#226: How To Periodically Re-Write The Rules By Hand Like Drake in Rewriting the Rules

sweq 226 audio

Law Smith


We're live Let me double check. Facebook page. We're gonna do this podcast live. It's been a while guys, we miss you. I miss you. 3000


Let's see a video popping up. Oh my god. Look,

Eric Readinger


it's going there's a red light on. Come on.

Law Smith


Don't freak out, baby. It's not dead hair. Don't worry about it, honey. Honey britches. I'll be your Huckleberry. Don't worry about it. Once you play on Facebook, then I'm just making sure we're live and now we are. We're a production team. We don't have john paul Labonte today. No, it's just us too. And your dog that might trip you up. I know. We're doing this in the makeshift sweat lodge studio. I'm happy to say we'll probably have a new studio in the next couple weeks. Pretty excited about we were coming to tampa bay bay bay.


Not that's unrelated. We're not going to studio at we work

Law Smith


maybe, maybe a we work esque place to write. There's a bunch but that seems to be the lead dog We'll see. A sweat equity podcast streaming Show. I'm your host last myth with Eric register. We're given that girthy ROI that 69 p2p kind of love and hashtag sweat equity pod, right sweat equity pod calm. Hey, this show, hey, we do this show I, I bought. We do this show for the love of the game. But if you want to help us out, the best way to do that is share this show with someone who needs some entrepreneurial help and likes pick jokes


because that's what we're about.

Law Smith


Give me money. Exactly. But eventually if we do what we'd like to make some dough on this. Yeah. So today right now, to help us out. If you want to help us out. You can share the show, write a review, write any comments. We'd like any of it good or bad? Yeah, the worst is nothing emojis. The worst is if I do stand up, and I didn't piss off a crowd, I didn't make them laugh but I didn't piss them off. Silence would be weird. The worst is just like


so it's fine.

Law Smith


We've got some insecurities with our commenting of, we'd see the numbers and the people that the commenting is not there. Anyway, that's another rant. When we get the show going, officially. Everyone else on the show try grasshopper.com forward slash sweat. What the camera might look at in this one right here. Yeah,

Eric Readinger


the one you always Okay.

Law Smith


Well, you got we got like three different lights going on. Okay, guy. Okay. What is this Murphy Brown. Okay. Try grasshopper comm forward slash wet. That gives you the hook up on a business phone line. I've got it on my phone. Gets you $50 off. Don't get Google Voice and think that you can use it. When you need Google ads. They'll take your line down. Plus, you sound like a jabroni. When it's saying you're calling Google voice line. Yeah, you want to do your own hustle. You want to do your own brand. You want to be an Instagram influencer with a phone number? Try grasshopper comm forward slash sweat, we hidden this in repeat background mode this talk, I'm just gonna keep going go freshbooks.com forward slash sweat, we use fresh books instead of QuickBooks in zero because we get that direct deposit the next day. Don't wait around for your money sitting in purgatory. Get it the next day, go freshbooks.com you can send invoices you can do your accounting. It's easy peasy. japanesey go freshbooks.com forward slash sweat and Warby Parker Warby Parker trial.com, forward slash sweat. Get your glasses you get five to try on at home, wherever around the

Eric Readinger



Law Smith


and I can I'm getting really mad at the people that I know in my personal life that I tell them, hey, you paid $600 for your glasses. And you know we do a podcast and Warby Parker sponsors it

Eric Readinger


just paying $600 for glasses. It's upsetting.

Law Smith


It's a two fold. I'm a piston to double Basically like I'm like, it's the multi unit multi dimensional universe or something. I'm like, I'm pissed in my brain fragments and I'm like, Well, I can't even I don't know what more pissed about it. You have to pick a path and you can get your prescription sunglasses done on Warby Parker. I did it. I wear them. I've got my bag. I pull them out for the next episode. Maybe this episode? I don't know. They look good on my horse head. They'll look good on yours. Warby Parker trial.com, forward slash sweat. These links will be in the episode description as well as our new sponsor, Roan apparel, wrote a parent's like high end workout gear now they've got a lot more going on. I knew them when they were a startup 10 years ago, that if you want to be like the badass, you're gonna have the best better than any Nike pro combat better than any Under Armour anything that's out there. Rohn is the shit. My buddy Chris Egor. His brother his twin brother created the company way back when 2000 cities

Eric Readinger


Twin it was

Law Smith


oh he's the twin that's the model on the website I think that's kind of cool in a weird way that they're they're getting so big that now we're they're sponsoring this show yeah I love that you need to go to where's our link we need to go to trial try road comm last time try roane.com arrestee man try roan.com Ford slash sweat try Roan. That's our h o n road try road comm forward slash sweat now. Let's get this motherfucker out my sweat equity

Law Smith


Good luck here's here's the problem. Oh, you got that lined up. Don't lie. All right. Don't lie. Yeah, I love it so much I listened to it. What's that dude? Who's that? Thanks suck. tiller. Yeah,

Eric Readinger


you can just on this one listen to how

Law Smith


we live. All right, we'll do it live. It's all flapped up i think that's that's the rage that's inside us a lot of the day. Yeah. Cuz everyone's like man What an asshole might know I empathize with that. I know what want to do that all day.


Oh fuck if that was you or me I would do the same shit laughs just as much

Law Smith


look, we promised this show gets big enough. And we've got a bit of space and we got a we get a bigger kind of broadcast going. You'll see both of us freak out at different times. I bill bill road. What is it bill o'reilly bill o'reilly All right. I don't know why I've drawn a blank. Look man. Fucking thanks sucks. Did you just splash on that that part of that logo on here too. Oh, yeah. By God Damn, you're producing and hosting at the same time. We don't even need john paul anymore. Yeah, rip.

Eric Readinger


Let's drink one for him. Hope you're working real hard. He'd be working with us.

Law Smith


What do you been working on? You show me a very awesome graphic that I didn't set you up. Oh, you should be able to put it on.

Eric Readinger


Oh, yeah, well, I mean, we'll just have to describe you've got an

Law Smith


ex NFL team. There the xfl is starting, which is kind of just Hey, the arena league died. So I guess we'll just be that right? Or we need something else. And so I I am miffed at the team names and how they come up with them. It's like they just got a generic Madden like, yeah, yeah, exactly. generator

Eric Readinger


right when they didn't have the NFL licensing, right.

Law Smith


Yeah, the fake Madden game, right. The ones that were like, it'd be like almost like a Chinese version like NFL. Too much fun. Yeah.

Eric Readinger


1997 comes out on clearance immediately. Yeah, half price

Law Smith


football very good. In 64 No, Miami Vipers. Yeah. Or here's my thing. It's like the when they were the Devil Rays, the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, the MLB team right now the rays makes a lot more sense at least it's a Sunshine of sunshine Ray, double entendre. It that at least makes sense. And then yeah, you got you can use raise as raise up kind of stuff. There's a lot to work with there. But a devil raise not really in Tampa Bay. If anything, we should be manatees or you know, JB Marlins vanities maybe Tirpitz would be I like alliteration, anything. Well, it's orphans is the minor league chain. Yeah, I get really, I get really perturbed by sports. team names that don't make sense.

Eric Readinger


Yeah, the fibers What does it mean? We don't walk around in our yard. Oh god

Law Smith


for the Vipers. Kids. Like, there's nothing

Eric Readinger


I mean, it's better than garden snake is a rattlesnake bite what is even a viper considers

Law Smith


Viper poisonous. I thought it's like a cobra, right? I'm looking at or here but I want to Look up all the xfl names while we're on it, but, man, you know, it's one of those things where brand naming is very underrated and I don't understand people that are like maybe we should spend like five more minutes in the writers room right then a whiteboard. Yeah, throwing out some stuff or you're the xfl you clearly don't really care that much. Do a fan contest like do a vote on it. Seattle dragons. A lot of Asian people there okay.

Eric Readinger


That's a good I wouldn't have put that together St.

Law Smith


Louis battle Hawks. I feel like that's got some kind of air force the military vibe to it. I was gonna say Native American. Okay, but it's got like a it's like an eagle crest like this with a sword in the middle.

Eric Readinger


Yes. Still Native American sword. They probably had swords.

Law Smith


Mm hmm. Taking some liberties, the Los Angeles Wildcats cool I guess there is in the technically Desert but it's like come on, we can do DC defenders, the Dallas renegades. It's like a guy five minutes before a big press conference just was like fuck it. I'll just do all the defenders. That's me. I'm almost every fucking you could tell me they send them all to someone on Fiverr to get made. But I'm only spending five bucks each of these right?

Eric Readinger


It's a bunch of guys in India doing it.

Law Smith


Look, you better give me that transparent version or I don't know how to put this on the side. Okay. Uh, no, no, I don't need any other edits. So it's like the Houston roughnecks. Okay, I'm good with that. It's a big oil derrick, but it's not. Really it doesn't have like that human dated and oil derrick, like, there will be blood. You can see it. Yeah. I'm an oil Ma. Yeah. Well, I mean, I drink your milkshake. Like I drink it up. Why hold on to that?


Yeah. Well, I mean, does you know that they're really,

Law Smith


really unfair. At liberals in that one. Yeah. Cuz they're like, well SFL wrestling we're so hard hard right? hardcore we're just gonna be called we might be you might as well be the oil derricks or like, fracking

Eric Readinger


just the fracks the fracking Houston the fracking

Law Smith


Houston the fracks so you made a good parody one we'll put up on either your Instagram or the sweat equity one and repost but I like it tip of a vapors.


That would have been apropos

Law Smith


now a lot of vaping going on I it It annoys me in an old man way. Sure. I don't think it's bad as bad as I don't know what the I don't get the PR news. I guess maybe it's not tobacco. That's against it. I'm trying to figure out who's pushing these stories where kids are dying. Yeah, cuz kids die of a lot of shit for kids.


Yeah, it's like, I'm just like,

Law Smith


what did he put in there? He probably puts something that he wasn't supposed to put in there. Yeah.

Eric Readinger


Or you know who knows what these people are? I mean, they do like mods on it to make it like a car battery firing it up so they could fill an entire it's like okay, well, those people are stupid.

Law Smith


It's honestly why I don't like the I don't like the that if I were to smoke allegedly if I were to smoke marijuana, I wouldn't like the cartridges and the pins like that because I feel like I don't know what I'm getting now. I feel like four years ago, a little bit better.


Like I don't a little safer. You think?

Law Smith


Yeah, cuz when markets get so big like this and a product grows so fast, you get shit. That's, it doesn't matter if it's if it's on the black market, or it's legit. It's one of those things where it's like, or the gray market even which is kind of where this lives is like, because it's not illegal, but there are a lot of legalities to it. So it's in the gray market.

Eric Readinger


It's just it's one of those things that like, at worst, what what could happen. At worst, you're getting less marijuana. We can

Law Smith


find the flowers My point is like I kind of like the ritual

Eric Readinger


if I were to smoke and and to me there are two different kind of you know things you know the same with edibles like edibles would be completely different drug you know don't it's yeah animals are there's all kinds of different effects but like on oil what besides not giving you the amount of THC oil that you think you're getting realistically I don't know what could pot like would they're not taking like you know other stuff and putting it in there just to

Law Smith


kill no no but I'm not saying it's like what what is it baby laxative and cocaine or something like that I'm saying like it's like when you have some states that are recreational cool with it and you have others that clearly aren't that it does create that gray area that gray market of like, in just my judgment of like, well, that synthetic weed shit that was going down like 10 years ago and five years ago like That's crazy. I don't understand what Yeah, I don't know who's had trouble finding real weed. Like, there's there's times where you're like I tried it what maybe I know but I'm saying like you'll try your scientist in that way Oh yes, your body's

Eric Readinger


my body's an amusement park,

Law Smith


but that you're doing hypothesis testing Yes. But you see like a lot of these guys that I get that that seems and it's almost like a sister to those like stimulants at gas stations used to have, you know, Spanish fly and all this weird shit you could buy this friend or whatever it was gas station bathroom shit. And so it's like it's almost like when someone tries to tell me they they're really into anal and I'm like, Yeah, but you got a perfect, you want to put your car in a carport but you got a great garage right next to it. Cool thing where's my rim shot. That's it. That was

Eric Readinger


So where are these people that love angel? That's who what are their names? Who are they?

Law Smith


I thought I was saving your name from that from that story besides mine. You'd like the power that's what you told me. Yes. And that's why you'd like vaping you like the power of having a plume of smoke or whatever I want? You like having that big American? You know you like peacocking yes and public. Like I that annoys you all the vape tricks. It's like it I know it's not smoke right I know it's not smoke and I know I sound way Old Man River when I'm but I'm like, I don't know just looks kind of shitty when you see a fucking high school kid or college kid just fucking dragon.

Eric Readinger


Yeah, they're saying vaping is fine. Like we don't know what's happening with vaping it like we

Law Smith


have such a common caulk thing going on to whose biggest plume ever like that's the weird thing i that

Eric Readinger


is weird, but it's just Like I don't know it I don't think it's good. But it'd be the same as like newsflash smoking cigarettes is bad. Yeah Then all the parents cover like how you got Did you

Law Smith


hear about this all these what happens when you smoke cigarettes? While it ain't bad ain't that bad like people Oh back in the day they could have

Eric Readinger


settled down lady like smoke a cigarette

Law Smith


steak in a high ball and American spirits and call that you know a dinner clock dinner yeah I mean your mistress go home get the pot roast, you know, you know, they do good times. It is better for like Parkinson's or something.

Eric Readinger


What's the deal with like a nervous system? What is Yeah, I don't know if it's smoking cigarettes, or if it's the tobacco nicotine what what it is, but I think that's right.

Law Smith


It's a lot better. So but the vaping is a lot better than Then cigarettes so to me that's always a step in a better direction. I just think it looks

Eric Readinger


a bit of smell. Yeah, is way better


if anything I'm weird I kind of like it good cigarettes nice too but I'm

Eric Readinger


just saying in general people like don't

Law Smith


it's kind of like a coffee shop. I like the smell the coffee shop but i don't i don't really love the taste of coffee right I just like a cigar on cigar bar. Oh, yeah. love the smell. Well, that's a trigger smell for me because my house I grew up my dad smokes cigars inside. Yeah. And so I go to school in seventh grades smelling like I look like a kid or Cuban. But yeah, man. The xfl are you able to bring the graphic up?

Eric Readinger


No, I'm not able to bring

Law Smith


the graphics. I want to just twist your computer around that can embed a create like 40 windows. Like do that Doctor Strange shit on there. I got some pragmatic stuff for for our listeners. Before I get into some of that hard tease. I know to have a baby. vapors are

Law Smith


for those that need to see. We're on YouTube. We're on Facebook page doing our Facebook Live for this one. And then Vimeo. We got to figure it out LinkedIn live. I got to. I got to give someone a 20 over there some


Pay Pal it.

Law Smith


Yeah, we got to get our buddy Rob cressy and see what he did I go, what did you do? And don't tell me you just submitted online because I we already did that. And I went, I don't ask anybody anymore. Like stuff I can Google really quick. Yeah, one of the best lessons. I've said it on the show, but I'll repeat it my whole life. We live in an era of Google, right? So if you don't do a cursory search on anything ever before asking someone, if you don't know something, you take five minutes. Yeah, five minutes. To some people is like way too much time. I mean, everybody calls me impatient. I'm impatient. People's computer and patience. It's just the thing. They've tried the Facebook Like, I need a recommendation for this go. Okay, that's how you call that out. It's funny. It's just like, that's a chick move though. That's more more more chicks do that. Well, yeah, but it's just I

Eric Readinger


need. I currently need attention. And also don't feel like googling anything

Law Smith


that go in the copy is like a call to action of like, mush. I know. Do it now get to it. People do things for me and go, Oh, I'll just drop what I'm doing. Okay, then. Okay. Oh, yeah. Well, guys are dumb. Joe, what do you mean? You're kind of hot? Yeah, well, yeah. So I'm thirsty for Facebook comments. Maybe you'll be late. Yeah. Um, so I do. I do like answering all the recommendations I see on Facebook because I like to help. I know. But I like to help other businesses. That's how you hashtag 69 b2b. One thing I'm already pre pissed about for the year 2020 is branding that comes out that is something to the degree of our vision our vision is 20 let's let's rely on your vision. Our vision for the future. I'm already trying to see if we can do a campaign to make fun of that with you get out with Yeah, get out ahead of it and then kind of make fun of how corny that is and how we can do real creative messaging. I think that'd be a pretty funny campaign for this year. How much do you think Ray Charles look alike would cost Excuse me?

Eric Readinger


We'll talk about it off air. Jamie Foxx Ray Charles. Erica like yeah, right not Jamie Foxx he I know can't afford him. Nothing Nevermind. What are you I'm being creative to start

Law Smith


searching again. What what are you doing about it after the Diet Pepsi commercials, but he's still an idea. All right, cool. Yeah, save that for offline. Yeah, man. So I'm already pre pissed about corniness of, it's gonna be a lot of politicians that are going to use that some form of 2020 And everybody's gonna not like it like that's something we're all gonna get behind yeah like it's gonna be locked out before you start writing factor right the uniting factor we need bad marketing to stop being lazy like your 2000 stuff was really lazy too and it's almost right it's gonna be right there with Got Milk and got plumbing like bright you know when did you see that you're like come on dude that's so lazy beaten into the ground yeah got a god and you're like come on dude, you got the whole Bible with you got the whole New Testament and Old Testament depending on what you're about

Eric Readinger


what's your feelings on people who put the little Jesus fish on their business signage? I hate

Law Smith


it I do too. I was telling my pastor the other No, no, I've thought about it a lot. I actually have to I I've thought about it like my whole life probably. I think if you really want to represent Christianity in your business, I don't think putting Christian in as an adjective on Your company name or brand name, unless you're literally a Christian bookstore only, like, right you, you only have Christian books, but even then you could get a lot better. Like you could call it the book of Job or something books of jobs or something like that you could get there's a lot to work with hiring. So if we're talking about procuring some witty shit book of jobs, yeah, like, or Deuteronomy, dude, their books, yes. But I'm saying like, my big thing is like your Christian counseling center, why can't you just be a counseling center? Right? Well, to me, it feels like they take advantage of people that are, are really struggling with their faith and are kind of sheeple ish, and or they're not or they are locked into that thing. Well, I mean, in that part of their life, they are very sheeple. So they will follow whatever right?

Eric Readinger


That's their tiebreaker.

Law Smith


But my thing about your no fish, I was always because I when I went You went to Catholic High School as I did, I went to rival schools but I felt like I learned a lot. I learned a lot on how to hate on Christianity, because I was really good at our Eastern Western religion classes like no effort. I just absorbed it all because I thought it was interesting

Eric Readinger


it is it's all very interesting for sure. If you look at it, you

Law Smith



Eric Readinger


what is the third party's you know, objective?

Law Smith


Taoism Got it? If people say Taoism, it's it you say Tao, bro. Yeah. Are you not in Mm hmm. But my thing is like, Christianity in my head was always asked, be the leader like servant leadership. We talked about it on the show, where the and we've talked about it from actually a Mormon CEO, the CEO of JetBlue, and former CEO of JetBlue, now CEO, whatever the basically a southwest of Brazil and South America now. He basically took that that model, applied it over there. Cuz he was the CEO of Southwest for JetBlue then South America and he talks about servant leadership on a podcast called how this got built or how we built this the NPR business about servant leadership it's about being that that kind of person that boss that President that C suite executive, maybe you're just a manager, you're the one that stays five minutes after you clean up your desk you clean up shit on the ground that's not yours. You clean the microwave in the goddamn kitchen that no one does. Yeah, that fucking asshole that brings fish and puts it in there. The fuck? Get a goddamn life and so stinks up the joint, you know, get rid of this guy, but even then you you bring dryer sheets, put them in the kitchen, be that person that does a little bit more and it can have I think energy can be contagious like that positive and negative. Oh for sure. And so servant leadership site. They a lot of more Mormons go, Hey, we we'd kind of practice what we preach in a way. A lot of a lot of them are very successful because they they don't have all these other vices getting in the way that the egos are not, are not what a lot of egos are. It's like why Howard Hughes used to hire ball. Yeah, because he was like, You guys don't drink you don't smoke. And you're not fundamentalist Mormon, so like, you're not doing the polygamy thing, because that's gonna be a time suck. You're hired. Yeah, like, I you don't lie. You're scared to lie. Yeah. So it's like, that's a smart move by me. But if I'm looking at Howard Hughes, even though he's went nuts, he's brilliant guy. So my thing is like Christian, putting Christian in front of anything already. I already I just Yeah, they're already in your negative.

Eric Readinger


It's just so it's just so ironic and like, hip, hypocritical, hypocritical.


That like,

Eric Readinger


it's like, there's a story of Jesus going into the temple and flipping over the things that they're doing money it's like you're using God to make money basically Yeah. And right of just playing to the you know the masses that'll, you know, use it as a tiebreaker

Law Smith


I went, I talked to my past I talked to my pastor about this not even two weeks ago I went on a rant for 20 minutes about this he was love you she she way to go buddy. Pastor Kathy Connor shout out a new age. It's actually husband wife, Pastor combo baby, who got them there who who's got them up to date with the Meebo camera like us and doing live. Now, we just got to work on getting that audio fixed for them. Um, so, uh, what's it called? So I'm donating a little bit of time over there to help them out with that kind of nerd stuff. I think. I think I'm a face by service kind of guy. And I do like doing stuff with my hands. I think you do too, like, sure. You know we have Thanksgiving coming up it's it's good to they always have too many people for like, do a lot of stuff here at the Metapod ministries is kind of my go to now to like feed people and stuff. They're like we got way too many people volunteering. Yeah, but I'm like man Habitat for Humanity. There's something like cathartic that use your hands it's problem solving and a non keyboard way. no such word keyboard soft now But yeah, I do fucking I hate is Christian any business Christian before? I know I feel like you're just you're taking advantage of the rudderless?


Yeah, exactly.

Law Smith


And they're like, well, I'll buy here. I know

Eric Readinger


if you I mean, there's nobody complained about it, but us and nobody wants to hear about it's just like, because the people that are going to them are like, well, that's my Christian brother. Like why would I? Why would I care

Law Smith


in a weird way by saying fuck any store that says Christian and there were more Christian in even by saying fuck those Christian stores. Yes. Any retail store that has Christian In front of it, that is not specifically selling stuff. That's just Christian. Right, right. We're a Christian surfboard right? Yeah. Oh, okay. Well, what what do they do? Are they going to

Eric Readinger


die? Can we have to have the wings? Cross or can we get rid of those?

Law Smith


Yeah. Is it a crucifix? Because that's the new kind of design. I don't know about. Yeah, I'm saying anyway. I like where your head's at. with that. I like that. Yes, question. I don't think you've asked a question. Like it's 10 episodes.

Eric Readinger


I don't just sit here and slightly.

Law Smith


Well, no, we've I think not the our studio situation. We kind of look like a snuff film, as I'm watching this playback right now. Not that I know what that is.

Eric Readinger


I don't Yeah, I don't even know how to fix that.

Law Smith


No, I wish I think the cameras are too high. So it makes us look like we're like, yes, that Chris gaytan Molly, Shannon. gah, gah sketch.

Eric Readinger


I don't remember that one.

Law Smith


Public Access show.

Eric Readinger


You're gonna see the one where he's like acts like a monkey. Oh, no, no, I don't have to guess anything. Chris gaytan he's a little tiny,

Law Smith


right. So I got some stuff. That's a little pragmatic. I wanted to go over. Before I go over that. I do. I'm gonna keep throwing that out there. I do need some help with a couple of other things. These are kind of flex problems. I've tried to figure these out night. We were just talking about like, I think it's important that you I think it's good that you did that, that Tampa Bay vapor saying a lot of people would be like, Wow, what a waste of time. I think that's like our to do to that's our crossword puzzle. And we wait to do that kind of creative stuff at night, when it's kind of like, I don't really want to do like, a spreadsheet and Excel or whatever. I don't want to do any of that. I don't want to do like hard work, but I want to kind of get a creative mind going.

Eric Readinger


Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I can be used for something. Right? Exactly. Even if it's not, there's something to using that part of your brain that clears out other parts of your brain like jokes

Law Smith


or puzzles.

Eric Readinger


I mean, that jokes anything like writing that's a joke. It's anything that I own mine, you know

Law Smith


It's a five of a joke, but


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