#227: How To Instantly Get Your Face On The Most Hated List By Repetitively Dumping on TikTok Like Tom Hanks on Tik Tok (jk Tom Hanks would never)
Law Smith
So are we good? You're good. In three two sweat equity podcast. We live a Wayne's old reference nothing. Under Hookes law Smith sitting here with me is Eric Roger. Yeah. As always, and we got Polly the dog on the ground in case you hear any barking or tail wagging. We're doing this live on our Facebook page. Feel free to ask any questions as we do this live. We like to entertain we'd like to answer all I've got a mailbag of stuff ready to go over but first, you want to help out this podcast, share it with a friend with a loved one. Tell him about the hashtag ROI, the girthy ROI. Tell him that to be a good entrepreneur he got to give first to get that's hashtag 69 p2p you give us a review. We'll give your brand a review online. You get double time of that, Eric and I will business like 69 Your Business Review online five star
seed money.
Law Smith
Money me if you can't share this podcast because we like dick jokes in the entrepreneurial pragmatic advice. Spirit. What you can do is go to our sponsors, try grasshopper.com Ford slash sweat, get $50 off of business phone line, it's an app because right on your phone, you don't have to be a drug dealer to sell phones anymore. You don't need Google Voice because you sound like a drip Roni with your business or brand. When people call business and it hits a Google Voice try grasshopper.com forward slash wet get $50 off. I've got on my phone. We try every one of these sponsors out. We couldn't promote it unless we use them like go freshbooks comm forward slash sweat Look, I am the worst about books accounting. I hate it. It's my least favorite thing of all time. But go freshbooks comm forward slash twit gonna make it easy on you. You're gonna get it discount, we get a little kickback. It's, you get that direct deposit the next day that QuickBooks zero do not do six
Eric Readinger
months from now, when you get around to it, it's gonna be so nice
Law Smith
dude, when you look when you have cash flow problems, and that shit doesn't come in there. Don't be like, Oh, well arbitrarily, we're just gonna hold in purgatory. We don't feel like
Eric Readinger
a button on our
Law Smith
right. So are your banks doing it? And by the time you figured out that it's us that it won't be there in five days? Yeah, five business days. Oh, go freshbooks comm forward slash wet. Do your accounting, do your invoicing, you can do your expenses. You can do all that nerd accounting stuff. Your CPA can get in there with a little permission to That's nice. Warby Parker trial comm forward slash sweat. I'm wearing Warby Parker glasses. As we do this on Facebook Live on YouTube, Vimeo later, these are prescription glasses. I only got them to look smart meetings. That's it, but still doesn't work. It doesn't work, but it helps. It's a marginal help, because people want to hire a nerd in the digital community, I think you can wear the boat Bono's shirt because that's a tell that you're a dork. Yeah. And play video games and whatnot. But Warby Parker trial.com, Ford slash sweat. You're probably seeing Warby Parker shops pop up in your major metropolitan city. Now, they are disrupter don't pay 300 to seven. My dad told me pay $700 first person and they look they look cool for it. Like they're cool old mad mini style. But I was like, Dad, you know, you're gonna
Eric Readinger
sit on those shifts.
Law Smith
I know. I know. It's like you have I made 600 maybe 500 it was way too much. Look minor $95 you get inflated costs, because there's one company that owns 97% of the eyeglass wear market. Warby Parker's that disrupter, we love them. get five free pairs to try on prescription glasses and sunglasses Warby Parker trial comm forward slash wet and last but not least, ruin apparel Rome. is high in workout gear you think of think of your Nike pro combat but you want it to be an upper area you want it to be Wallstreet. Cool. Yeah, you wouldn't be better than those people, right? Yeah, it's awesome. Try roane.com forward slash sweat Roan, our h o and E try roan.com Ford slash sweat. That'll give you the hook up. That gives us a little kick back. Holler if you hear me Are you ready to get this thing going? Hi.
Law Smith
That'll go right in and we'll do it long. People getting really angry just always gonna be funny old white man Will Ferrell is really a corner that market but Goddamn dude. Just people when they're genuinely mad Oh yeah, fucking thing sucks. I take I like going to this park every Saturday that still has it's still near the hood they're trying to wait caught gentrify it whatever that word is. They're trying to get the hood out of this neighborhood. But it's like, it's me. It's me and like, I just people watch the moms that are like, getting angry at each other. Like, oh, yeah, like the suburban like there's ghetto mom's here.
Eric Readinger
I don't know what to do you believe she put the poop in that
Law Smith
cannon on the other way. I was thinking about it. There's no way I haven't seen worldstar hip hop video in front of my eyes. Someone filmed it, I'm sure but that every third time I'm there. There's like a fight breaks out between the moms. I love it. But that's my favorite. I just want to be an observer. I want to be around chaos. I don't want to be in it.
Yeah, I mean,
Law Smith
my favorite comedy shows are the ones where it's just like, you could tell the audience is just fucking out of their minds and they Didn't know not even a drunk way like you didn't have this weird like audiences galvanized in a weird way of oka almost one personality in one way. Oh yeah. And here's like, what's wrong with you guys? This is Sunday show. Don't get it. No. It'll be just like almost everybody is sounds delirious like sometimes it's it's weird how it can happen all in sync kind of thing. Yeah, but I love that. That's my favorite kind of show cuz I'm like, What? Everybody? Like do Whippets like right before I got on stage gasoline. So yeah, man, what's going on? What are you working on? anything fun
Eric Readinger
to talk about is a couple websites I'm working on and things and you know, I didn't actually tell you this they
Law Smith
Squarespace hook us up with a goddamn I know code Squarespace. What can I do to camera? If I remember a Squarespace. Good. Can you give us promo code we've made 130 plus websites or else in the last four years were the podcast people that could promote You that actually bait the sites? People? Can we? Can we get a hook up for our fans of this show and our clients? Thank you. You're welcome. You said you're welcome for them. Yes. I'm going to share this. Go ahead. As you're saying,
Eric Readinger
Oh, I started studying for my certified strength and conditioning Specialist certification again. Again, now lapse for 10 years, probably. I always forget you have that.
Law Smith
I know. I always just think you're just into that stuff. Right? Just my default. Right? Yeah. Because to get to that, at one point, you just kind of had to be into it. But I'm saying like, sure what, uh, so what does that entail?
Eric Readinger
Ah, it's like 500 bucks to take the exam. You got to study a big old textbook. It's not It's not bad. It's It's It's neat of refreshing. It's a lot of bullshit. I don't remember that. Like doesn't ever come into play in real life. You know, that?
Law Smith
Is it like a real realtor class where you just have to Just sit through just get through it. Yeah, there's continuing education like every two years. Well,
Eric Readinger
I mean, there's, there's probably,
Law Smith
I don't know,
Eric Readinger
we're 30% of it that doesn't ever really translate over, unless you'd like or working with a Sports Science Institute or some shit. You know, like, it
Law Smith
might happen with that guy that used to be on sports that are all the time. They're like sports sides. We're, we're now into this he produces over 11,000
Eric Readinger
pounds. Okay, well, we don't know what that means. So I don't
Law Smith
know what the fact is. I have a defensive tackle.
Eric Readinger
Mark 4.2 million Newton's of four it's like, that doesn't tell I
Law Smith
don't know what a jewel is, man. Okay. Unless it's the vape Tampa Bay Vegas.
Eric Readinger
But yeah, the the test is coming up. So I've been, you know, refreshing on it. I just figure if I'm going to be talking wellness and whatnot. If I ever do this podcast, the incremental again, I should at least have some certification behind it
Law Smith
again, once we get our new studio home. I'm sure we're gonna get I really feel that that's gonna be a good time for both of us to go Okay, this is a good time to revamp I'm kind of excited about it. Because Yeah, we like it a fun job. It's not It's not fun where you're going we should just rebrand or rebrand or brand enhancement to do it or do a strategy just to do it. I think we got to have something that's a fun momentum thing for both of us right the show and lately Look, I've been a bag of shit I was supposed to be over here Saturday totally forgot. Yeah, shit. Yeah. I was during the Auburn Georgia game which you know when they lose by like they almost made a comeback and then they lose my goddamn I always that time I should have. And I was tuned in created at that point. Well,
Eric Readinger
I had finally got Tom Hall over here to produce he was ready to do it. I know.
Law Smith
I feel bad, but we don't need them. Right. You can do both. Yeah, I can
look at you saying
Law Smith
you're like that cartoon guy that plays all the instruments at once. Oh, yeah. Huh. Prince tick Van Dyken
Eric Readinger
movie. Mary Poppins,
Law Smith
I need some help. How about this? Before we get to that, speak in a psi. One thing I always forget about here's something super pragmatic, super dad. Boring probably do a lot of people. But I hear a lot of people still pitch about gas for their car. Like, like I get it. It's an expense. I think it's one or 2% of your total income a year. If I remember ben stein doing a talk at my old company back in the day, and we talked about it a lot, except it's not as if we just like to pitch about it, right? We don't really do the other things that we could do to make be more fuel efficient. Here's two things real pragmatic. I've brought it up on the show in a while. You can do your tire pressure. If you if your tires are low, you have to you have to exert more energy. Yeah. And so and it's just not safe. That's the other thing too. For sure. That's a super dad, dork Boehner. Like I measure my lawn with a ruler kind of dad shit, right? Yeah, but those are those pragmatic things that's like okay, what does that really take? It takes a monthly reminder maybe a couple every three weeks in your iCal or whatever it is. set a reminder next time you get gas just yeah, you go to wall while you get the air for free.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, I mean, most new cars though, have that digital like tire pressure readout, like very few cars nowadays don't have a lease.
Law Smith
I'm not talking. Oh, you're talking about the actual spicket thing?
Eric Readinger
No, no, I'm saying like when you like if you have a newer car. It'll say even if it doesn't show the little tires and their individual pressures it'll give you a low tire pressure warning sort of thing like
Law Smith
yeah, that every car after that. Yes, I 2002 now.
Yeah, that's kind of gonna go well, I've
Law Smith
got I've got a shitty like old Yukon that those things don't work anymore. Like all the electrical stuff just crosses over now. Yeah, like I put down my window and then the light turns on. It's like, that's, that's cool. Yeah. My car shut off just at one point just for no reason when I hit a bump, and they're like, we fixed it and they didn't. And I was like, you're like, Oh fuck, I forgot what power steering is so crucial because I'd be I'd be going
oh my god. Yeah,
Law Smith
scary. Yeah, it's pretty scary. Uh, I'd say it's right up there with like, fishtailing when it's when it's like out the tires. You're like, I don't
Eric Readinger
say that scarier, but still,
Law Smith
they're both it's out of control feeling for both. You can only slow
Eric Readinger
down your power steering goes out.
Law Smith
Well, yeah, except if you're turning and you don't know what's going out. You don't know what's going on for a fourth of a second. Oh, yeah, you're probably driving right you can drive right into like, the lane that's about to turn left. Yeah, it got pretty cool. I gotta fix No big deal. But uh, I was gonna say is right before I came over, I'd like 20 minutes. I got your early actually then. I was like, go gas up. Because when I leave here, I don't have to do it after but I was like, when's the last time I did the tires? Sure enough, one of them's 33 out of 50 psi. That's fucking bad driving around. Idiot like an idiot. So there's that. Here's the other one. Taking shit out of your car was gonna help. And look, I'm not telling this to a lot of people that know this shit. I'm telling you the people that are the people that I like, I used to be the person that had all this crap in my car all the time. And just like people look in your car, oh, sorry. We do have a good bit of like younger, you know, 20s entrepreneurs who like are trying to figure out their own business. Or if they don't care, you got that civic man. Just like don't you don't have to be like this is the best civic of all time, but I'm saying like, get all the trash out of the air. Maybe.
Eric Readinger
That was my dad's. He loves talking about today because you manage people and like I was used to look at their car. Was it a shithole is
Law Smith
it's a window into their life a bit. Yeah. I mean, saying quit being an old man, but it's
Eric Readinger
kind of right.
Law Smith
But he can't go. Because the house is be better example too, right? If your house is is crazy, you're probably crazy, right? I mean, yeah. It's not meaning like you're not a good person, just like, you could have scattered thoughts. And that might not be the best person to be your project manager. Yeah.
Eric Readinger
Right. So organization,
Law Smith
if you have someone that has like our friend of the program, David Weingarten where I tell him like, he's got OCD, but I'm like, hey, some of that pretty good. Because you're, you're goddamn on it with. You're the cleanest guy I know. Yeah. And like, if you got a home brewing project, you're knocking that shit out. Yeah, you need to hide wires for the TV, you're gonna hang and you're gonna put them all the way to the bottom. I don't know how to do that. So let's not do that. Well, you can do it now. But I'm saying like, this is back in the day. I'm just like, that's good OCD, where he's like, I now if you can't sleep because it's not done. That's right. Yeah. So I would say Those are two really practical things that people don't think about. And I look I this is gonna sound I know I'm really woke I'm the probably the woke is comedian and podcaster out there but I'm so woke. So fucking woke A
Yes, that.
Law Smith
You know, I feel like that's almost like a pragmatic advice for women I know. Because they don't think about tire pressure. Uh huh. Yeah, it's like when I gave all the women in my family a title key chains. I go. So I used to I say passive aggressive and I know, here's what I used to do. I used to tell everybody, I'm going to give everybody my family a gift they want and I'm going to give them a gift. I want the data. Yeah, but I tell them straight up. That's what I want to do every year. Oh, don't tell them. No, I don't want to be passive aggressive. I just want to be straight up. Hey, I think this is a really dope getting it. It's still a passive aggressive move. Well, I guess it is part of passive aggressive being passive aggressive for that would be like not addressing that. Hey this is something I see as a problem I have it too aggressive aggressive yeah just straight up aggressive just straight up annoying got it I'm called Mr. Know it on our family anyway so fuck it
Eric Readinger
which I always saw as a killing there's yeah there's a little bit of sarcasm
Law Smith
there. Oh yeah Oh yeah, but I'm always like that's a look I'm gonna spend that as a compliment my head for the last 20 years
Eric Readinger
call Mr. Know it all
Law Smith
well hey Brainiac fuckin You're so smart Damn it like you're glad no things and shit wait does he have his glasses on I don't want to over those fake glasses like I have it up but I have it on my keys so it's not I don't think he's passive aggressive if I didn't have it on my keys, the tile, what tiles that tracker Bluetooth tracker. Look I lose my keys every three years or so or something like that. And that's helped me out. It's what 60 bucks for four of them. You put them on key chains and never like is it the end all be all not losing stuff. No, but I put one in my man purse with my laptop in it. They have sticker ones now that you can put on like, if you were to put it on the bottom of the laptop or on the bottom of your bike, because I've had my bike stolen the ship time I found it. Really? Yeah with a tile. Mm hmm.
But a weird day That must have been for you.
Law Smith
It looked like someone tried to steal it. And then was like this thing sucks that just left it because it did suck show
Eric Readinger
did you go by foot Are you on in a car?
Law Smith
It was when we're in the office in in Ybor City people are outside the area it's like the little Bourbon Street area party area we just have an office their studios there. I would tie to the tree because I live like a mile away. So I just bike over sometimes and then you know get stolen twice. That's shame on me, even when even with the like the kryptonite lock and shit. How they get through it. I don't know. Yeah. But I'm going to ask our audience for help. If anybody knows how to encrypt nest cameras Ring doorbell I was thinking about that was asked about that. I don't know how to do it on my own. I'm going to hit up my friend of the program, Nathan, all from Scout, who's a Apple certified b2b consultant. Maybe he might know that's, I don't know. I don't know. And I did a look, I did a search. I couldn't find anything. That was helpful.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, that sounds like you would need some access to some software. They know
Law Smith
that it sounds harder, but I bet it's doable because I know nest had a bunch of stuff go down where people can hack in it pretty easily. Yeah. I mean, the obvious thing is change your passwords every whatever month every hour
Eric Readinger
on the hour.
Law Smith
Yeah, just that's all you do. You buy nest cameras, and you just change your password. That's your life now for life. LinkedIn live, we still know how to do it. We who can we grease at LinkedIn to get us past through? I don't know. Look, I see worse things on there. I see Gary Vaynerchuk talking about Tick Tock Our goddamn intern Joseph is sharing it. And I'm like, No, dude. You don't you don't like Tick Tock. Don't tell me you like Tick Tock. What
Eric Readinger
is supposed to be good about it? how shitty the video always is.
Law Smith
So people like lip synching right now. I love the podcast your mom's house. If you ever watch that podcast Christina P. Tom Segura, Christina P. procures the craziest people on tik tok. She calls them tick tarted. And it there is some weird juggalo stuff going on there. There's some like some people that there it is you like act out of like monologues but you don't know they're doing it because it's just a quick clip. It's like we're fine people when?
Uh huh. How long are the clips?
Law Smith
I think it could be like a minute. I don't I'm not getting it. But you're not. We're 35 year old men, right? If we were really into tik tok, that would be bad. Yeah, right. Now, we'll probably have this podcast push out there. We'll probably eat crow
like shot. And then we'll
Law Smith
have to put it out there like Twitch. Yeah, we got to get on Twitch man, we're on Roku, but we're not on Twitch. We should be on there. Tick Tock it from what I understood was like it was called musically. So music.li and it was people lip synching to like, famous songs and stuff, because we need more of that. Yeah, right so it's awesome. And then now it's kind of got that vine vibe. There's like people that herb stars on tik tok. Really, but when our our 40 year old intern, Joseph, I don't know. I just like openness. He would also be 19. Who knows? We're not as whatever he is doesn't crack. No, right. His last name he looks good buddy. His last name Lindsey. So it was just Who knows? No all rules. Who knows you could be a Dominican baseball player. I don't know. Any olien farmer We'll have to get Joseph on to defend himself because it's not fair but I'm saying like his heritage and and his take tautness, but I gave him shit. I just said no and a comment on LinkedIn. No, yeah. And no to Gary Vee, Gary Vee pushing Tick tock, he probably owns part of it. Right? Anything he's pushing at this point. And I, when when is his start kind of going down? Because people have to see through the motivation part, like motivation is good. But his advice isn't super great for a lot of people that don't have, like, natural cocaine like he does. Right? Right. He's like, you gotta get it. You gotta get it going. You gotta go. You gotta make a following and then you get that following you monetize it, and then you go to the dollar store, you buy a bunch of things, sell it on eBay. $8 for a thing you bought for $1 that's how you do it. $500 perfect. You're like, I don't think that works. Yeah, I don't believe you. I think the time spent and the shipping of boxes. Um, Gary, uh, what was the other thing fuck But yeah,
Eric Readinger
we're talking about LinkedIn live
Law Smith
LinkedIn live Yeah. And then we can kind of figure out how to get on. I know our buddy Rob cressy can do it. I saw my friend jazz rally who doesn't I even think he really does his account. Oh, yeah. Yeah, but he I think he got he has LinkedIn live like, I holler I remember talking to he's you know, he's head of a construction company or something or asphalt or something like that. But I'm like, what, though? What, how'd you get that on Abraham, LinkedIn. Let us on live Abraham, LinkedIn. Hey, if you're watching on Facebook Live, I will we can see who's joining. I like it. I love you. Feel free to add any questions as we're going along. We'll try to answer them as we're going. And if you want to see us do this live, like or like our Facebook page, and look Facebook's not dying, no matter how many people tell me it is. It's not dying. It's just not how many people how many people that are like 25 or younger, like in a Facebook Unlike a pitcher on a pitch, I bet you're on it. Well, I have to for my family, right? Yeah. It's based they basically been like, you have to have an email account. Yeah, like all kids still have an email account. Yes. You need one to sign up for shit.
Eric Readinger
I've already got email accounts for my kids.
Law Smith
Oh, did you do the thing where you got their names? on Gmail? Yeah, I think we did it for the first kid. Not the second.
Eric Readinger
Actually. I think I did the same.
Law Smith
Because they're gonna be like, what the fuck Gmail by the time they give ya.
Eric Readinger
What's email? Well, yeah, just send it to my neural link.
Law Smith
Everything will be like slack or workplace by Facebook or Snapchat, direct message. And so Tick Tock to me. That's the new Snapchat. Like it's gonna be its meteoric rise right now. But I don't
Eric Readinger
really have it'll only have a certain market share. Like, I never got into Snapchat.
Law Smith
It's too It was too narrow. All the work I do goes away then. It was too narrow of a feature right? And it was I also was like that I have to direct message a bunch of people Fuck that. I don't want to do texting. I don't want to text anymore. I don't want to hear it. All right. I just
want my cave. Roll that rock in front of it. Leave me alone. Yeah,
Law Smith
yeah, another another Christian reference two shows in a row. Obsessed video opened the door. He opened the cave, you move the boulder and a dove ascended. Yeah, that's the Easter story, right? Yeah, man. We were talking a little bit a little bit ago about we had Alex Ebell from lunch pull on a couple episodes ago. And he actually followed up that day and told me how to export all the people you've emailed in your Gmail account. So here's a hot fire advice. Super pragmatic, super. Why is this? email contact? Why is this important? Well Why's he getting a list of emails important? Email still number one way to market online, whether you believe it or not, because a lot of people go, Wow, I don't read them. Well, you might not be the one that reads them. All right. But you have someone's email, we just, we just kind of went over it. We kind of glossed over it, to do a lot of things. outside of your email account, you need an email account to sign up for almost everything, your bills, like, pay everything.
Eric Readinger
Online baseline requirement, right.
Law Smith
So the the reliability of that contact is better than any social media. It's better than anything. It's better than probably text in a lot of ways. If you have someone's phone number, you know, if you're a bar, do the text and that works, but for the most part emails the best, right? So when you're doing your own side hustle, I always tell everybody, you got to get your MailChimp going. It's free. For 2000 subscribers, so you it's free. If you have a Squarespace site, I think it's it's like, I don't know maybe the same I don't I haven't. I've been ordered base give a sponsorship, I've been organizing my I've been reorganizing an email list, try to do it like once a year just to scrub some of it and add people that I forgot. And then used to be able to export from Gmail, and anybody that pops up predictively You know, when you write an email, it's like, email with that person once before and now it's like, now you their name pops up when you type in the email. You should be able to export from there. Alex figured out how to how to do it because now you don't need Google. You don't. It's a workaround. So you got to go to contacts.google.com and then go to other Ford slash other. It's gonna bring up Google Contacts. There. Go, bam, here's everybody in that predictive, you see it as proof. Now look, there's gonna be like people like your GoDaddy customer service and shit that you don't need in there. You can scrub that later. What I'm saying is, go over to, you got to hover over the top one where there's a little checkbox is gonna appear. But stay with me. I know you're almost asleep. But you check that box, if some contact at the top, you're gonna be able to hit all of them. There's gonna be a drop down to hit everybody. Then on the left hand side, export, boom, I got 1700 new emails. Loaded Look, that's powerful, man. We need it for this show. For sure. Yes, I've been lazy about our email marketing game, partly because I was like, I need to figure this out. And this helped me a lot. I've got a bunch of Gmail accounts either my personal or you know, G Suite for business using the sign into porn website.
Eric Readinger
Law Smith
Well, the burner wants different that's Yeah, that's it. Cuz I need one for fantasy, but I also need a burner one for those things. Yeah, you know, buying arms online. Yeah. I'm gonna say like the terrorists. Well, let's not give away all our secrets. But I'm saying like, Look, your email list is important. Anybody trying to do their own brand trying to do their own side hustle in entrepreneurial endeavor, you need a newsletter, but don't call a fucking newsletter because no one will open it. You need to you have to find intriguing subject line. You need to find a way you need to find a reason to talk to people. That's why creating content so important to keep Top of Mind is so much of marketing. And that's why like an email list is still the number one digital marketing tactic that beats ads beats because all ads you're trying to do is we're trying to get your we're trying to get you as a lead to buy something.
Eric Readinger
Email allows you to give them something in organic so
Law Smith
we're just trying to get your email that way to
Eric Readinger
your phone number, but the email you can at least provide them with a little bit of information that might be helpful to them. You know, it's It's a matter of just not
Law Smith
Yeah, don't just be like, Hey, here's a here's a picture from here's a link to branding, though but I'll tell you what, if if it's a choice between not pushing something out once a month and just taking a screen grab of a photo of something you do on Instagram and push it that way. I take the ladder Yeah, because look, just getting the email even people don't open it puts it puts it in their brain subconsciously. You know, yeah. And so you know, right an intriguing subject line right a preview text that you can see that like, kind of almost gray invisible texts that kind of leads. You teases you Yeah. The preview of the email. Oh, yeah. on your phone where as like two lines here, like what's inside? Yeah, it's mean the
Eric Readinger
box the share through headline analyzer, which you crush is good for email subject lines. Yeah, dude, I could do that. It's good. Every time
Law Smith
it's good, except I think Depending on the cause, they try to get you to do a celebrity name and they try to they try to get you to use some kind of words. I think the celebrity part sometimes can get you filtered. So I'll try to take that out. Yeah,
Eric Readinger
yeah, that's the only thing. Yeah, I would say for SEO purposes. Great, right. And they talk about brand names, brand names, celebrities, keep those out of there, but are alert words, fear things that make people scared and all that? Yeah, use use a
Law Smith
look. All the tropes of advertising that have been around madman and before age of like, use fear to sell or sense of urgency scarcity, like the Amazon almost out of stock. Are they always almost out of stock? Right, everything ever? Yeah, they're Amazon. Yeah. I mean, I don't
even know how they legally those warehouses are.
Law Smith
I think they do it. So they were like we have one warehouse that has this stuff. And then satellite warehouses where the rest of it is inventory exact, so only so we can say we're almost out of this item. It'll take like
Eric Readinger
an hour. longer
Law Smith
to get the other ones. Hey, people are picking this flight right now you got to get it. There's only three seats left. That might be true. It's not it's not. It is not the truth as we see it, okay, it goes fast. Mathematically, it's correct. The way they can do it like that. Right? They can create the sense of urgency that there's a lot of seats left. But you know, people cancel seats all the time. And it's like, but they're not going to be like, hey, there's 10 seats left. You know, two people cancel per flight usually give you an info, they're just trying to get you to close. Now. My thing with Southwest, it used to be this way I haven't done in a while. If you looked up a flight, right, you're trying to get the the cheapest flight somewhere. you refresh the browser. And then you look for the flight again, they legally could make that flight go up. Because they said the demand coming from your IP address. There's more demand coming. So They're dynamically price. So they create. They just upped it. What if you clear your browser history? It would go back down. Really? Dude, I never told you that around. No, I never told you that, huh? They could they could assume demands coming in from this area. And it's a dynamic. It's a dynamic way of pricing. fucking crazy, right?
Eric Readinger
Not only is the demand high, but the other person in your house wants to go on this flight.
Law Smith
I heard that five years ago. I was like, No fucking way. See, I did it here and I was like, wow. We got a minute left. What else we got? I see my friend Rayleigh. I see you, girl. I don't keep my phone on during the podcast because I'm a professional. But I appreciate you commenting. I'll call you afterwards. Yeah, and just want to say a pour some out for my homie David strads rip. Friend of mine died in 77. But good dude, I liked him. He liked me because I didn't kiss his ass. I think he sold his bank for 600 million A while back and it's been a philanthropist. For last 30 years or
so, right for Mayor?
Law Smith
Yeah, people in this area are gonna think of him in that election. That sucks. Because people don't know he was an ambassador for us for for like Africa.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, he waited too long to run for mayor.
Law Smith
Yeah, it like I tried to help I actually called them and was like let me help you with your digital for free seriously I'm not even trying to do anything but see what you guys are doing. And then I got I got a guy who looked like buddy Garrity from Friday Night Lights their campaign manager. Yes. Remember the guys that I coach it'd be just good if you if you didn't know that guy, big texting guy. He was on the show in the movie, but their campaign manager look like that. Oh my god, you're doing IP address targeting that's not going to do at all buddy. And he's like, yeah, we've been doing this for a while. I think we got it, slugger. Like, okay, yeah, you don't need to call me sport and shit. Right. So Rip. He was good. He's a good guy to me and did a lot for the city. No one really will ever know about. Kinda like George Steinbrenner. He actually gave a lot away and never told anybody. Everybody thinks he's dead. But, uh, all right. Thank you for joining us on youtube