#384: How To Get Humans Not Named Andrew Santino To Pick Up Their Phones Using GetHuman.com and Seamless.ai


podcast, business, fucking, people, ai, john paul, cocaine, website, shit, law firm, dude, seamless, swivel, meeting, good, supplement, messages, read, image, email


Law (75%), Eric (24%), Speaker 3 (1%)

Law Smith


Yeah. Dan Cortez, MTV sports. Ya know, it's what equity. We're the number one comedy business podcast in the world. We rewrite it all right? Yeah, we're good. All right. I never feel like we started making love and then we had to stop because we heard a loud noise outside. I'm gonna.

Eric Readinger


Oh man, it's cut short.

Law Smith


Is that Oh, no. Is that a burglar? Is that premature rejection of a drop? No. Are you okay over there? Finish. If you're watching us on video on YouTube. Only fans, any Facebook wherever video or video episodes are posted. We're looking god damn sexy because we got John Paul, the producer back in the house

Eric Readinger



Law Smith


the see from behind. That's him. If you remember his voice from old episodes, that's like Lizzo exactly what it's just like, hey, do us a favor. If you're listening to us on Apple podcast, Spotify. Rate us review. Subscribe, and Share it with a friend. Yes, please just share it to share it. You're going for a walk or a jog or you're folding laundry right now. Just share it. Just share the podcast, which

Eric Readinger


I think they get it I think they get it.

Law Smith


I was gonna do the Zagat guide. Yeah. Give me some candy because I'm crazy. Keep doing it. That's different. Adam Sandler. I'm off the chain today. Just crazy. I have not talked to adults for two days. So this episode is sponsored by Squarespace the all in one CMS content management system. Drag and drop website building platform, you don't need to know code. You don't need to know advanced the s or css html. You can do it with your tiny little low tech pause on your own with great support like legit great support, not just saying that. If you want to get a hook up on a website, you know for discounted hookup holler if you hear me, make them say, oh, hit the link in our description to get the hookup for your website on Squarespace. And it gets a couple shekels back in our pockets. Let's get the party started. They talk about my sweat equity sweat equity sweat equity you no big deal. Those Those murmurs you'll hear all episode probably or Eric and John Paul go forth trying to produce but I give you guys man, kudos. Thanks suck because we're trying to

Eric Readinger


take his headphones off.

Law Smith


We're trying to level up baby trying to live it all level up. And God Damn this. These cameras look sexy shit. They're good. We got singles on both of us. Yeah,

Eric Readinger


I got that. That's your cue director.

Law Smith


You look like a stripper cop almost they get those aviators on. Is there a problem in here, ladies? And then they're like, you're already wearing tank tops and shorty shorts. Right? It'll be done.

Eric Readinger


10 seconds.

Law Smith


You look like dang.

Eric Readinger


Thank you. We have a genius.

Law Smith


We've got the biggest ring light have ever seen, which is mid much which is nice. Look, we're leveling up. We had a meeting this morning. Yeah, yeah. It got me kind of reinvigorated if that's a word. Yeah. Can you reinvigorate? Yeah, of course. I don't know. You can invigorate. Couldn't you reinvigorate?

Eric Readinger


Yeah, that's ad read anything and it's doing it again.

Law Smith


But retarded. You know, I didn't I came in blind on this meeting. Since then. No. Thanks for that.

Eric Readinger


I thought it was fun or that way?

Law Smith


Yeah. I mean, that's how we deal with the show. And yet you still have a lot to say. Well, because because they're into us. The deal was like this that one of the guys found us. Yeah, right. Yeah. It's like when a chick is really into you once. That doesn't live and you're likely fast and loose. I'm yeah, I'm swinging for the fences, baby. Yeah, I'm not hitting warning track. I'm not here in the weight room chance. I'm hitting it over the fence. And I was just pumped that someone's into our vibe so much. And then they have a comedy business kind of thing as well.

Eric Readinger


Yeah. Legitimate, funny. Internal stuff that they have. Yeah, like not for public consumption.

Law Smith


Well, could be in the future. Sure. Yeah. I think I really love to talk about it. I don't think anything's off. I don't think first off do you think either of us remember verbatim what happened? In the meeting?

Eric Readinger


When was that today? Those today? Okay.

Law Smith


That was this morning. Yeah, rolled out. Jeff otter.ai. They had tears on which I thought was ours be like hey, can we We get that I almost asked for it at the end. Is it rude? Now I do this in meetings a lot. I will ask for the recording. If they're recording it on my attorney. No, I just go, I just need it because we talked about so many things. I just want to have that as thorough and I didn't. I didn't use my dictation otter AI app. You know, while we're going maybe

Eric Readinger


in this scenario, we just swing your dicks around. Like what? Where's our transcription? Well, it should be on my desk by next day,

Law Smith


we try to flex how much we know. We're nerds. We're as nerdy as you guys. We know about digital,

Eric Readinger


ya know, we'll see how that goes. We could just ask nicely also. Well, I

Law Smith


mean, I don't think it was a pick your brain meeting which is typically a waste of time. Right? Unless you kind of know the other side like really actually are curious about them. I feel like the pick your brain meetings I've tried to make nice at 90%. Good meeting. We both got something out of it. I mean, you I appreciate it. Yeah, coordinated whatever you want to call it, but the ones that are the ones that have come my way in my professional career. Not so much.

Eric Readinger


Yeah. And LinkedIn messaging all over again.

Law Smith


But I'm such a ham or just naive Odle

Eric Readinger


these you take the time? Well,

Law Smith


if it's tough, man, when when a lady has a crush on you, it's tough not to pay some tension, you know? Sure.

Eric Readinger


Yeah. It's just man. It's crazy how much the dancing let's still goes on without people. Like tell me how much it is like the first sentence. Are you paying me or am I paying you Okay, thank you like get like we get past this.

Law Smith


This is why we we crashed into old manhood because I knew 10 years ago but now we've been through so many this is how man you know managers become Dix is because all like all the employees that entry level they suck Yeah, basically sick repeating themselves and then the manager still there while these people cycle through so that managers turns into an asshole.

Eric Readinger


Right. start all over again. May have vintage EQ s may

Law Smith


have been an asshole to begin with, but got more asshole.

Eric Readinger


Sure. Like D peed. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he's probably

Law Smith


better for it. And I feel like old men in the business world are very blunt, like, almost Asperger's II. Yeah. I mean, because it'd be like, I don't need all this feel. Just what's the cost? What do I get out of it?

Eric Readinger


I'm glad we're already there. Yeah,

Law Smith


I feel like we skipped the steps. You know, I feel like you don't get there to your 50 No,

Eric Readinger


no, I'm there, man. I'm there.

Law Smith


No, it can be considered very rude. I've been told Yeah.

Eric Readinger


But I mean, we get so much about the podcast, where it's like, Hey, do you literally I get emails? Do you want me to make videos for Tiktok? From your podcast? Sure. That'd be great. Go for it. That's how I respond. And then they're like, Okay, cool. Well, I was just doing good. And then nothing about a transaction going on. I'm like, Okay, I was just kind of playing into it. And you know, put your price. Tell me the layout of what is happening here before you go back and forth. This many times.

Law Smith


I'm all about a free sample, be at Costco be a blog writer that goes, Hey,

Eric Readinger


you, right, that's what I should be doing. I'll tell you what, do it for free. And we'll see how it goes.

Law Smith


I'm starting to do any cold email I'm starting to look at and if they offer something for free, I'm just taking them up on it because slippery slope. Well, it's very low, time consuming. For me. Like I had a guest blog writer. He's like, can I write a blog post for your website? And I was like, knock yourself out. And it's like, very generic. And he goes, what kind of niche Do you have like law firms? And he's like, here's seven things to do to get leads for your law firm. And it's like, fucking follows that. My buddy Brendan had, you could eat alphabet soup and crap out an article.

Eric Readinger


Yeah, you know, it was like, grammatically correct. But

Law Smith


it was like, I mean, it was Jasper AI or English as a second language. You know, from someone else's shit, right? There's no unique angle in it. No. And so he's like, can I write another one? I go, Fuck Yeah, go for it. Like, that was a very good if people give me free sounds like there's a lot more cold emails or cold messages. I'm getting that offer something for free. Like a lot of these data companies. They're like, Can I pull contacts? Target Audience contacts for you, Mike? Yeah, please do. business law firms in Florida hit me.

Eric Readinger


Yeah, you know, let's start being clear. I want I want to have full rights to whatever you give me to. Oh, no watermarks. Those diverters you're giving back I'm wanting

Law Smith


those data ones by the way. It's just scraping like Google My Business Profile. Social media. So like the websites for emails and the emails are like admin at or like, general and like this doesn't help me at all right? Yeah, you just gave me a list.

Eric Readinger


Oh, they have this website that I know how to get to thank

Law Smith


you. You gave me the 800 number that doesn't help. What was the AI scraper

Eric Readinger


that we were messing around with? Oh, man. Yeah. Pragmatic business advice will drive you fucking.

Law Smith


We got like, we got too many comedians, football players and apps in our head. I know those three, consume a lot of my RAM space, we'll figure it

Eric Readinger


out. And if we don't figure it out, in the course of this episode, we will put in the description

Law Smith


data scraper.io. No, that wasn't what AI when were you talking? Like? Have you used it? Yes. You showed it to me. Yeah, but I have the memory of like a puppy. email signature rescue. Oh my god.

Eric Readinger



Law Smith


Oh, clear bit. No. typing an email address. Ai seamless.ai. Oh, seamless? Yeah.

Eric Readinger


Oh, yeah. Obviously, that one? Well, I

Law Smith


think of that more. I've only used that for LinkedIn bot messages before. So that's kind of how I compartmentalize that one. Seamless is awesome. It does work. It's just annoying. If you happen to pay attention to your inbox on LinkedIn, which I've I put off for a while and I missed two kind of to work things like contracts that they're like through LinkedIn, though, and it was like, Well, you have my email. Why don't you just email me, Neil? It's call me. Like, I'm like, let me know. Like, that's weird. Yeah, that's not I mean, they weren't ideal contract work. But understand how many

Eric Readinger


LinkedIn messages I get. You want podcast promote? Again,

Law Smith


I'd really like to know like, am I getting? Are we getting like more or less than the average? Right? Do people just not check it? Because it's kind of a it's kind of a CD downtown of a social media.

Eric Readinger


I got them now. They're they're begging me just for a response. Please, sir. Respond.

Law Smith


Oh, that. Yeah. No, Indian guys. Yeah. Yeah. So Cass promotion. I saw Tim Dylan took a screenshot of some of those messages and posted them. He's like, I got it. I bet he bought it for million dollar house in the Hamptons because of its podcast. He's alright. Yeah. You don't need your help. But like, we might, by the way, I got in a fight with a friend of mine. Who's Indian. I said, Well, I said like something like, No, you're I need like, someone really Asian. He's like, I'm Asian. I don't know what I knew. You're Indian dude. He's like, What the fuck does that mean? I was like, I mean, I mean, like real. Real agent. No, not your and your India. You're your own thing.

Eric Readinger


You say it.

Law Smith


There's a billion of y'all. You're Asian. I needed. I was like, What do you want me to do the eyes? Like I'm in school? Yeah, like really? Do you want me to do the Dickey or the the thing from Breakfast at Tiffany's? What? What? If you seen Breakfast at Tiffany's lately?

Eric Readinger


Like as an adult, an 85 year old lady. You have

Law Smith


a daughter? I figured maybe you stumble across it. You eat breakfast. But you haven't seen Andy Rooney do Japanese character. I actually had Goddamnit he says he has buck teeth and just all fall like that. Like, oh, and he's an idiot. And that couldn't have been funny when that movie came out. Right? Actually, like, easy racism was probably really hilarious. Back in the day. Oh, yeah, that was very prevalent. But you know when you get an argument so back to the Indian guy for him. Would you fight with him? Oh, no, I go. I go. I know what you're trying to bait me to say something even crazier. And I'm, I'm sly like a fox. And I'm like, just kept saying like, he

Eric Readinger


punched his stretchy armor. You and I go set a fireball out of his mouth

Law Smith


was like, How come having Have you read a reference? Yeah. Dawson. Dawson. Yeah, yeah. I know that. I know all the characters in their background. Street Fighter two,

Eric Readinger


right? Can't remember seamless.ai. But we got all the street fighters. I

Law Smith


don't know anything about covalent bonds. I don't know anything about the stock market really? anymore.

Eric Readinger


It's magic. They're all magic. It's gambling. Oh, magic.

Law Smith


What is gambling? Sure. Magical gambling. Well, I used to work for a mutual fund company, which is like the unsexy part of Wall Street, right? Mutual funds are like 1000s of stocks. It's like the stock market but slower, aggregated together at less risk. But better return if you haven't if you put your investment in for a while, right? Yeah. The company I worked for dimensional. One of my bosses won the Nobel Prize right good. Onyx. In other words, you've mentioned it another dude there just won the Nobel Prize. So maybe I should have hung out a little bit longer and what the economics I assume but again,

Eric Readinger


is it an Auburn? What was it at Auburn? What? This professor?

Law Smith


No. Another another boss or another executive at dimensional one.

Eric Readinger


Oh, that's right. He was your boss. Yeah, yeah,

Law Smith


I was a grunt for like 25 people that you didn't really learn from him. I read his I read fama and French is passive investing theory it took me it's that an Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. Were the things that literally I was reading like with my finger underneath the sentence because it's so boring or dance or like, my reading comprehension just sucks. Anyway, kind of like your story. Anyway, stock market. They used to show this all the time stock market. Yes. Well, I've worked with guys that acted like they're a Wolf of Wall Street, but we were mutual funds. And it was like, Guys are also Alpha Oh, and 30 years, but it was I was telling y'all before we started paying again, great film, not a movie a film. And I love I love how kind of like over the top. Those fitness kind of guys are but that those guys exist. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Like the business the fitness guys like I really am entertained by those guys in real life. Because they're like, they got all the energy but they got none of like, just that. Just 10 minutes of analysis a day. Gotta

Eric Readinger


treat your your body that your business like your body, you know, just brute force it, man. I was just doing it.

Law Smith


I was trying to help do that as a supplement company. And I'm like, he's a trainer. And I was just like, your your fitness getting

Eric Readinger


into the supplement game right on right when it's in its stride. 20 years later?

Law Smith


Yeah. Well, I don't think those are gonna go out of style, because it's just kind of like,

Eric Readinger


it's crazy. People are still making new supplement lines, though. Yeah, because my creative team is different.

Law Smith


We want a, we want a cheat code. We want a thing that we will live in NYP.

Eric Readinger


Where Who are these people making these new businesses like I'm going to be different?

Law Smith


Well, that's what I like about the fitness bro entrepreneurs because they're like, they're very green. Right? Yeah. And they've got all that energy. So it's like, they're like cocaine, natural cocaine, like, just ready to go all the time. And you get them talking about their business. And it's like, oh, boy, it's like, well, a 906 a lot.

Eric Readinger


Yeah. Okay, and makes you want to talk about business. So something there

Law Smith


you ever you ever hear any good business ideas? People coked up? Sure. What do you got?

Eric Readinger


Oh, man. Your delivery where you just run the beer to the people.

Law Smith


Now let someone pitched that dude.

Eric Readinger


I mean, cocaine talks.

Law Smith


That's my favorite because it's so delusional. Right? And it's like, alright, bro, bro. Because I

Eric Readinger


could do it right now. You know how to rock your house right now.

Law Smith


I got energy for days. Right? Let's do two

Eric Readinger


deliveries on facile. We're going on

Law Smith


an agile brown era. Now let's cram into this bathroom stall and write to not make it weird. Yeah.

Eric Readinger


It really is the gayest of all drugs. Is it? I think so. poppers and there's just some spitballing here. He's just You're right. You're always in his bathroom stall. Putting your face up to something grows probably. There's always in secret.

Law Smith


Yeah, anybody know? And everybody knows

Eric Readinger


you did it. Right. And you're kind of proud of it? A little

Law Smith


bit, but you try to hide it. Yeah, no, I got allergies, man. Like you're always fucking on your nose. Yeah, yeah. Not hiding it. It followed my rule of drugs that the person I see on it. Do I want to be like them? Does it look like a good time? And it does not it's pretty stupid. It the sell on are you

Eric Readinger


drinking and you want to feel sober? How much money do you want to waste tonight?

Law Smith


What's the worst? What's the worst sell cocaine that it keeps you up to drink longer? And no one talks about no wiener. Whiskey dick. Instantly. You don't have that problem.

Eric Readinger


Totally. We all are totally.

Law Smith


I've heard and or the sell on trying dip for the first time. Yeah, that's not happening. Dude. It's gonna be good. But you're gonna puke the first time. Yeah, never doing it. Right. I like Seinfeld. You know, and I haven't done this in years.

Eric Readinger


Yeah, that was one I was like. What why?

Law Smith


Maybe maybe 30 And I'll get into dip. You got me hooked on nicotine. God bless me. You're the opposite of that. Prime door dude. I didn't drink a grapefruit be fucking living

Eric Readinger


jaw up and down. I think John Paul's asleep by the way, Trump Hall he's sleep producer and we don't even have a camera on him. Okay, do you know how to do that?

Law Smith


That's real low self esteem on itself because you got to set this up I know John Paul don't give it a thumbs up talk to us man make you ever been on you haven't been on the show 100 episodes don't mess with the cam Yeah, all I can do it. So what's the latest video? You're right. I was asleep. No way. See, you and Eric are like a married couple. Eric and I are more like a fling as Paul and I were not quite the married couple you to ours. You two are married couple but we're like a friends with benefits fling. We see each other the corporate retreat?


Speaker 3


Fine. Yeah, we only get to we get the best of each other. We were trying to healing your party. No,

Law Smith


you guys are always nitpicking at each other. I just like to watch

Eric Readinger


like, it pushes my buttons he knows how to push my buttons. Well John Paul's perfection by not knowing how to push the buttons very yeah so yourself. I we did I know but one

Law Smith


Eric is angry American History X extra.


Speaker 3


Yeah, extra row. I was doing so good. Oh, on the angles. Just let's keep this going.

Law Smith


Why is your tie tie? Why don't I? Why are you so tight?

Eric Readinger


Well, it's hard pulling these angles, because you don't really have your headphones on. I don't know why? Because there's a fucking delay. Like always. I know. Hey, I told you swivel your chair around and just look at us. Put your head on the swivel kid. Just look at us and then have the thing you don't need. It's three angles.


Speaker 3


Yeah, but I literally had my eyes closed listening to who was talking and then I'll switch it on.

Law Smith


Probably Eric. He talks the most. Just not a good dad. Hey, someone's got to keep this show moving forward. Yeah. Into a what were things that you like head on a swivel. I didn't really know what it meant until way late. Hmm. You know things like you should have known usually from coaches that I was like, Oh, he said this.

Eric Readinger


I gotta go. I mean, it's kind of a deep poll but three amigos the movie. A plethora. You know when he says look at the Mailplane sorry, you know, can see the little balls I didn't get that till way past why I should have I don't

Law Smith


know if I ever got it. I don't know if I don't remember this. I don't get it. I don't remember the scene. I

Eric Readinger


get it now. Yes.

Law Smith


The wheels.

Eric Readinger


The balls. Like that's a you know it's a male. L e mail with testicles.

Law Smith


Oh, a male a male. To m a. L e Yeah, that's the joke. That movie took some swings. I'm not gonna lie that love that movie. I love I used to watch it a lot. That funny farm for some reason.

Eric Readinger


Yeah. Everytime named Farley comes up. I think the Steve Martin barley, Barley Barley. Finally, there's summary summoning the invisible swordsman.

Law Smith


I remember thinking Martin Short is negative funny to me. Really? And three amigos like you didn't do anything. Yeah, he's a little too cool for school. Jiminy Glick is awesome as right. One of the best characters of all time. Yeah, so it says that oh, that's what Tim Dylan sounds like. But it's been bugging the shit out of me. It's not Alex Jones voice he he goes high register. And low. Just like Jiminy Glick.

Eric Readinger


Jiminy Glick. There you go. Unless all time a

Law Smith


luxury. Yeah, shout out Tim Dylan's we're gonna put him in.

Eric Readinger


Oh title,

Law Smith


we can FaceTime someone I'm gonna burn a bridge with I feel like if we try. Oh man. What about Andrew Santino. And she does Santina

Eric Readinger


yeah I don't know I don't feel like he'd be cool

Law Smith


I think you get embarrassed through me

Eric Readinger


oh yeah God they picked up it's go for it you know what burn your bridges

Law Smith


wow there's a good chance this number called Jeff Bridges burn

Eric Readinger


up bridges.

Law Smith


I wish I had Jeff Bridges number if you have you watched Dave on FX Yeah, we're Chido

Eric Readinger


big star Oh man. I'm

Law Smith


starting to sweat now. Oh 310 area. Let's see if you pay service.

Eric Readinger


Just pointed at yourself to pointed at me. Keep me out of this. I still hope to have a relationship with Andrew. Yang right to voicemail.

Law Smith


We're gonna put you in the episode title or

Eric Readinger


Right. That hurt Andrews and I'm gonna tell you that kind of hurt. Yeah, intentionally. Why can

Law Smith


you pick up when I FaceTime we haven't talked in face to face in seven years. I know it in Ybor he got stitches on his leg because something crazy happened in Ybor City was really your fault Tampa improv. I said not to stay out after 1030 on Friday or Saturday night where you're inviting trouble. What happened? A fight broke out in a class broken on a sham or something. You had to get stitches.

Eric Readinger


So when you say he was gonna do credit kick, two guys face But he's got balls a knife.

Law Smith


He's one of the playsuit. He's one of the good comics good young comics that he'll be he'll be an A Lister, comedian name. You know, I bet in a decade Okay, decade. Well, there's these I mean, a very high compliment. No, that's very high compliment. Gingers are crushing eyes and I secretly hate him now because he didn't pick up your call a little mad. I'm a little passive aggressive, bad, everybody. You know, it's not that hard just to pick up a phone number. You probably don't have the contact in right your phone.

Eric Readinger


You know, you'll be cutting edge comedian. I think of these random FaceTime calls.

Law Smith


I think Terry, I got a little over my skis because Bert picked up when we randomly did it. Or Crusher?

Eric Readinger


Yeah, no, no, you think everybody's gonna pick up? I know. The podcast randomly calls people on FaceTime. Can't wait to pick it up. To be

Law Smith


fair, he did it twice to me on live podcast. So that's true.

Eric Readinger


He's used you and abused you. So this 10 Push the buttons in a while? Do we have anything to give the

Law Smith


audience you know, as a president other than seamless AI

Eric Readinger


other than seamless AI, a little Knowledge Nugget? A little?

Law Smith


You know, I might have a good resource for you. You ever wanted to find the phone number of like Google ads or any like tech entity? Yeah.

Eric Readinger


I tried to call YouTube one time when they took the video down. They said was violates community policies.

Law Smith


I've defined my bookmarks on forever. But this has been helpful. And I've been helping some other people go. Let's see. Get human. Get human.com. That's cool. Call companies and fix customer service issues faster. That whoever made this website is a saint. Yeah. altruistic. Because no one was asking for it. They're getting a little AdSense ad money out of the deal. But the when I have to find a number on there, I'm like, fucking thank Christ. Yeah, I'll

Eric Readinger


come in for you.

Law Smith


I'll delay a phone call like that. For

Eric Readinger


hours building up to something for cases finish. It's just like,

Law Smith


oh, fuck, this is gonna be an hour of my life. Right? Even if I'm doing something else at the time, you know?

Eric Readinger


Sure. Yeah. Why? Maybe if you tell yourself it's gonna be quick.

Law Smith


It'll be quick. Yeah, but it never sort of with the tech

Eric Readinger


companies never getting lost in the image of yourself getting lost in

Law Smith


my traps, dude. Yeah.

Eric Readinger


What role very impressed.

Law Smith


Are you getting a boner? Is that what you're new? Right about? It's okay. It's okay. Doesn't mean you're gay. Means you love beautiful sculptures.

Eric Readinger


I know. All right.

Law Smith


I think we're good. I think we're good. We did a show. We did a show. You got anything else? Kind of

Eric Readinger


whatever we were talking about. Remini. I'm just using I just use it today. For as

Law Smith


much as we get a boner for it. I don't think we've talked about it on air.

Eric Readinger


It's an AI upscaling image gimmick?

Law Smith


Well, here's for low tech people. Yeah, you can never get a smaller image to be bigger. Right? In the history of electronic images, right. And that's always the shittiest thing is designer a lot of times,

Eric Readinger


right, you design a beautiful website. All right, let me get your team photos from 1978. What is what is this?

Law Smith


I got these from the photo an actual photo.

Eric Readinger


So scan it. Yeah, so they'll be an e r e m i n

Law Smith


i They're working on video too, which will be impressive if they can make that work. Right if you can make a low res fucking Worldstar Hip Hop video into like HD. Yeah, that's amazing. Now is it perfect? No. But if you work in a creative world marketing anything that involves like that that stuck you get we're going to the client to get a better picture is just a huge pain in the ass. It's somehow fucking an astronomical favor, which is shouldn't be a favor. It's something you need for that. For whatever reason, or them getting a picture is so hard to do that But yet your invoice rest upon that gets done right this is that's do it that's real game changer I use it for like charity pictures I take to

Eric Readinger


church or if you even have old pictures and you do want to scan them or some shit like oh yeah go on your old like you know I did that we've been on Facebook for over 10 years the cameras back then were a lot different because good you go back download, re upload or re run them through reminisce and

Law Smith


what are you doing on an edible The other night I was like maybe I should take some of these Facebook is haven't aged well for all Smitty.

Eric Readinger


He didn't do that during the divorce.

Law Smith


I waffled but I had some good times before they were bad. So I was like, I'll just keep my phone's been in general. Yeah, whatever. I mean, once you're like, once you're amateur, semi pro stand up comic for this long. You're kind of like a realtor like your shits out there. Like, public.

Eric Readinger


I got all kinds of shit out there. It's not good.

Law Smith


Oh, dude. I mean, there's a guy alone the state of videos that I don't know how I don't own it. But someone, some other comics owned them like way back in the day and they're up I can't get them down. And definitely a couple of years ago, I had a job interview go poorly because I found this video a little troubling. And I was like, I think I should go back to do my own business.

Eric Readinger


I just added something to my To Do lists.

Law Smith


What? Go scrub? Yeah. You know, it's worth googling yourself. Maybe put it in your iCal for once a year. Just google yourself. See what comes up. You've got kind of a unique, unique name, I'd say. So that's fun for you. All right, and get right to it.

Eric Readinger


It looks surgeon William Smith. Or completely slap that guy.

Law Smith


Law Smith. Every law firm or wordplay or whatever? I really need

Eric Readinger


boutique law firm last the last myth

Law Smith


or law comma Smith because I got it. Yeah, I got Google Alerts on myself. And you and you

Eric Readinger


and you. And that's it. All right.

Law Smith


That's our contractually obligated time. Okay, count it. Gelatt


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#383: How To Dig Ditches and Make a Game Out Of It w/ the LEGENDARY Dean Akers