#360: How To Call Your Shot On Dem UFOs and Alienate the Audio-Only Crowd
talking, shit, people, called, podcast, comedians, comedy, reporter, put, apple tv, real, guest, kenan thompson, imagineer, line, dude, resourceful, mom, thought, hit
Law (69%), Eric (31%)
Law Smith
No sweat equity podcasts in streaming show the number one comedy business, podcast and business comedy podcast. I
Eric Readinger
always do like a question like that,
Law Smith
because it's fun to just be silly sometimes.
Eric Readinger
You don't know.
Law Smith
All right, we talked about entrepreneurship. And we talking about real raw dog coming. Yeah, if you're in the Tampa area, I am at side splitters may 25. You got anything for that? Machine.
Eric Readinger
I'm opening. The first one I saw
Law Smith
I'm at the main club at side splitters in Tampa opening for my buddy Johnny look Fausto. You can see on a bunch of wrestling shows where he's doing a lot of hosting on that. Hey, we're, we wanted a bunch of words. I'm gonna skip over that part. Listen to us on iTunes, Apple podcast, Spotify, YouTube, Facebook, your mom's Walkman, LinkedIn, whatever, man, whatever you listen to podcast. That's where we're on. And this episode is brought to you by Squarespace. Forgot about it again. Squarespace just now. Squarespace is that is the horse I've been riding for years, Eric and I've made over 200 sites I gotta put it like that. But I mean look, WordPress is the dominant one in every web developer will tell you we gotta you gotta go WordPress go to WordPress and that's fine. That does some things if your E commerce site go that way. If you're not listening to some nerd if you're not go Squarespace, it's easy for anybody to be autodidactic learn on your own, you can you can restart it from the ground up, really, we vote we're both those kind of stories. So gone from zero and taught ourselves how to make very crazy, elaborate sites that could do everything. Any of the other CMS content management systems are out there, hit the promo code or hit the link in our description. And that'll get you hooked up. Holler if you hear me. Let's get the party started. About my sweat equity. Sweat equity. Sweat equity
Law Smith
ghost riding the whip on this one? Yes. No. No guest on this episode. I don't really actually know what it means. I know I heard in rap songs back in the day.
Eric Readinger
Is that when you're driving a car slow and then you open the door and you jump out and you dance in the street as the car rolls along? And then I can drive?
Law Smith
Yeah, yeah, it's a Chinese fire drill with some dance party in the middle. Yeah. Can you do Chinese fire drill anymore?
Eric Readinger
You call it a crazy fire drill. Wow. Um, you know see the first part
Law Smith
ghost riding the whip? I think that's when you're you're really low down behind under the windows Rolo? Yeah, so no one can see you and then you pop up and that's fun. Fun way to get the episode started. Yeah.
Eric Readinger
drive bys I do
Law Smith
want to put a resourceful thing out there at the top of the show. We were talking to Steve G Edwards of I want money Yeah, that's it. I love that
Eric Readinger
he is our first guest sound drop that we
Law Smith
have Yeah, I need to go through more as I'm cutting out video clips to put out there but he's the CEO of Premiere virtual he's gonna come back on the summer at some point I want money I was like that her nails like Oh, that's perfect are we both looked at each other like, weren't that many. He was good sport. And he's he's down to come back on for sure. And they push the episode out which we always love at any boys. Nice. You know, no man and talked about the hub in downtown Tampa, which is the dive bar of all dive bars, which the divey is every City's got one there's one at the beach called Maha buffers out here near Clearwater Beach, where there's dollar bills, you know, stapled, ceiling and like just crazy, wacky Florida shit coming out of the walls and whatnot. So I'm just glad we had that through line of being digitally I
Eric Readinger
was gonna say trashy,
Law Smith
but the resourceful thing I have because he got out he got in Forbes and I did a little bit of research. There's a couple of ways you can get in Forbes. If you really want to, you can just pay PR companies straight up. There's ads, Google ads, it's like $1,500 Getting Forbes. Oh, no shit. Yeah. So you know, that's one way I found I went through a couple other things. There's, there's other ways to build that up one. The longer way which we both should probably be doing is you know, writing become
Eric Readinger
really successful and then tell everybody that's it that I mean,
Law Smith
I'd even throw that in there as a as a as a
Think of it, like shortcuts? Oh, yeah.
Law Smith
Well, you know, it's it's a stepping stone to getting to that yet ultimate part. It's the longer way which we both should do is, you know, kind of writing blog posts, putting it out there. And then eventually guest writing on on a certain couple of things that you can guess right for free, which is basically here. Let me write it up for you. You get out the essence. Yeah, here's all the SEO value. I mean, you got hit up like I did for that one. Magazine that was like, hey, we want to feature you in this magazines like, tampa bay business world or something stupid like that. Yeah, I see. I see. My friends have done it to like homework, and I go, okay, and then they sent me all the questions. Yeah. And it was like, fucking 13 long questions. And I was like, Wait, and then I was like, I should just take all these questions, and then give it to them. But also my blog as well. And just put it out there first. Yeah. Before them. Yes, swap. It just gets voted out. But I get the social reach of them pushing it out. Yeah. But that, you know, that's a long ass thing to do. So there's two sites that I asked my friend, former guests, Brian Donovan, who's who's told me about this for a while it's called H A R O Help a Reporter Out where you can get on these like email lists. They send them three times a day. You can specify what you know what you're an expert in. And it's a bunch of reporters looking for quotes from experts or
Eric Readinger
they've been contacted. That's that's the old internet. Oh, yeah. news channels. They need content too. Yeah. I mean, like, I tell you what, it's incredibly easy to get ahold of any of those people who are going to TV station. I can't tell you that right now. For sure.
Law Smith
For sure. It's way easier than you think. Because you start this thing with TV and newspaper like magazines are like oh, these are big time things.
Where's Peter Parker?
Law Smith
Yeah, they're crying somewhere. They might son it loves Spider Man, but we'll watch the second one or the last one again. I just bought it and guess what dude, I bought it for you and he's like, because of the ending is well, I got it Willem Defoe so ugly. Oh, he's pretty easy. So ugly, dude.
Eric Readinger
He's so creepy. He's traumatized You're sweet kids
Law Smith
in the Green Goblin and us is a joke like that's not even like there's nothing scary about that but I realize his face is such a barnacle. Yeah, like any any so good at acting and say Yeah,
Eric Readinger
exactly. He looks he you know that scary shit five year old son.
Law Smith
That he's just like, Nah, dad not doing it. I was like, but you want to go see Doctor Strange to like, that's just as creepy if not creepy. That
Eric Readinger
one hasn't scarred me yet.
Law Smith
Did you see it? No. Man, we need to get some edibles. Okay, get get lifted. Get into the multiverse.
Eric Readinger
I won't get it.
Law Smith
I know it'll be tough. The string theory there's there's you know, what is it? God physics quantum physics. Quantum physics. Yep, that
Eric Readinger
quantum physics before I forget. I want money.
Law Smith
So it as Marvel apparently there's some like cameos with like, John Krasinski is the Fantastic Four dude.
Eric Readinger
Oh, wait, I thought you're acting like you seem to I haven't seen
Law Smith
it. Oh, heard about it? Yes. Whoa. Am I supposed to do spoilers before I say that? Yeah, that was kind of Professor he's in his he's in his yellow like animated one.
Eric Readinger
So SpongeBob is like hover craft. Yeah, Mickey Mouse shows up.
Law Smith
So Help a Reporter Out. I've looked at some of this. A lot of it's in the business sector that I was looking at none yet with digital so much for me to kind of give an opinion on opine on
Eric Readinger
what would what do you think they would do if we hit him up being like, we want to want to do a story about people trying to get on the news.
Law Smith
We want to do a story about a story about the
Eric Readinger
process and what you can do.
Law Smith
Well I know one way we can kind of signal them is maybe put we'll put help reporter out in the title okay, maybe it will help like we put Bubba the love sponge in there. Yeah, another one that looks like Help a Reporter Out which it's been around for a while. But similar seems a little bit more higher end a little bit more like you got to create a profile really like kind of put in some like effort into who you are on the on the thing. You know, so but they're all stealing data or getting worked for free in this whole scenario. So whatever. What's the goal? It's called quoted, but QWOT de which sounds like a fake Parks and Rec app. Yeah. joke they would do that. but that that seems to be like, a looked up like, so I get emails for that once a day a thing, it does the same thing does the same thing, but it's like Reuters in USA Today USA Today US news a little bit higher echelon publications with this. So, you know, it's worth messing around on I might just like even apply for some of them just to see if I get any nibbles.
Eric Readinger
What do you mean apply?
Law Smith
So it's like it'll send you like 20 Different things like this writer is looking for a quote about cryptocurrencies up and now all answer, although like I don't have you have experience with that. I don't Well,
Eric Readinger
then I don't want I might, who knows
Law Smith
what, as the time of this recording? What's Bitcoin up or down last month? Dude, it's
Eric Readinger
like, is it 29? Grand? It's bad.
Law Smith
What was it at 47?
Eric Readinger
It was at 63 in October, something like that. When
Law Smith
do you buy? I don't want to gain capital gains tax. Yeah,
Eric Readinger
geez. Well, it
Law Smith
could be a loss. No, it's
Eric Readinger
not. I mean, it's not why they haven't bought it just at one time. Yeah. Okay.
Law Smith
So what longtime, longtime Yeah. And you'll you only have to pay taxes on when you sell it, sell it make it make a profit. But that's that thing of like, I don't have like, it's a lot of Kryptos it's a lot of trending stuff. You know, it's a lot of like, fake it. i Yeah, but
Eric Readinger
they don't want to look it up.
Law Smith
Well, at the end of the day. The reason you're doing it is because I wanted to have my name in something that I can just go here you go check it out. Look what I'm on, you know, as a Smith, quantum physicist, right. There is like a whole science section that I looked at. And I was like, Wow, I'm, I'm so dumb. Oh, yeah. I mean, just like not none of them
Eric Readinger
not have the pieces of paper saying that we did classes on that. So well, you can hopefully weeded out pretty quick.
Law Smith
The gigs we did you kind of started to get a little quantum physics stuff going. And I don't know, I got
Eric Readinger
cool to talk about, but it's very limited in what I understand.
Law Smith
Well, maybe I was like, maybe they're looking for someone who doesn't know shit about it. And to comment on that, you know, Joe on the street kind of stuff. So
Eric Readinger
like, Oh, I think he's one of my opinion on quantum physics. Yeah.
Law Smith
So that's one of those things where, you know, check it out. At the very least this show, we want to be resourceful in some way. Yeah.
Eric Readinger
Well, okay. So moving on from that. UFOs Yes. Okay. Speaking of quantum physics, I'm sure you didn't watch the whole thing.
Law Smith
I didn't watch it. I read, but I don't remember. But
Eric Readinger
yeah, so if everybody doesn't understand what's going on
Law Smith
thought 500 documentaries on that. 400 Well,
Eric Readinger
this is the first time that they had people testifying in front of Congress about the UFO programs, whatever they call it IAT Iaps. Like why why bother changing
Law Smith
it because it makes it more confusing, right? That was a first I have a lot of thoughts on unidentified aerial phenomenon.
Eric Readinger
Yes, you AP AP,
Law Smith
which UFO APs
Eric Readinger
are just like regular planes.
Law Smith
Why not? UFO?
Eric Readinger
Can you go up to the video and then because I want to show you
Law Smith
be able to show video right now. We have to slap it on here. Yeah, let's do that because I want to I want to show the best comedian getting attacked clip of all time. Okay, off the off the heels of Chappelle.
Eric Readinger
Oh, I hope this doesn't make me watch the whole thing.
Law Smith
No, I got it queued up. You do? Well, you got
Eric Readinger
to join into the thing. You don't have your live stream remote camera on Oh, and I gotta go over there and add it in. It's not gonna happen.
Law Smith
You can't just add it in. I'll vamp. Just I'll just do it. So you remote it?
Eric Readinger
Yeah, I am. Okay. So the first thing is they got one of these guys who's part of the alien Task Force. Who looks like Kenan Thompson playing this guy. Hey, like until you see it.
Law Smith
Trying to think of Kenan Thompson slight catchphrases. Yeah, exactly. What's the what's the SNL sketch? What's up with that? What's up? What's up? Yeah, Tampa resident,
Eric Readinger
by the way. Okay, videos not working out is
Law Smith
your computer's fan in? All
Eric Readinger
right. Oh, there we go. Okay, so I'm just trying to find what cut to it and there it goes. Alright, cool. Perfect. It's not going to do both. So there's that guy. And then they have a point to where they show they're like we have two videos to show you. The first video is the biggest piece of video you've ever seen. Like there's nothing like it's like, it looks like a golf All for one half of one frame going past, right? That's the shitty bit they throw you. Okay, and another one was of these green flying triangles that through the course of the testimony, they eventually the Congressman's like, so that has we've been able to reproduce that and the guy was like, Yes. With drones. Like, it was like, Why Why bother? But the most egregious part of it was when, when a congressman was like, can you go back and show us that video that you first showed us where you can barely see anything? And they're like, Sure. And then he's like, can you go over there and point to the screen and tell us what we're supposed to be looking at? First of all, the guy has no microphone. All yours? is like, don't hear a word. He's saying. They're not they don't have a camera on him. He's off camera. What they have is okay, you see this guy though? Look it up. Okay. Look at the guy. Yes, okay.
Law Smith
He's got his hands kind of like, No, it doesn't. It's not for the listeners. That's for you. He says 67 year old black guy. I can't tell from this angle. Kenan
Eric Readinger
Thompson 67 Yeah, yeah, ill fitting suit, like an alien nerd would wear. But bro, they try. The Congressman wants them to freeze frame stop on one frame. And they spend literally five minutes of the guy playing it and trying to stop it. And then they're trying to rewind it, and they cannot figure it the fuck out. I wanted to do it was the most I don't know angering thing that I've experienced online. I was like, You guys are talking about alien technology that we can't even understand. And they literally said, oh, oh, the laptop we're trying to watch it on is not good for this.
Law Smith
What? like ours, like, like anything like both of ours right now.
Eric Readinger
I mean, we're talking about the Pentagon. They don't have to have a good one laying around. Let's stop the good laptop.
Law Smith
It is troubling when you see this, or, you know, the big data companies that were in Congress years ago, and they're like, complete, like the digital. We've talked about this a long time ago. It's worth bringing it up again, that digital chasm between generations is egregious, really wide, because it's not like, alright, so take like automatic cars from stick shift, right? It's not like, we I'm not unwilling to learn stick shift. I don't know it, but I don't hate it. Right. I bother. I don't know. Yeah. Like, but I don't hate it. Like, that's one of the goals this year I have. I want to learn how to do stick shift because I feel like I should know. Right? And it's like one of those things where it's like, but I don't have a disdain for it. I'm not like, oh, like, I feel like, I can't do it. We're almost maybe we would have been close to 40. And like people that are 10 years older than us are like, no, like, I don't know how to do it. I don't want to learn, right? It's like just fucking go to apple and take
Eric Readinger
people classes. So it's trying to steal my identity.
Law Smith
I was talking to my sister today about my parents plays in us like, we should get mom for her birthday this week. And we should get her Apple TV. I was like, I have one over there. I
Eric Readinger
I came home. Did that last?
Law Smith
I put it in over a year ago. And it's like, it's a bridge too far. Like to show them press input. Take it to the source. Get to Apple TV. And when I realized on the phone, I was like, Oh, we have to make an account for him that
Eric Readinger
this might get taken down. I don't know if this is a public record. But look at that guy.
Law Smith
That's fine. I'm sure we'll take the risk of our new views. I
Eric Readinger
didn't do the audio though. So if you're you got to watch it to see this guy.
Law Smith
So the honorable Ronald Moultrie.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, he's a I mean seem pretty cool.
Law Smith
Scotland. Okay,
Eric Readinger
this is the video that time they started 33 minutes. Okay, there's 3435 They're still going 3637 38 Do they still
Law Smith
long this video is
Eric Readinger
it's an hour and a half long.
Law Smith
Oh shit. I missed you saying that. It's an hour and a half long I watched
Eric Readinger
you watch the whole thing almost. Like I was like give me something man give me something to get excited about and I want to make it while I'm thinking of it. I want to make a prediction on how aliens interact with it.
Law Smith
Oh, shit. Okay, count it.
Eric Readinger
There's been lots of reports near nuclear like bombs, like launch sites that they will just get shut down when these things are in the area and they try and launch okay. Maybe Russia gets a little crazy. Maybe that's no eight might have already happened. How about that?
Law Smith
I don't even know what you're saying. Like that. Like you can literally actors
Eric Readinger
Though like nuclear missiles, they shut them down. Like there's lots of stories of that happening
Law Smith
from what you think from UAE peace.
Eric Readinger
Whatever. Sure. Yeah. UAP aliens I'm saying aliens,
Law Smith
aliens are shutting down. But who's to say what are the good guys so the aliens? They don't care.
Eric Readinger
shut them all down. It's not about taking sides
Law Smith
so there's nuclear missiles that are getting shut down. You don't think that's what do they call that like an armistice? Like a false flag? Yeah. Like, like, how old war shit. You know, we're like, oh, we're gonna do that and we're gonna need to you know, it's a big like bluffing game and then we're gonna go lower. Yeah, because it's not a hot word yet.
Eric Readinger
Well, yeah, yes, that's all correct. I'm saying. Like, these are stories from like, people testing these things. And saying like, they would have activity. It would they'd see things when they were about to launch a missile. And then something would happen that it
Law Smith
wouldn't work. Sound like Tom DeLonge and blink 182 Dude, I mean, this is I know he's in the inside. Oh, me.
Eric Readinger
I don't pop off about crazy shit. Not Sam Tripoli. But
Law Smith
whose show now is like the cin recover brothers or something with Bryan Callen.
Eric Readinger
I love it. Yeah, calendar. Yeah, he's
Law Smith
Oh, man, that whole comedy. You don't even know about the comedy stuff going on. We mean, like all the people in job the cutest Tiger belly, which is Bobby Lee and Delilah Kuhn have like, their their podcast sabotaging and talking shit on Reddit. And then like, it's a whole thing. It's wild. It's like, you're gonna have to, I'm gonna send you the tiger belly, and you're gonna be like, I don't even know what the fuck, like, this guy is coming with no evidence shop goes into Tiger belly to talk about it last week. And he's like, I've got 300 pages of documents. And then fast forward to today, the next Tiger belly episodes. I
Eric Readinger
do like how it's not real until it's like, printed out. And he showed him like source code
Law Smith
on his phone after the podcast. So they did like, they basically did an episode today a week later, which was two hours after they had it with him. And it was like, I only saw zoomed in source code. And I've yet to see any real evidence or anything. And I've been reading Reddit just because I find this all very, like, elementary school like, yeah, like high school. Well, look, I love comedians, for a lot of things. One thing they're not great at is like, adults social skills,
Eric Readinger
like, really hard for people who aren't comedians that to
Law Smith
like people outside the comedy world or just like know how to handle situations. Like if someone's talking shit about you a lot online, like, shop gets a lot of shit for not being funny. And he's got a million dollar million views on his new special on YouTube. So it's like, you know, Bobby Lee? No, I mean, they know. I'm sure they know. Like, this is a very big comedy riff which is very funny, as way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way down the tear list of all of it, right, but very excited anyway. UAP So You Think You think Dr. Scott Bray, Mr. Scott brand, whoever was in that video,
Eric Readinger
that was good. You remembered his name. It's not pulled up.
Law Smith
Moultrie in the
Eric Readinger
bottle Moultrie,
Law Smith
Ronald, Ronald, his name is perfect is
Eric Readinger
perfect. So perfect. He looks
Law Smith
like he gives some good advice. I was like, You should talk to all the comedians and be like you guys are down
Eric Readinger
there. Well, there's another cringy part at the beginning. And they're one of the congressmen was like, I enjoyed having dinner with you the other evening. Could you tell me about your background in science fiction, enjoying science fiction? And so they Yes, very masturbatory very
Law Smith
weird with the Yeah, very weird. Well, speaking of the comedy booth, one thing I do want to shout out do you have anything else on this UAP I'd like all I know is the one dude who went on Rogan to talk about
Eric Readinger
it. Oh, Jeremy Corbyn. core core core Bell.
Law Smith
The that's the dude who did the documentary on he
Eric Readinger
got a shout out in the beginning of this hearing. Like they named like two organizations and then said Mr. kohrville. Oh, like, whoa. He did it.
Law Smith
Yeah, what was the guy's name? Dammit, this is gonna bother me. What do you know about the guy who core Bell does the thing he talks about? He doesn't he do the documentary on? Yeah, the guy who famously found UFOs
Eric Readinger
well, you worked at Area 51. Yeah, that guy Yes. And said
Law Smith
like a Bob Lazar. That's it in general. And how do you forget that name? It's I know. And Jeremy corbello over is the is the guy who we never do that. Jeremy Corbyn is the documentarian that followed him and his story hasn't changed in like 30 years, which is something to be said when
Eric Readinger
watch the documentary. It's really it's really good. Good. You haven't seen it.
Law Smith
I just I've heard so much about it. Listen to Rogan, that I feel like I've seen it in a way because like, it talks about like, okay, it talks about like him working on the spaceship, and then trying to figure out how it's like, it can get it can thrust up and pivot, and just move
Eric Readinger
like law. He talks about there being like, you have to be 99 different ones. Yeah, you went inside the spaceship. It was for like a tiny being. He was
Law Smith
and then he got ousted. Like the so that so they tapped his phones as he was working for them. Yeah, there's he his wife was cheating on him.
Eric Readinger
They think he got some kind of element out of their element more than
Law Smith
they thought he was dirty. And he probably wasn't. And then like, they tapped his phones found out his wife was like cheating on him or something. Well, he
Eric Readinger
had gone on the news in like, the 80s or something, right? And it was like, I gotta tell people, and they did like the worst job hiding his identity had most identifiable haircut you've ever seen. They're like, yeah, like, Bob is that you? But, ya know, they he did that and, and was trying to get the word out. And then shit hit the fan with the government's are getting after him. And
Law Smith
then they either set him up. Like that didn't actually happen. And they made it seem like it happened that way. Or it really was going down. They let them know, just to kind of let that stuff crumble in them internally. What is his wife possibly cheating on him? And then like, after that he went to show a friend or something or an expert for not seeing the movie. I've heard him talk about it so many times. And I heard him on Rogen. This episode I pulled up. Yeah, for like three years ago.
Eric Readinger
Yeah. Like you watch this guy. You're like, I believe that guy. He does not look like you do
Law Smith
too. Oh, but is it? Do you want to believe him? And that thrust you over the goal line? Or is it like,
Eric Readinger
No, I'm, I'm pretty skeptical. I try and pick things apart. And that guy is like, he's he doesn't change his story. He's very resolute. He knows he knew shit that like he had to prove in the documentary, he talked about how they had these X ray scanners to get into right area 51. That would, you'd put your hand in it and it would scan your bones. And it would match up to your resonance, whoever right and then you rub crystals on your forehead. But
Law Smith
he talks about friends like hey, you want some turquoise?
Eric Readinger
Who wants angry? But yeah, he talked about that thing and didn't have one to show but dude, core Bell is he tracked one down so he kind of him being skeptical of it. He went out and look for it and proved him right. And it's one thing after another with that dude, like he's he's has way too much knowledge of just random shit that he wouldn't be able to know if he wasn't.
Law Smith
And the one I heard I'm looking like four things damaged UFO guy Rogen, because I was trying to figure out the name and the fourth search result that came up was a what's it called? was a a like a reporter, a local reporter that
Eric Readinger
covered it George Knapp. He's Yeah, got him on who you hooked up with me and like back in the day to get him on the news? I think so him
Law Smith
and Jeremy Korbel went on Rogan like in 2020. And then I think he came back on Bob Lazar came back on again. He's a physicist out of the New Mexico area. Bob Lazar, the guy we're talking about, and I guess, what do you say? I don't know if it was him. Or if this was someone else's thing. The only two things I've heard were his account that I believe and that there's multiple sightings of like, triangular kind of wafer ish looking spaceships that people have seen in different areas. times and they just as soon as they see them they Yeah as like doors. eat out
Eric Readinger
unsatisfied readers. Yes. The sky Doritos are coming to save the redoes the cool thing about this yesterday was
Law Smith
It's so dumb to lose faith to read is that
Eric Readinger
there's just like a reporting system for all this shit now so now we'll find out just how many of these UFOs are actually being spotted. I'm gonna call them high hop what was it?
Law Smith
Yeah the I hopped up UAPs yes well IP so my my reverse thing when I saw that in that article was like, Oh, they're doing the thing where you switch the the letters around. It makes it a little bit more ambiguous it's harder to talk about it there's like tactics like psych ops ways to kind of bury stuff that exactly they know is going to be public. Right? Right and then and then do what the IRS does or lawyers do and just cover it and documents Yeah, just fucking cover it
Eric Readinger
expand introductions of the guy who used to who's working there and how he likes to read sci fi books they
Law Smith
get so boring. Like what you were watching make
Eric Readinger
it so they can't stop on one frame of the thing. I I'm totally in that theory of like it we're doing it on purpose. So I stopped watching I didn't stop watching. I had to see it to the end. Like I
Law Smith
think when people I know they have to make something public like this. They cover it up with layers of just garbage and know that everybody's talking Child Yeah, there will not sift through it except for like that had to one Adderall nerd on
Eric Readinger
like Reddit. That had to have been what they were doing.
Law Smith
That's what I would if I'm playing strategist on their side. That's exactly what I would do. Everybody has no attention span. see right
Eric Readinger
through you, US government.
Law Smith
It is a huge encyclopedia on top of 40 encyclopedias. Put it buried in there. It's right there. No, all the UEFA pro bono person is gonna go through and read it. I look to the YouTube channel, guys that they're out there. Like there's definitely some YouTubers that will read through that or if your time suck with Dan Cummings, you'll, you'll split it up amongst the research team found people looking over different topics every week.
For the people that would do that. Yeah, well,
Law Smith
it's on you. Time suck. It's on you. Yeah.
Eric Readinger
Somebody's gonna have to worry about that. It's certainly already been deciphered all those documents.
Law Smith
Yeah. Well, look, you got to find you got to find someone who's willing to do it at almost a pro bono rate, which that's why my head goes to that. But that's the only limited knowledge I know of people that would do that. But I gotta
Eric Readinger
know right now that you were talking about it. That's exactly what they were doing with two worlds two shittiest videos, right? The guy who looks like Steve Harvey
Law Smith
make it for ad P. Yeah. Like, just like, don't give the guy Oh, no. No, yeah, no audio. Who cares? Right. They hired they probably hired like C span fight or public access people to shoot it. Yeah. We're bringing in a CT. Yeah. Well,
Eric Readinger
bastards. They got me
Law Smith
one cool thing that happened. Switching a little bit. Carmen Morales, former guest of this podcast. She's comedian, you got some hotel? He had something lined up. What would I have lined up for? That you're gonna know that you're in the soundboard? I don't know. I think this is before you came aboard as our mutual co hosting on this show. She came on as a guest. And she's got an HBO Max special out and it's fucking good. You know, when people were really nice. She was really nice. We knew of each other for years, she was in the Orlando scene. Met like, you know what, both of us were late into comedy and she was so sweet and so nice that I was like, I'm so happy for all that stuff. Just heard around Joey Diaz podcast, which is on video and Spotify somehow we're gonna figure it out. But, but I'm so happy for her getting that because it looked awesome. It's colorful visually and it's like 30 minutes I think. I thought it was in Spanish. And I was like, Ooh, and it's not
Eric Readinger
but English can be tough to though sometimes buddy Hey,
Law Smith
listen to this podcast. I'm fucking mumble now through a bunch of shit. What? What about I want to show everybody showing the we're always tip top on news with Chappelle getting tackled three weeks ago. Chapelle
Eric Readinger
got that's what you wanted to talk about.
Law Smith
No, no, I wanted to bring up can you bring up this guy? So Oh, yeah, a lot of people haven't seen this. This is the best or worst. Can you pull it up? On the on the screen there? That's fine.
Eric Readinger
It's gonna get pulled down.
Law Smith
Maybe we'll see. It's been ripped so many times. This isn't a bombs run forever.
Eric Readinger
I'm gonna take the video off though. We'll get a play by
Law Smith
Oh man. And the audio is how they catch you. Okay, well, we just got to talk over it right? Well, so Okay, so this guy is in Oklahoma. He just told the
Eric Readinger
audience to shut the fuck up there because we got people out here so fast won't be like
Law Smith
me anymore Shreveport Louisiana.
Eric Readinger
So he's got a guitar and a harmonica. He's one of those comics.
Law Smith
This is early 90s, probably very early 90s.
Eric Readinger
Oklahoma. He's scrambling right now he's talking about Oklahoma.
Law Smith
No, no. Pause it real quick. Here's here's what he did. He lost his shit already.
Eric Readinger
Right? So I'm saying you can ramble. Everybody can feel it. He doesn't know what he's saying. He's talking about Oklahoma. Blah, blah, blah. He's,
Law Smith
I've got flowers to FurReal Matt on stage and I'm like, oh, that's death. That's the worst thing. Oh, yeah. Yeah, cuz once
Eric Readinger
they once they get you flapped up. They went here we go. Okay. I was gonna say this part real quick. He
Law Smith
it goes out of frame. Yeah, it does. When he comes back, it looks like Willie Nelson's guitar.
Eric Readinger
smashed it. Yeah. Good. Guy. Yeah, he's
Law Smith
your ground baby. Yeah, stand your ground rule.
Eric Readinger
Show's over. Why real broke? And then all the Karen's there's one lady How much could you have paid to see this guy?
Law Smith
Yeah, this look like cocaine addled 90s
Eric Readinger
late 1980s and
Law Smith
troops move. Closer to cocaine has gotta be a tough crowd. That's gonna be after the bubble rolling in a bubble of the 80s
Eric Readinger
We're on there with your buttoned down shirt and your guitar and Monica
Law Smith
he looks like out an accident. He looks like a gym coach that got fired and had to go to Sunday school. Man that I don't know. I that day. Think about hitting someone with a guitar. And it breaking like that into like, just crumbling into pieces.
Eric Readinger
Yeah. For it to break in smashed. It's not one of those WWF ones I've just breaks away. But I'll keep talking. It's got 40 of them.
Law Smith
Okay, talk man. Nice. Good pull. Last thing. Last thing. Last thing I got is we'll end on
Eric Readinger
this. Pretend like I just made a WWF reference.
Law Smith
WWF reference. Nice. Is that honkytonk
Eric Readinger
perfect. That's Ric Flair. You dick.
Law Smith
That's what I thought.
Eric Readinger
Flair declare, losing it.
Law Smith
I know. I don't know where to go with this. This is kind of non sequitur, of course, but my mom did one of the things that unintentionally she called me last week. And now she stopped. My parents have stopped saying like, why don't you become a lawyer? Why don't you become a dog regulation? No, no, it's way more insulting. My mom's like, why don't you become an Imagineer? It was like, What the fuck?
Eric Readinger
I was like, What?
Law Smith
What is that made up word in me. Right. That's what I said. I was like, is that an engineer that gets to sit and look at clouds all
Eric Readinger
day. They have to make anything. Just imagine it. Imagineers worked for Disney.
Law Smith
Could you I was like, could you imagine me walking up and go? What do you do? Oh, I'm Senior Am I
Eric Readinger
so you I'm not qualified because I can't even imagine that.
Law Smith
I'm Senior Imagineer I had to go to a lot of imaginary grad school to get there.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, I've really imba
Law Smith
you know, the tests are really tough. You have to color outside the lines on everything. And just do what you do. Can't imagine. I just thought that was funny. I flush that out on stage today. I don't get
Eric Readinger
Yeah, good luck with that. Well,
Law Smith
we'll see where it goes. Gave you a couple of good punch lines right there. I just think Yeah, I think Imagineer. It's got legs. It's it's got legs for a bed. At a certain point, your parents are starting to give up and they're just like, I just want you to be stable. And you're like, fine. Yeah. I don't know how to you guys. I again, the digital chasm. Where they don't they don't understand like, what I do at all. What
Eric Readinger
did you make today? Show it to me?
Law Smith
I'm like, where is your my thing? My I'll send you my tax return if you want but there's real stuff I'm doing. But I've literally in our old office tried to get them to understand my I had my mom sit down, go. This is what I do. It spent five minutes she's like, I have no idea what you just told me. I was like, this is Apple TV all over again. Yeah. All right. I feel good. You got anything else? That's
Eric Readinger
it. We're good.
Law Smith
We hit our contractual duty. Yeah. What about my sweat equity? Squarespace sponsor Two sides
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