#252: How To Just Kinda Wallow and Do Whatever You Feel Like w/ JP Labadie and AJ Gonzalez aka DJ Garbage Pussy
Law Smith
We got a weird episode coming sweat equity podcast and streaming show I'm your host last myth.
This shows about pragmatic entrepreneurial
Law Smith
advice with some dick jokes hosted by myself last myth and Eric register on the ground for some reason. Hashtag girthy ROI hashtag six nine b2b hashtag sweat equity. You can listen to us on iTunes Apple podcast, Spotify, laughable, YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, this episode is sponsored by ExpressVPN try expressvpn.com forward slash sweat get you three months free. So no one can track you and what you're looking at on your browsers. Try ExpressVPN comm forward slash twit, gets you that three months free. Don't let anybody see what your browser history is. Eric is my failsafe if I died randomly, and I need someone to go delete everything in my browser history, but I can be pretty active with ExpressVPN try expressvpn.com forward slash wet get three months free of your subscription. That's our headline sponsor. I'm gonna breeze through these next couple reown try Ron comm forward slash sweat 20% off using the link or bridge 20 promo code. Roan is fancy, fancy workout gear, try rom com forward slash wet, grasshopper try grasshopper.com forward slash light gets you $75 off an annual phone plan I use it Don't be a jabroni and have a Google Voice number for your business line or your side hustle. Fresh books go freshbooks comm Ford slash twit tax days around the corner you can do that through go freshbooks comm forward slash sweat and get a 30 day free trial Tom ball and Warby draw Warby Parker Warby Parker trial.com, forward slash wet get five free bears to try out in your home, if I can wear Warby Parker glasses in my huge head. You can certainly look like a badass in Warby Parker trial.com, forward slash sweat glasses. This episode is ready to get going. All right, what about my daughter?
Law Smith
So, a couple things. I got COVID so that kind of delayed us on having an episode. Eric's having some kind of midlife crisis right now. Dude, we've got we're at full steam in this studio. We've got john paul back as our third mic. Producer refuses to speak shout out to Tim Pena and then our other friend on the fourth mic, AJ just dropping in Snipes every now and again do
Law Smith
what what are you doing on the ground?
Dude? like fucking just back off? What? I'm not your dad you're like on my case about it all the time you
Law Smith
look you got glitter on your back. You're breathing heavy for
Law Smith
you look like you're making a snuff film for yourself. Who cares? what's what's wrong, what's wrong? Nothing's wrong, why don't even understand your fault. It's not your fault it all the time. It's not your fault. It's not your job to make excuses. goodwill hunting.
You guys.
Law Smith
Is this part of your only fans account? Yep.
All right, just leave me alone about the floor.
Law Smith
I can't because it just shows usually best. Both audio.
It's fine. Just leave me alone about it. You're on my back. We do video
and back
all the time. You know, I don't ever get
a break from anybody. You don't nobody seems to care.
Law Smith
Oh, man, someone's in a pity party. Now your face down your nose, his face. Your face is down. You're doing a superman pose. That's this isn't even a yoga pose. This is just like a non violent resistance pose. On the ground. That is
That is correct. That's what this
Law Smith
that just your face. Your nose is literally on the ground. There is it? Is this because of the vasectomy. I don't know what's going on.
Yes, that's part of it. Yes, that's the thing. That's a factor. as much
of a man
Law Smith
Do you feel like you're not as much of a man cuz you had a vasectomy? Maybe Maybe that's the thing. Maybe I have to deal with that too. Hey, Jay, get up get up in that mic. You gotta get up in that mic right.
He's got the license you guys all still all sperm
Law Smith
wrap. You can hold it like a rapper if you want, man. You can take it out of the stand. Yeah, but get it up. Right. Right through those beautiful lips of yours. Yeah, let's let's do a test. Get right up in there. Yeah, say something. Yeah, was up. Yeah, that's a lot better. It's broke. Yeah. See, I produce on the fly. so bad. This is not good for the show. For sure. Ah, what? What's wrong? What's wrong with you?
All right, AJ thing dude. I'm over here. I think I need to star the show. You know, kind of be the forefront
Law Smith
of this. Like this show. So the change you wanted to be On the show as a host, you could just ask and we'll probably just let Yeah. Welcome,
Eric. Thanks for being guest What's going on?
Law Smith
What business questions you have a mic sounds like shit. Yeah, just cut him off. Just turn off. He's in the dunce corner anyway. It really hooked him up or let's talk business. Let's do it. Well ready for real time? Well, part of our business is you participate in podcasts? Trying What do you Jim Morrison when he's all fucked up? No, what I told you leave me alone about it. I can't leave you alone. I'm gonna make this awkward.
Speaker 2
You're not the one making it awkward. You're not going to be the awkward king in this scenario. Okay, what? Obviously I'm the one making and I'll tell
Law Smith
the audience what's wrong. What hurts you what hurts you? Nothing. hassle.
Nothing. I already did a podcast about
Law Smith
it. Yeah, check out the incremental solo podcasts he did on publish on July 10. Yeah, after the drought because I got Sick.
Yeah and other shit.
Law Smith
And that's a little bit why everybody's far away from me. I hope.
Yeah, that's why I'm on the floor. That's it. That's the ticket.
Law Smith
Why don't want to give you all COVID that would be the worst. Yeah, that's what I'm doing. I've been been active for a while. When you said that AJ left? Yeah, well, yeah, I haven't been active either. Now he went to go get something to drink. You guys. I walked into the degenerate Thunderdome I got here late you guys have been having partying?
A lot yeah, we were you know, we had some cake. We had a
Law Smith
pizza parties.
Are you depressed? Everything's so stupid. What's wrong? Nothing.
Law Smith
Do you want to do some therapy? Yeah. On the on the podcast right now let's do it. What uh, how are you feeling? I'm not therapists.
Speaker 2
Well, you know so many important in my life has given me a very hard time. john paul these days he's
Law Smith
always bossing me around. Yeah, you're missing your mark for sure. You get your definitely jump I was definitely gonna back that chair right in your head. And yeah, it's a shit added to the list of problems
you know they're always the smallest
Law Smith
tasks. john paul woody a hard time about it help me out here look you're his best friend you've known him the longest. You know what? What's going on with him
from this angle? It looks like I took his off. I can't talk cuz it's delay.
Law Smith
Oh, you're hearing the delay is good while we're going talk. It looks like it. We've got it on mic. Sorry.
So look at this angle, his head's gone.
Law Smith
Call in if you can help Eric.
Speaker 2
What uh, so what's wrong? You know, taint hurts I just have this person in my life has given me a hard time over and over and over again, and they just don't seem to understand me. point of view and it's just really frustrating when they continuously give me a hard time about doing the easiest tasks in the world. And here we are, you know, laying on the ground about it.
Law Smith
So are you soaking? Are you just in a? In a? I just don't want to do nothing. Yeah. You know, what's the point? Well, I you know, I honestly don't have an answer for that. Exactly. Well lay on the ground with me. No, I actually, I feel energized. I feel like I've been getting shit done. Because I got a little bummed out getting the positive COVID you know, diagnosis Right, right. Just because it was like fuck, man, a loser. And then kind of had a I didn't lay on the ground like a little bitch but I did know I went on Facebook and told every But only because I felt like that was the Civic, altruistic thing to do. Look at me. I'm sick. Munchausen. Yeah, I wanted to. I wanted all the sympathy, actually, to stay away.
Law Smith
We're in the age of a lot like Americans are getting really frustrated with the misinformation disinformation, who you don't know who to like, I don't even know where to get a nasal swab. When I know I needed to get one. And like, so I posted that I probably had about 20 people. DM me, Hey, where do I go? What do I you know, what was it like? How do I what was the process like those are all the things I was trying to figure out, you know, scrambling to figure out to make sure I'm not passing it on to everybody around me. And then I posted it that I had to make a joke about it just to cope with it. But you're so brave. I just Well, I had to make a herpes joke that's just been sitting my head. This thing's contagious, like herpes forever. What's up? It does
true The more you know.
Law Smith
No, it does for me I
don't have it. Tell me about Coronavirus Mr. herpes.
Law Smith
I had COVID Uh, I'm pretty sure I got it at a gym with because, Jim. Jeez, he's a cute boy Matt. No. It's just one of those hit workout gyms that was probably eight people in 2000 square feet. None of us were near each other. We were social distancing. No, but we're not gonna. We're not gonna hit the hit anymore. Ha ha it Billboard Top 200 hits. I didn't mean to strike a chord with that. That hit wink nod But it's just the hit of the city. But I mean I followed all the social distancing rule that I'm pretty sure from there I got it because that was the only aberration in my schedule. I was kind of already being a hermit because I was moving, working remote you know, social distancing just kind of normally the only time the only thing I really was doing you know, leaving the house does checking in on me we're just coming over here everybody area outside Eric went sideways when he cut his wrists not long ways you had to know everybody's got their shifts they know their roles. Well sideways is across for help when you when you cut that way and then long ways. It's like you're the real deal, right? It's like that that scene in rules of attraction. Everybody knows that. It's really really fucked up.
Speaker 2
Or you put your head next to JPS Rolly chair or you get on the mic dice. Whoa, what's gonna happen? I'm Russian roulette.
Law Smith
So All the COVID stuff you know, I that's why I put it out there just because it Look, I thought I had a sinus infection. I didn't have a temperature. I had all over body soreness like you know, when you get the flu in your backers for some reason. I was dehydrated, but I thought that was just me and I thought I was sore from the workout honestly, because I was being a bitch. And then what else am I saying? I was the lungs. No coughing, no temperature. No. Nope, no, no shortness of breath. No, it was really just confusing. Like I was over here at Eric's house. And I was like, yeah, this is more confusing than anything. I had like a migraine where you couldn't think really well. But it's 36 hours is done. And I hear the stat I hear is allegedly like, you know if you're healthy guy in your 30s like 97% of people it just passed threw you in like, you know, a day or two or three hopefully I don't have her now here's the thing I don't have any pre existing conditions. And physically I'm not actively depressed like our co host on the ground. So I you know, it was really just waited out it was more like what the fuck is this? And the reason I found out is because I got an IV and when I get an IV when I'm dehydrated, I can fucking run out of that bitch I could walk in like, get like a lot but you get you look poof here. You will get more stuff inside you. Hey, like dicks. Yes.
No. Do you ever think about taking the hydrochloric when or whatever?
Law Smith
For what fuck me Okay, no.
That's the thing I don't call just took it.
Law Smith
But what like How old is your uncle?
Late 40s. And like, is he is he healthy? in danger of anything, you know, he was already getting really sick and he went to the hospital like
Speaker 3
getting worse and then my cousin who is rich they stockpiled it like months ago and he flew out on his private jet to my uncle one private jet Oh my cousin does her husband
Wait, why don't we why don't why isn't your money sponsoring the show? Money me
money a lot now.
But we talked about
Law Smith
Speaker 3
AJ had the same story like his sister talked to people at hospitals and they said the same thing that hydrochloric when work but I also have another person that I know
Law Smith
should but Eric stern to cut you off with this third sound. It's an interesting
thing that they're not pumped. They're not telling people about
Law Smith
I look, I don't know enough about it. Like
Speaker 3
why They've been using it for years. Right on other for other things. It has zero side effects.
Law Smith
It's I mean, I don't know, I don't know what is it do but what does it look?
Like politicising knew nothing about it.
Speaker 3
Exactly. And I'm just trying to tell you it works. It's good. You're dying. And they're telling us not to use it and they won't let people get it. You can't get it. Okay. So the wider we
can get it, the wider we got it, you know,
you can't get it sometimes if you just money, places in advance of a private jet to get it.
Law Smith
It's not a vaccine,
but what does it do reduce inflammation or something? Like
Speaker 3
it's used for malaria. Mm hmm. And it like decreases long inflammation. But it's working very, very well for a lot of people. They'd make a joke out of it and people are dying and they could be using it.
But we can't be using it just so we can get it done. That's
Speaker 3
not our fault. That's that's been held up. Like why are we talking about if it's, yeah, it's fucked up. We should be talking about it. If we're talking about anything we should be talking about that.
Law Smith
You know if we ever do like a real case study of this this time period,
we can just not talk about anything real.
Law Smith
Well, yeah 20 a lot of people are taken as a mulligan. I do. Yeah, I mean on
that, give me one of them.
Law Smith
I've kind of a mulligan Molly's it's not really. How long does it last? Did you take a quiz? You definitely look like wolf of Wallstreet, fucked up.
Speaker 3
I'm just trying to tell you that I know personally, to people recently. And I just talked to a friend of mine last night AJ, who has same stories, it works for people, the person the other person in the room, there's on one side of the government that's trying not to let us have it, making a joke of it. And then, you know, you got Trump saying it works and he they're making them making a joke out of it.
Law Smith
Yeah. I think that's where my brain boughs out when I'm like, when shit gets politicized like that. I'm like, Fuck, I don't care anymore You know? Like, even if I have it you know that's fucking law I agree I agree people are dying I know I was I felt very shitty that I had it impossibly gave it to people and that kind of put me in or
Speaker 3
dying they're shoving ventilators down people's throat that's why proper form of treatment. What it's a terrible world way of treatment.
wreck anything I don't know enough they literally
don't give them any drugs and they just shove a tube down your throat. Oh, shit, bro. It's crazy. Yeah.
Law Smith
Yeah, I mean that's what we shouldn't talk about.
You're dropping knowledge on me.
Law Smith
My thing is like, ah, I don't it remember the SAE T's were like you had that section where it was like ABCD and then he would be not enough data to make a sufficient Should
I try and draw pork when
Speaker 3
I'm taking it if I get sick? Okay, I know people that are taking it so I'll get the word out. But how do we if you get really sick,
Law Smith
hydrochloric when how would we get it? If you said
avenues that I don't know?
There's ways again I don't know
Law Smith
this is the strangest we've ever done. This is almost when we talked about abortion
security camera we can just talk about nothing and waste our lives. Eric. Eric, what's,
Law Smith
what's wrong, buddy? what's
what's up man? How much longer How long have we been doing that a
Law Smith
couple weeks ago he won the lottery scratch offs. Were we've been going I don't know. I can't even you're not even on the bike AJ said like People can kind of hear you maybe faintly he won the lottery. No, no. Get the mic out of the stand, bro. All right. Well, I'll have to talk about me winning the lottery. No, you're fine.
I know you're good.
Law Smith
But get get it up like a rapper.
Yeah, no, he was a lottery a couple weeks ago.
Law Smith
How comes crawling back? Let's talk about Eric like he's not here guys. That's
fine do it.
Why is he such a bummer is run over your head and put
me out of my misery the
boys got in a past
thing happened to him when his wife said she wanted to leave. Leave it.
Law Smith
Okay, time mark that just in case you gotta pull that out. Okay, yeah, let's stop that.
Law Smith
All right, DJ garbage. Posey. We'll put an end to that as a bad idea. JOHN, Paul, you got a time. Can you give us a timestamp? What was that? 21 Okay, well, Donny Abraham. Take that out. Six. No, no, no, you're fine. Fine. But no, no. Yeah, it's what he wants out there. All right, yeah, let's just stop talking about all so I made a bad decision my brother, I got you, man. I mean, look, I may I may have made a poor decision or just maybe a good one when I talk about whatever on here, not everything not 100% but I try to get as pretty close as transparent as I can. Yep. Listen, no, but that no, that's that's fine. It's everybody's different. Right? So it's like, I don't judge anybody how they host the party to talk about whatever I mean. Listen, I talked about it. Yeah. But talking to my brother.
Speaker 2
I'm trying to be very conscious of not making it out to be a any sort of leverage negative towards her at all. And yet that doesn't turn our phones off.
Law Smith
Yeah. You know, I just the podcast
Speaker 2
I do was talking Talking about my situation and how it happened and it's a word I listen to washing my brother because it could happen yeah.
Law Smith
Yeah, but it's it depends what you want out there sometimes legally, I get in trouble you don't want any leverage at all times you read when you picking up what I'm putting down sometimes you don't want to give all your leverage away or say anything. Yeah, just that could be considered slanderous ly you know not you know my problem ever let's let's let's put a cork in that let's put a cork and
let's talk about my relation relationship.
Law Smith
What so? Look, Eric, I look to you for self improvement Stein. Oh, shit. Not No, I'm not calling you. A critter anything? Are you doing anything to help? With your
Speaker 2
Yes. What well, JP I did an ice bath today that was good that helped it thing for sure. We know the Wim Hof breathing.
Law Smith
Oh, you got to get the mic on. I'm doing it all the time. You know, it's something where it's like they could hear you faintly in the background. It's so that's like the worst. No, that's the worst. You're either. You're either on the right either right on the mic, shut up. Like this. anytime anybody that's doing a show, you gotta get on the mic, or I got to repeat everything you say like I'm doing a stand up show and someone heckles me when you repeat. Oh, man, it's just all right. All right, just don't address him.
Until he picks up the mic. Don't address me on the star of the show. Okay,
we're talking about
Law Smith
the breathing, the breathing. What do you do in debt? How do you Alright, here's this might be good advice for the show. We need kind of some kind of angle. Right? Keep this on point. How do you get yourself out of a psychological hole? Well,
Speaker 2
if it gets really overwhelming some time you
Law Smith
and john, get to you and john paul. Help me out of the way.
Law Smith
We'll cut that out that you're making it hard for
Speaker 2
post production opinion of the entire show. This is a comedy show. All these opinions can be made to be a comedy routine, which is not real life and not legally he
Law Smith
just stops talking. This is you're making it so much worse. This is every time we go live on Facebook. Yeah. Are we really? No, thank God. Um, so So, you know, you and john paul helped me kind of get myself out of a whole couple years ago when I was super, you know, out of it depressed. You're just kind of in a funk. You don't give a fuck about anything. You're like, let it burn. Shit. Yeah, I give a shit about like, two things. That's it. And then you're like, I don't want to get really I'm the ghost of Christmas future. I just don't want you to get in that funk. That's why I was on. Well check. I'm checking on him. You kept saying it. I'm sure All the time like, Hey, you all right doing all right doing okay? Life goes on. Yeah. Yeah. How long do you want to be miserable is what these guys reminded me a lot longer in the show. So, uh, you're not getting grilled. being miserable does not make it Yeah, you took the kids fucking to it to it. What was the thing? Yeah, high ropes course. It's like damn, Daddy's here. Did you see my foot too by the way?
That was a broken toe dude.
Law Smith
For those listening, Eric just put up his foot to show me his injury and then he just took it like, like it was a palm tree palm frond leaves. What Why? Let me say this. I thought it was a conch shell. Let me see this. Put this to my ears like Yeah. Let me check that out. But you're right, his mouth monkey grip. Quit touch your custom key In engineering, all you got to do is put a fucking splint. Now you're fine. If I could put together a 1950s automobile, keep revamping that. You can do it. Alright, so look, you're doing the breathing, you're doing the ice pass that that marginally helps we we both ascribes the Jocko will Nick. Motivation is temporary kind of thing, right? Have your has your kind of discipline of getting up early 430 does that been
been shot to shit?
Law Smith
Okay, so you know you gotta, you gotta get on that. Right I bought a I bought a punching bag by the way.
That'll help. I got a punching bag that
Speaker 2
fill it with sand it's like punching 108 by 435 pound person. Force you a jump haul? Why? 430 201 I think the wait a minute earlier. So it's almost like punching john paul.
Law Smith
Why 430? Yeah, because, first of all, it's four. Oh, yeah, I do. 430 if I do it worse. Why four Because no one takes your mornings away. Ain't nobody getting
Law Smith
Yeah, but nobody's getting up and asking me to do anything. Yeah, but he's, you know, take my time I will say it took like a year to have him convinced me to try it. I did it for like three weeks straight and got more shit done in my life that I've ever done like a three week period. Yeah, what time you go. You gotta go. Well, I had little babies, so I went to bed at like eight or nine whenever I could put them down. What are you gonna do anyway? your fucking dad Bob. You can't do shit at night. No dad by life not dad. You're sexy. It's all I'm saying. Like I say I say dad bod is a lifestyle. I
Speaker 4
go to bed late. I watch my midnight SportsCenter.
Law Smith
It's whatever works for you. Right But for for him and I we have to work out every day. We're gonna kill some break ins. Not here. They're not. I mean, come on. I gotta walk the
streets. Oh, he he'll be seven Birds chirping I put
my brain on
Law Smith
yeah well, you do fucking you do message mythical things at night message this neighborhood we talked about before the show I want to bring out now but that's fine you can bring them up but you don't want to you don't want your roommate to wake up kind of stuff.
roommates cooking breakfast
Law Smith
Some say but my roommates when you're I don't know when you're like it's the whole make a bed theory right when life goes to shit The best thing to do is like get a small wins kind of morning going up moving like right yeah, but get small wins. You know, get some TAs. Oh, I got an echo now get some get like hitless shit in the morning done. That feels like he did a bunch of shit already. So by the time it's 7am you got you feel a little bit like alright, I can go back to sleep right now or I fall asleep at seven and miss work. So I just said nine. Yeah, what? Yeah, you obviously got to go to bed early. But
Speaker 4
like to wake up and go for a run get my metabolism going you look like a jogger some oatmeal
oatmeal blueberries
Law Smith
alright are you what else what skinny knocked off your routine Eric because I feel like you're such a routine discipline guy much extra is he being a bitch is that what you're saying? No no
let me have it small
Law Smith
he's been he looks Fiona Apple skinny I'm like yeah I'm like I could see as far as he looks like the unhappy yeah great so what she did you look malnutrition is what I'm saying
I look like malnutrition the idea
Law Smith
yeah like are you saying I have no cameras to hide them? Are you sectioning for the camera oh not sucking in for the camera is sort of a bit hungry
I can eat
Law Smith
used to look at the camera like Hey guy breaking The fourth one is doing the gym for
the office. Mr. X.
Law Smith
Well, how do we how do we solve using a punch in the balls? Yeah, he looks like
how are you gonna fix me? nobody gonna fix me. I don't need to be fixed.
All the planes come in and drop it off greets
Law Smith
grids. That's quite what they used to call AIDS.
tested positive for grids.
Speaker 4
You tested positive for grids. No, no. They drop grits off a grid slain people that are hungry.
I feel better
about my my place in life. I feel great about my place.
Law Smith
But the Yeah, yeah, I think he needs to call you Every morning when he wakes up. You know, you'll already be up but you need no but you need to call him first thing in the morning. Everybody makes their bed.
Speaker 2
Right? I'm into eight we FaceTime this morning. First thing
Law Smith
that's so cool. And I
Speaker 2
think it's a new trend. I'm going to start off do another facetimes cuz you know, cut the shit right what do you do but let me see what you're doing. That's right well let's see the real deal
Law Smith
I know I didn't have your number in so I just thought it was a fucking Robo caller no is on Do Not Disturb sign sounds working out. No, it's okay. He did. No I didn't know is your number I told you if here's here's if something any anybody can get any advice out of this podcast? If anybody calls you and you need to look up their numbers spokeo is a good one. A lot of knowledge
on Google in this podcast.
Law Smith
I'll Google the number but fast people search calm. Okay. That's That's pretty good. I
Speaker 4
was just calling you bring it back. Marvel lights. I think he knows fast. Oh,
Law Smith
yeah. Mission accomplished. Do we need to do a couple more? A couple more extra minutes over time to the podcast. We're stuck with Mike Kyle Rooney. It's okay. Dude, you're doing great. You're fine. Other than talking about The microphone earlier bring it
Speaker 2
closer I do want to say thanks to all my friends He has made an appearance Listen up all you friends listen thank you for putting up with the shit. Cuz this good
needed it
Law Smith
Are you having feelings of dread? Yes. Why?
This motherfucking won the lotto
it's gonna be dreadful.
Law Smith
What a distressful man feel anxious a lot.
Yeah, that's where the breathing comes in. If I don't do that, I'll have a heart attack like that. You
Law Smith
want to do the breathing on the podcast so people can
not really it's a
Law Smith
What are you beating off? Maybe that helps. That could help. Sure. I know a lot of people say that will reduce anxiety. I don't know. I don't know. I mean for like 10 minutes after. I mean getting packed. Yeah, for sure, obviously. It hurts so bad,
right? That's where you're not you're daring. It's like a runner's high. They're the ones that are in control. Not you, right? That's why it's good.
Law Smith
Or do you feel out of control right now? Of course. Why just everything's
because I have no control over my life.
Law Smith
Well, the tip everybody kind of told me until that David Goggins audio book really helped to be a badass motherfucker. To just working out, got me out of a lot of it just because you just go fuck it. I'll work out until I'm so drained that you can't be soup so preoccupied with all this one of the one of the worst best one of the worst things about having a job that's kind of intangible, you know, working remote digital or kind of white collar is that you're not doing anything with your hand so your brain can be occupied all the time by your shit going on. That's what got me really bad. That was like simplest to my brain and so, the David Goggins thing was like workout be a hard ass motherfucker. He is the that audio book can't stop me is really good to listen to because he was like a 300 pound fat so Pest Control guy working in San Diego last all the way did Navy SEALs buds training became a weight lifter then does 100 100 mile marathons now fucking he's the mind over matter guy, right a friend is
the best drone
Law Smith
right and when you're so fucking tired from from x working out physically or doing something physically, I feel great. You can't the guys that I know that have a blue collar job much happier. Yeah, definitely. I'm on the phone all day. That's what sucks for me. I'm like,
What am I gonna do?
I'm gonna I'm gonna pull myself up by my bootstraps and get in shape.
Law Smith
I mean, you got you got no leg muscles, that's for sure. So you should probably do something.
Yeah, talk talk shit,
Law Smith
dude. Do some squats one day okay. I'll show you how to hide oh well I'll show you I'll show you how to do them real legit like alright maybe run some stairs huh
yeah like that's good
Law Smith
you got these little chicken legs that man all the power everybody knows all the power legs yeah
that's true you're right you're right you're right you got little Fiona you're always right
Law Smith
ah all right this has been the fucking best How
do you like pop? How do you like them feel raffles
okay perfect
Law Smith
timing he just snipe that perfect and Dax Are you gonna stab me with something dude? And it alright God, good No, we're done.
All right no
Law Smith
like 33
flatbed. What is