not. You're really just in the stuff you're doing your daughter. I'm sure that was like, you know, you're taking that in and trying to live there. Yeah. As in the moment. Yeah. That's the order too late. Be be present. Yes. So there's stuff like that where you can let your brain just go all the way down so much. That's why you get shower thoughts? Because you're, you're, you know, your body and mind is kind of at ease. Yeah. So That's why you get these random thoughts that you were having throughout the day because you're in a present like self preservation area safe space. Really? Yeah.
Eric Readinger
I mean, it's the only thing you're thinking about. Right? And you really don't think that much when you're in the shower.
Law Smith
You can have your phone on you, you know, you, as you're getting into the shower, you're like, this will be a little cocoon. Yeah. faking that consciously. But
Eric Readinger
yeah, when people wash their hair twice, I can't remember. Oh, three minutes. I mean, just because you get what that is.
Law Smith
That's one of the best things marketing ever. That's one of the best marketing angles.
Eric Readinger
Oh, the rinse and repeat thing. No, I'm talking about just like doing it and then forgetting whether or not you did it or not. Not Yeah. I don't have that to say with I just take one glob of shit. And its whole body clean.
Law Smith
Yeah, I do say that every three days. Dude. Listen, most of the time I just hot rinse. Yeah. Baby. Yeah, you don't need that. You don't need a lot of stuff. Ah, and then so that's what One way, and for a lot of people, that's the runner's high. That's the sometimes people get really get a lot of adrenaline out of stuff. Mostly physical activity for me. So there's that one way. There's another way, which is a lot better. And, you know, I'll say it out in the podcast to make me do it maybe a little bit more is it just takes more planning is that before you go on the run, before you go on these things, you know, you get that or you need to get ideas you need to capture it. I when I was in the zone, I'd write down you know, a set, or I listened to a stand up set, then go for a run, or do long running in the beginning, so that I'm thinking about it while I'm running. Mm hmm.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, there's something about that just thinking about other that sort of thing, when you're not sitting there meant to be thinking about like, I think used to get a lot of ideas while I was driving long distances, that sort of thing.
Law Smith
Yep. Yeah, it's it's weird, but they wouldn't write them down.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, I mean, but like just taking a break from focusing so hard on something. Definitely let you come around the backside see it from different angle, you know?
Law Smith
Right. Right. Right. Yeah, that's, that's why it's like, a lot of people will get mad, or do a lot of rebranding and just branding for startups and stuff. Probably did 50 of them. And they would they would be like, why is it takes a long time like, what's not really me but
Eric Readinger
right one thing Yeah, I'm
Law Smith
the hard parts are articulating what you want, and narrowing that down. That's really what you're paying me for. It's like when people say, you know, there's BB King used to say you don't pay me to do the show. You pay me to travel. You're not really paying me to execute. You know, right. You're paying me to extract it like a mentalist from you? Okay, what or what's best for the brand You know, in in that criteria, that rubric, is it scalable? Is it? Do you understand it? Does it you know, yeah, represent these things that you want to represent.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, that's always so tedious. Well, like, I don't know, it's I don't know what I don't like about it. But
Law Smith
right, well, then I go, that's not a good design note, you know that that doesn't help me. Right. And I hope you don't do that. I won't be like fucking thanks sucks. I hope you don't do that. In real life, you know? Yeah. Or, or you're getting what color to paint a wall in your house. Or suddenly you're like, I don't like any of those. Yeah, just that's your note.
Eric Readinger
Yeah. Try one of the other 6 million colors and I'll give you a yes or no,
Law Smith
or just try like 10 seconds more effort to like, tell you why.
Eric Readinger
Right. You know, or don't even that in your own mind figure it out. Right.
Law Smith
And why don't I like that the these colors and the laziness, right? So there's that part and even talking about this thing, this meta thing. Like something I thought about while being frustrated so because I got an anger runs I've told told you about I don't I don't know how much I've brought it up on the show. But if I'm like kind of really frustrated, or really pissed off or whatever, same respect I'll go for run Intel not angry anymore to solve the problem in a way
Eric Readinger
so that the problem that may get angry
Law Smith
Yeah, instead of like, being one of those people that lashes out all the time, you know or is really loud and yells people and stuff if there's something I'm dealing with and I'm stressed about. And there's something that triggers me I guess, I don't know. I've had texts that I've read that I've been like, God dammit. Then I just I go Okay, go for a run right. Just put your shoes on go for a run right now. Yeah, I mean, physically will drain you from that mental energy to have it but it would make me think out everything right? Like Yeah, here's the communication right? down. And here's what happened instead of just just making it worse by sending a text back or something. Yeah.
Eric Readinger
I mean, yeah, it's definitely helpful to switch up what you're doing in those situations. So is the question that you had from the
Law Smith
kid at? So when I taught the class, speaking of communication, I said, well, what's it called? So I taught a class couple weeks ago at University of South Florida business school, or the College of Business MoMA, then you ma top b2b marketing to a class of juniors and I got a question via email that I wanted to throw out there on the podcast because I believe our dude listens. I don't want to throw his name out there because I don't know if you want it on the podcast. But thank you for coming in today to talk to a class about what you're doing and tell us a portion of what marketing is about was wondering if you tell me a business management graduate, what a business how a business management graduate can fit in a marketing firm, I found the task of improving a business, especially the growth phase, very appealing, would like to take part in the challenge of improving a business. Again, thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon. So him and I went back and forth but any thoughts you've got?
Eric Readinger
So he's saying how a business management major fits into a marketing firm. I mean, really, if a marketing firms got their shit together, you know, most people if not they don't have somebody that that looks at that aspect of whatever client they have, you know,
Law Smith
we're on the same page like
Eric Readinger
you know, the business management is so such a broad term like I don't even know what they teach in that shit anymore. But like, for you, and I like we go in like, we've dealt with a lot of people that it's just like, these are such easy things to for communication with You know, how's that worked and just streamlining so many things and avoiding repetitive tasks or even read it at people yeah.
Law Smith
Present while you're there not thinking about the job you really want. Yeah,
Eric Readinger
and in a marketing firm like hopefully they already have somebody taking care of that in house for the marketing firm itself but like offering that usually these marketing firms aren't just marketing firms will also offer you know, other stuff and that's got to be part of it and you can walk into somewhere like that and sell your your your skills
Law Smith
as that you know, like it's not just something to to gloss over. So you hit on like, basically everything I was telling him i got i was and I'll make it more current for the podcast, but I basically saying, Look, a degree doesn't matter as much, if at all,
Eric Readinger
if you don't want to tell that to a group of college kids.
Law Smith
No, I wanted to open with it. Believe me. I wanted to say that Right off the bat almost to scare him into what I because graduate and oh six I thought, you know, Hey, I got a degree from pretty good university I had good grades in it. Don't give a shit. No. You know, I was listening to someone else the other day, I can't remember what podcast but they're like, they don't even most of them don't even actually check if you've got the degree or not right? Like that's something done 20 years ago, 30 years ago. Now here's the deal there with the rise of a lot of undergraduate degrees. With an AI we'll get into like the federal loans and all that stuff and how that ballooned and how education became crazy, where a lot of people are in debt. But just normal economics test, right? If there's a lot more people getting graduated like undergrad degrees, then what's the value of
nose down Yo, right.
Law Smith
So same, so I used to say what a undergrad degree is now is what a high school degree used to be in the 60s. Yeah. And then what a graduate degree is now is basically what an undergrad degree is. Yeah. Yeah,
Eric Readinger
bumped down a notch.
Law Smith
Right? It's not that big of a deal. If you want to work for a small company, so you need to look at your, you need to look at a couple things. First thing is Do you have any skills and experience? Yeah, so experience right now, if you're in college, go get that internship, go work for free, or go work for nothing, you know, minimum wage.
That's your watch. Boy,
that's weird.
Law Smith
You hit the I think you hit the
Eric Readinger
hit, nothing serious ground,
Law Smith
whatever. So that's the thing of like, you know, work for free until you get paid, right. If you have no skills, you can add nothing to the table except be a competent person. Which by the way If you can be really competent, very good. I used to be very good at administrative. I'm not my proclivities not there, right? Yeah. But I didn't mean I can't do it. clerical administrative. That was my first job out of college. And I ended up being very good at it because I had to be, but just being competent. Yeah,
Eric Readinger
right, or learning how to learn. Just know how, if you get thrust into this situation, like, what, how are you going to learn whatever they need you to do best,
Law Smith
right? And that's gonna be a lot of stuff. Not at that office, not at that agency, you know, someone's gonna go, Hey, you know, I need to create a treatment on this. What's the treatment? And then instead of asking you to kind of figure it out on your own
Eric Readinger
these days, it's a lot easier Google it.
Law Smith
It can be but one thing is so right then and there like if you're not working, and I'm not saying like, having don't have if you have a job as a bartender, which is something I do In college, that was great in one way, because it got me, you know, get better at talking to a lot of different people be more sociable when I wasn't super that to strangers, you know, that helped with that skill, but it didn't. It didn't do anything on the resume. It didn't give me a skill other than getting another bartending job. Yeah. Right. Which in LA when I moved there 21 really tough because I'm not a hot chick. I found out and so or, you know, I had too much ego to be a barback You know, when I moved out there, yeah, so, I held out went to a mutual fund company, which is ultimately good, but it was tough. It was tough summer to find work anyway. That's the thing of like, I've been there. That's when I used to work out in the middle of the day that summer of oh six with Skip Bayless randomly because it was just him and I this this Yeah, the dude from I know you're talking about from cold pizza, whatever it's called. Yeah. Stephen A Smith's rival. Yeah. And so it'd be him an AI in the Santa Monica gym on the promenade every day about the same time as like a bitch. Because
Eric Readinger
you're the other time
Law Smith
I was unemployed. When I was living in LA, it'd be me and Johnny Knoxville and Eric Roberts, working out the same time at this gym in Hollywood. Like oh nine, right? 2010 Yeah, so
Eric Readinger
fitness icons,
Law Smith
just just random. Random fun facts, fun, fun stories, but
Eric Readinger
named Robert.
Law Smith
I know. So my advice is like, you need you need to have experience and preferably some kind of trackable skill, some kind of marketable skill, you market yourself, right? You're walking into an interview. That's what you're doing. You're, you're that's the first test for marketing for really, can you market yourself? Do you have, you know, prepare for all those questions too, that are like, what's your biggest weakness? There's you know, you You I used to go there's there's no way to really answer that question. So why don't prepare for it?
Yeah. And then there actually is no, that you can actually
Eric Readinger
tell them what your weaknesses are.
Law Smith
And you can spin it in a way that you go well, I don't know anything about online advertising, but I want I would like to be around I want to sponge up anything I can and affirm. So that when I'm doing an after hours, I can apply that
Eric Readinger
yeah. I mean, like for you and I, it's a
Law Smith
we don't
Eric Readinger
really like to take orders sort of thing. You know, it's just like guys, but you know, that's gonna be at least for me, my my biggest weakness, you know, but I learned to deal with it. And like if you learn how to see the benefit in what somebody is asking you to do, and kind of changing how you perceive what's happening. It's not that tough, like people just want to see that you're you're thoughtful with these things.
Law Smith
Yeah, I had someone say I had someone say recently, you know, I couldn't tell you. I don't think I could tell you what it was a guy who was gonna hire me at one point a couple years ago. And he's like, I didn't, I didn't hire you because I didn't think I could tell you what to do because you're very opinionated. And I got opinionated. I think you're confusing opinionated, with actual execution. Yeah, I think I'm opinionated. And I think I feel comfortable telling you the opinion, because we're around the same age, not the same experience and all that stuff. But also, I thought it would help the firm as a whole lot of startups, you can kind of get away with that a little bit more, because you want to, you want to go Hey, I think I can fix this. They won't do this to
have a team effort sort of vibe, but I was like, Don't confuse the opinion I have with like,
Law Smith
the way I see it being a chief or an Indian either I'm the lead on something or on the teammate. Yeah, you know. Oh, we got more thoughts on this. So we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll cut this. This one up, but it also Part Two in the next so because the next part is really about finding, finding that opportunity you want instead of waiting for it
Eric Readinger
Yeah, that's important. I mean, you know you can get don't get thrust into something and not research it on your site. A lot of people that apply for jobs and they say I gotta get a job and they get them like
shit, right? This is not
Eric Readinger
what I wanted to do and I just thought about the paycheck the whole time and now here I
Law Smith
am. It's like, I don't want to go through this again. I'll do this like a sports radio tease. Coming up. Coming up next side, how will 17 NFL games affect injuries across the league and how you can find that marketing for Ah,
With my sweat equity