#267: How To Fight Your Way Through Tinder’s Swipe Night and You Should Have Saved The Dog

sweq 267 audio

Wed, 9/23 · 4:28 PM32:57


people podcast dog tinder talking thought linkedin game app business hooks call transcribe funny women dating app put john paul sweat episode


There you go. I'm going. Yes, I didn't

Law Smith


see the red lights to hear the music



Law Smith


sweat equity podcast and streaming show pragmatic entrepreneurial advice. We'll do it live with some Wiener Joke's on your host law Smith sitting to my right your left on the dials Eric Reggie Berger. Almost, Eric Readinger That's it.


ever again.

Law Smith


Listen to this podcast on iTunes, Apple podcast app, Spotify, laughable. YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, LinkedIn, your mom's Walkman.


Dad Walkman, your dad's Walkman

Law Smith


with that headset, that original iPod, whatever it is. Make sure this. The cheat code for us is to subscribe rate review that pumps us up to business charts we want to be we want to be the disrupter on the biz. How funny would it be if we're like top 25 business podcast one day? Yeah, that'd be hilarious. I think it'd be great we're not supposed to be there. That's why I think it'd be funny Yeah, do


it in spite of things

Law Smith


yeah, if you that's a free way to help out the show. Subscribe rate review you can hashtag girthy ROI hashtag 69 p2p and hashtag sweat equity pod another way to Yeah, support the show. I got I got I have popcorn in my throat is Venmo us directly we're doing it like some thirsty pitches on Instagram and on on all the tick tock Yeah, we're fucking Instagram models. Why not? So Venmo us at Eric Readinger that's air dash rediger e, ri c dash r e a d i n g er. And at last myth 34 la Ws myth three four.


Approve something for it. I'll do something. I've it's

Law Smith


like your own cameo


not making out again.

Law Smith


This episode 267 is brought to you by grasshopper. Try grasshopper.com forward slash sweat. Get to $75 off an annual business phone life. Don't be a jabroni don't have like a Google Voice number or a go right to your cell phone. You go Hello. who it is. Oh shit. Sorry, I forgot your side hustle on with try grasshopper.com forward slash sweat. Do $75 off an annual plan. It helps the show helps you out $75. That's the biggest promo code I've heard on any podcast ever. ExpressVPN expressvpn.com. forward slash twit gets you three months off an annual plan. Get some anonymized web browsing. Did you know you could watch the office that's in the other countries the show the office that has Do you know that the office has like 20 different versions? I did. And you know who I heard that from?


Speaker 2


I heard it from this guy on a podcast named last Smith who told me the last time we did a podcast.


Did you know that? I did.

Law Smith


Well try Express expressvpn.com forward slash swipe could you three months off give me money. Your annual plan that hooks us up that hooks you up. That's what we call 6090 b2b guys. That's what we call that. Lastly, Warby Parker Warby Parker trial.com. forward slash white get five free pairs of eyeglass wear sunglasses where prescription prescription works all that stuff? Try them on at home. My prepares five free pairs don't get ripped off by big big eyewear. Get the disruptor in the eyeglass sunglass game Warby Parker trial.com forward slash sweat let's get this started hot about my sweat equity

Law Smith


we're doing this one live man almost barely barely got through that read that live right oh god you're


telling me


There we go. Okay,

Law Smith


sorry. Hot mic. Let me let me share this while we're going live okay this


Speaker 2


is turning into a little bit of a bad habit now where you oh my god oh my god I hate this I'm so sorry everyone.

Law Smith


That's all right. Oh, bam. We're doing this live because we found that you know if we don't have a guest we might as well go live we did it. We did it live for a while as a gimmick because Facebook gave a gave like any place you followed any page you follow. It used to just tell you when we go live I don't know if that's the same right now. I know if we make a Facebook group which we should soon that you know it'll tell everybody in the Facebook group but unfortunately, Facebook is very much still alive no matter how many people that go ah Don't want to admit it. You sound good.


Yeah. Really good.

Law Smith


A lot of people don't want to admit that they still have. It's like hooking up with an ugly chick. Yeah. Or ugly dude, if your lady or maybe, you know, whatever, whatever your preferences, but it's like hooking up with an algo like everybody still has it. Sure, sure.


Speaker 2


You know, the Facebook still has it. You're not owning these people. You know, it's just like, I don't know if that's a good metaphor.

Law Smith


No, I'm saying. I'm saying everybody still has Facebook still goes in it. It remember the LinkedIn kind of people throwing shade about LinkedIn. We used to make the joke A while back that we're big on LinkedIn.


Yeah, no, we actually are though, for real still

Law Smith


want to be I mean, look, I for us for a business podcast. That's where we need to be going live. But we, I, we. If I can get any help, like, I'll put it out there. Anybody that works at LinkedIn, if they can help the show out, I someone's put the kibosh on us being able to be an influencer that goes live and I see people, I see people with numbers like I've got like 5000 connections, because I'm a LinkedIn whore, or page


has dude, I've

Law Smith


got the page has a lot of people on it. I don't. So I've submitted us like, every, every quarter, probably last couple of years. Yeah. And I don't get it. We're a real business podcast, whereas the other ones are real self promotion kind of vessels so


Speaker 2


that it's there. Like you can't say you can't say that. You can't say

Law Smith


like in the first five minutes.


Speaker 2


Yeah. You were saying I can't cuss? I guess, five minutes for YouTube. But fucking thing something like you.

Law Smith


We don't really have a YouTube presence because that's a whole other beast. If someone knows that Chico there, I'm all ears like,


yeah, good luck talking to somebody at a YouTube headquarters.

Law Smith


I feel like we have a better chance of talking to someone at YouTube than we do at LinkedIn. Because LinkedIn, Microsoft, and it's like, very closed off.


Speaker 2


And I've tried YouTube when we were doing garbage garage. We did an episode with john J. Murray. What's

Law Smith


garbage crush for the listeners that does a show


Speaker 2


where we went through the garbage. We talked about it. It was a Adult Swim style. late night talk show.

Law Smith


It was Yeah, it was uh,


anyways, Call it

Law Smith


what do you want to call it? It was funny. It was funny. It was like, is very Tom Green. I'm still


thinking about bringing it back.

Law Smith


We should right now. Yeah. So you have to deal with how long we've been on. You got to get john paul involved. Yeah, he'll be in.


Speaker 2


Anyways, we had a video with a friend of the program Dante Murray from something planet podcast, in which I don't remember the exact Oh, we had used the the song Blurred Lines. Okay, fine, and it comes gold. It got pulled because of that. Not because of the dedication situation at the end. You know, like that part was fine vacation

Law Smith


situation. I'm gonna


Speaker 2


I'm not gonna elaborate. It don't elaborate. They pulled it because of the Blurred Lines thing. Yeah. And I had not backed up the video I put on YouTube. And I was like, Well, I can just download it and re edit it. They had deleted it. And you could not I could not email. Anybody. Like there was nobody to talk to. Yeah, this was years ago. Like it's not, you know, like, eight years

Law Smith


ago, here's the deal with with a lot of that stuff. If you spend a lot of money. So I get asked a lot of questions. Hey, can you fix a Google a bad Google review that was given to another business? Not mine? Yeah. And I'm like, I'm not a Google agency. I should be I spend enough money. I still have accounts, Google Ad accounts. That's been enough. I think you spend like, I don't know, five grand a month or something. So there's some kind of high, high ad spin number. But I still have enough accounts. That's like, I should be on there. But we're not. And then I'm a Facebook agency. So I have more leeway there. Like I have someone I can contact that's not just a number, like one 800 number. And yeah, same goes for LinkedIn, say all that stuff. But that's ads. No, no, but you still have you still get through your person, but you can get to the person. It's just like anything in life, right?


I didn't know that.

Law Smith


But it's just like anything like you got a guy. You spend enough money with anything. They're gonna treat you a little bit better. You got someone to talk to, right.


Speaker 2


They're pretty good. I mean, you really don't spend that much to get a representative like they have a I mean, I've never actually talked to them or gotten any

Law Smith


real. Have you done it lately? Like in the last year? No. Yeah, it's bad. Like, that's just scalability. Scott, it's too much right? They really wanted all these all these platforms. Pinterest included Tick Tock now has a lot of advertising aspects to it. They grow too quickly, and they don't focus on the customer service because they know they know the audience is used to figure And out on their own little bit. Yeah, right. And video on YouTube, anybody that's gonna do it even anybody that's used to good customer service client service experience. They don't expect this, this entity to have, like, do it well,


Speaker 2


right. Yeah. So that's just in general now, right, any sort of online anything to have a human on the other end?


Not one thing and one one thing

Law Smith


that's been brought up a bunch and if you go back to listen to our guests from Episode 266, with Keith Dobbin, we got a hold of each other because I put it out there anybody that wants to ask us questions like anybody that's watching this live and wants to ask a city, they go ahead. It doesn't have to be business associated, but we'll do our best. It's one of those things where he was asked me how can I get a chat going? On my website? I feel like I've been talking to a lot of people about it. So throw it out there now. drift app.com drift, it's a free app. If you have a website. If you have your own business, you can throw this little chat box in. Yeah. You can turn on and off whether you're chatting to someone like you can make ours so it goes right to your phone. Yep. Just like a DM if you don't have any support, you know, you're doing your own business. Everything's going through you kind of thing. If you have Slack, it'll it'll integrate with that really quickly. Yeah, it's by far the best one. And now they have their video chat now. which closes here's the reason I push it. that chat box while annoying to a lot of us, right? We don't remember that actually works. So you go to verizon.com they do it the worst, because it's not even a chat. It's a chat bot.


Speaker 2


Yeah. I don't get annoyed by the chat popping up. I don't mind having

Law Smith


it pretends to be someone typing on the other end. Yeah, it has the little three bubbles. Bubble problem. I think a lot of people don't like that. I you know, I thought about Did you tell the robot about it? I did. I said I don't like well, it's like getting those voting texts things that I'm getting. I don't know why you're not getting it. But people watch the grid, baby. Oh, what? I've said it to you a bunch today already. I want less people voting. I don't I do not Rock the Vote. Right. looking right at the camera. Do not rock the boat.


I'm gonna switch the cameras on. I can

Law Smith


watch. I've got enough. I'm agile enough. You can't do it. Do not rock the boat. I want people to be over 30 to vote. It's either either I want people 15 to vote or 16 to vote. Because you're driving. Or I want people like over 32


Speaker 2


what do you think about that anybody? Or nobody about just?

Law Smith


No babies vote either Rico 16 A dogs like did you know some state some like cities have voting? Like for the Civic stuff at 16?


Well, yeah, you could probably marry your cousin at 14

Law Smith


this is DC that DC is one of the cities that does it. Well,


you know it down. Okay.

Law Smith


Yeah. Yeah, Washington DC always been considered picked out.


You know, they say about it.

Law Smith


Now. I'm, I'm rooting around my brain. What was the thing you wanted to bring up?


Speaker 2


What? Oh, swipe night. Oh, swipe night on Tinder. Yeah. Whoo, man. Tell me so dramatic.

Law Smith


Why? I didn't know a good segue to get into it. But well,


Speaker 2


yeah, there's no good segue. But if anybody's on the dating apps, Tinder introduced this new


AR but just kind of like Choose Your Own Adventure


Speaker 2


thing that feature on the app? Yeah. It's it takes you through like this or that you're you're in this story and you this or that, and then it matches you with people who had similar answers.

Law Smith


So what's the story scenario?


Speaker 2


Like it's like a comet coming to the earth and then something goes bad and all hell breaks loose. It's like apocalyptic. Yeah. Which I thought was a bit much.

Law Smith


Well, it's it's a big theme in a lot of movies, right? A lot. A lot. A lot of popular digest, I'd say right? Yeah, this is


just a dating app.

Law Smith


Well, I'm thinking of the guys that have to, or they're, you're you've worked for Tinder and they're like, okay, they go to the you work in the marketing department. They're like, Alright, you've been assigned to basically make some kind of video game that needs a movie. This is


Speaker 2


what's very personalized sample pictures was talking about,

Law Smith


or sometimes producer Yeah, this


Speaker 2


is a new like avenue of video stuff where it's like they had to film the poop. You go this way, or you go that way. And it's just like, it's really not that complicated. I don't think to film I mean, if you're in production quality

Law Smith


is really good. But you're a math nerd. It's conditional logic. It's, it's a decision tree. We've all had to do these, right. Yeah, in some kind of math class. We have to draw out the carrots of like, Okay, if this goes this way, Yeah, yeah, choose that.


Speaker 2


Or I was saying to you, the funny thing was that like, at some point in the story, you have to choose between saving a girl and dog.

Law Smith


We want to know, and if God if women have the same choice women versus men on this app, we got to kind of clarify, does it give you the same option? Which it probably does? I doubt it. It changes it from dog. either save the dog or save a guy. You think it does not change? You think I saved the girl or save the dog? Yeah, right. Which is what I would have bet


Speaker 2


which is if we're wrong, let us know. But it just, I just thought was very interesting because I matched you matched on two out of three questions except for that one. Literally, no girl chose to save the the other girl I think who at some point was being a horrible liar.

Law Smith


Well, there's the thing and it's alleged a bit about like, here's the reason women hate other women. It's it's primal. It's tribal. It's sure. Yeah, no, it I mean, it's a it's such a great bit. She talks about like, how the reason gossip exists the reason women share information like that, it's primal. It's because you had tribes and you had it's, it's it's fucking amazing smartbid from like her bike for specials ago, but I think warpaint was what it was called. But it's been awesome. Because I that makes sense, right? So when the whole thing that we laugh about as guys, the first layer kind of thing we laugh about is like, Ha, women hate other women kind of thing. Right? Right. If right, if a woman wears the same thing as another woman in, in a party, it's a big deal. Still, that's an old trope, right? No comedy trope? Yeah. I just think it's funny.


Yeah. All right. I thought you're gonna say something else.

Law Smith


I'm mortar that I did. I felt like it cut you off. I didn't


Speaker 2


know I just thought it was weird. How many people chose to not save the human? It's still human.

Law Smith


Right? So


Speaker 2


and they don't really okay. And they also don't really leave. Give a lot on the implications of saving. I mean, is are we talking about? She's getting her dress dirty from falling down in the dirt or they're gonna like do some horrible shit to this woman. You don't know. It. All it says is save right? save them. Don't just save them. Okay, well, if it's saving, I guess you have to pick the way you pick a dog.

Law Smith


Because my dog it's emotional. Right? It's not even your dog. Doesn't matter. The dog can't speak. That's why we're so attached to dogs, I think. Because all they can do like I love your dog. Polly's route. I shouldn't say his name because he might say it three times. You might Beetlejuice.


But Bala here, sure.

Law Smith


But he his face. His normal face is smiling. Because he's a golden retriever. And that's just how they are. They've been bred that way. So we love dogs because they they unconditionally love you. Right. Whereas a human doesn't tell you ever read the news report to someone like, like, read out loud, man. You know, whatever it was, this plane went down. This plane went down. 80 people died 10 dogs and you'll hear women like,


Speaker 2


like, for the dogs every time. I have a thing about reading depressing news out loud to people.

Law Smith


Your brunches are different than mine. You've never been around and someone blurts out a new story that's going on.



Law Smith


We do. I do very sad brunches. I guess. Here's what I'm saying. All right. So there's a lot to unpack here. Because also you can make the case Tinder saying that women equal dogs. Oh,


Speaker 2


that has gone through. I feel like we are treading on. I didn't we didn't make it in ice.

Law Smith


If you if you reverse engineer this game, right? We're kind of doing. I don't know, I did it. Like why are you Tinder? If you read it. I mean, that's, you know, they're humans. Because choose your adventure. If you if you break down how the game, the kind of game theory of it a go backwards, it gives you equal things to choose from each time. Yeah, I don't


Speaker 2


know. It's it's really the latter. It has its flaws, for sure. Because if you don't if you take too long, it'll choose for you.

Law Smith


Under the premise the game theory is supposed to be even throughout


Speaker 2


no matter why? Well, I would assume so. Right? Because then to move on. It wouldn't be

Law Smith


you'd have to have the same number of employees in a PR age where you can't really do anything. It's going to get you to almost the same outcome. Probably. That's what I'm saying. It can't discriminate Right, right. In any which way. We are in the most PR sensitive era. of all time. And so it's just funny. I think if you if you're making the game like just


the fact that you're saying that it's a bummer. You're such a like you're so entitled.

Law Smith


I am entitled like God. Do you see the white in my beard?


Speaker 2


Yeah, dude, you're getting very wise.

Law Smith


I'm getting very long beard. Yeah,


Speaker 2


beard. Crazy minds getting great. stress.

Law Smith


Stress for sure. But that's not a thing with the President. It's a good deal. You know what, let's let's look at that in a positive light. That means we're living it means you're doing shit. What? You know what I'm trying to I'm trying to spin this into something what that means you're doing shit. You ever met someone that's not stressed at all ever? They're terrible. Are they though? They want their? Their biggest concern is hacky sack, man. I don't want that. I want a little bit. I don't want too much. Too much bad for sure.


Yeah, but if you live between the nautical a big stress, little stress, I'll take the little stress, a

Law Smith


little stress for sure. But no stress is no good. Sure, use it as a positive. All right. But swipe night. So where'd you end up?


I think I died.

Law Smith


You died in the game?


Speaker 2


Yeah, no, I don't remember. It's just like it. I don't really know what it means. It's like, go back to the house or go to a car. It's like, what does that say about me? Why does that matter? It's there's a lot of stuff that was kind of like what

Law Smith


that I get? You don't get that? No, not really. Alright. So it's basically asking when shit breaks down? Are you a person that runs to seek help? Or do you go right towards it? If there's a fire? This is like a this is


Speaker 2


like an old philosophical for this though. This is like apocalyptic things happening around. Right,

Law Smith


right? We


have to remember this was like, do you hunker down or do you

Law Smith


this is untended? So you basically are like, what would you do with a half chub? And making decisions? If apocalypse?


Which way did the hotfix go?

Law Smith


Right? And I guarantee I bet you're right, most guys would save the human. Whereas most women would probably save a dog. If we're speaking jet, very generally, very, very generally, right? very broad strokes. But I'm saying like, you're also on a dating app. That really is, the premise is still, even though it doesn't really work out that way. For most of the users. The premise is, let's, let's meet up and hook up. This is this is a way to do that. And so you have to have the empathy of the user going through it. Yeah. This is no Zelda my friend. I'll tell you that. It's


the first iteration of anything, but

Law Smith


it's been around for a while. This is Yeah, last night. I just never went on it. I've seen the year and a half. Oh, okay. Well, I'm cool. So anyways,


all right. Anything else to say about it?


Nothing else. I'm over it. No. swiped


left on it.

Law Smith


I like it. I like


cricket myself.

Law Smith


Well, I like these. I like these Choose Your Own Adventure kind of ideas. It gets murky, though. In the way I just kind of tried to pull it apart. I think there's gonna be a lot of people that would do the same. If you've worked for BuzzFeed. That's how you that's exactly what you would do. If BuzzFeed is a thing anymore? I don't know.


Speaker 2


I don't was it you and I talking about this before maybe john paul. But I think that it's not going to be that popular. Because when people want to sit down or relax and watch a movie, they don't want to be making decisions and being involved in it. Because then that turns into just like a video game.

Law Smith


No, I just see a popularity of twitch of a lot of video games for almost everybody now, from ages. You see my kids that are two and three that are well yeah, no, but I don't do it all the way to like 56 year olds playing video, a sort of video game. Well, sir,


Speaker 2


I'm just saying like, if it's marketed or put out like it's more of a game than a show

Law Smith


where you're playing fortnight, right? Oh, yeah. So we're all in but what are you getting out of it? XP, bro.


Was that experience point?

Law Smith


Okay. But no, I'm not I don't dog video games all together. I'm not one of those kids. Like No, No, I'm not. Even if you didn't, I don't dog it. I think it's strategy. I think too much of that is bad. moderation in terms of moderation only, including moderation or whatever that quote is.


Everything in moderation including lotteries.

Law Smith


Yeah, the Oscar Wilde quote, and so that thing of like, just a blanket statement. Video games are a waste of time. I don't I don't think so. I think you can definitely binge on them too much. And it's, it's a lot of wasted time. There's right there's a lot of college football seasons on Dreamcast. I wish I'd learned Italian You know, like, I've spent so much time I could easily learn like five languages I know that you there's a way around that thinking like I rarely read English I don't read English good that's for sure


Speaker 2


that but whatever that's not even the My point is is like these Choose Your Own Adventure things they're just so like in between and like not like I don't turn on Netflix looking for that

Law Smith


yet? Not yet but like do you you should not turn on Netflix remember


Speaker 2


in the mail but do you understand what I'm saying? Like there's like a mindset where it's like I'm gonna watch something and turn my mind off. Or I could play a video game which is going to be much more interactive and entertaining and this Choose Your Own Adventure thing they have to come back to every five minutes that you weren't paying attention to anyways.

Law Smith


Because you just made rules for it that may not exist What I'm saying is what? you spill your drink oh wow can take you anywhere. What no flapped up. What I wanted to do was just randomly call some some friends. Oh, God. You want to call Thea?


Yeah, call Theo von see how this goes.

Law Smith


Let's see if he even picks up I'd be


right to voicemail you loser Damn it. God you are so feel

Law Smith


so good work and feel so that doesn't fool anybody by the way. Like a voicemail.


From one ring right to voicemail. Yeah,

Law Smith


he's probably doing his show.


Speaker 2


Oh, yeah. Too busy doing his his thing. definitely wasn't like this fucking guy. Thank you. Right up.

Law Smith


Oh, he texted me back. Sorry. You know who's my number? That's what he says


on there.

Law Smith


Now Ah, I just thought that'd be a fun little segment to do to embarrass me. This has been laws embarrassing phone calls. Brought to you by Roan road. tyrone.com forward slash sweat. Good luck of that. That link works for you. Yeah, we're not sure if our affiliate advertisers doing the job. Very varitone one, I believe. So I'll have I got a little something for the rest of the show. Because we're rounding it out right now. Okay,


well, I'm ready to hear it.

Law Smith


Well, no, I had said someone asked me that's a writer how to how to kind of get their stuff going on a shoestring budget. I'm trying to figure out how to help. I'm trying to go like, Well, look, I'll maybe I can do like


horseback rider.

Law Smith


I don't want to say anything, because it's what the subject matters just because it's I don't know,


I don't want to motorcycle.

Law Smith


There's three or four people hit me up. But one in particular


vehicle are they writing?

Law Smith


I'm a writer or writer is essay writer, writer, writer. Oh, doing live. All right, it and we'll do it live. I mumble. I'm sorry, I can't help you a hard time. I've got big teeth. And a little mouth as my dentist wants to say she was me gal. But, uh, here's what I'm saying is, uh, you know, how do you get a brand out there? And I said, Hey, don't follow what I'm doing for sweat equity. It's not the best. I have I, I have that thing where it's hard to market brand yourself. I get it more than anybody. I have to really assign people to talk shit to me. I, what we do on this podcast a lot is put it out there that we're going to do and hopefully, a or I do to you or john paul? And kind of hopefully, it'll be like a what was the thing you're doing? Yeah, I like that kind of accountability measure. So a lot of people can do that. But what I said was repurposing content is something I've really been thinking about. It's just a philosophy. Right? If you're if you write content right now, a lot of people will do it on their Facebook page only. Or they don't do it on a website. They do it in a rant, and an ID video or something like that. And my biggest thing is all I want to put in that, like, I had a boss that was like everything that you do well as a marketing opportunity for your business. Just like you plug that in my brain. I'm trying to plug it in a lot of people's brain anything that you're doing. That's like original content, that's your angle, right that you're doing. See if you can repurpose that, get all the meat off the content buffalos,


Speaker 2


yeah, talked about for years, or something like I will do is use Evernote, and just anything that I'm going to do and put out multiple places, I started in Evernote, and that just is like Alright, this is where episode titles and copy goes and boom, boom, boom, and templates, copying pasting boom, you know, because if you do the thing where you write it on Facebook, there could be whatever issues you know, with hashtags, and

Law Smith


I see a lot of people writing whatever in the app, the apple notes, taking a screenshot and then putting that out and I'm like, well, you're not now you're definitely not getting the benefit. I mean, that might work if you have to get it on. to Instagram or Pinterest or something, but like, you're losing a lot of SEO over time, if you just don't put it on a website, you've been doing a great job getting this these episodes, you know, transcribed and putting them on the website recently. Okay, but I'm saying for clip he did, but I have no idea for clip. I've got no, I've got no room to talk because I've been shitting the bed, what do you do get in the email marketing and a bunch of other things on here. We're going through some stuff, but but I can use that excuse until I can't. And it's one of those things where, what do you really want to do? Okay, you want to get more ears, you want to get more eyeballs on you. The hard part is what we're doing right now is finding that angle. The easy thing is really finding just a dummy schedule template to go. Okay, take this video transcribe it in otter.ai for free. If


I don't know if you can do for free. So we blasted through the free?

Law Smith


Well, I had, it's not for free anymore. Yeah. If you do it live, if you record it while you're gone live, we'll do it live. Fuck it, we'll do it live. It'll record. There's other ones out there now that I haven't looked into. But there's definitely competition. You can just do it through Siri, honestly.


Or just play it and know

Law Smith


to go Can you transcribe this? You can you can do a lot of shortcuts like that. Yeah, there's a lot of like hacks and stuff. You can go go on product hunt.com or the Product Hunt app, you'll probably find, but yeah, hunt with an H sorry, product hunt.com or Product Hunt app, and you probably find a lot of different. What they do is they show competitors to have if you want to like I'm looking for an app that does this. It'll give you the competitors to the other one is alternative to dotnet not Decca. dotnet. That's one that's strictly just put in any app that you want to find competitors for otter.ai. And that'll show you like it's basically like kind of Reddit crowdsource like this one's good. This one died this. It'll show you all the options basically user generated. If we have any pragmatic advice on this podcast, that's pretty much it.


Yeah, app stuff.


Yeah. Why not?

Law Smith


We live in an app world. It's good. I like it.


Check it out.


We need to figure out an alternative for otter.ai.

Law Smith


All right, we'll bring it to the pod next time. I think that's good.


Okay, we're calling it Yeah, right there about my sweater.


know people


#268: How To React To Bubba The Love Sponge’s Reaction Of Episode 255 w/ Anna Hummel


#266: How To NEVER COMPROMISE with Keith Daubmann