#233: How To Abruptly Believe You Are A Bad Ass By Scaring Yourself Physically Like Gwyneth Paltrow in Gooplab with Bacon Sports' Rob Cressy


About my sweat equity.

Law Smith


I'd be remiss if we didn't do a hottie Tati right in the beginning of the episode. Just


you don't have to do that.

Law Smith


Rob is Rob cressy is on the blower. We're doing this via zoom. So apologize. A little delay action. Let them hear your voice Rob. Happy Wednesday, everybody. Rob cressy bacon sports. Well, why don't you send all your plugs out there? We'll do at the top of the show. So I don't forget we never do.


Speaker 2


Cool. So for me, I'm very much about community building and fan engagement. So I love hearing from people. So I know The episode that we're about to deliver is going to be straight fire. So because of that, I want to hear from you. You can hit me up on all social media platforms at Rob Cressey. I host a myriad of podcasts one about sports betting called the sharp 601 about sports and technology called the gameday playbook. And what about sports marketing called the sports marketing huddle, so find me on any of those or bacon sports calm, and we got together because we had a mutual friend Beth Miller that we both worked with in different capacities and she's like, this guy's your brother from another mother. That's how we got connected, I don't know four years ago. And it's fun to see your trajectory with your shows with your

Law Smith


several entities you're working on. And if you're watching this on video, Facebook,

Eric Readinger


Rob said is not as big as long as though it's not no clothes.


No, no, but

Law Smith


when we met he had long hair like mine and it was very Vertical illusion key. Yeah. And we're both in digital into nerding out on sports. And if you look in the background at his studio, really good interior design, cheap. You can get old baseball cards or just old basketball cards. I think I see some in there. And that kind of makes a good motif of a studio wall behind you.


Speaker 2


100% and that's actually a tip for anybody who wants to be on video is the attention to detail of what's behind you, because it drives me nuts when I watch SportsCenter. And it looks like the guy is doing it from a motel six, and I'm like, Dude, come on. Like it all you have to do is take a little bit of intention. And for me, it was a DIY project. I did figure out how to do it. And really, it was just some painters paper, some spray adhesive. And then I did one vertical row, one horizontal row, and then I was like, oh man, let's just boom boom, boom, boom, boom, says I six giant sheets. All my cards when I was a kid.

Law Smith


Well that's I mean, that's how Eric didn't pull out the doneness box. But

Eric Readinger


he died out him somewhere, baby I've got around here.

Law Smith


I've been thinking about this too. I'm saving bought mint condition. Dhanraj 1988 boxes, minor tops.

Eric Readinger



Law Smith


yeah, you're the tops, you know, but I've said, Do you think they're gonna be like, our sons are gonna be like baseball's gay by the time like,


by the time you tried to give it to them? No, they'll be like what is this piece of paper and then


gay baseball it'll be just why. Why do you have this?

Law Smith


Is this garbage? I don't wanna I don't want to give it to them because then it has no value. Right? Make them earn it. Yeah. Oh, he doesn't want Yeah, well, what's the value of free? It's zero. Right? Always. I always point this out in the show. I had a boss it pointed out all the time. He never wanted to give a free discount he wanted to give. He'll discount a little bit on something but he would go we're never given anything for free because it's never going to be realized. And I 100% true if you've ever been to free comedy show, I can tell you they're the worst crowds because it's entitlement. A lot of them leave to. Yeah, from my act. Well, yeah,

Eric Readinger


but you did it yourself. But

Law Smith


I'm saying yourself now those baseball cards for your life? Well, here's a Beckett's guide, and I'm gonna give it to you like it's almost famous or it's like one day you'll be cool. Yeah, we're Zooey Deschanel gives it to Cameron Crowe,

Eric Readinger


or whatever. No, too many weird movies like I won't.


Speaker 2


That's not famous. No, pletely not weird. One of my favorite movies ever. La I'm going down. Yeah. Okay. I apologize. I should have pressed.

Eric Readinger


I should have prefaced Yeah, I'm just he's always quoting these 80s movies that his dad made him watch or something. No, but I don't know

Law Smith


what made me watch him. I don't watch it. Not almost.


I had two older sisters frustrated.

Law Smith


I watched golden girl reruns. I've watched it last time. Baxter what's her name Baxter Murray. There's the one chick that's in every Lifetime movie. I don't watch all chick shows. And then I had to like go back and retroactively Lee like, watch Terminator two. Right? all the cool shit that I didn't get to die hard. I didn't see that stuff till I was like, high school late High School. So anyway, I'm saying the background looks good. I'm always amused by like, you know, Eric did the studio and kind of got in that same realm of like, how do we do a cost effective way he found these these foam tiles that you can do now I see a lot of people copying it by the way. I've seen a lot of studios doing this


yet. It's just

Eric Readinger



Law Smith


but I mean, but we were like, let's put a TV in the back that has we, you know, has at least the logo or something changing and that. That's pretty simple. A lot of people ask about how to do a podcast with video and it's like they overcomplicate less is more Yeah, for sure. Yeah. What's up? So I'm gonna ask you for the 14th time because I've asked you offline, but how do we get on LinkedIn live?


Speaker 2


So here's the thing. LinkedIn live is something that months ago, months ago, I started to seeing people pop up on LinkedIn, on LinkedIn live. And I went to the link that I believe I sent you that said, Here, submit for it. And what I did is I actually put thought into the pitch for them because I had already built out a strategy for LinkedIn, because for two plus years, I've been all in on the platform. I've grown my brand there to the point where I've got over 20,000 connections of people and I've got a big strategy for it. And I saw the opportunity. So I was like, Listen, the second I get this available. I've already got a multiple day a week show that I'm going to be building out and I'm gonna be like we're talking about entrepreneurship, personal development, mindsets, hacking. Bits and routines, and boom. So that's how I wrote in with it. And then just one day is like you have access to LinkedIn live. And I was like, Alright, let's go.

Law Smith


Yeah, I'm in. I like to I like to comment in a snarky way just because I know it, even though I hope you never read that as like, Man, fuck him. Like, I'm always I always write a comment, even if snarky one is better, because at least it'll show engagement, it'll increase the amount of people that see it. So when some I've had people where they think I'm fucking with them, I'll just try to write something quick. I don't want to write like something just, I don't want to write as eautiful Yeah, this is great. I don't want to write that. I want to write something that at least create some kind of engagement. And, and some people I know you probably get it, but a lot of people think I'm messing with them. When the you know,


Speaker 2


I've got a background in comedy. So I have all people understand the way that you and I get down Here's the thing about this now, I'll give you a little trick that I used when I used to be on Facebook when it's like oh, that happy birthday and I would go through and try and like wish everyone a happy birthday. But here's the thing you know what's the lamest thing in the world getting 900 happy birthdays from nothing nothing stands out so instead of age I would be like, here's your birthday card and there is a baseball card of whatever our bell or who knows what in what you're doing is you're being different in creative so remember doing one thing is always better than zero things the fact that you did something as opposed to just hitting like you gave me a comment so boom, you're already been in my book and then you're doing something different and that's a that's brand new one on one for the way that we all get down

Law Smith


there. I gotta put like a FLIR digital card in the comment now like a Paul Konerko are so clever. See that?


Works like a charm

Eric Readinger


ever. See guys? You ever see Billy repins base card that has fuckface written on the handle of the bat.

Law Smith


Really? No, you gotta look that up. Just they just let it ride through. Really? Yeah. Well, this guy, I mean, everybody's so ripped up on coke probably back in the day. Right? Guess what? We're late 80s probably.

Eric Readinger


No, I like that.

Law Smith


What's Billy have other ones without it? I like that one. Billy ripken. fuckface. Yeah.


Speaker 2


So that is the card among all cards for because it was you could not put away I never had one of those cards because it was hard to get back in the day. There was no internet. You had to go to the shop and that thing may have been more expensive than one of those upper deck Ken Griffey Jr. Rookie. So you do have one? I do not have ever owned it. Okay, no,

Law Smith


Bill a bill ripken 1989. FLIR that. Yeah, it says foot fuckface on the butt of the bat, like the little round part. If you're not familiar with help. Yeah, sir. Done.


Speaker 2


By the way, do you think Cal Ripken did that to him as his brother Yeah, knowing that it was gonna be the photoshoot day. He's like, I'm gonna mess with my little brother. Yeah, that would be the evil

Law Smith


brother cuz I feel like Cal Ripken gotta be the nice one. And but I heard actually, it wasn't Cal Ripken kind of a sociopath of sorts. Like it came to

Eric Readinger


play that many games in a row. I mean, obviously ignoring a lot of family issues and things.

Law Smith


Yeah, he's like, what we're having a kid. I'm not leaving, right. You know, I'm the Iron Man. I'm always interested in the guys that are leaving, like football games to see their kid be bored. I'm like, I think you gotta go back to the 60s or just be like, no, I gotta go to work.



Eric Readinger


Theoretically, you could have more kids than play football games.

Law Smith


Look, we know. We knew it wasn't showing up because he has like five four year olds when he was doing that list of how many kids he had when he was banging one year, but uh, that's that's why we went over Eric got his vasectomy, and you can't do anything right afterwards because That's what happened commodity. Just FYI. What thank you for that. What do you do? He opened up his stitches to too soon Ah, because he was either playing with himself or someone else's playing with them. And you got to let it ride. And Eric really was gilding the lily there. Yeah. I got a woody in ours. Yeah. You're supposed to wait like three days at least. You know,


Speaker 2


the number one time for men to get vasectomies in the course of the year. So if you were to look at the year, and there's like, the largest majority of men do vasectomies, at what period of time Valentine's Day,

Law Smith


yeah, I'm going to say or Christmas, January, February or the most for divorces, because it's post holiday season. We did this for some advertising campaigns for a moving company. Because we're like, Alright, we're trying to find a digital ad commercial for each month. And so we're like, We should do one for divorce checks that need a moving company mm hmm it turns out January February most divorces because of post holiday so I'm gonna go with that as well. Yeah.


Speaker 2


That would be incorrect because what I believe you failed to think about is what do you do post vasectomy You said you can't do anything for two or three days. What would be the most ideal situation for you to do nothing? Oh, hard. days. March Madness. What is the answer? That

Law Smith


was my plan last year? Oh, yeah, I remember that.

Eric Readinger


I was like, I want that first round watch basketball that

Law Smith


first weekend. Were you have nothing but games on I have the option to get into it if I want or not, but I want to be like a fat slug for four days. So I can't believe I've bitten by my wiener snake. Yeah,

Eric Readinger


you knew it. You knew the answer, though. I

Law Smith


literally on the show was planning it out last year. Yeah. No hasn't gotten I still have I've lost my deposit.


It'll happen. I

Eric Readinger


feel like you tricked me into getting on. Yeah. Yeah. And now it's a rib. But talking behind my back. All my friends. Yeah, I believe Eric fell for it. Eric fell for

Law Smith


it. Yeah. It could be worse. That's what you have written up in the studio now.

Eric Readinger


Yes, it could be worse.

Law Smith


So forget it. So give us some. I can see that you're working on something where you're doing something once a day on Instagram or on LinkedIn, I can see. You're talking about having better habits. What's something you've learned recently? I know, you were big into the 530 wake up and read. Eric convinced me about the 430 wake up and I'm, I'm spotty at both but I I have now taken both calls advice on that and getting up early you do. No one takes that time away from you. Which is really what it is. That's kind of how Eric position it when I was like, Oh, yeah, no one. No one can take that workout away from you. Because no one gives a shit to be up that early. Exactly.


Speaker 2


So here's been the big game changer recently. For me, it is to think of your morning's like a boot sequence for a computer, that there's certain things that you want to do to get the computer to be a computer. Well, we're the same way. And it just so happens. I reboot myself every single morning. Most people don't. And I think a very simple way to think of this is new year's resolutions. Most people set a new year's resolution, I'm gonna go to the gym, but how often are they reading? Here's my gym goals every single morning and stuff. So what I've realized is all right, what is the ideal boot sequence for myself to be the best version of myself and to be the person that I want to be so included in this is I do visualizing and meditation and gratitude and affirmations. But it's a series of things that keep me one consistency to my dream. So that's one of the things that I say it's like, this is what my dream is in these the various things that I read every single day. Because so often we have goals, but then sometimes you like forget about them, or you don't care about it. But for me, every single morning as I boom, I'm reading this and then when I go down to the affirmations, a big thing that I've learned in the last month and a half or so is the phrase I am, because when you declare something about who you are, then you make it more real and even more so when you actually speak this out loud. So I am a master of energy and time I am flexible and fluid I am positive energy. So I read a series of these and actually, to help give some context obviously just read exactly what it is. I think it will help others with understanding this a little bit better,

Law Smith


so do you call? Do you call the I Am the Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, what's your way means I am? I don't know if you knew that


Speaker 2


Oh, yeah. So I call this my good box. And this comes from a book by a guy named Weldon long, called the power of consistency. I highly, highly, highly recommend this book. So essentially, what he just says is, most people don't achieve their dreams because they actually don't, they're not consistent at keeping it top of mind. So he's like, I want you to create a good box in your head every single day that says, hey, here's all the good shit about me. And for me, here are the things that I have created that I read every single morning. I have complete faith that everything will work out. Money flows to me abundantly every single day of the year. It is easy and fun for me to make money every day. Abundance flows through me. Everyone is better off for having a interacted with me. People meet me and they want to work with me. I'm a badass destined for greatness. I have a TEDx mindset in all areas of my life. I'm the happiest person on earth. I'm a positive influence on everyone. I'm a masterpiece of health and strength. I am worthy. I am positive energy. I am loving kindness. I am creative flow. I'm flexible and fluid. I'm scalable, I'm relaxed. I'm giving and I'm becoming the man I meant to be.

Law Smith


So you say these out loud. You say these out loud in the morning.


Speaker 2


So I actually read it. So right now I'm doing a 30 day challenge called the live heart program. That's part of something that Andy for Sela created. And as part of it, I have a 45 minute outdoor workout every single day. And I do that first thing in the morning. So I realized Wait a second. I can do two things at once. I can do my outdoor workouts in my boot sequence at the same time. So now it's like 545 in the morning. It's called scrap in Chicago. JOHN, yeah, Jesus and I sit there. I'm wearing gloves, hats, got my jacket on. And I'm sitting there and I'm reading the consistency in the good box to myself and I even added an emoji at the end of every one of these affirmations to add the visual side of things. Well, the rock they're all eggplants.

Eric Readinger


So just this morning on Netflix I was watching.


It's called the goop lab. It's like Gwyneth Paltrow show Oh boy.


Watching that as well.

Eric Readinger


While I was watching the one we get those candles yet Wim Hof, which is the guy who does the cold exposure, which I've been doing for what five years now? Yeah, I was getting in the pool this morning. Like that. That's something if you're really into that, like you'll you should check this guy out because it's a legit game changer.


Speaker 2


Oh, I know all about Wim Hof. Awesome for me. I've been using cold water therapy for the last few years because I learned that from Tony Robbins. So when I get in the shower Our I turned the water on cold. And the reason that I do it is to work on courage. So I think we would all say that we would like to have more courage in our lives. The thing is, I'm not going to sit in a four way intersection and wait for an old lady across the street, nomos get to hit by a car for me, but let me show you my courage. No, you want to say hey, how can I micro dose courage? So no, it sucks 100% of the time, cold water exact every single time I've gotten into hate or cold water is cold. So it takes courage to turn that bad boy all the way to cold and even sit there for 10 seconds. So what Tony Robbins recommends is you yell courage. And it's a very simple way for me 10 seconds a day to micro dose courage in my life. And oh, by the way, there are actual physical benefits to it. But who cares about that, right?

Eric Readinger


Yeah, you said it way more, way more better than I do. Like I'm always like, it just makes you feel feel awesome, then you're badass. Well, you're gonna micro dose of courage. That's great.

Law Smith


Yeah. And what your body's doing on the physical side is it's reacting to a shock almost like it's it's fine it's fight or flight it's doing self preservation. So this I guess that you

Eric Readinger


know that we don't have happened to us anymore. I right and we kind of need to build it in.

Law Smith


Especially we're in Florida, you can walk outside pride, you know, just be out there right now for hat. I mean, Chicago fuckin Sorry, man for six months of the year. It's rough. Yeah. I've been there on take top day when it's the first day of spring out there. And it's like Midwestern pale titties galore. Because it's like, it's the first the fruit like people go nuts. They drink all day. They're playing that that is all winter. That weird Chicago softball where you have no gloves. You play with a huge ball. What's that called?


I've never heard of that. 16 inch. Yeah,

Law Smith


so they have a 16 inch ball and you don't play with a club. Okay, you know, yeah feels like a big softball and yeah, but it's like it's something that if you've never been up to the Midwest or like when it's nice you'll never see it. Like I never knew existed until like 10 years ago and I was going around doing xanies over an old town



Law Smith


xanies Comedy Club be there to check out this site. When you go out there you do Tuesday to Sunday. Rough those

Eric Readinger


at least some time

Law Smith


you do one on one show a night and and then I think I did a slate where I stayed for two weeks opening for people so I was there every night except for Monday. I think I took a Monday to do a headlining set. That's when you're you're younger as Raheem Morris the old bucks coach used to say but uh, but yeah, man would pull. Yeah, that was that was a really deep poll that was deeper than your way I would say. But I would say the thing with a cold shower is it I look at it more like do something you don't want to do.


Same thing Yeah.

Eric Readinger


The I say the cold shower is even harder than than an ice bath because terms flow well it just it's constantly changing. You're constantly getting hit with you know different parts of the light. It's still cold coming out like you can kind of visualize in a cold bath or whatever I have

Law Smith


to shadowbox if I do the cold shower. That's that's that I heard there's benefits to shadow boxing in the shower.

Eric Readinger


Yeah, I mean, you know, like, the idea is mind over matter. So you know, just kind of go in your mind won't do it in there

Law Smith


or comedian Dan Soto talking about just sit in it sometimes just yeah, you have to sit in the pain either. Exactly. He's talking more mental, but sometimes, you know, with the co chair I think part of it is just sitting in it and having to deal with it.


Speaker 2


So I'll add some even more context. So I'm doing the thing called the live hard mental toughness challenge. And there's a 75 day one and then 230 day ones I live in on on one of the 30 day ones had to take a five minute cold shower for 30 straight days. And I've been microdose in like the 10 seconds, 15 seconds. But the five minute when people see that we've got to do this, it really freaks you out. So I'm like, Alright, what's what what's your mindset gonna be for taking a five minute? And this isn't like, Oh, it's lukewarm. And here this is as cold as this thing goes where there's still water coming out of it, right? So I'm like, Alright, I got to create a strategy for how I'm going to do this. Because one, I'm not going to do this like a bitch. So what I immediately thought of was, Jocko willing Nick, the badass Navy SEAL guy I was like, Alright, how would Jocko do this? He's not gonna go in there and be like, Oh my God, this water is so cold. No, he would go in there like a man and he would take it so I'm like, right? I'm gonna channel my inner Jocko he feels that's not enough

Law Smith


to water. him he fucks the water. That's how it goes. It bounces out

Eric Readinger


so I go into it. thinking I'm about to make this water warmer.


Speaker 2


So now I needed music. So I always had music in the shower anyways, so I played Bob Marley 30 straight days in a row, so that when this freezing water is hitting me, I am dancing. So if you can imagine this, it is as cold as humanly possible and I'm singing everything's gonna be alright. And it almost became sadistic in a funny way because I would laugh at how absurd it was that I was doing it but here's the thing. I would do it every single day. I'm dancing. I'm like, You know what? I have to train myself to have fun in this five minutes of cold shower. Anyway could and you know what the biggest thing that I've learned from it that I still continue to learn and law you mentioned how cold is in Chicago for like six months a year, and I'll even go on top of that. I am so grateful for warmth. It is ridiculous. Because when you take a five minute cold shower, The second that thing goes off. I'm like, boom, done warm water and you're like, Oh my god, I am so thankful to have this warm water makes normal stuff seem awesome. I live in LA Yeah, this guy's awesome.

Law Smith


I know y'all like the same. I know. Right? Am I right up my alley. Rob probably do the podcast three times before he started co hosting on it. And yeah, back in the dark. The dark days. Ah, but yeah, it's one of those things. It's doing something you don't want to do something that makes you uncomfortable every day. I'm sure your wife thinks you're nutbag, but she knows she knew that going into the deal. But I don't know how does how does she see it you because you're stepping it up like from when we first spoke. You know first It started with waking up early and now you're you're up at it with all these other kind of caught habits call it you know, life hacks, whatever. Whatever the fun phrase of The year is your going to be the best you whatever that was last year. I think I'm just trying to live my best life was that was it was like that was 2019 I heard a lot of women saying that. I think Oprah said or something. But what is your wife Think about it, because that's something I would forget. I forget now because I'm rolling solo damn life. So, you know, my, I'm in that kind of goldfish area where you're only kind of living, you're expanding as as much as you are, by your surroundings a little bit. I forget. It's also nice to have someone there that thinks you're weird, because then it kind of goes now this is kind of fun. I want to show you that it is working kind of thing.


Speaker 2


It's a challenge because I wasn't always like this right, even seven years ago, put it this way, that there's been several seismic shifts in my life and mindset, one of them being seven years. years ago when I quit my advertising sales job, where I was making multiple six figures to go all in it, making my dreams happen and starting making sports. So I immediately went from six figures to zero dollars overnight and I was like shit


that aligns. Fine.


Speaker 2


Right? I gotta get better. So all of a sudden this is where like you said law. I started reading getting up a little bit earlier, but then all of a sudden I started getting these other influences in my life, the David Goggins of the world the Giacosa. cardones The Jesse and slurs discipline.

Law Smith


Go Go 10 X. I was trying to get the was the last one Jesse


Who? Jesse Itzler.

Law Smith


He's the Atlanta Hawks owner. Yeah, I can't think I almost I almost had a quote for all of them. I don't know if David Goggins is the hardest motherfucker. How do you do that? Jocko is discipline is ultimate freedom. What was the third one Grant Cardone is Ted extra live. And then Jesse,


Speaker 2


Jesse has so many be a different brownie is one that I think you would like to Aha, I've got all of these digital mentors that I've created and I see the things that they're doing. So I start stalking this stuff and I start getting around other people who are like minded. And then it really became becoming the best version of myself, but not in the Pinterest way, but more in the get comfortable being uncomfortable way. And I want to have a family one day, I don't have kids yet, but I want to make sure that everything that I'm doing right now is for my wife and for my future family. So the challenge and all of this becomes a, I take this on myself in terms of, I'm gonna get this shit done. So I do it first things in the morning. I'm very disciplined about this, but it's not necessarily discipline isn't sexy. Most people don't understand it, but it's something that's going to continually compound for me. So when it comes to my wife side of things, Yes, she's 100% supportive. Number two, I don't know Expect her or anybody else to live like I do, or do like I do. I don't judge people for not doing what I do. Because it's not about other people. It's literally only about me. And it's sort of almost one of the philosophies or the ways that I see the world is that I'm not concerned about anybody else. Because as we all know, it's hard as shit to run a business. It's the hardest shit to do all of these things, these big dreams, it's hard to be a comedian lost. So all these things that we want to do, I can't be worrying about what other people are saying. But at the same time, I'm willing to do things for others, even if they may not see the immediate benefit right now. And maybe it's gonna be 10 years down the road, when all of a sudden is like, holy crap. How did we get here? And I'm like, remember those cold showers I was doing 12 years ago. Yeah. compounded

Law Smith


Yeah. Yeah. And that's its marginal gains. You know, it's, uh, I just always think about the intra, intra personal relationships that are very close. That, you know, you try something out. Eric's got two kids that are better. They're ages four and

Eric Readinger


seven and four or five.

Law Smith


Yeah. So you know, and you got to deal with that in a household with the other stuff you're doing too. It's, you know, we want to be like the dads that are like, Oh, well do tell us how this goes, where do you have kids? Oh, like all that shit. But you're really doing something. I think it'll be different. I think both of us wish we did started that way earlier before we had kids. Because if you figure out how to make this a part of your life now it's much easier later on, which I think would be the advice for anybody listening out there. If you if you don't have kids, you want to do that side hustle, you want to do that business. You're you're working a full time job, you hate a new one to start something on the side. You have to develop that kind of those calluses of that discipline of like, I worked in a mutual fund company when I was 21 till I was 24. And I would be in there 10 hours a day in Santa Monica. Which is it I had the Ocean View from our office, which is also the worst thing because all you want to do is run outside, non stop. I'm stuck wearing business casual they right in your face. And then immediately after that I would either go on Mondays I go to the improv class at the Groundlings for three hours every Monday, you had to drive to West Hollywood, that's an hour and a half to go 10 miles cool. And then while I was on, I drive out there go Alright, let me write some jokes or listen to a podcast about comedy. And then every other night I was doing stand up. So it's like, and the nights I didn't have a gig or an open mic to go to I go sit in the back of a room and that was my life from 21 to 24. And basically, anybody listening I was talking I was telling someone this the other day they're asking like how do you get into it's like, you just have to fake like you're obsessed with it. Like I'm not I'm into whatever I'm into. pretty hardcore, but I can get really lazy and I can get you can get pretty can place it pretty easily. And so being obsessive is one thing. I have to fake being obsessive sometimes. And then I'll actually make it.

Eric Readinger


Well, it can be about attention, put your attention towards things that you, you know, want to flourish. Yeah. And that's goes back to waking up earlier.

Law Smith


Yeah, the waking up earlier is all everything. So what, uh, let's, uh, where are we at? This is about, yeah, we wrap it up by anything you want to leave us with. I feel like you've got a lot, a lot of stuff you've been working on lately. But anything that you find interesting that you want to impart with our audience?


Speaker 2


I do based on something that you just said. So I love hearing your hustle about your early comedy side of things because I believe the hardest part for most people, almost all people is the start of something. How do I dot dot dot? And I get it all the time. Rob, how do I do this? How do I do this? How do I end There was a quote from someone and I don't even remember who it was, but it was a game changer for me. He said, Rob, if you ever hope to get paid to do what you love, you better be doing it already. So I think about what you just said right there law. Yeah, you want to become a comedian. So you're going, you're doing open mics, you're sitting in the back, you're going doing improv, you're learning everything. And so often, we think that it is reaching the top of the mountain where you like, look at me, I'm on this billboard as the thing we're going for ensure That's nice. But everyone Chris Rock Jerry cipher, everyone had to pay their dues. And at one point, they didn't know how to do it. And if you ever hope to get paid to do it, you better be doing that already. So just start doing this stuff in for me the the big thing for 2020 is going to be I'm building out a digital University about personal development habits, routines, success mindset. To help other people because they say, Rob, how do i dot dot, dot? even think about the number of things we've talked about on this podcast. We can chop that up into micro videos and say, how do you work on courage? Boom, here's this video. How do you get the job of your dreams, boom, do a lot did right here. And I'm going to build this repository to help other people because when I looked at entrepreneurship, or people who want to pave their own way, in life, I don't really see the resource of where you would go school doesn't teach these things like school is not like, Alright, so we're gonna talk about courage or waking up early in, these are the things that actually matter to success. And it doesn't even matter what you can do. You can say comedy, sports, I want to open up my own farm. All of these take fundamentals and mindsets and discipline to make sure that you show up every single day to do the things to help yourself be successful in a short term in a long term basis. So that's what I'm excited about for this year.

Law Smith


Yeah, me Look, we all three of us get excited about something that sounds very. It doesn't sound super sexy. It's discipline. It's like, Hey, I like talking about short term long term goals and doing Doom at the same time. It's tough. It's hard, but it is doable in a lot of ways. Sometimes, but it's it's talking about it's great. No action, it means nothing, you know? Well, that is all we've got. Time for. You've got a 1030. So we want to make sure we pad that because it's almost 1015 in the morning, but you've been up for five hours already. So and Eric's been up for six. I have Yeah,

Eric Readinger


I've been up longer.


Speaker 2


You knew like I thought to myself, I literally did not have a second but it's in the best way possible. Because I designed that actually, I'll leave you with a quote from my brand and coach and he said, live by design. Not By default, and what that means I want you to design the life that you want design your morning design your afternoon, design your evening law, you are designing the way that you want to live. Hey, you're working that job you didn't necessarily like but you know you did design. I want to become a comedian. Here's the ways that I'm going to do this. So often people live by default, they just go through the motions. Instead, take a few minutes and say, Man, what do I want in life in design that bad boy?

Law Smith


Yeah, we talked about creating time to create time. So that's my tip for a lot of people that want to do something. It's like you got to sit down and figure out how to do you know how to find time in your calendar. Just having Time management is probably the key to a lot of it. Yeah. All right. Great.

Eric Readinger


Thanks, Rob. Good talk, man. I like that. Thank


you for having me. Yeah.


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