#362: How To Find Out If Elon Musk Has A Point
people, shit, fucking, post, model, hate, super, buy, work, good, supermodel, squarespace, twitter, great, elon musk, podcast, put, bad, person, bunch
Stick quiet in the air
sweat equity podcast and streaming show the number one comedy business podcast in the world. Yeah, sure. Why not? And that girth Earth. Yeah, that's great. That's I really hope you say that a bunch do that. girthier is the
good old boy. Oh boy.
Hey, I bet I've had a bunch of people if you're listening to this in your air pods, your bugs your Sony Walkman right now.
You know, do us a favor, share this with a friend that's trying to get their own business going. I I forget to mention this at the top of the show that Oh, yeah. Pink when people are like, oh, man, I've been sharing. I share the podcast with this person. And they love it. And you're like, Oh, thank you so much. That's better than any sponsor we can ever get. You know, you can listen on iTunes Apple podcast show. From there you can share from Spotify or sweat equity. pod.com share from that website. That beautiful website. This episode is sponsored by square spirit. Oh my god. good segue did good segue. Right. Yeah, the king of segues. Waves good breathe good breeze. Squarespace. Do yourself website builder, scalable website creator. You can do everything on Squarespace and any of the other CMS content management systems. Yeah, you want to look slick. You want to look responsive? You can do your tiny little cat paws you don't need to be a programmer designer developer just need to have maybe a little patience. You just got to learn learning and you can intern Squarespace circle perform will have all the answers in their link for discount will be in the episode description. I know I forgot to edit that the last two episodes LET'S GET STARTED search continue hottie daddy. God Almighty.
What's kickin know? What's Kagan? Yeah, man, we got to do better with this show of ours. Yeah, I agree.
I'm down to like two cameras and they're not even good ones. You know what's going on? Like, you're upgrading the setup and then it's like it's like they've gotten to battle and they're their inter is though it's just stupid. That one's Marian basically. Like, I don't even know that I never have it's going to require more than an hour of my time. Yeah. To troubleshoot and and jam is like I don't I can't my attention span isn't long enough for one at this point to like, be able to focus on it because more important shit unfortunately. Sorry, everybody. Well, yeah, your life. That's how it goes. Fuller now.
You've got more going on? Yeah, you know than previously.
You know, I think about that too. Like, work balance, work life balance wise. Like I just had to put the kibosh on even trying to work when I have my kids I got a 50% of the time but
they're five and four and like, they're like, Daddy, what's up daddy? What do you do? Dad? Dad Dad any like, oh, I can't even like plop them in front of big shark and get like, a good 30 minutes to knocks up now right now. So it's kind of like it if you did you wouldn't feel good about yourself. Yeah, I've
always felt guilty.
I'm the worst. Yeah. And then so now it's just like, well, that's probably a better rule organically. I wanted to get to that anyway, where I had to like, I wanted to be more I wanted to be present a little bit more and while they're around and you know, turn it off a bit. And so it's like, kind of forces you to do that. But yeah, I mean, you've got a you've got a lot more family obligations and a whole household Well, that's just right you got a house I mean, that alone will throw in like a random five hours a week of just crap. Oh, dudes, it's preposterous. The sequence it just takes turns AC then the you know, something with the water in the pool, and then the yard and then it's just like, we're
supposed to do all this shit. Yeah. Yeah, like once it kind of like that. That whole list is like maybe I don't want to buy a house. Eventually, like
might be better to rent. I don't go grant cardones Well, I mean, it's you buy a place right now? At the house.
Rent What do you buy an income property? His thing is like don't buy your own house, buy an income property rent that out. Use that that money that's coming in cash flow wise you pays your rent wherever you're living. Right? And then you just keep buying more income properties but you can he he like is a huge real estate guy in ruins out place. Sure. Which is that's something that that specific dude does. Yeah, I mean it's like a model. He's like, created that, you know, I like him because he's a former like meth head.
And like got his shit together and like figure it out one magic, what is your makeup math, he did it and figure it out. But he's not that I buy another property. And they tell two people it's like, they tell two people that was rich over it's funny. Like when your friends get sober or people you know, get sober. They they have to proselytize in some way. His his business really. He's like a basically a preacher for business of his own, like, kind of model and system and all that stuff. And I don't I'm not. I don't think that's a bad thing. But I think it's funny that you'd have to put that energy somewhere when you're trying to get sober. Like if it's not a through like the church. And everybody. Yeah.
It's gonna be environmental, you know, like, all that. The, by the way, the guy who threw a piece of cake at the Mona Lisa, did you see that? Kind of environmental reasons? Sure. I get it say no more luxuriously. What, like a school shooter. We shouldn't know his name. So no other things get defamed. Right? Like if you notice in the news when like, these shootings are going on. They're not reporting the name anymore. Good. Which is good. Because that's in a weird way what they want like to be infamous. Yes. It only took like 20 years to figure that out.
Right, you know, like
I don't know, I think I think people want to have a person to be down.
What up? Why bring it up, Texas?
Yeah, that's a bummer. And that whole situation just just sounds summer as a way to put it. It's so funny and horrible. I looked at the Wikipedia of that city. It's like 80% Mexican, and Matthew McConaughey was born there
that's all we got safe
All right. Well, you did look at the hole you dug yourself? Well, I was I was trying to work it into I think people need like, here's why like, apologies don't work from a corporate standpoint or from like, a network a TV network or cable network or something. Like when it's in a brand right are you about to I'm gonna say justify why you didn't apologize. Talking about this one. Why should I apologize? This is what's going on right go do it. No, it's I'm saying like people want to find a one person a like that like people are like embroidered such trash or like Who gives a fuck these are both to rich people like she really shit the bed on shitting the bed difference
these are the jokes people. I feel like
we're timeout on this thought for a second but I just didn't leave for at least be resourceful and say I was about to tell you the chordal
is the Wordle if people want to play Wordle they got an addiction to like I'm not we're talking about this off my I know we and then corridor is gonna be your new game. Okay, yeah. All right for at once Hey, we have to provide have to do we got to add value to the listeners.
Okay, yeah, because some people don't have that portal Yeah. Okay.
Now I don't even remember word of mouth. My theory that people need one one person to hate like you need like if it's if it's more than one person like people's attention to fucking hate someone like gets fractured well yeah, there's a lot of
misunderstood inside feelings that has to be directed at something right but when if it's a rumor it's people it's really hard to do like
like people should be have a lot of outrage towards like kk k shit right? Like that's a group that shouldn't really exist nowadays, right but they have to find like the David Duke guy to like go oh, this is this is good or the the Westboro do where I mean that's one the one that we're good. conceal their identity depicting
Westboro Baptist works. They found like what whoever the old guy was that kind of made the shit happen.
I don't like yeah, this is the dude. Fuck him and then like, but he kind of was the fucking he was. I'm just saying like, what no matter what you're trying to like, if
I'm just thinking of Elon Musk, I put the email in our slack. I don't know if you'd have to see that we're gonna set a new record tangent level today. No, I'm surprised how many people hate Elon Musk's?
Yeah, yeah.
Do they? Yeah, there's a lot of people. I mean, look, if you're just the richest guy in the world, you're gonna get paid. Yeah, that's number one. But like, he's Ironman. What the fuck? He's not though. What I mean, he was in Ironman. Was it? The first one second one. It's almost all the electrical arms have Mickey word?
Alarm. I think it was the second one. atrocious. I remember seeing that in the theater and being like this. I can't do this fucking timer. Honestly, it's really hard to keep track of Walmart. I went down Marvel rabbit hole because I saw Dr. Strange high and it was like, Oh, God, this is too much coming at me. I saw it too. We already spoiler alert at it. Yeah. Before you either one of us on
what? We're gonna ruin to the cameos. No. Yeah, but that she was late. One time ago. leaked. leaked. vaping. Yeah. That's supposed to be like, whatever. Now we did it again. We won't say when
you're so bummed out. Sorry. I didn't mean to bring up the value. Some kind of ending to all your movies where they even go out? Yeah.
I'm trying to figure out like, if you didn't really pay attention, a lot of like, like, I like the puzzle of how they figure out how to weave all these stories together. You know? No, it's great. I mean, I think it's awesome. And they Oh, they told me this when I was like 1012 years old, and it was going to make all these movies and all the world's biggest movie stars. Were going to be all the superheroes it was going to be kick ass. Right. And it's
tentpole movies that go on and the new thorlux Gonna rific Yeah, they are my favorite. Yeah. What's what TT TT? What's lutego ICD? So be LM, us this, this Female Speaker?
I thought that was some sound, Rob? No, yeah, we got the dog time outside route.
doesn't grow, be quiet. So Elon Musk get in a lot of shit today, as we record this, about an email that he sent out with the subject line. To be super clear. Everyone at Tesla is required to spend a minimum of 40 hours in the office per week. Moreover, the office must be where your actual colleagues are located. So remote pseudo office, if you don't show up, we will assume you have resigned.
The more senior you are, the more visible the more visible must be your presence. Yeah, like this isn't grammatically great, by the way, in English. That is That is why I lived in a factory so much so that those on the line could see me working alongside them. That's servant leadership. I like that. If I had not done that Tesla would long long ago have gone bankrupt. There are course companies that don't require this. But when when was the last time they shipped out a great new product? It's been a while
and you shipped out a great new product. Where's my cybertruck dog? I know for real tennis a lot has and will create an actually manufacture the most exciting and meaningful products of any company on Earth run on sentence
over this forever. This will not happen by phoning it in. Thanks, Ilan. And then like email from my desk at home
No, he I mean he I heard apparently he like lives there like but he's like a super genius that wants to be there all the time. Yeah, it's your own shit. You know when you own the company.
You know, if anybody's an alien it probably be him right? Just trying all these different weird experiments social experiments. I'm gonna smoke weed on Joe Rogan. I'm gonna buy Twitter I'm gonna make flame throwers, just random shit and the whole time he's making He's the world's richest man in the background somehow. In some ways. If you were him, wouldn't you want to do the same shit? Like are you sure you're imbued? Is that the word? You're you have you have his mechanical knowledge and you can your riches shit.
The six companies you run are all super profitable.
You already made a declar money PayPal you beat baldness.
Yeah, your mom's a supermodel. You know that.
Your mom is a supermodel his mom's in the new Sports Illustrated. Elon Musk says Mom, you haven't seen it. You got to pull it up. Mom is not as she's she used to be a supermodel used to be a super right. That's something like, used to be. I was like, okay.
That's interesting. Like, that's a weird lineage like, you wouldn't think like, I don't know. I was gonna say Kathy Ireland, but she's like a billionaire now. So maybe it is something
maybe if you did become supermodels do matter. Yeah, but she made she made money on like Kmart brand. Yeah. And she was like no one wanted to brand like the low end. You know, stuff scooped up all. Crushed it. Yeah. Volume baby still can't kick a football on the surface. Right? Yeah, that's, that's a good. It's a good old man ref. But Eli, I think a lot of people want to hate on him, especially on the Twitter vibe. And like he I liked that. He was like, Look, they pausing this purchase, because they lied to me about how many goddamn bots are on Twitter. Right? Which, if you're on Twitter, you can see a lot of it like, depending on what you post, you'll get like, robotic like comment back sometimes, you know? I mean, it's like, directly inflating size of like the value of the company. It Yeah. Oh, for sure. Because then you can tell it like we have this many millions of followers and you're like, Well, how many are real? Right? And then how many are like real inactive? Right? Because there's a lot of dormant people have Twitter just I guess later but right. So I got one last Twitter I did was I don't even have to call it a tweet and call it a Twitter and Twitter. Who's you can look up the last Twitter died did
I retweeted something that was
I like it. I like to see the crazy discourse of like, just extremes on there.
You know, as opposed to the rest of the internet that's pretty level headed. Read it's surprisingly like the most level headed but that's even crazy. Because that that feels like a bunch of fat dads. Right? It is weird read. It has a weird a lot of old guys. It's like four year old guys. I don't know what it is. It's just this weird, like,
fake. It just comes across as fake support all the time for anything and everything you buy and look at.
Yeah, but like just like, it's a little bit like sarcastic hate or like inside baseball depending on right? There's tons of inside baseball shit, you know, pick a subreddit and it will have its own shit that you have no idea what they're talking about. All these acronyms were but like, I don't know, everything I see is just like, comes across as so manufactured. Really? Yeah. I'm out was gonna say If anything, it's just dorky like that. The way to put it dorky is like it's not it doesn't feel it doesn't feel inauthentic. But it's not like it's a bunch of dorks. Like just don't
finger on it. Well, I will search. Like all if I can't find something I'm like, did whatever I'm trying to search for that someone suppressed this down or something, you know, like, or is this something Google doesn't like for you to search for? What are you searching for? I don't know, sometimes I'll look for like,
just sometimes mostly, it's just like, how to do something, you know, and you'll get like, or you'll get like
to print your own money into something like I was looking up some like DIY, and then I got a bunch of like, bullshit mommy like super long logs that, you know, rank super high, because they've been around or like jazz Abell or something, you know. And I'm like, none of this shit is helpful for decocker.
And so like, if I'm really trying to look for like an app or software, I will like, try to go at it because most of the time, they will share information. That's good, but man, there's a lot of like, crap you have to sift through. Yes, for sure. I mean, we don't have our own subreddit either. Hey, what do you think about posting the show and only fans? Okay. You want to do it? I mean, what does it mean? Well, how much more work Am I gonna have to do for it? I'll post it which part of me I'll take it and post it but it's a it's one of those. It's a It's not all porn now. It's not all fetish. So okay. Then
You that You know that girl bad baby that was on Dr. Phil Catch me outside chick okay and that means she posted how much she makes a month on there. She doesn't even show anything. It's so fucking absurd like 50 million or something Shut up 50 million Google that, you know she just posted on Instagram. Oh, she posted it. I saw someone share it. I was like oh no very Springer. from Dr. Phil. Dr. Phil. You don't believe that like
you're not believers.
You did you just have to save your super million. Yeah, below. Yeah. And a lot of its messages.
So to ensure she took a screenshot or her earnings were so broken and broken. We're inaccuracy like we are in Idiocracy. Shout out my judge like we are like he was that movie way ahead of its time. Not the movie. President Camacho. Yeah, it was Trump essentially perfect without like being huge. And jacked. We love Gatorade. More than water. Right? Who doesn't? Well, yeah, but I mean, like,
there used to be like, Alright, I know this has sugar in it. And now like that conversation is over. You're like, No, you this feels way better for you. Yeah.
we have fat but we have fat. Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models. That's another thing. How are we doing? I know what they're doing. They're playing to 60% of the US. But as we're talking about markethill sarcastic huh? It feels sarcastic but the model on the knee? What's her name? Something insensitive. It just seems like
this show you don't want to sound insensitive? What are the rules? Knowing go back in your years ago episodes.
But we've grown Sure sure.
That one, like ready to go more often?
I think they're placating like the dove models Dove soap and moisturizer and stuff. Right? fatties? Those models. It's like Oh, that is kind of smart because they're playing to most of America and how much more you can cover however in marketing with our one bar you want to see the better version of you in the thing you're going to buy or you're going to use more often than not you're dragging other people that are like alright, I do kind of like that again Yeah, I don't need that discover commercial where it's like is that person their twin these actors or is it like just just off just a little bit remember this discover one Oh, it's like you're helping yourself kind of thing but it was like they get to actors are almost like in the commercial these went on for years. I guess like during football season? A lot but it'd be like how they had a good customer service like you would treat yourself well. That was their thing but later we get like it would all work then we get to actors are almost exactly the same. Like if I get a little fatter they get drawn
Yeah, I like that you've gotten from this Scott snatch with them Scott stamp that the one Yeah. Without
booze Dang. Yeah, well, switch to another fat that was bags.
Depardieu room
man the iron mask
that's a great movie. very underrated. Alexander Dumas. Okay.
Black writer, people forget that.
Back in the day and with
not that cool. Probably. Drought data do but you gotta look up fat pics of them. Yeah, that's, that's a healthy. That's the healthiest she's ever been. I'll bet you that thing's crazy. Still alive before we brought him in John Daly are like those are like two twins probably. Just genetic freaks. John Daly on the last
tournament. He was slammed like 12 Diet Cokes and like 36 Right. No water. He was doing an interview and just with ESPN or something someone big and he just lit up a cigarette while on the interview. Right? And I'm like, Oh, shit. I haven't seen that one. Fucking 30 years, right? Yeah, it's funny.
because it's like he knows a fuck, right? He's like, I don't really want to go outside. Right on a golf course. Yeah, he's kind of the best place to smoke cigarette. He's the best. He's He's the goat. Yeah. He might be the Mount Rushmore of just celebrity. He's absolutely personalities I want to meet if Ron White was a professional golfer, that's okay. Just kind of like fuck it.
Oh, yeah. I mean,
he's played multiple roles without his shoes on after stepping in water.
Fun guy isn't like a fun guy. So my big thing with that Ilan email is something I've been throwing out on the show for a couple of months. Now. It's like, we're not that good at this remote works. Workforce workspace thing. Like, yeah, without something in place, not without some sort of, that's what I'm saying. It's got a you got to have a management system less. And that's where people like, okay, it's great. The employees like it better, you're gonna get better talent if they're working remote. But you're gonna have to do something to supplement that new way of working. Right? So it's like, you can't just like go, oh, well, we'll carry on as usual. Right? They're working today. You have to, like, get better at like that. Maybe a little over communication, or checking. analyte. Right. You're doing stand up meetings? Yeah, every day, stuff like that. And it's so surprising how people have gravitated. I don't see a lot of information about that. Yeah, the overt now, I don't know if there's a way to over communicate internally. I mean, she's like, well, like you have slack or teams or something like that. You can just check in every day kind of thing. But it's just funny, this report, it's gonna swing back the other way, just like a lot of trends, right? Like, yeah, you know, oh, this is so great. Everybody can work from home. And now, you know, and I'm looking for the next kind of full time gig. And it's like, there's never been leveraged before. I've never really turned down a lot of offers, right? Because I'm gonna work on a blend.
How'd you read? Did you read my diary?
I want to work on the
Bluetooth pens hooked up to my What's that? What was that? The premise was that you gave me a Bluetooth pen that somehow you're using to write in your diary. And it was popping up on my laptop.
Once it really
did it.
Now, I'm Livescribe. That's the ticket if you like handwriting stuff, like I do.
And then having it backed up that life's red pins. Awesome. But the app sucks dick so
you hear me Livescribe Dooby Doo better. Okay. So my theory people want to hate on one person. It's easier like Trump was the biggest candidate for that. He's despicable kind of person, but like, you know, it's it that turned into everybody's like, dads that they hated. I felt like Okay, your dad know a lot of people that hate their dad. Just put all that into hating Trump. Right, right. They're like democratic.
Yeah, don't look don't do exactly worse. Look to the camera.
Just do you hate your dad dude. No, I don't. I'm wearing his I'm wearing his political shirt right now. I'm still wearing a shirt that said Larry Smith on it feel like good. 1986 lost by two votes running.
But no, people were like, Oh, hey, Larry. I'm sorry. I couldn't make it out. You know today I'm sure your finds your son have a fight to watch a bunch of ass. It was a happy accident. According to my mom, he was like, your dad would be eaten alive. He's way too modest for like he's can't publicly speak for the political game. He hates public speaking like hate hate. And then like, it's would be way too like they push him over? Yeah, why did he want to honest cuz he's tall.
He's six four.
But I think like you're taller you should be mayor I love you running for democratic us running as a Democrat for late and yes.
I still kind of Daydream it'd be fun to be mayor. But you know you kind of
Yeah, just to shake things up. A little bit of idealistic kind of way. Like you actually probably would love that shit. It'd be fine. Oh, another book brunch again. Oh,
look, I love me some branches but do I have another free meal? I don't want to I'm gonna have to unbuckle the belt on these khakis.
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor, apparently if you're a politician by
If that's the one that is the most kind of like you can make the most difference because everything else is kind of middle management sure like you're and you're always trying to fundraise for the next fucking election which god damn that's just a bad system that to another these of us when you have Biden who's like two years and it's like all right time to start campaigning for reelection and he should probably retire because he's got old man ism
Do we have a mannerism
what? Yes
You got something? No, I don't pay attention to any of the politics. I just get it from you. So I'll repeat that at work tomorrow. So Biden with this old man ism guys. Yeah, MRI, MRI. Canadian law said, wow. Around there anymore.
The only thing I've got is through this in our Slack channels well enough, you got to see it because you were at dinner at the cool melting pot. Amazing. How cool is that place?
You get to pay a lot. And then you get to do it yourself. Do you think they even have a chef back there? What's back there? What are they doing? Is it just one's refrigerators like, piled up ready to go? Because I don't think they're freakin doing anything besides chopping. Ever Been a long time? I can't remember is for boss. I just remember there's a bowl or something that you put stuff in.
Yes. And then this model All right. Yeah, it start here. That franchise. I don't know what it is. It's so silly. So silly. So.
So, zoo. Well, here's your slightly flavored boiled water ready to put your raw chicken in there for five to six minutes? Yeah, it's like it was just like it's good room in a commercial kitchen with a dining table.
You could do it. Right waiter you do it now for Bochy. That's a whole different ballgame. And that's way different. It's probably under a underpaid that's probably underpaid right? That's the flip side that's a show enemies What am I like those guys doing over god damn hot as like grill like I'd be fucking sweating so bad how cool all of them are awesome at it they all do cool shit
yeah, the wire there no shitty ones I haven't ever had I think it would have like that's probably the qualifier can you do volcanoes Iranians do that's don't even step in the door if you can't do that
that's obvious is how good you're flicking game
like like a dealer 100 in a row go Yeah, I don't know I they've got to have some training that you have to do because you're right I've never seen like one be like, oh, sorry, I don't have it today. Shit sucks. I got the hips right.
Table high and outside like shit man. I can't think Tommy John or something that I think is underrated. People think it's corny but I'm like, give me I'll take that Americana Korea kind of set up all day. The food is made is amazing. It's just that's the whole thing of it. Right? Yeah, eat it and it's like not too bad for it. That's usually a bunch of meat and like that's you're sweating the whole time so you're burning calories there Yeah. I did have one that he they will do the one where they try to find like a patsy to like make fun of like I've had it where like they take me like out of the eight people right like cool dude. Like yeah, it's like like pick a card kind of shit and like that one it's like no like shit. Like, you fucking dummy and I was like, follow this guy's like Crusher.
I was like Oh, I thought he was gonna throw like do a fake throw the food to you and you're like right shrimp or something?
Or like if you're with a girl they'll help like be he'll like give them extra shit right years without notice half years
and I remember like being drunk and just taking the whole thing ice cream and just oh cool bro.
Just dropping it on the grill or stupid now fuck you do
the only thing I've got other other topic and we'll get out is
alright, so I've been trying to go the only thing you've got. I need to
I definitely need to. I hate kind of cutting my own standard clips from shows and posting it but I know I need to do it. I'm trying to not be a bitch about it and just fucking do it. Bitch too.
You so did a set last night. I was like, alright, what can I take out of this? And I'll just post it and part of the problem is like, there's no like, there hasn't been like good reaction when I've done it before. Because it's like, it's like, whatever, 200 views by people, you know, whatever. And then I did, I was like, Alright, I heard a comic on
Robert Kelly's podcast, isn't it as Eric Newman, and he laid out kind of like what to do on Tik Tok for him to kind of grow it is like post crowd work, post three clips a week.
And I'm going to kind of track what he did along the way to get a fuckload of followers. Okay. And this is good for our show, too. So I was like, Alright, fuck it. And so cut one put it up last night. And I was like, I'll put it on Tik Tok, and I'll put it on reels on story and Instagram story got like, nothing. Tick tock is like 1000 which is kind of cool. 1000 1000 views, like that's not a lot in comparison to like real people that are viral. But, you know, that's 1000 views. It's kind of good relations. Then I put on YouTube shorts today. Like during the day to day, it's already got like, 1200 views. Cool. And then I put it on reels. And that's the shit because I don't know if you've looked at your feed, but they're trying to push more people that you don't follow that post reels. So I got I've had like 5000 and I posted that this afternoon. Yeah, so that was my best content. Is Rocco playing basketball on do a real about it. Yeah. So it's just like, oh, okay, that's the new cheat code. So we're My thing was like, oh, okay, Rails is getting pushed the most in shorts on YouTube. They're trying to compete with the other two with Tiktok and Instagram. And because like Facebook gotten at nothing,
you know, like, Facebook is just gonna turn into an internet nursing homes and Well, what did they say? Like Facebook's for people, you know? Like tiktoks Not for that kind of thing. Right? And Instagram is like a hybrid between the two but and then I tried to do on Snapchat and I don't know how to use Snapchat.
Filter What am I why do I want to do this? So I have to text message people that already know Right? that already have their phone right? I don't get it. So I'm pretty much the filters is what it's for. Yeah, I need to be there.
But just by posting and taking a little bit of time, I'm like, Oh, shit, this got some traction.
So I'm gonna try and do it for the show. And see if that helps. Good. Good. Good. Okay.
Oh, thumbnail game. All thumbnails on YouTube. I've been looking at that too. Thumbnails are like, so crucial to getting a lot of people to watch it. Okay, so we have to do like a silly fate like, ooh, kind of face. That's that's how they all are. They've all looked like whole like it's over the top.
There you go.
Nailed it. Perfect, perfect show. How can you set the perfect episode the perfect, be perfect mocks