#350: How To Think of the Fun You Could Be Having On Supermarket Sweep (Next Time You Hear The Beep)
Episode Description
Eric and Law have a no-guest, in-depth discussion about Joe Rogan's hit job timeline: from Spotify / Nielsen Rating viewership report retweeted from Pomp's @APompliano twitter account in early January 2022 to the 300 "doctors" that were a group of non-doctors against the Joe Rogan Experience to Neil Young's PR ploy to the latest, out-of-context N-💣 compilation video from eons ago that just surfaced. Also, the n-bomb free Sweat Equity podcast goes deep on a strategy for PAX's Supermarket Sweep if they were lucky enough to don the colorful sweater plus praise for the greatest Supermarket Sweep host - it's not Leslie Jones or Bill Malone, it's the girthiest host David Ruprecht
Episode sponsor: Get 70% off Viome's Gut Intelligence Tests and Supplements with our link for health insights, personalized food recommendations, and precision supplements, formulated just for you https://viomehq.sjv.io/sweq69
fucking people supermarket spotify shit rogen nielsen ratings episode neil young podcast thought tv news minutes talking life closest misinformation sweet angle
Law (72%), Speaker 2 (22%), Speaker 3 (<1%)
Law Smith
Get your like we do about this time. thing no sound
Speaker 2
sound I just wasn't ready for you to suck so quick.
Law Smith
I suck all the time I'm sucking it up right now. sucking it for you guys listening thanks sucked sweat equity podcast streaming show number one comedy business podcast in the world suck my pussy from behind yeah lives Oh, pragmatic entrepreneurial balance with a real raw dog talk. I'm not even gonna go over awards we have so many if you want to go check them out. They're on sweat equity pod.com You want to help out this show? We I do using any of our sponsors. That's fine. The freeways you can help our show out is share this with a friend or a rudderless. 20 year old needs some kind of DadBod advice. What? No, no, no, no obviously
Law Smith
iTunes Apple podcast. Give us a subscribe rate us a five star write a sentence in there. For the love of God this takes 30 seconds on Spotify. Follow us on there anywhere. Podcasts are sold. I'm in a weird mood. I know. It's so weird. My cadence is fucking you. I know. I don't know. I'm gonna try and beat poetry. Now like for the rest of the intro. gut biome, when to check out your flora and fauna of your gut intelligence of your gut. Good 70 70% of vitamins, gut intelligence tests and supplements with our link for Health Insights, blue sexy, personalized food recommendations. Ah yeah, I'm glad and precisions get my attention back. Maybe some roids formulated for you hit up the link in the description of this episode. And you get 70% off I'm going to order one this week. I'm so excited. I'm gonna poop in my house and get a blood drop because I won't look so I need you to prick me okay, I only let you break me all right, but the link for your for your via on gut biome test is in the description of this episode. Are you ready to get the party sorted? Ah
sweat equity sweat equity sweat equity
Law Smith
if you're watching this video of the episode we look like very blind or very cool. Some people call me cool Eric. Oh, nice. How you feeling? I feel great. No guests. No guest on this one. No guest raw Doggin at raw dog
fruity rah rahs. Again,
Law Smith
we need to follow up with our previous guests. Two episodes ago Lindsey Luttrell about getting on supermarket sweet. Yes. Yeah,
Speaker 2
we can't stop thinking about it, talking about it. And this should be our audition video.
Law Smith
And since we reminded ourselves like on Monday about it, we're like, I've been talking to people about it. And they're like, what's that show? And I'm like, Are you fucking funny? Loved it. What is your problem? What
is your problem?
Law Smith
Like? I like it was first off sweaters. We should just get the sweaters anyway for an episode here. Yeah, then with a blue name tag really make a pitch right? Get some inflatable yeah products behind us
Diet Pepsi with the old logo.
Law Smith
I mean if we're gonna pitch we are the uncouth guests on the show thank God
Speaker 2
we'd be the most popular of all time because we would try it we would
Law Smith
we study I'd Moneyball it I
Speaker 2
would do test actually. Cardiovascular shape for it.
Law Smith
Oh fuck. Yeah. If there's no other reason to get and shave, I mean, what do you get? What am I gonna do? Do an Ironman?
Right No Supermarket Sweep?
Law Smith
Yeah, I you know we got to get good shoes. Sure cuz I match. Yeah. And but you can't go flashy because if you go air for one as much as
Speaker 2
well. I mean, you go all white. You know the nursing home nurse style, located for comfort. If you warm it's
Law Smith
if you grew up Mormon and you don't know what show we're talking about. Actually, it's probably the Mormons favorite show. Now I think about it. Because it is the corniest show like
Speaker 2
yes, but there's like even when Boomer ism angle of
Law Smith
Oh, agreed. It's brilliant. There Like, we'll take prices right and make a little Japanese game show out of it. And we'll only have Midwestern couples. Yes. As the guests on the show, because they're like, oh, just good to be
here. Yeah. And the husband has to be kind of a turd.
Law Smith
Yeah. A little
overweight. Yeah, just a little bit.
Law Smith
Mustache moustache, probably about 50% of guys on preferable so if no one knows what we're talking about if you're a young and listen doesn't
matter we're still going to talk about it for about another five minutes
Law Smith
explain it it is a so there's it's a game show three teams of two people and then they the most like the first 20 minutes of the show. If it's a 30 minute episode, you win time, right? Yes. So you you answer questions to win time in your supermarket sweepstakes
Speaker 2
guess it's basically a long drawn out prices right game, right individual prices right game?
Law Smith
What's brilliant from a poser? Right? Yeah. Because prices right? It's like, All right, we can have commercials within the show and then have commercials around the show. Right?
Speaker 2
The whole thing is a commercial with 1000 opportunities for advertise it what
Law Smith
when you realize that was you were like, oh, man, I'm
done. We're in the wrong business. So
Law Smith
Supermarket Sweep site, how much is this thing of potatoes or something? Right? from Idaho potatoes, whatever, whatever potato brand? And then they guess on it and you win time to do that. The Sweep now, right? I think your max is like three minutes you get okay. I think like I don't there's not enough questions
Speaker 2
like this show. It was two minutes and 30 seconds for some reason jumps in my mind.
Law Smith
I think that's what everybody gets, and then you can add on to it. So they started at two, maybe like we're old and we're not going to look it up and just keep
guessing random numbers. But for those
Law Smith
listening the young woman and 30 It was you got to YouTube it's worth a YouTube i It's very good. Hi are sick day watcher. Yeah, behind lists that does. And then like it was always a syndicated show, like prices, right, but never on the main network. So if you had rabbit ears on your TV, you get NBC ABC, CBS Fox, and then you have those weird, shitty channels you can pick up CW it's always on like that. Or PACs. I think you're in Florida.
I don't. I mean, I thought it was cable all day. Nah, man. Nah, it was over the air.
Law Smith
Yeah, I definitely remember that because I had a TV in my room because I was a baller. I had a 13 inch VCR combo.
Oh man. I just had soundboard overload. The point right is no not doing it.
Law Smith
It was basically a Christmas gift from Santa. So my parents were like, you don't have to hang out with us.
I hit TV in my room to you, Eric. Yeah, no,
Law Smith
but I'm saying like, mine was like sweet a TV and then later you're like, oh, they just wanted me to just kind of hang. Yeah, just watch TV.
No, you can stay in
Law Smith
their magazine room. Just stay there. Yeah. So they'll come out. I mean, I'm not gonna brag that that symphonic TV I had had tracking on the VCR so you know,
Speaker 2
pretty cool. DJ for videos.
Law Smith
Back to the show was always on like an offshoot but network channel around the country. I remember asking a lot of friends this I was like, because it was weird. It's not it's not a ubiquitous thing everywhere. But somehow it was like produced by PBS. It felt like
it was the host name.
Law Smith
Roger Lodge. Was it No, that's I think that's blind date. Oh, we now have our remote setup to my laptop. Oh,
Speaker 2
yeah. We can watch log google it. Supermarkets we? Oh, man. This is
Law Smith
good pressure. Leslie Jones. I don't want the new
Speaker 2
one. Leslie Jones might be it though.
Law Smith
Leslie Jones is the new one. She's She was on SNL. I feel
Speaker 2
like that guy's real name was Leslie Jones.
Law Smith
She's the big black chick.
I know. But it's just a coincidence.
Law Smith
But we go in packs lifetime ABC primetime.
What? What are you looking at?
Law Smith
I'm on the Wikipedia do
the original host.
Law Smith
I'm looking for it.
You're on the wrong super setup supermarket.
Law Smith
Speaker 2
It's not like the Okay, well, why did they not have the original look on the sidebar what I
Law Smith
was looking for. And then you got me all you got me yelled at me.
Speaker 2
Still Malone. who's read that the second one
Law Smith
below 1960s? No. Richard Hayes. David rubric. David rubric. Shout out. I think our era is more than 90 to 95 Johnny,
Johnny Gilbert. That sounds right. That sounds right.
Law Smith
Let's check them out. Is he cute? He's still alive. Oh, I bet we can get him on this show.
That would be great
Law Smith
when you hear the baby's still alive. Think a Supermarket Sweep. Yeah, he's still alive did doesn't remind me the guy I remember but whatever. Fuck it. That's not him. That's That's not. That's not our error.
Speaker 2
No. All right. I remember that guy had like a b I think he had a perm. Well,
Law Smith
you know why like this up? Explain how the sweetest weep Yeah.
Speaker 2
Okay, so let's say you've earned your extra time. Because it's all gonna be different. It's rare that everybody has the same amount of time at the end of the qualifying portion of it are called for Play 24 Play? Sure there's, there's the four play part. So whoever has the most time Oh, this is our guy goes first
Law Smith
David rubra. That's why I said, yeah. But he, yeah,
Speaker 2
that's our man. So they go first. So say you have 10 seconds extra, you get 10 seconds extra in the supermarket itself. Once you're in the supermarket. Your goal is to spend as much money as possible,
Law Smith
right? American consumers Oh, all this, you know, but you had maximum stuff, you can only get five five products. So
Speaker 2
they all you know, I don't know how long it took for them to figure out the high dollar items. But they eventually there was a blueprint
Law Smith
you get into Turkeys right away. You go to Turkey the heaviest, you got to get it out of the way.
Speaker 2
Yeah, there's the turkeys. It was always batteries. There was always random hardware stuff.
Law Smith
Now you got to grind the coffee for an extra $100. But you need to do it well worth the task.
Speaker 2
Yes, you have to have one hand holding the bag. And then you got the other hand grabbing stuff off of the shelves, but you got to keep your cart near you. So there's it falls off the cart. I think you can't pick it up and put it back.
Law Smith
So there's a lot of red herrings around there. So some some people would call that a trap depends on your strategy. But yes, if you can't multitask, then it is definitely a booby trap.
Speaker 2
Right? And there was also the bonus items randomly throughout the kind of hidden not really hidden it was a giant inflatable thing, right? Or a giant
Law Smith
whatever. TBR can Yeah, or in W Root Beer.
And those were they'd have dollar values. I think they're different.
Law Smith
They're huge. They're like twice the size of the person. Right? And then you had to when you found when you like shit your pants, right then you had to draw a huge basically everything yourself up. Everyone forgets their cart immediately. Like it's a ghetto grocery store. Uh huh. And yeah, run to the front because
Speaker 2
well, it's smart. If your clothes because the thing takes up a lot of space in your cart can be unruly, and if you drop it and you don't have it in your cart when you're back, you don't get it.
Law Smith
Oh, yeah. Look, it depends on the team to like, if I've got a good 40 times if I can run that back. Oh, and you only get one team member to do it. Just remember that that was such bullshit. You should be able to tag oh, what? Like, I can't sprint for a full three minutes. But if we were going back and forth, you can get me on. Oh, yeah, we do it like hockey shit. Right. Exactly. Right. That's why they do it. Yeah, he's exhausting. Yeah. There there's a we can't
Speaker 2
I mean, if I'm not gonna be able to do the sweep, I don't want to do it.
Law Smith
Well, that'll really be fucked up. Whoever doesn't get to right. Look, I promise if I'm not the guy, I will cheer you on with a blousy sweater.
Speaker 2
Alright, sweet. So I get to do it. We decided no, no, what is on record on the podcast?
Law Smith
If I were to do eight I'm calling our business attorney. All right. Wow, that's a lot of hot supermarket sweet
Speaker 2
talk. I was joking. It was when I said we would talk about it for five more minutes. Nine minutes later
Law Smith
I deserves its do I feel like it was one of those things that was everybody watch no one really talked about because there's nothing to talk about. No from now that I've explained it. It's the same
Speaker 2
way I think you have to be back so the end of the sweep was you had to be back in the checkout line before your time was up. Yeah, you got caught in the store.
Law Smith
You're fucked. Yeah, that's never nobody would say with our team never
Speaker 2
gonna happen David route back. I'm sorry, but your fuck, but
Law Smith
I also hear the beep. Also, we have to figure out an angle because we're not. We're both straight white men. So we're gonna have to be like I was a trans girl.
Speaker 2
No, we just guy just throw a fit about oh, no, we just how dare you tell us what a relationship even is? Or is not now or that we're
Law Smith
in an argument. But as far as selling ourselves if we come in or combative, like how are you going to tell us? We're not a couple of friends? Yeah, you know, that isn't
Speaker 2
willing to sabotage it. We'll be on the lookout for it. If they
Law Smith
find this show. We're not making it on that's for sure. Right? They'll be like you have drops of Lizzo saying suck my policy from the bag.
Speaker 2
It's not that it's SUCK MY see from behind behind. Hmm.
Law Smith
So that's my policy from behind I misspoke the gospel Alright, real stuff. So Brogan hit job is wildly interesting to me. And the more he keeps unraveling. I'm a huge Rogan fan. No doubt. I see him as a very curious interviewer. Yeah, and great interviewer and really not that much more he he'll have an opinions but it's not he won't say he'll back. He'll walk them back on right episodes he'll,
Speaker 2
he explains his reasoning. They'll explain if he doesn't have all the facts. He's very
Law Smith
if it's about nutrition, or fighting or comedy, like you're fighting his he might be like probably an expert author, right?
Speaker 2
I don't even I mean, I would say you know, fighting. Yes, he might be the world's foremost authority on MMA stuff. And he literally I don't even know who would beat him.
Law Smith
He knows a lot about comedy. That whole history of IT. Yeah.
Speaker 2
I wish he was funnier on the show on stage and on the show in general. I mean, I think he's really good at what he does. I think he's funny. Sometimes. I don't think he's like, busted got hilarious.
Law Smith
I've met him twice. Well, I was like, a jet comic. But, you know, I always measured those guys when I was like, early 20s doing stand up in green. That like, he was nice to me when he didn't have to be sure. Like, there's a lot of like upperclassmen bullshit going on. Because a lot of comics are not team players, but they don't want that juice.
Speaker 2
Or we're not cool right earlier in life. So I talked about
Law Smith
Bert kreischer being very cool to me and helped me out give me good advice. He didn't have to do it. That to me side character, shit. I got to see him work out his album in a small in a small room that did a comedy show every Thursday night near the Comedy Store. And that was kind of cool. Because it was like, it's like, kind of has his seasons already has his specials now, like, real small, and like, you know, weird lodge or something?
Really, last one, I thought was like, No,
Law Smith
I'm saying like, working it out is what I'm saying. Oh, is these I thought his was like, I'm chilling a ski lodge. A warehouse. Right? Like, but, uh, we wasn't a normal scenario. But it wasn't small and avant garde setting. Oh, stand up. You know, you know, I'm saying Not really, but. But anyway, it was. It's cool. I've seen him work out an hour, which was cool. On the process side. All that being said, I listened to the show. And it's funny that people have opinions about the hard opinions about them. Have never listen to Joe. So no, because it's so daunting. They're like three hours. I'm like, you know, you can pause it and come back to it. Like, it's not that big of a deal. It's I
Speaker 2
mean, honestly, you probably would need more than one episode you'd have to listen to, you'd have to get to know the guy to know how much bullshit this is. Because it's like, yeah, you and I absolutely. The same thing could happen to us. I could so easily probably even easier. I think
Law Smith
he's handling all so well. All things considered. And I probably, he's got probably 1700 episodes, I probably listen, I can I can bet of less than a 500 to completion. Yeah, that's right. All over the place. I don't give a shit. And so I feel like I know the show, you know, right. And so in early January, if you want to pop up over back to this thing, okay. And I'll bring up pop this guy's Twitter feeds kind of nice. We might need to get him on. He throws out a lot of stats like this. But this one started catching wind about the Nielsen ratings in q3 2021, that the Joe Rogan experience has 11 million viewers or listeners, and the next closest from the big media guys. You know, the news news channel, Tucker Carlson Tonight, next closest 3.2 4 million. So basically, this kind of gets manipulated into he's more credible than any news show. Instead of saying he just has a higher viewership. Yeah. What? So first off Nielsen ratings I don't love because No, the way they used to do TV. I really didn't understand it. Don't get me started.
Speaker 2
Now that I'm in it. Do it. Yeah, you're in the middle of this. It's kind of all silly. Really the whole Honestly, all that that whole industry of Network TV is stuck in the 92. Garbage it stacks in the fucking 90s.
Law Smith
So for those that don't know, this is how it used to go. This is how I know it used to be a Nielsen family, they'd say they'd send you basically what looks like an old cable box. Yep. And then it would track everything you're watching. Now they send it out to 100,000 families and the in the United States, then they would just extrapolate that data. So you go, Alright, there's 300 million people in the US, alright, just times, whatever, whatever the difference is between 100,000 to 300 million. And that's how you get your writings.
Speaker 2
Well, statistically speaking, like that's, it's viable to say like, if you there's a certain number you reach where it doesn't, you don't need any more sampling. Like that's a sample, it's gonna be a sample of the population. So like, that part of it is fine, like just the method of it. But like,
Law Smith
I guess, way back in the day. Sure. No, I'm
Speaker 2
talking about like, math wise. Ah, no, because like, no, that's absolutely a thing. People level of statistical like, significance, right? Sample size comes with, yeah, the sample size. It reaches a maximum. For certain things. It's like 1500 people will give you a say, but it does matter that all it does is that plus or minus goes up and down. The more people you have, the closer it is to zero. Yeah, but what they're doing like EDA, fine, but like, you know,
Law Smith
but I just used to hate it when there would be like 50 million people watch this show. And you're like, fuck, you don't know that. Right? You don't count for multiple people watching one TV?
Speaker 2
They don't count if somebody has turned the TV on and leaves the room. Yeah. What if I play
Law Smith
it from my gaydar?
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Or your hetero dog?
Law Smith
I don't have one.
So I'm trying to do the audience.
Law Smith
Oh, yeah. The Oh, the royally view. So. So that comes out this Nielsen rating thing comes out. It's Nielsen and Spotify. But I think Nielsen took the Spotify and kind of hides, like Netflix some of the stats.
Speaker 2
So then Nielsen have an angle on the Spotify stuff, or they just
Law Smith
I think they kind of a combo research effort. I guess.
Speaker 2
That would be really interesting to see what they do on there and to figure it out.
Law Smith
So so that comes out early January, this pices news, the Fox News, MSNBC CNN off, I think, if you really look at the time, why not right, Terminator timeline. We're going through it. We're going backwards to go forwards. So in like, late January, Neil Young has this weird thing about like, I don't like Spotify and Rogen for misinformation. It's like, what misinformation?
Was that Neil Young?
Law Smith
Yeah. I can't. What is it? How do you do his voice? It's like,
I don't know. I don't know. That's what I was asking.
Law Smith
It sounds like a whiny bitch. Normally, I think it's a PR play, because he has his own streaming service. Neil Young still name so he puts it out there. Take me off Spotify. Because Joe Rogan spreads misinformation. Okay, well, if you listen to the podcast, that everyone's kind of referencing, but Oh, I almost forgot this part two, the 300 doctors that signed to petition Rogan's podcast all in prison. You know, how many are actual doctors out of the 300 list? Like 40 of them were nurses. Like 50 ever more academic, like PhD?
Like the life of a Doctor of Philosophy.
Law Smith
Thank you. I saw the list when it posted. It was like, they're like it broke down all the 300 doctors, and like, some of them were like, not even in health care. It was fucking Dr. Jay. Yeah. Dr. Pepper, Dr. Dre, Mr. Pibb not on the list. But like a lot of that kind of shit. So that happened after the Nielsen rating thing before Neil Young Neil Young whines bitches. It seems like a PR play, but leverages that there's a lot of people saying he espouses misinformation. Now. There's two interviews he's had with doctors. One guy, Dr. Mercola, Rogen interviewed, he had some pretty wild stuff about COVID and what he thought about it, but it's an interview. It's it's fully an interview, right?
Speaker 2
You saying that? That guy had wild things to say about it? I know that I should not assume what you mean by wild because there's a three hour discourse right of back and forth of explanation.
Law Smith
Right Sanjay Gupta went on before that quack and got fucking annihilated like he couldn't explain a lot of just basic things that you would think a dog
Speaker 2
on Rogen. Yeah. Oh yeah, I think that one No, I didn't But I will for the cringe.
Law Smith
It's worth it
I think looks like kind of a dumb ass honestly.
Law Smith
Well I think they did a friendly kind of like Mexican standoff of like Rogen be like you know, fuck you're talking about but you're nice guy kind of thing Uh huh. And just not not laying into except for on a few things like the ivermectin shit, where by the way ivermectin, the thing that he talked about taking when he got COVID Rogen got COVID went on and said, Hey I took ivermectin and did through the kitchen sink with a bunch of meds prescribed by my doctor. Everyone gives a fucking horse medicine at goddamn Walgreens like it's been around. It's used for humans more than horses. I'd hurt Walgreens.
Law Smith
Yeah, well, oh, horse Walgreens, nay. So. So this is a weird timeline. And then now, something comes out. This is very odd, right? The Neil Young thing happens. Spotify says fucking get lost. We don't need you. Neil Young has his own streaming platform. So that sounds like a PR move to me. And then this compilation of N bombs. It's been around for a while.
Sure. Since 1800s.
Law Smith
Well, there's there's a compilation of Rogan saying the N word. But in reference to quoting someone saying it, right. Right. And so you can take that out of context context, easily the most loaded word in America. Sure. Yeah. By far.
Speaker 2
I mean, to the point where I, I don't even if I'm repeating like trying to. I know
Law Smith
I don't even like to say Winnie the Pooh is friend. That's a tiger write his name. Because it's too close Tiger. Yeah, I can't T bomb. Yeah, T bomb. Because look, if we can make one thing straight on this show. We're in bomb free. I'm pretty sure. You can't find one on. Oh, well, I don't know, we could have been referencing someone saying it. Oh, but I don't I don't think so then, because I don't even want to do that. Like,
Speaker 2
right. That's what I'm saying. Like, I'm not even going to give that nugget a chance go into
Law Smith
school and Alabama for college. And like guys use it when they stubbed their toe and shit. Like just like, Wow, you guys. White guys really use this freely? Yeah. So component did one of those compilations of him saying it. Spotify takes down all the episodes. There's like if you go to Jr, Jr. He missing calm. Yeah, you can see. I sent it to you.
Speaker 2
It's a double whammy. Because then there's no context anymore to even have people judge for themselves. Right? Yep, that's gotta trust a very good old must have been bad. Yeah. Never know, though.
Law Smith
Right in the video has been around for a while and now it gets steam. You know? Like, it's one of those things were like, Why? Why now? Yeah, odd. Right. And then it feels very news backed. Like if you look at the Lucy case story that broke. You can find the emails on Reddit of like New York Times people and other big publications like, okay, Tomorrow's the day we're going to drop the hammer or something like that. On the story, right? It's like ruse very cool, very cool. Fucking. If the news could just be news, that would be awesome, right? You'd have higher ratings if one of you guys or just make a fucking completely Mark Cuban make a news channel, and just make it independent and literally, read the AP report. Take
Speaker 2
the sociopathy that you use for humans and their lives like Louie CK and destroying their lives and apply it to your news topics as in we would watch we don't want black and white lists. There is no there's no judging on it. You just report it.
Law Smith
Here's my idea. You make a Rotten Tomatoes score that keeps the thing in chess. You have our top top critics. I don't know how you divvy that up fairly. Maybe you find Yeah, you know what
Speaker 2
happens though? Rotten Tomatoes is for Did you like it or not? Yeah,
well, you can make it Yeah, like go
away in political Yeah, I like it
Law Smith
PolitiFact was supposed to be that right
fizzled out because that fake news is what they would say
Law Smith
it got bought out. So someone just manipulated immediately. So you gotta have someone like Mark Cuban that has like fuck you money to throw at it. Someone that are Elon Musk, right? Sure. But yes, they think he's right wing. So it's like whatever. But you make it up to the the crowd, right? We kind of talked about this. With the Nielsen ratings. You get enough data, and you can figure out how to qualify, you know if it's, if it starts to lean to left to right, producers can adjust it kind of thing. But you keep it to the people kind of thing. And wisdom of crowds. James Sarah wikibook. Oh, yeah, read that one. I was trying to be smart.
Speaker 2
I wish most people would not apply emotion to what you're talking about. And
Law Smith
well, they can still have that they lead their teams. Yeah, but the tribal isn't crazy, but I really think most of us live in the gray.
Speaker 2
I don't know, man. I used to think that way. And just lately, it's like, oh, I think everybody has an opinion.
Law Smith
Hmm. Well, when you really break down a lot of people know, they have opinions, but you really drill down the opinion they have. And it's like, baseless, and they'll be like, I don't know. Yeah, you know, they just
Speaker 2
right. I used to do that shit. Sure. I used to be like, that word. And now I don't even want to do that. Well, because there's no it's not. If you do, like point out how stupid they're being Guess what? You're a dick. No, you and now I don't want to talk politics with you because you're just gonna make me feel like an asshole. If
Law Smith
your approach is like a cokehead in a bathroom. Like,
Speaker 3
what does that mean? That's not No, I'm just funnier to fast track.
Law Smith
Just grinding your teeth. What does this mean? Yeah. But I'm saying like, if I just asked like, because I'm a C plus student for life that has to try harder. I come at it from a dumb perspective. Colombo
style. Sure.
Law Smith
Timely reference. Columbo.
Okay, Mr. Supermarkets we?
Law Smith
Well, it had more to do with American Zeitgeist in Colombo. That's refreshing.
Speaker 2
Your work to Zeitgeist. Yeah, nice, guys.
Law Smith
Nice. So, but my thing is, like, I always come at it from like, I don't know, I, you know, thing, right. And now the older I get the room, the more I realized, like, what I thought I was absolute knowledge to me. I don't know, I open the door to whatever shirt you have to and come at it that way and just go, what do you think that is? Or you know,
Speaker 2
it's the big game of wisdom, where the older you get, the Wiser you are, the more you realize you don't know?
Law Smith
Or just to have that. I think you get wiser about that discussion. Right? So it's like, you know, but whatever your fucking senses. We're going to do this everybody, I think always used to what I found out like a couple years back, I'd asked people you know, what do you think fiscally conservative, socially liberal means? And that was interesting because I thought I think most people think they live there. And then you break that down. And that is crazy. Yeah, the range that you'll find so your homework listeners because we're closing this out. We got shit to do. You got to go do dad stuff? Yes. I've got to write a setlist from scratch basically. Are you Hey,
are you doing? You're doing new stuff tonight?
Law Smith
I'm going to what I've told you off my I'm going to cobble a bunch of these like floating 199 bits. I think I can kind of theme it all right into like areas
given the scenario.
Law Smith
Oh, the feast or famine scenario of taking a girl you're dating? Yeah, to see you for the first time to stand up. And I already told her
got a friend go on to write. But
Law Smith
yeah, so
Speaker 2
that could be I mean, that. Look, I hope the friend isn't
Law Smith
there is there is a 50% chance I bail and just use material. I know works. I know.
Speaker 2
But aren't you afraid? They'll call you know the host that we know will call? No.
Law Smith
He'll call me out but like, I can just be like I need wraps. What I'll do I'll do five minutes on pickled egg jars. Like hit him up Tom give you a hard time. Please don't want he'll tell the other comics. And I know the nurses because they're my good comedian buddy friends. I could see him in the back of the room like rolling your eyes all the time doing this now I'll try some new saw
brought a girl already here we go. I already preface
Law Smith
preface it to her that I was like, you know if I bombed this is I'm going to be unfuckable doesn't count. I'm going to try new shit. So you can't you gotta kind of grade on a curve. Like my penis. Right? peroneus disease. You know, that's what it's called. No, but I feel the 90 degree
Speaker 2
90 degrees are like totally shit. Yeah, there's dicks. Well, I'm sure that Yeah, they'll still Yeah, you know, all over the road like 90 degrees is that's a damaged wiener.
Law Smith
That's peroneus disease. Did you know we could still get it? I thought it was Jose that were born with Yeah, so all you hypochondriacs out there when you're buying beer. Get peroneus
Speaker 2
think about your danger level out. Yeah, every day. This thing straight. Oh, I've
Law Smith
got a good angle of plumb if we're doing if we're doing you know geometry stuff. but it doesn't curve on its own or anything yet.
can only hope. Yep. All right, like
Law Smith
cauliflower ear for your deck.
What about my sweat?