#419: How To Buy A Business - Any Business - w/ Adam Sonnhalter & Jack Mencini
people, business, years, podcast, company, talk, nancy pelosi, give, small business, jack, thought, sell, deals, money, work, put, coming, ford fiesta, golf, sales
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you don't want that nicotine gum to be slapping to to to I'll do it all day. Well nicotine gum it's cool Why don't you sponsor this podcast you sweeten beautiful franchise you what? Sweden
reds from Sweden I meant to say company
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For you, Ryan Reynolds, you can see what the premium militias were other than getting you off LinkedIn. That's the thing. Alright, two months free if no one gets that reference. Listen to last episode two months free with the episode description. There's a link right in that little in the little text I got carried away my bad. I know. But that's okay. Ryan Reynolds.
Go back to Canada dude. Let's get this party started. Ha
are listening to the sweat equity podcast?
Because comedy is all contrast in conflict. Right? So it's like,
yeah, we can just read. I can get comedy one on one stuff. If we're maybe we start here. Okay, Adam, you're there. I'm here, guys. Hello. Hello. Hello. This is how to lower white shirts today. Good job. All right.
This is how you start your sales podcast dirty secrets of small business. was checking that out a little bit ago, y'all. I like you're very casual nature on the podcast. We intros like you doing.
That's right. Come on into the middle of discussion. That's how it works. You got it?
Well, we thanks for coming back on y'all. We definitely felt like I feel bad. We didn't have y'all on sooner. And so you're gonna meet this? Yeah, go for it.
You know, I want to ask people that return on the podcast. The same question we asked you on the first one. But if you wanted to revise it, what advice would you ask or tell your 13 year old self?
By a business as soon as you can?
The app? Yeah, a small business. You did it with your eyebrow raised. If anybody's watching on video, I remember it your 13 year old self, you know, you got to give them a yogi might buy a bad business right away and then everything changes.
Yeah, the Pogs dude, I was going to fucking save hogs. I swear to God. Now imagine the gathering would have been a good investment because now you can sell the creeped out right now. Yeah, quit it.
I think anything you can do to control your own destiny versus going to get a job. And so you know, in our minds, buying a company is easier than starting a company. So if you can find something to buy and be able to run it, that would be the best thing to do. So you would time travel Bill and Ted style in a telephone booth come out. See yourself at 13 with a luscious amount of hair and no go
Tea. Actually, it's funny. If you haven't gotten funnier with 13 and started grabbing yourself by the collared shirt and go, you need to buy a business
as soon as you can. Yeah. And they know you know, that would sell 13 year old goes, where do I get all the money for the business? Oh, you're gone? Yeah, it's just a it's a cloud of smoke.
I think God knows what you do for the money. Jack. What
I'm saying is that gives you flexible, flexible
ability to do anything you want. You gotta you got a paycheck of sorts coming. For sure. And you kind of moved to side gigs and make those things happen. Well, Jack, if memory serves correctly, that was your trajectory. Right? You started in corporate and kind of moved over to this space. Is that Is that right?
Yep, yes. Sorry. Yeah.
I think
he had a pregnant pause.
Answers. Yeah, the dog the dog is helping you out, man. Yes, yes. Just to Yes.
Is that interview is rough now? No. Oh, I see what you did there.
Sorry. Sorry. Now what would you bark to yourself? Okay, well, don't ruin it all out, Family Guy drive this into the ground.
Jack, what any revision on what you would tell your 13 year old self.
And tell them tell him to also get a company we think the same. There's nothing more secure than that a job is not not secure. It's just not the way to go. So if you start running a business, not starting one from scratch, but getting one and then you can get them pretty easily. There's millions of probably 27 million small businesses in the country
27 million.
And if you put your mind to it, you can get one of those and you can probably get it for little or no money. You got to you know, you got to have some skills. They're 10 years old doesn't have too much noise skills. But that's what to do. Once you learn that you're you got more security and you can handle
Yeah, maybe you could a 13 you can hustled everybody jacks, or something 22 Skadoodle be like one of those youtubers who turns $1 into a house in a week somehow
don't go to mentor their prime go to other 13 year olds they got companies to
buy all
that lemonade stand I want to acquire it right now.
Well, we have a car we like to ask for the returning guests. We have a few questions you want to pick one of these? You can't read it no one of them is what's something crazy you want to do that you don't tell anybody about? What's something that like something that you're you know, you might not think it's actually going to happen or it's like you're out there dream for instance? I think I could be a good race car driver yet I don't know how to drive stick right Me too. Me too.
I want to Durban stick twice actually once it's on a Ford Fiesta was 14 the other was actually on a stock car doing a drive around with Richard Perry driving experience I've driven stick twice but yeah not much weight to swing and quality
is very different right yeah of course Guess what? I've only done this once before and a Ford Fiesta let's Yeah, let's go unfortunately has to be further from its name right? It was a really kind of ugly green though so it kind of kind of did bring the party a little bit so you can notice that when it came in so yeah. Like that. Okay like old cupboard avocado like muted greens. Right You brought the yeah to the Fiesta there's a there's a store in Chicago that for for punks are trying to do a carjacking they got it and none of them could drive stick shift. So
abandon it. Yeah, so stitches 60s are good thing to learn how to do well now if you want to steal a car. Yeah, now it's about catalytic converters.
Yeah, that's that's a big business to say the least. That's wild.
You know, part of the times right now the Kia boys as they call them because kids are easy to steal catalytic converters from okay. I don't know why do you know that? Well, I was on a PSA. Why don't we Why don't we Why does he know that? I don't know. I just thought it was interesting. I don't know we want answers. I don't I don't have a full
Are you on? Yes you are. You know that somehow it's definitely a podcast. I can't remember.
I just absorbed knowledge that's why I love talking to these two guys. What is something y'all you You Think You Can Do you have a daydream about that's a little silly when you if you told anybody else format the Super Bowl halftime show.
I could be fun. Adam. Let's go first can use that one. No, I can't use that one. No, no.
I feel like Jack's got something. Maybe we will give out a minute ago if it's worthy of you. Be a
man, he just went down us on us feelings. He just became a deity.
I don't know if you're worthy enough.
Maybe Is it becoming a pastor?
You can bless us with an Ash Wednesday on the forehead and all that
straight drill sergeant guy screams and my grandmother was convinced I was gonna be a priest when I was a kid because I've always raised my hands up like this, you know, she was only going to be my priests that that's all the qualifications. I guess that I'll like girls too much. That was the problem, right?
Yeah, just to just to be a star athlete at some level. That would be that would be something that I would like to see that. I think I would do. I bet you clean up on the pickleball court.
I bet you come in like the guy in softball That's a fat of a third base. You're like I'm gonna hit it right well I love and the two videos in fact I've been good at basketball. Yeah, and the guy I'm cycle watches all day. He's a vacuum cleaner like chocolate he's quick and fat some right? Yeah, I bet but I bet you could come in and kind of slow play everybody like oh boy, this guy is a little long in the tooth and you just go rocket. You guys went double or nothing? Well, you have to dosey doe you have to basically swing with your teammate. You rotate teammates you don't get your own. Oh, yeah.
Anyway, yeah, I wouldn't I wouldn't mind Katie and on the pro tour there used to be Katie grown up for a bunch of years I play golf I'm not going up to to actually play I wouldn't mind getting on the tour for building that'd be kind of fun to kind of go around out what I want to do the live tour or not who knows? So that's kind of become each day as well. I think it'd be kind of cool to speak you know, be out traveling around and see the world that that way just be kind of a fun way to do things. So I thought about was younger. I haven't thought about that in a while though. You guys bring it up next time we talk to you all he's like, guess what? I did it guys.
I got the bag. Car.
The minor leagues for lives.
I have to I have to go to weird places in Saudi Arabia.
But going to help build the buildings, but the money is good. Yeah, that's all right. Yeah.
Well, I do use golf as a comparison with business. You know, entrepreneurship is the game is between your ears. And y'all. Y'all see, it's a stretch of metaphor, I think. No, is what's the E Myth? The E Myth is entrepreneurs getting their own way to convince me the game is between your ears. That's it. That's all you need to That's it. That's your need more. You can see that about any sport.
Not not but golf is the ultimate of that. Like
go out and swing I guess if you ever if you ever go to a golf tournament, you know go to the range for an hour watch guys hit balls, you'll see guys you've never heard of before. They're like machines at the range. But then taking it from the range and going back out to the course it's very different. Now. The other same thing with open gyms guys, you know lightened up with open gyms and they get in front now they get in the quarter for a bunch of people all sudden, they can shoot it up. doesn't happen as much. But you can usually tell the difference with the guys but it's amazing. Those golfers they're all physically they all have a lot of the very same tools. It's just I agree with
so much between the years it's a big deal. I'm gonna Tiger Woods fist pump that Yeah. What you don't get the points for that.
I'm saying I'm saying all sports are between the ears. Sure, but I'm
especially at the professional level. I will agree. I'll agree golfers look the least athletic. So there's probably more going on in between the years.
You gotta have good hips or you look like Charles Barkley got to be a little you know, gotta have some flexibility in your torso and all that but really, you know, you can kind of but go out there and flinging around. I kind of hate playing golf because people watch you tee off and I think about them thinking about me this goes back to my idea for the the tour of like, you go on its top golf style. You everybody's loud whooping it up. There's no like pious quietness to everything. The way
Embrace. Right? That's the Arizona senator waste management tournament? Well, it is like everybody that watches Happy Gilmore gets drunk in the audience.
Well, I didn't know about it, they knew we're gonna marketing. The waste one is a wasted management tournament. That's good.
Well, so, you know, it's been a while since y'all have come on as anything changed since you last came on. I can't remember. It's maybe been a year, I don't even know how long it's been. But
anything with what you're doing with maximum, V? Maximum vp.com? If anybody wants to go there.
Sir, well, max value partners, before we're doing with our coaching is we're helping a handful of our clients who have been selling, selling their companies, they've gotten those offers that they couldn't refuse. And it's an interesting time to see that when you've run your company for whether it be five years or 20 years, and also comes knocking on the door and gives you an offer you can't refuse. So we've had several clients over the last couple of years, especially that we've been helping them through that process. And it's a very, very fun process, but very, very stressful, as you might imagine, as well. What's stressful about it?
Well, one of the challenges is, well, what do you do next after you sell? And it sounds like a simple thing. And everybody always dreams, hey, I'd love to go retire and sit in the beach and do whatever. And folks are often visualizing wherever their best vacation was, you know, years ago, it gets kind of boring after a while. So you got to figure out what you want to do. Next, especially if you're younger, we've had several clients who are in their 40s that have been selling, it's really hard to just retire and sit back and total your thumbs for another 40 or 50 years. If if you get to that point. So figure out what's next. That's part of the motion. Also just it's your it's your baby, a certain extent, have to sell to somebody else and step away from it's very difficult to do at times. Yeah, part of the problem is, is having that emotional attachment to it. Like y'all, y'all can buy my business, that's fine. We'll talk after the show. It's, it's always for sale, I would start feeling Have you ever smoked weed before? Sure, that can eat some time up. Oh, and then like 50% of the people will then be fine. When you're cutting down on your stress of what to do next by like half? Well, I'm guessing your opinion, you're talking with people that I'm not good at vacation, I was good for a day or two. That day three, I'm like, we got to do something, I need to play a game. I need to go play sport. I can't. I can't lay around and read because I don't read very well. But but
very few people have retired and come back from it. I mean, it's just they got to work. And all of a sudden they just haven't given retirement of real serious thought. They're thrust into that world.
And it's often not pleasant. You know, there's everyone dreamed to be wealthy, wealthy has its own obstacles that are tough to get through. But everyone will discount that and say To hell with it, I'd rather be that way.
I tried to Terry twice through my career. And I'm a little bit longer in my career than you guys are. And it's hard. I can't take a vacation either. I don't enjoy it after about three or four days long weekend somewhere, maybe. But yeah, there's there's a lot to it. And
we have our backgrounds, we can do this for small businesses, real small, you know, under a couple million in sales. And no one's out there serving nice people. But we do it's it's a lot of fun, very fulfilling, and yeah, there's there's money to be made there, too. So yeah, that's a big deal for us, right now. When you say so, I kind of have a bug up my ass and everyone's like, Well, I'm not happy with my career or my business. And it's like, well, stop thinking about it in those terms, because that's almost like, trying to be perfect, right? You can't it's almost you can't do it. But you said fulfill I would say have something that makes you satisfied or content, right? Like for y'all the real vacation in a weird way. sounds counterintuitive is the success of these people you're helping out. You know, I say the best like beer you ever have is when you're volunteering all day to help you know something physical right? Then then you go oh, I kind of did something or with us. It's like we got you from here to here. You know, we got you in that growth phase from here to here. We're part of that story. That's something I do get a satisfaction out of right. Doesn't make me happy not not necessarily but happy I think is is a fruit is like a fruitless pursuit. Yeah. Did you watch the Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary yet? I just did. It was fantastic. Right. And the the part where he was talking about is his dad
just growing up and what he said about he's like, we don't have time to think about how I feel today. We don't have time to think about our feelings like there's stuff to do. Stop thinking about your feelings. There's other things going on. Well, that is I was like, That's right. Yes, that is a big deal. Like why? Why are we thinking about it so much? Oh, I don't feel good to Okay. Well, nobody cares, including you should not care. Well, we're also in the overthinking era probably.
You know, it's not just it's not just a lady thing. For sure. Yeah.
All the only most of the things too it's tough to go up the power knows as we're coming on you guys talk about Biden right Biden's 80 years old. Why does he just right off the sunset? He's 50 years? Well, it's hard to give it up. If all sudden you're you're the guy in charge. And then you walk away from that, you know, you start missing it you know so if you're used to being the guy every day and then all sudden you're not the guy anymore. And you know we've seen that happen where folks you know they don't know what to do they weren't coming back into the business because they're they're so used to being you know, to be in that you know, that main person it's tough to replace that Yeah, well you know, what's finding gonna do how's he going to steal more speeches to give cuz he's been doing that for 50 years
plus career politicians like they really got nothing to do like you know, they're they're kind of golden he's like golden parachute kind of area and he's like there's only their wives are like somehow amazing CEOs usually they're like all like very successful Nancy Pelosi is like the her husband's like the best stockbroker of all time. Weird.
Like so lucky. They win the election, and they're married to rich people. And it's like, she doesn't want to talk about it. So weird, man. I go back and revise my my 13 year old thing.
Mary, can you marry Nancy Pelosi? Yeah, she's got to
run for office. Yes.
She's got those huge G boobs.
What? Nancy Pelosi? She's a guilt dude.
Maybe G guilt,
double G's or 102. D with that again, I don't want to lose any more. So Oh, well. It's not on the news when I see her on.
The websites that teach how to be a criminal. No, fap pelo gets you around all the only fan
site. It was on the Chios right there how to steal a Kia website. The Kia boys guys.
Catalytic converters from kids. Look it up.
Nancy Pelosi photoshopped in a bikini is the logo. I mean,
what maybe I'm just too hetero. And just I can't not see her huge swinging at but every time I've seen her I'm like Jesus that's like that her back has to hurt like, all right. Put her in a Hannibal Lecter Dolly. You know? What do you think Jack? is getting bigger. That's right.
Jack, thank you for confirming I was on the I was on the plank all the way at the end. And no one was gonna say anything.
Yeah, there's believe you? I did. I didn't know that. Yeah, they're hitting their knees. They're huge.
What? Before y'all came on? You know, we always like to ask, What did you want to talk about? I thought this is really interesting. And in my head kind of compared to the golden rule, you know, when you're buying and selling small business, you just You said you'd love asking people the question? If, if they gave you this business, would you take it? To me that feels like a golden rule for business? Almost. That's how I kind of interpret it clears the deck that clears the deck. Yeah. You have various reasons. Usually, it's BS or not thought through well, and you're taking the biggest one of the biggest steps in your life now. And
to basically
to basically get through that, okay, you got to know what's going on.
With what do people say that kind of opens your eyes when you ask them that because that is a very like, that's a very honest question that cuts right to it, right? People, people usually try to find reasons not to do something. So if it comes to doing a deal, your first question is, will you already find the money? People want money? It's like, forget all that crap. Okay, so look, somebody's gonna give it to you. Would you take it? Usually they, they stop and go, What does that look like? Right? I mean, why does somebody also it seems so foreign to them, right? But did you exploit that to say, get rid of all the excuses in the BS, like if somebody were to give this to you? And maybe it was, you know, it was a relative who passed away or it's just somebody you're working for who just can't can't do it anymore, but there's lots of ways that it might look that's how
With a guy clear that I get all the excuses out of the way and say, Look, would you take it because some companies, you wouldn't take most of them, you would. And so it starts to work from there. So it helps us to break down a lot of those barriers to people putting away. It's just of their own making versus being real. That standpoint. Yeah, puts them in the place. Like they're past all of the paperwork, all the stuff that they don't want to do. That's like, you know, probably tedious to them. They like probably running the business for however many years, where it's like, okay, let's just say it's handed to me. Do I like the day to day? Do I like what we're doing that sort of thing? I love it. Yeah, I thought it was more.
So I'll compare this, like, I've heard a good dating question is like, Would you date you if you're the person you're trying to pursue?
Because it'll tell you a lot. I thought this is more of like this is getting, you know, what know what it does is it makes people think and go, well, actually, I don't know, I got to work on some things I got. Oh, yeah, that's what I did.
But like, I mean, we're, it'll tell you about them. Right? If they go, of course, I would. Yeah, I made myself all the time, do you?
But like, I thought this was more of an introspective question, introspective, whatever. Internal question. Like, when you're asking people that I was thinking more like,
they would kind of go backwards? And I think that's smart to ask, because it gets you past the actual sale and like, and like, go backwards a little bit and go, do I even like this? Or am I just in it? And that why did they get in it. It's kind of what we talked about with people when we do rebrands and stuff for people. And it's like, I tell them, you need to go in the woods, do some shrooms by yourself. And you really need to think about what who the business is? Or who you are? And what it is why you do it? What's the passion? All those? Who, what, when, where, why? How questions that you don't take time to think about.
Right? So it's a key thing to get people thinking a little differently, you know, do your point and get get them out of there, get them out of their head, and you can they envision themselves being there. And, you know, Jack met a couple of guys about 20 years ago, and these guys had looked at over 200 companies, 200 companies, and they had all the means and wherewithal to be able to do these deals, and yet they found reasons for all 200 Plus deals to say no to it. It just seemed it seems crazy to us that, you know, again, it's gonna be something good. And they're gonna, if they'd given it to these guys, but they were just looking, they like just talking about doing deals, you know, they never did any deals, it was more to say, I go to parties, tell my friends, I'm out. I'm counseling, looking for deals versus will Hey, did you ever do anything and these guys didn't do crap. I'm gonna talk about
companies or companies, small businesses that that.
You know, there's, there's millions of them. And every day, the owner and owner of some business somewhere basically is having health issues or family issues, they want to get out of its business. And you can buy companies for no money down and no guarantees, hey, you can do that i bought five of them through the years, turn them around and sell them off again, that people think you need a pile of cash, you need all this expertise, because they never really thought it through. But it's to give a small business, I always use a piece of shop as an example of a small business. Would you take a pizza shop, if it's fairly well run, not not stellar. But the owner decides to bail out he gets divorced and whatever the problem might be. Here's a company that this person will deal.
So when you say if somebody gave you this company, you can make an offer on a company that doesn't find you. You're just replacing somebody without energy with energy.
And they're all those those those are all available. Banks. You know, banks lend money out and they get some troubled loans and no deal they'll do like you wouldn't believe but you don't read about it. You don't hear about it. People don't do it.
Only tiny, you can do it and you can do very well for yourself.
Yeah, that's a big deal with us. Yeah, to get him the we know the retirements going to be a problem. And we know money isn't always the issue. You got to sell our company to beautiful receptionist and, and state of the art equipment and technology. You aren't going to get that for nothing.
But some company on the outskirts of Chicago City Limits and
you know,
running a company that's deteriorating that personal deal. And if you have skills you can come in and pretty much get into any situation and do better than what's going
are not people get to spirited? And it's for us it's fun we got a levels of fun when we do this stuff
is that fair to say? Because they don't really contingency plan if this happens, or you know, or really take a look at themselves. A lot of people start a business, they have a lot of gusto and that fades and they never really kind of do that. Kind of like
calibration to get them back to loving it again, right? Like I always say like a lot of people start a small business because they're good at one thing, or they love it. Or both, right? So the pizza shop the guy, he makes a great pizza and loves hosting. But he hates operations and he hates having to buy the like the ingredients. Because he hates inventory because it's boring.
And he still loves pizza but like that can that can wait that
put a great you're replacing somebody without energy with energy. Right? But I'm saying to get there.
That's where the energy drain right? Does all that stuff they don't want to do talk to my ex wife. Hey, yo.
I'll do some
I'll do some Rodney one liners.
about dating in theory today. You probably already asked for that. But that's right. Oh, it's on the internet, probably. So you can
instantly message boards or Pinterest or something.
I'm sure there's a lot of shit talking about me online. It's from her. But you know, we're in a good spot co parenting. It's one of those things where I you know, when you sit when you have that question, if you if they gave you this business, would you take it?
I guess I thought my thing was like I could, I was thinking of some guy who's like, this place is a sham. And we use a lot of Chinese drywall to make the product. The feds are on our ass day, they're gonna come bust into that door. We're like, laundering money for years. We're like the chicken guy and Breaking Bad. Really? Yeah, laundering money. There are lots of great companies that have like you're saying before people start a company either to get away from something, right, they're working at a job that they don't like to work for themselves, but they just get into it, and they're grinding day to day, and they're gonna say, thinking about the exit terms, what's going to happen. And so some days, it just comes upon them or they're just fed up, a health issue comes up, you know, things just happen and, and there's nowhere else to turn, so they aren't sure what to do with it. And they'd like to see it kind of go on. So you know, Jack saying, you know, we see these opportunities a lot, where, you know, far with a people give you the company is you know, the the current owner will play the bank for you. And so the current owner goes away, and you just pay the owner for you know, for a few years, you know, when they aren't there anymore. So the business funds the buyout, but they often get just so tired and worn out and doing what they're doing day to day, they say I'm done. But there's Yeah, your point. There are some some bad companies out there, but most of them are, are good, legitimate businesses. And it's just they need some love and attention a little more energy, perhaps or just new way of thinking about
Yeah, i I'm willing to bet. Like the one thing I also thought of is you guys look at EBITA on a as a metric, I'm sure right like deep deep deep it and I suppose a big deal and what it could be if you all invigorated it. It's funny, I you know, effort matters. And a lot of people don't think that way. They think effort. They think they're giving effort. They're not really but I feel like positive energy effort is is underrated. Run that ground or out.
Bar is working on the right things, you know, both you guys are in pretty decent shape. So you guys probably go to the gym or workout stuff like that. But my lady asked if I was on steroids. And I was like, thank you all but you guys find out. Right? You know, a lot of folks go to the gym, you look around the gym, how many folks in gym have no clue what they're doing. Yet, they keep coming to your point while they're they keep putting effort in. But they're putting effort in it's futile because because they're doing the wrong stuff. Right? Or they're doing over the right stuff. And then they're doing all the wrong things outside. And so it's not gonna even matter from that standpoint. So a lot of companies out there doing some things right, but they're gonna do a lot of things not sorry that they just aren't sure they're doing the best that they know how to do and they're just kind of, they kind of keep plugging along. So if they start to realize that and there's a better way that's often when we're, we'll come in and they'll see the need for a coach. And they want most people have no need to coach How hard can it be I can figure this stuff out. But then as as the months and years go by this would have been more and more questions. So hey, maybe I can use some guidance about now I need to make all the mistakes myself. Maybe I can learn from somebody else's mistakes. Egos a tricky thing, right. You needed to push forward but it can it can cloud everything up.
You know the mushrooms come in, right? Yes or the ego for real. Oh,
Jillette I've done an ego death. I don't recommend it. Don't Don't do the rookie move as he grew back. These are working. I need to take more, take more. And then I'm holding my dog and crying in the fetal position. And it reminds me Wolf of Wall Street when the Qualys finally kicked in, there's they're older than him. Yeah, that's just a good time.
We're down in Florida. That's most of Florida, man. It's pico growth. Well, appreciate y'all coming on. We're a little silly today, but I think you'll you'll play along with us on that and what that'd be back on again, when? And anybody out there? Everybody out there listening? They've got a podcast, someone's podcast been going on? About seven and a half years. We got about 375 episodes. We do one, one each week. dirty secrets of small business.com 13. And on us how many episodes how many? Yeah, we'll do an episode comparison. How many?
didn't hear that? Sorry. I 75. Yeah, okay. Yeah, we got we got over 400 same way. But we got to our site. It's okay. Good, dirty secrets of small business. Go give that five star and subscribe, do it and then maximum vp.com If you want to reach out thank you all for coming on. Always.
Talking to you guys.