#245: How To Abruptly Face The Facts On Scary Truths About That Stimulus and Life Like Tom Brady Dealing with Tampa Folk Rolling Up to His Dock


business franchise people podcast big slash google ads money thought sweat comm warby parker trial fucking loan real profitability google zoom listening stimulus

Law Smith


sweat equity podcasts and streaming show the number one comedy business podcast out in the streets. Arbitron rated number one romantic entrepreneurial vice and dick jokes that cough brought to you by Roane tribe.com Ford slash swipe get your high in teacher gear, get your workout gear go and try rom com forward slash sweat. It'll get it going and you can have that girthy ROI hashtag hashtag sweat equity. It's a sponsor of ours that we forget to talk about on this show. Try roane.com forward slash wet. It's awesome workout here. Check it out, try rowing comm forward slash What? We're on iTunes Apple podcast, Spotify, laughable YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, you see I switched all this up. What is happening? Not your normal read because we're going to go right into trying grasshopper, try grasshopper.com for sweat gets you the hook up on a business phone line. Don't have a Google Voice number when someone's calling your business or side hustle, get a real business phone line. I've got one on my phone. You can you don't need two phones like a drug dealer in the 90s. Try grasshopper.com forward slash sweat. We'll get you the hook up on $50 off. Wait, no. Oh, it's like $150 off I think for the year annually. We should look that I know.

Eric Readinger


Why would we know that? I could

Law Smith


hit I could hit the link while I'm doing this read. Figure it out. But try grasshopper comm forward slash sweat, it'll hook you up owe $75 off somewhere in the middle of a business phone line plan. And it's a scalable app where you could add phone numbers to it as you go. I'm a member of it. Try grace our comm forward slash way freshbooks go freshbooks comm forward slash wet get that direct deposit the next day. That is Huge quick. QuickBooks doesn't do that. Zero doesn't do that. Fresh books does it go freshbooks comm Ford slash wet, you can sit in, that's another scalable accounting option. Or you can do it as little as just sending a couple of invoices or that could get your CPA to log in and do your accounting work through your app, go freshbooks.com forward slash sweat, get you the hookup on that. And lastly, Warby Parker Warby Parker trial comm forward slash wet, I'm tired of my friends telling me they get new sunglasses, I glassware and their prescription and they don't use a hard link Warby Parker trial comm Ford slash might get five free pairs to try on at home and you can find your face shape against all the frames they have on the site. And you can type in your prescription. Boom, I've done it. I've been a Warby Parker member for five, six years now. Warby Parker trial.com, forward slash sweat Did you five free pairs, try it at home. Don't buy Any of them go over five, send them all back, get another five boom, done it. And that


get that Carlos Pena stat line

Law Smith


that gets all the leads. This is a tough thing to do without the music in the background that would normally have sweeten it up later, but I'll give up. Ah.

Law Smith


We're zooming. We're zooming buddy. We're zooming. We're not following our own rules that we set out about three months ago. Well, we're not dad, because I don't have sleeves. No, no, it's fine. You know, you Keep it business casual, real there's Joe exotic business casual. I am never

Eric Readinger


gonna financially recover from this.

Law Smith


I've, well, I've got an upskirt camera looking at you, but that's not apparently what the output is. Yeah,

Eric Readinger


nobody cared because you've got my zoom camera. But that's not good, because all we're looking at is your screen. Nobody cares about the


technical side of

Law Smith


things. To make us a little bit legitimate of a show. I got a little tip, there's an L is C loan available for small businesses because much like a lot of people, I don't know if you've received that email from our respective state of Florida, that they're, they're out of the disbursements of payments, I guess. So. I got that email today, but they're so we have been trying to push everybody that listens to this show. You know, don't just look for the Civic stuff. Don't look for the federal state and your city or county? I mean, check those out for sure. But there's also a lot of private opportunity that's not predatory. So there's like it Oh, how about this? If you want a Google Ads credit, they're getting a giveaway about $300 million worth of Google ads, credit for small businesses. Now, if you think about an economist going away, that means the value of Google ad, right, not as much. However, thank you for the free thing that doesn't really exist that you control Google thinks, well, I so I went back and forth my own brain by myself thinking about it because I was shitting on my own point, basically, to tell people about this. But then I thought about it. How many times have you been given a digital gift card and never used it or just a gift card in general? I don't

Eric Readinger


know. I'm pretty good about cashing in on them. gift cards. All right,

Law Smith


what about generally like most people, right?

Eric Readinger


Yes, there is there is a thing to gift cards in general that they kind of there's a percentage of them that go on us that are just money into the vendors pocket.

Law Smith


Yeah. Because also they have a time limit on when you can use them. Sure. So there's that aspect of it, but people just lose them, forget them. You know, they don't keep them in their wallet kind of thing. But like I remember on Shark Tank A long time ago, there's a guy that had a whole business that was like 70% of them don't get used or something anyway, I just think when you get a digital kind of thing that Google Ads isn't going to change a lot of unless you're certified like I am and run a business humblebrag Yeah, seven seven Google Ads certifications, five trade desk programmatic advertising certifications. What what? But I'm saying like, unless you really know that or have someone in your that's doing that work for you. It's not gonna it might not move. The needle very much, you know, it almost feels like a it's it's gonna help some people out but I don't even know how they're going to give those out rainstorm. Long story boring is Bret Ernst likes to say is there's one that's with horizon, I believe in a bunch of other bigger private companies called the Li SC loan. And that's available that just dropped or just started taking applications again yesterday.

Eric Readinger


Who's that? That's a private loan.

Law Smith


Yeah. So there's private ones out there. There's, we've talked about the Facebook one, if you're an agency ad agency, there's Google ads, it's doing about almost close to a billion in like four different categories. One was the affer mentioned Google ads. And then there's just a lot of you just have to like kind of, yeah, put a Google Alert. You got to nerd out on that. I tried to put up a Google Alert for keywords just for this show. That count See if anything interesting comes up. But that's not really our zone so much. Yeah, I want to welcome like want to get like a cash flow expert on to kind of that knows this stuff a little bit better. Yeah.

Eric Readinger


Well, like you said, the thing with the Google Ads is like you could give me, you know, a million dollars in Google ads and somebody who knows it really good. could get 1000 and get way more out of it. Like giving a you know, however much credit to somebody through Google ads that doesn't really know what to do with it.


What do you get, you know?

Law Smith


Well, so we know that if someone submits for it gets it has trouble, they can hit us up, I guess. We don't. You can send them to people that know how to do it. That we want to be a connector as a show.


Space doctors.

Law Smith


Well, I'm looking up. I want to I want to look at all the What do you feel about all the businesses that have gotten the stimulus loans At that, I think it's my hunches. It's Miss reported, like the Ruth's Chris kind of thing. Right about. Yeah.

Eric Readinger


I mean, you know, it's, it's tough because you want to take a shit on it. You want to be like, fuck those guys, man, Can you believe that? But you get, like, whoever's the Shot Caller in these situations is listening to accountants or somebody who is like, hey, if you don't do it, somebody else is, you know, and it's like, if you talk to business people, they're always gonna be like, Hey, you got to take advantage of these things is everybody else's, you know, and I don't know, it's tough. There are some that I've heard that is like, hey, that's not cool, that you think you deserve money through that, you know, but most of them it's like, man, I know what they're thinking.

Law Smith


Well, you know what, what isn't really reported? This if made media gets on digital, it's like, we've gone over that a lot over the years like they just don't they don't even know how to talk about it. Yeah. On this side it it's definitely misleading to say that like, if your franchise I guess like Ruth's Chris was or is like they that you could get that as an individual franchise owner right because there's there's a lot of them underneath that umbrella how many I don't know sir. It could be a bunch of groups which you want to try to I the weird thing with the stimulus stuff and like, how we are feeling sad for businesses. I'm going to is this not going to be a popular opinion but we have it says a lot about restaurants. You know, just like restaurants like cuz. Because we all love fucking food, right? Like that's, that's why we have to no one's talking about the supply chain. Chain of the food that gets to the restaurant really right? Because it's not sexy. They're thinking about like, Shake Shack Shake Shack gave back the money. Ruth's Chris gave back the money. And it's like, well, yeah, because they got PR slam basically right?

Eric Readinger


If we were paying attention

Law Smith


well, so I mean, shake. It's $2 trillion in the stimulus package. And it's, it's interesting to just kind of, kind of watch the news on that even though, you know, we're not going to break any news on this show. But it's totally like, yeah, the paycheck Protection Program is where they got it. And that's, that's the that's the loan that just help people get paid, which I don't. I think the headlines just read these big brands and people freak out. And it's like, well, no, they actually employ like, big companies employ a lot of people.

Eric Readinger


Yeah, especially the franchisees thing is like, you know, they do their best to try and control how those franchises are performing and stuff. But like in the end, like, you know, some of them are worse off than others like big time, there's absolutely managerial situations that they can't control and they might need to throw millions of dollars at certain areas or certain groups that own multiple locations.

Law Smith


If you know I could make a case that you should it should go to franchises because they have a proven model, a hub and spoke model Yeah, franchise or franchisee you could make a better argument and saying, you know, these businesses will probably survive a little bit more. Or you're just mitigating risk if you get to pick and choose like, literally subjectively, you're the person giving the stimulus check to companies and you can go well, you know, look franchises that are at a certain level they have, they carry a lot less risk of failing. So You know, this aberration of a forthcoming recession aside, you know, that's not an economic didn't happen from any any economic thing it happened from a virus going around, which is once in 100 years, so it's one of those things where I know now I'm thinking about it. The franchise stuff is probably a better bet for our tax money to go to.

Eric Readinger


Yeah. I mean, they become free and they have you should franchise that that's like that for a reason. Because it's successful. And it they have it figured out, you know? Yeah, and then there's

Law Smith


Yeah, then there's a lot don't get caught up in the startup franchise stuff. If anybody's listening to that I need to do a new opportunity to get in solar panels, or something like that.

Eric Readinger


Yeah, go with a tried and trued

Law Smith


true would try to do I'm getting I'm getting a lot of ads for starting your own franchise of something and a lot of it's A lot of untested I would say like untested markets untested or services to franchise out. Well, your do your own online class make a lot of money. Yeah,

Eric Readinger


yeah, I've got a couple master classes I'm ready to teach. But, you know, it's funny because we're not like big on franchises but I sent you that that that infographic that had all the startup costs for franchises and it was like I've got it open the top 20 or whatever it was and actually former employer of mine snap on tools was on there for I didn't know their franchise. Yeah.

Law Smith


I'm pulling it out. But

Eric Readinger


there's some big numbers on there. Surprisingly big numbers especially for I think it was a I don't know if it was in and out or jack in the box or something like that had like crazy high amount of money you had to have to get started, how much you have to invest to start Top 20 franchise I guess it's not cash up front, but that's the debt you're going into.

Law Smith


So how much how much?

Eric Readinger


You know, they have franchise fees, which is basically just Hey, give me money for this name and for this setup, you know, that's aside from equipment and anything else, whatever.

Law Smith


Yeah, me all that. I've been in a franchise system. I've studied it in school back in the day. I don't I remember when I was in undergrad 15 years ago in the entrepreneurship program, we we used to talk about chick fil a and Krispy Kreme because they had like an absurd number. So you have to be liquid. They'll look at your assets and go how liquid are you? Right? And if you and then you have to have investment too. So that's why I think I was looking at this like, there's something else that needs to be involved in this graph,

Eric Readinger


because oh yeah, that graph is very overarching. It's like basically, they that's not all liquid, obviously.

Law Smith


No, that's a crazy amount. It's just showing the initial investment. Let me I could share my screen right now maybe get to. Let's get wild. Sure. My house


down, man.

Eric Readinger


We'll talk about we should talk about why we're back in my house, or why I'm in my house.

Law Smith


If you want to talk. I was if you wanted to talk about


games, let me get your get your screen up there. Okay.


Now you're just

Eric Readinger


oh god, you're gonna break your whole thing to

Law Smith


me. I didn't do anything.

Eric Readinger


Well, let's look at your screen. McDonald's.

Law Smith


Now you can see it was

Eric Readinger


covert have the highest low end investment out of everything on there Great Clips jersey Mike's I used to work for jersey Mike's

Law Smith


yeah dude sucks


fucking bro fuckin in the partnership of this

Law Smith


podcast oh wait pauses my bad

Eric Readinger


all right get back to your video who cares nobody will see this stupid crap

Law Smith


well look I'll read it I'll read it How is this an order is in no order there is no order and REMAX


Oh interest

Law Smith


could come on come on math reading centers Come on math and reading centers 'em

Eric Readinger



Law Smith


I have to read it when I see it because otherwise I'll just make it come to Jersey Mike's such as

Eric Readinger


if I had my cell board a

Law Smith


Planet Fitness is garbage Yeah, never gonna be hired, marketing work or any of these


By the

Law Smith


snap on tools I yeah, I'm surprised I what's the target audience y'all hit mechanics?

Eric Readinger


Err Yeah, it's all there's a snap on is strictly selling high end tools to professional mechanics that you wouldn't believe how many are out there. It's like insane.

Law Smith


No, I, I definitely believe it, especially now that I'm in that kind of b2b sector just getting getting to know more the unsexy businesses out there. And then the ancillary ones around that. Yeah, for sure. Anybody has a wrench and by the way, one of the best wedding gifts I got you gave me a snap on Yeah, man. I should set that. It's awesome. That

Eric Readinger


was the go to for a while.

Law Smith


The deal is a blue I mean that that's like the most practical right Matic. I've used it so much to hang shit. Wherever I've lived the last time Five years so yeah.

Eric Readinger


All right Jimmy. Get away john screen. Nobody wants to sit

Law Smith


there Jimmy John's. Go bash. Ah, I'm beautiful. I have the I have I framed up real nice. I've got the lights go and you can see my pretty green eyes.

Eric Readinger


Yes. We both eyes. Thank you.

Law Smith


I will I forgot they change color. I grew up. They were green now they're blue. Yeah, they can do that. No, I didn't know they could do that. Yeah, but all the food ones are just garbage isn't straight garbage on there. I just remember that chick fil a has the highest profitability. And then you couldn't they wouldn't let you pick where your location was. Good. Just like you. You live in Texas. They're like cool. We're gonna start hitting North Dakota. That's your that's where you're at? Well,

Eric Readinger


they're not doing that but they're not gonna you know, they're gonna pick street corners and stuff like that. That's what they're talking about. Back in the day.

Law Smith


They would pick like that. They'd be like, Look, the only ones you get Like gonna be out of state because we have too many in this area.

Eric Readinger


Well, that makes me think, okay,

Law Smith


yeah. Yeah, they don't crush it and overall sales because people will be like subway and McDonald's, like kill it, like their profitability per location is in sane. Yeah. Yeah, in and out has to be that way too but they're private. So you'll never get that info never get into one graph right? Well I think they're one big private fast food chain that you know they don't really have a franchisee something I could be wrong

Eric Readinger


not everywhere is franchise

Law Smith


well i mean but you just think of that model but they don't they're only really on the West Coast so I guess it would make sense anyway. Yeah I find that interesting. I find it interesting. A lot of people are looking at stuff like this to figure out how to like, Alright, well, this is it. I'm gonna start a new business. You know, this might be the time Oh, yeah, I recommend franchise stuff, if it makes sense. But, you know, you got to look at profitability, how liquid you are. You know, when I was solo salon studios in the franchise group, we were in like, it was really interesting to see like, it was a lot about commercial real estate. So if you find out that like, you get in it because you're like people love Dunkin coffee coffees got a great markup, and then you probably get involved and it's really about finding the commercial real estate for sure. More than anything. Oh, yeah. Well, that's like, What's his name? Finding a rotary

Eric Readinger


crock pot of McDonald's? McDonald's Corporation, they just bought all the land that all those businesses were sitting on and it's like, oh, okay, now that now they're more powerful. Did you see that movie?

Law Smith


Yeah, but I thought it was I'm I remember thinking about more of the assembly line stuff than the real estate part of it, but you You're right

Eric Readinger


well that's what made it all that's what made it huge was he just turned it into a real estate company, basically,

Law Smith


but they don't own they don't still do that right. They don't still own the land. Yeah, I think he did but something in the in the movie but Well, I mean Sears did that that's why they're still Sears around. Everyone's like why would you have a seat and why are sukkos in there? You can. The best thing about Sears is you can haggle with them. You know that? No, my my buddy does that because he they'll they'll let you haggle with them on a price which is absurd for a big department store. What? When the last time


that happened?

Law Smith


I off

Eric Readinger


okay, buddy, and get him to video himself haggling at Sears and let's see how it goes.

Law Smith


I want to Yeah, I'm sure he wants a video of himself doing that everybody likes.

Eric Readinger


I mean, were you with him when he did or did he tell you about it? Because if he told you about I mean he's a little bit proud and he probably wants to do a video on it.

Law Smith


Like I'm gonna No, he's not proud of it. He just was like, Hey, here's a hot tip because I know you nerd out on this stuff. I'm like, oh cool if I ever buy a washing machine, it's

Eric Readinger


a hot tip. If you want to save 50 cents on something you could spend 15 minutes talking to a high school graduate about the price on water.

Law Smith


Just where your brain gets going on any any department store that you think that's fixed, that's not we're not gonna be able to this isn't a dealership for car but like that Sears is such a weird entity because they own all their property. So they own all their buildings. So they, it kind of like

Eric Readinger


the turtle walk in there by the

Law Smith


building. They don't I mean, though, it sounds like they don't need to, like crush it and sales or they, they have the ability to not have to go crazy and just keep the land you know, and sell that off. Oh, okay. Like Scientology or church of Latter Day Saints. Sure.

Eric Readinger


The real business model Man,

Law Smith


honestly they're the biggest real estate mavens in the world. Yeah.

Eric Readinger


Ground Floor

Law Smith


but uh you know this is a business podcast that's about religion because religion isn't a business


no no All hail

Eric Readinger


Catholic Church to get like shitload of that PPP money but did it? Yep

Law Smith


Really? Mmm hmm yeah. How's that work? You know how does the catholic church they don't get tax ah yep we got we got a real Epstein Island yeah pedophile conspiracy brewing in my head.



Law Smith


America America wait what what Who? Who gave it

Eric Readinger


the federal government

Law Smith


so yeah, we got we got some we got some Epstein Island Can I


know I don't know why I even brought it up.

Law Smith


Look man, I'm just saying what either assassins

Eric Readinger


coming to my house.


No robes.

Law Smith


Why printing Frankincense on him? What's it called? Uh, so what? Yeah, we're you're doing that we're doing this via zoom. Hopefully we can, you know, get three ways going. Yes. And bringing in some guests and taking advantage of people being like, I'm like man I should I should this is the time to hit up some people that are still like still self quarantine especially the people in California that are interesting that we might not ever be able to write.

Eric Readinger


They're like, fuck it. I'll be on there.

Law Smith


Maybe Maybe I if I get high or drunk enough. Maybe I'm like maybe Bert kreischer, come on. If I you know you get higher truck. No, I get that's where I get my booking ideas. Ah, yeah. And I'm like, maybe Yeah, maybe I'm optimistic. How about Oh,

Eric Readinger


okay, that makes sense. Oh, yeah, we're,


we're back out of the new studio. Yeah.

Eric Readinger



Law Smith


I'm gonna try to extrapolate this story for a business lesson. So yeah,

Eric Readinger


well, you know the lesson. Head Coach style NFL head coach style is a Tommy


i didn't

Eric Readinger


i did not clarify. The expectations.

Law Smith


I just like, articulate this. It's making me laugh. Yeah. Wow, they

Eric Readinger


thought they were was it? They were thought that whatever.


Yeah, no, I

Eric Readinger


it was, um, it seemed like a good idea to exchange services and I just didn't.

Law Smith


I think you've got to give the whole the whole backstory. So we were we were at a Marketing PR company, you know, kind of friendly with Eric was doing a lot of business with, right. You gotta set the table.

Eric Readinger


Yeah, I Well, I'm also trying to kind of I don't want to throw anybody under the bus. So I'm just trying to be very cordial. But, uh, yeah, you know, it was one of those things where I was in agreement to help them with whatever I could help them with, in general, you know, and it wasn't really a solid agreement on anything. And for me, the time that was expected to be put in to stroke exchange services was not exactly what I was feeling. And I kind of had to just take my ball and go home.

Law Smith


So You had a you had worked out a barter with a local company we were friendly with that you were doing some hard work for. Yeah. Another friend of ours in one of those things barters are really tough. Sure, services.

Eric Readinger


But seriously, I didn't work out the barter. That's the problem is I didn't, I didn't say, Okay, this is what we're doing, right? At number of hours I'm putting in and I'm gonna be in there for this number of hours, boom, boom, boom or an agreement, boom. That's the problem is I didn't do that.

Law Smith


Yeah, and that was something I that's why I kept being like, Well, let me know if I can throw my hat into the ring to kind of work off some stuff for them. So just overdo it a little bit. So it kept everything nice, but, you know, there we were. Kind of working that out. And, you know, discrepancies over that paid work you were doing. We down and then now you're in this weird muddled area where it's like shit. Right ordering bartering services really tough you really through failing a lot. The only way to really do it is you have to take what your per hour what that normally would cost and then put it against what they normally charge. Exactly. That should be. Yeah. And you have to like do the math of it. You can't just do a handshake in the air. Right? it you know, it's easy to not do it when especially service businesses now we're everything's just moving quickly. Sure. And so like, for instance, our power business attorney, Steve fantasti, his dollar per hour his his hourly rate would be two times the one that took about agency when it was active. And so I would go Okay, well here's what I'll do for here's I can do for You, right? And, you know, he's given me five hours of his work. And that's how we had to do it. Because that was the most fair way, you know?

Eric Readinger


Yeah. And I should have done did that. And I didn't.

Law Smith


Yeah, and you and I are always like, if there's, you know, an extra pizza slice in, you're at a party or something, there's one left, you're going to give it to the other person usually, like, yeah, we were always kind of looking at like, you know, it's not gonna nothing's gonna be even in a barter like that forever, or just, it may seesaw back and forth. But if anybody's listening that's trying to do that, you know, it's an OK way to get a lot of stuff done. You have this skill that everybody needs. So digital for us or video production, or podcasting, whatever. A lot of people need it now. You know, but they never want to pay for it. Right from our So it's kind of like, on the small level on a really small local level micro nano. So it's like, there always was a way to, like get stuff done in the beginning, but it doesn't pay the bills.

Eric Readinger


Right. And it does go back to the thing where it's like, you know, just because it only took me an hour doesn't mean that it wouldn't take them however many hours, you know, and it's just like, Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's a long time to be able to get to be able to do that in an hour.

Law Smith


Right. Right. Right. And that's why you're, you're you're building at home. Well, I mean, look, we can get away with zoom for a while. I think this isn't we thought your your computer was gonna burn up and go into flame. Yeah. And then yesterday, I had to get it. You know, hardline Ethernet, like, you know, this can be improved a lot.

Eric Readinger


But we had we had a 10 minute podcast yesterday with Avery, my daughter As the producer, and which we were fucking up the audio and it was all weird sounding and I was like, Man, this Patreon is for

Law Smith


me, maybe throw it out there.


We're about Patreon Subscribers get to see our sound Tech's.

Law Smith


Well, I yeah, what I want to do is because I'm moving my place to so this sweet background behind me Well, we'll be here much longer, but I definitely want to figure out how to get better, you know, better guests and while we can, if possible, you know, and the one thing I've been watching with the zoom, I've been really kind of watching them on YouTube. Is that I think we're doing one where you have a switcher going between back and forth, right? Kinda, maybe we got the

Eric Readinger


dick tie down the middle split screen style.

Law Smith


Oh, we're doing PGI style. Yeah, yeah, because I was watching legion of skanks were my favorite. And they had all four boxes of people open at the same time. It was like it was. I don't know. It's tough. It was rough.

Eric Readinger


Yeah, I think ion too is like it's too much. Yeah, cuz then you're having to search. Who's talking? Right? What is it? Because here it's like I know it's either one or the other.

Law Smith


Yeah, so if I'm looking at my frame, that's a 16 by nine ratio. I just, it's gonna be cut in the middle.

Eric Readinger


Your head looks twice as big as mine.

Law Smith


So we did frame it up correctly. Yeah, it's perfect.

Eric Readinger


Exactly how it is in real life, too.

Law Smith


It's pretty close mascot head. Where were we at on time?


Dude, you said that exactly like 30 minutes. Perfect.

Law Smith


What? So? What? Anything else?

Eric Readinger


We're gonna work. I'm still I'm not

Law Smith


I want you to get mad talk shit.

Eric Readinger


No, I'm not. I mean, you know, it's I really am not mad. I'm just I just had to like, be like, Well, no, I mean, it was like one of those things where I was like, Okay, I can't like obviously I didn't talk this all I'm not even joking around where I'm saying it's partially my like it was there's a good bit of it my fault. And I feel bad because like, you know, Serena is she's without a studio now and stuff and it's not It wasn't like an easy decision to come by but uh, you know, I was putting in way too many hours for what you know we were using the studio an hour a week

Law Smith


and it doesn't mean it still can't work out either

Eric Readinger


right and that's why I'm not talking shit because there's not really talk


you know,

Law Smith


I know I just want to get like I'm just saying overall when it gets you to talk shit on this one day. Oh, man. Well,


I'm not you know, I'm not gonna be held down man. Keep pushing me down and I'll get back up again.

Law Smith


No, it creates more drama. I don't recommend it. Yeah, but it has bitten me in the ass more than is probably helped me but but Man, I'm a fucking first amendment guy, bro. Don't tell me to wear masks right on

Eric Readinger



Law Smith


Stand up the last bastion of free speech, man. Yeah. So in podcasting resume, so all right. Well, let's we'll close it out. We're still on Spotify on Google Play Apple podcasts.

Eric Readinger


Google is Google podcasts now. Oh, yeah. Something What was it? You forwarded me you haphazardly forwarded me some emails

Law Smith


that I had already. Here's a Google Play is now Google podcast. I don't know. I think it is. I skimmed it while it was on the toilet, but Right, right. You know, cool. Keep it real, bro. Keep it real, authentic, genuine, first, first amendment, free speech, all those things. Sure. Keep. Keep the dick ties going. And do it.

Eric Readinger


That's it. All right. Thanks, everybody.

Law Smith


What about my sweat equity


What about my sweater


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