#247: How To Increasingly Meander To Reinforce Your Candor Like Kim Kardashian Into Her Plastic Surgeons' Office
Law Smith
sweat equity podcast and streaming show pragmatic entrepreneurial advice with Dick Jokes the number one comedy and business podcast streaming show out in the streets of the internet. I'm your host Alex Smith. co hosted with Eric red ginger and his daughter producing today hashtag girthy ROI hashtag 69 b2b hashtag sweat equity sweat equity pod comm for show notes for places to for links to listen on iTunes Apple podcasts, Spotify laughable or links to watch on YouTube, Facebook Vimeo, go to sweat equity pod calm and look in the show notes or just don't be lazy and then take 30 seconds without getting distracted with those apps. podcasts subscribe rate review that all helps the podcast without having to spend any money but if you do want to spend money with our sponsors This episode is sponsored by ExpressVPN Don't let your internet searches be tracked down by the evil government or big corporations, whatever it is try ExpressVPN comm forward slash wet lets you get your freak on or just protects you in an anonymous way to search online. If you need that service try expressvpn.com Ford slash sweat gives you three free months on an annual subscription, three free months. Try expressvpn.com Ford slash sweat. hooks it up. Holler if you hear me try roane.com Ford slash sweat. If you want 20% off the best fitness apparel, high end. You can see the stitching. You can see this is for it's not for Eric and I we're leveling up by doing tribe drone.com I sweat, a lot of fitness clothing, a lot of athletic, a lot of business casual, but like real business casual wear 20% off on if you go to try roan.com forward slash sweat, and you might have to use the promo code bridge 20 well figuring that out, but you're getting the hook up from us just like Warby Parker. These glasses would be on my beautiful Hazel Green eyes. I don't know they change colors over years, I guess. Warby Parker trial.com. forward slash wet. I wear prescription glasses from Warby Parker paddled five years, if they can fit my horse face without having to walk into anywhere. That is a game changer. Warby Parker. trial.com, forward slash sweat. Get you five free pairs to try on at your house. don't like them. Boom, exchange them again. They got sunglasses. You can put it in your prescription. It's all good in the neck of the woods. This is the disrupter eyeglass sunglass, we're a company that why pay $3 to go lenscrafters I've never understood that. Fresh books go fresh books comm forward slash sweat your 30 day free trial get that accounting software, direct deposits next day go freshbooks comm Ford slash sweat and try grasshopper comm forward slash sweat Don't be a jabroni and have a Google Voice number for your side hustle your business. Anything professional, try grasshopper.com forward slash sweat can see 75 bucks off your business phone line, a scalable phone line. I have it I use it. And you know, I'm not just I'm not just the the president of promoting this ad. I'm also a member. All right. Let's get this show started. Hi.
What about my sweat equity
sweat equity
Law Smith
Have you seen Kevin Hart on Rogen? yet? No. You haven't listened to him. Yeah, I want I want maybe back
Eric Readinger
back in the day but not recently.
Law Smith
Well, I look I like his motivational. I like that his motivational like it will get you kind of fired out to like, get shit done that day. But just like I like listening to Tony Robbins every now and again. I just don't want to worship at the altar of of him, you know? Totally.
Eric Readinger
And I'm with you though. I like Kevin Hart. Admit it
Law Smith
is not my like, favorite stand up like I've listened to him. I I don't know if these are jokes, but I'm not the audience maybe you know, but my favorite thing that I was I was listening to it while I'm packing the move. So I have it on YouTube. And I'm like, he sounds either like he's starting to get the cadence of like Al Sharpton or jesse jackson right now.
Eric Readinger
Like, you better come with an impression of what you're talking about. I can't do it.
Law Smith
I thought you're gonna be able to pull one up come on. It's Darryl Hammond could do it up from where? I just want to make my game. Yeah, like we do that like we pull up clips Yeah.
Eric Readinger
I'm trying to remember al sharpton you talking about you tell him to like sing songy
Law Smith
maybe Jesse Jackson. That's who Darryl Hammond did because he's you the eyes. Oh, yeah. I was like, that was like his impression hook was like, but it's like a weird like, it's because if you listen to Chris Rock, you can tell like he had. He had a background going to like he probably in a preacher and his family like you can kind of tell
No, no.
Law Smith
No, it's true. He I look, you know, I'm a comedy nerd. I know that's real. But he, no, he mimics a lot of that. He's said it. Okay, so, so the look the way he repeats stuff, right? And this, this goes for business to like, you know, say, say that, what does it say what you want to say three times or whatever. So it gets the message across. It's kind of why I do it or pre roll. I'll say our call to action link, because for whatever reason, three times gives it the charm. Yeah. Well, people do that when they do like, I'm bad with names. So I have to save someone's name three times out loud. Yeah, I didn't memorize.
Eric Readinger
But just watch. Get it 30 seconds later, like I do.
Law Smith
Eric Readinger
Or never asked them again. And just make up nicknames every time you see them. So you don't have to let them know that you don't know their name. Yeah. I pragmatic business advice, DC
Law Smith
when I was on my game for that, because I was like, this is a problem that I don't know my neighbors names and I don't know. Like, I never know my neighbors names. And I never know, like, the people at the gym you see all the time. Like there's, I have conversations with, like, 10 people at the gym. Really? I see them more than my best friends. Right? So it's like, but I couldn't tell you their name. If you put a gun to my head.
Eric Readinger
Well, sure, but why are you talking to people? So weird. You're the guy going around chatting people up.
Law Smith
People talk to me. They're like, how do you get that hair flowing? So it's so nice. How do you get those buns so plump?
By the bench? Can I get a spot?
Law Smith
Yeah, it's a sad day when you're like, Hey, can you help me? Do 225 ones? Yeah. But going back to the game. When you listen to Kevin Hart on Rogen, just see if he's got that cadence. And yeah, Chris Rock had a preacher I think was his grandpa. So the way he goes back and forth on the stage, it's calculated he and he repeats his setups. Oh, that's women be shopping. Women be shopping. Yeah. You know, like, always be shopping. Right? And you don't, unless you really look at it like that, like, unless someone kind of pop someone pointed out to me a long time ago, and I was like, Oh, yeah, that is weird. But you just thought, well, he's got a huge arena, or theater he's talking to so that makes sense to project a little bit, but now he does it to kind of like, give it a little more emphatic kind of setup, which I think's interesting.
Eric Readinger
Okay. So what are the Kevin Hart thing have to do with it? You're saying he's getting more
Law Smith
preachy? Well, he's getting just a weird cadence. It's like, he's, he's, he's getting those pregnant pauses like a like a very soulful
Eric Readinger
past due.
Law Smith
Just you just gonna have to watch it. I just want to see if anybody else is hearing that. Okay, or if I'm crazy.
Eric Readinger
All right, let us know everyone.
Law Smith
What uh, what are you doing? looking all white trashy?
Eric Readinger
I got my spring break 2020 shirt on you?
Law Smith
Either like, good or just white trash
can be both. Yeah.
Eric Readinger
This one's a knockoff of the white claw logo.
Law Smith
Oh, wow. How contemporary.
Eric Readinger
That little residence?
Yeah, yeah. It's pretty great.
Law Smith
Mad beach St. Pete.
Eric Readinger
Yeah. We went over to the beach. We went there last weekend.
Law Smith
Fun. Did you do it on the beach. Note the wife marital relations in your crack dude
Actually, I don't think we were
Law Smith
mad about all the shit you have to bring out to the beach from the car.
Eric Readinger
No, we did the good. We got a hotel room, which is the smart move. It's just so much better to be able to shower off the disgust
Law Smith
away. I love it. Give it to me. I like to say I want that that salty. Kind of Brian feeling all over me.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, but what's better than that is getting it off of you. Now, man, you let it soak in for however long you need. And then wash it off.
Law Smith
Great. Well, you're never gonna get your dreads going that way by taking showers. Yeah, well.
Eric Readinger
I yes. Hair joke. I got it. wearing a hat. My hair's falling out.
Law Smith
You do like on my side. I don't know how this comes out in the output. But you look like you're in just a room of just nothing but yes sir. It's literally like the mic blends into part of a wall. And all I can see is your skin in the white on the shirt and headphones. Okay,
Eric Readinger
well, how does lighting work? How does lighting work? Yeah, if you put the light on it, I mean, it's on my end. It's not so you're getting the video coming from my laptop through the zoom call. So you're not getting what the people at home are getting. Because I've got a Meebo behind you. And that's what's actually going to be going out for me.
Law Smith
Ah, and now as you were talking, everything just lit up. I think it's cuz you're excited. Yes. Zoom. Zoom. No, he's fine. Okay, hopefully positive. Do you think you we all know tic tocs a Chinese operation to get everybody's facial recognition? Right, right. Yes, of course. But no one's really talking about zoom.
Law Smith
You know, like, zoom might be the real the if that's a real threat you know?
Yeah, they got us.
Law Smith
And how does anybody's iPhone in China unlock JK? Jk? It's not racist, easily. They don't have iPhones. They just make them
Eric Readinger
can afford those expensive shout
Law Smith
out to Foxconn sponsor the show Foxconn. Yeah.
Eric Readinger
company that makes the Nets outside Foxconn.
Law Smith
Now was that story that NPR story that came out
Eric Readinger
I always heard after the fact that was that story was blown up a little bit like, I don't care it's way better if I just think that there's dead bodies hanging from the buildings of their manufacturing plants.
Okay, good. All right.
Eric Readinger
Sounds dark, but when I do it as a joke before, it's kind of light hearted. It's not that bad. You know, but when we start to actually talk about the reality of what we're, you know, envisioning here, it is York. Yes.
Law Smith
Do you need better help calm
Eric Readinger
I use We have a two story house so or a one story house so I don't need the nets.
Law Smith
Yeah, I got you. What? You wanted to make fun of me for playing pickleball Well, I want to get
Eric Readinger
the name What is it? I mean pickleball sounds pretty homoerotic. Now there's anything wrong with that.
Law Smith
It's what they call a grinder game. Okay, good enough with other fellas in parks
were you the pillar the ball?
Law Smith
Well, that's the secret You got it. I can't really give the game away because part of it is supposed to be kind of a secret society like they don't hide the real ball. They're really big about don't share this online what you're doing in the bushes but shout out to Cheeseman park in Denver What up? But I know all the gate the gate bush areas in the country. Remember that was a huge thing growing up. No No, that's Oh, that was a phenomenon What for? Gay dude meetup and parks in banging out. Oh, that's just
Law Smith
No, that's a real thing.
Eric Readinger
Sure. I mean, I guess Yes, I believe that's right before the internet Sure,
Law Smith
Cheeseman Park. That's a real place. My, one of my best friends grew up across the street from there. And he used to tell us about it. We went to Denver. We went to his mom's place in Denver before going on like a skiing trip one time. And literally, we're driving by and this is Oh, five. And there's literally like two guys like, like we set it up to guys like walking out of the bushes, one picking up his belt and pants and I was like, Oh my God. He's like, yeah, that's that's Cheeseman Park bro. That's how it
Eric Readinger
was Tampa had you know, I thought the one in Tampa was actually St. Pete. Like when you go over the Howard Franklin bridge, you first get off to go in towards Fourth Street. Like the very First exit. You know you have that long stretch of like mangroves and like places where people fish.
Law Smith
No, no, but you do. Maybe I was it. I bet dreamt it. Was that your boy scout? team out there will not suck now. They're getting there. They're done right Boy Scouts. Uh huh. I guess they only make cookie cookies. Okay, okay, we're getting silly
sound effects.
Law Smith
pervert. Oh, yeah, you got no What's it called? But yeah, those that existed in every city multiple times over in every big city. But
Eric Readinger
I like a ping pong for making fun of me and then you talk you go back to being the expert on the situation.
Law Smith
I'm trying to close the loops on a bunch of tangents. Well, okay. As a broadcaster But pickleball Alright, so I used to play Venice Beach when I lived out there. It's called paddle paddle tennis. pickleball kind of same thing. It's a smaller tennis court. It's like, if if ping pong and tennis hooked up and had a baby, that's what this game would be. Oh, cuz it's like, a lot of older guys like to play it because, you know, apparently your joints don't hurt as much because you don't have to do as much of running as tennis.
Eric Readinger
Okay. What's the one with the ball? That's like just a sack. It doesn't bounce, squash. Squash?
Law Smith
I think so. Yeah, that's that Pickleball is fun, man. It's, it was like, I speak into the gym. I I was getting all stressed out from moving and trying to get a bunch of work done yesterday, and made myself go work out at the gym following all the guidelines six feet away. I yell talking Everybody anyway so I don't even get close. Oh, normally
Eric Readinger
unnecessary Of course.
Law Smith
No one can handle the power that's coming from these guys these buttons you know I wear my hot pants
Eric Readinger
lower body
Law Smith
and I'm a T rex that's how I roll Yeah, but what's it called? Man talking about business model for gyms that's fucking rough like Yeah. However I some aren't even open around the country that models that model is kind of tough in general like I was thinking about it last night if this happened if all the shutdown happened for gyms in like December January because they make all their money in January
Eric Readinger
right New Year's resolutions, New Year new you
Law Smith
I'm gonna get on the gram and show everybody my new me. But I was thinking like that there be a nine percent just closed down rate cuz the whole gym model is kind of silly because it's like, We're counting on our people to be lazy and not show up. Sure.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, to meet those fire guy the fire marshal restrictions. It's really what it comes down to
Law Smith
know like, the volume of it. They're like if everybody came one day, right? They wouldn't be 30 minutes they couldn't fill everybody. It's
Eric Readinger
crazy. Yeah, it's a weird it's a weird ratio thing. That's
Law Smith
That's a funny kind of. I was thinking about that too in relation to a lot of what other businesses rely on Americans just to kind of not follow up, like credit cards, gift cards for sure. Yeah, any kind of any currency in the ether? Yeah, sure. We're, you don't have tangible you know, yeah, like buyable cash on use, debit cards to
Eric Readinger
whatever kind of rewards by going For our website
Law Smith
I was trying to think of like what you Can you think of any like off the top of your head any any are like, Well, we know Americans they'll sign up for that I guess a lot of subscriptions now it was that kind of psychology behind it. Yeah.
Eric Readinger
I in terms of like recurring stuff that you'll never use? Probably How about grocery delivery service shit that like they're like we'll give you a two week free trial. It's $99 a year after that. And it's like fuck that I'll remember to change to end the trial and then you pay for it. Thank you enter the trial. Forget about it. Yep. And then there you go.
Law Smith
Yeah, it one thing. If I'm on my game, I'll put in my calendar. Remember to cancel this. Yeah. You know, three days before I have to, I think,
Eric Readinger
yeah. gift cards. There's there's certain credit cards. Now that like you can use as a trial entry thing gift card credit card, and they won't let you it won't automatically renew without you hitting a button or something. Mm hmm. I don't know which one it is. Google it. you Google it.
Law Smith
I'm do the listen. I don't want I don't want my computer.
I don't want my computer. I don't want you to do anything online.
Law Smith
I know cuz, well, thank God I have ExpressVPN right now. Who knows what I'm looking up? Yes. I you know, I use that gift card company to like, Oh, cool. You send in your card, and they'll they'll pay you and it took like, God, those things online. If anybody looks at them for they have a pile of gift cards and they just want to get some cash out of them suck. Because you think like, that should be instant, like, put in the code. Get cash immediately. I don't understand why there be any physical part to this. Did it send it? Like type in the code or the card? Then send us the card to
Eric Readinger
write though they probably are paying you until they're paid sold on their end. Yeah, why? Right?
Law Smith
That's not I assume. Yeah, that's what I thought I was like, Oh, I didn't know this is like going on a marketplace. Otherwise, I just put this on eBay or something.
Yeah. Craigslist.
Law Smith
Yeah, I just Craigslist is rough. Because it's like, you have to spend it's a lot more effort. You have to filter out crazies. Yeah. There's a lot more effort. I like selling selling stuff on eBay because it's just like, I don't have to interact with you, right. Or, you know, have you heard of thread up, by the way? No. That's like a poshmark ish company where you sell clothes. But what you'll do is they'll send you a bag, and you can just drop a bunch of clothes in there, and then send it to them. They'll just give you cash. those clothes, and then anything that's worthless, they would just put the donation.
Eric Readinger
Yeah. I mean, is it even worth doing? What was this store plato's closet? Yeah, so it's kind of like that, but not here's my hundred and $20 Abercrombie jeans, we'll give you $7 Okay, I'll take it.
Law Smith
Well, they put the prices on there. So it's like any clothes that you bought, like Old Navy, like gives examples, like, up to $30. You know, you're probably only going to get like, a couple bucks back to because Plato's Closet had the same formula. They weren't like,
yeah, it's like games.
Law Smith
I like, why like, Yeah, I like well, GameStop is like a little bit more. I just, I would say like, just more specific, because everything's like, it's cartridges. It's not like, yeah, there's only a few gaming systems so they know exactly. The pricing. Yeah, I love Plato's Closet when women would come back in bitch about light. I gave them These these, like, these jeans from the gap, and they said there are no it's like, they don't. They don't fucking know, right? They're just looking up like a Beckett's baseball card guide of like, gap jeans. You also you know, like farted in them a couple thousand times like there is devaluation there but whatever Yeah,
Eric Readinger
no, you're just like I was accusing you I was talking to this person who traded it. No, I didn't forward it. Oh, my grief.
Law Smith
All right. I quit out of my FUPA in my gap jeans Hi. What thread ups it's an it's an interesting business that at least it's a little bit more transparent on what you're going to get from that. Yeah, I guess
Eric Readinger
I was I mean, where you can't really donate anything right now. So I guess you might as well if you have closed, try it with their like, you can't know I mean, I haven't tried it in a couple weeks. But you know, going to spring cleaning mode when we're on quarantine and then get all these clothes to donate. I'm like oh learn how to take care. This stuff and all like donation boxes were locked up and stuff because really they don't know what's on it, you know, they're not going to analyze
Law Smith
flows like I didn't think about that easily
Eric Readinger
very highly infectious throat that
pile of the other.
Eric Readinger
Well, I don't think it was that long. I mean, this is you know, reasoning from a month ago we didn't know as much.
Law Smith
Yeah, but you weren't. You weren't down with any of it from the beginning. What?
Oh, the Coronavirus?
You were a pants right? Yeah.
Law Smith
Yeah. Okay. I tell you I did it. Zoom call. They said Oh, yeah, I said that to you. The I put I wore suit pants for a zoom call because I had to wear a suit in the in the zoom meeting right and then walked outside my neighbor's dog bit through my goddamn suit pants. And I'm almost I'm already I've already conceded to the fact that they're not gonna pay for the Taylor. No, the pants, right even though this dog should be fucking put to
Eric Readinger
god damn. Dude, I mean you and I love dogs to rip pants is
Eric Readinger
is like an artery like
Law Smith
an alligator like it just like it was just chillin like it's like a stoic like, look like one of those dudes that works out too much in his traps, right she's ears. It kind of like that spuds Mackenzie I forget what kind of dog This is Pitbull, probably.
I was
Law Smith
like 90s Rap Video Pitbull that's I don't go you're not going to my my house in the hood right that would be that kind of dog. Yes. And this dog like just was chillin had two leashes on it. I'm talking to my neighbor about why is there two leashes on your dog and I and then this is why I kept my space I kept I kept six feet in more the dog bucking just chilled like an alligator. If you've ever watched the nature channels where they're just like big time they're about to fucking devour something's trying to get to the water in it. Just a fucking lunge at me.
Eric Readinger
What did you have the two leases tied together to make the leases longer something? What was he doing? As she she
Law Smith
there are women in in America Eric the she was trying to get this ad one underneath and one on top with like the, the Under Armour for dogs that
Eric Readinger
didn't look like legit or they look like she threw it all
Law Smith
together. It was legit, but it was just like, it's not gonna work. This dog sucks. Because for whatever reason, it's just a bad dog. Or gonna be untrainable there's some that don't get
Eric Readinger
it, man. I mean, like, sure there's great there's pit bulls out there that are fine. I just don't understand these people that are like, I'm gonna be that's gonna be my thing. I'm a pit bull owner, and I will come at you. If you talk shit about pimples.
Law Smith
Yeah, this is my new record.
Law Smith
that used to be a big deal to speaking of like back in the day gave gave hookups in parks. Oh good. Yes. Well, it's called a callback Eric. You know the, the listeners like it because they are here your comeback? Yeah, we go Oh how's their work? That's why it works on stage, your callback joke at the end. It's a cheat code. It's like people were there. They're like Yeah, yeah, I get that reference because that was a joke. I was here when you told that first one. Yeah. But it's that thing of like a, you know, Pitbull tax used to be like a huge news story back in the day. And now don't really hear about it just murder. Murder horn. It's bullshit.
Eric Readinger
I didn't even engage in the murder Hornet situation. I don't want to know. I don't even don't even tell me what that means. Hornets. I mean, it sounds pretty self explanatory, but I hope it's not as bad as it.
Law Smith
You don't even know about that story that was trying to break like, three weeks ago.
Eric Readinger
I guess I'm gonna hear about it now. it to me,
Law Smith
they're Japanese.
Eric Readinger
Mostly they do anything right over there now.
Law Smith
I know World War Two right Am I right? But I'm saying, uh, in Washington some someone got stung by one that may have killed someone or I don't know something like that they can kill people but they kill like 50 people a year. Yeah. And it's not. It's not like
Eric Readinger
so somebody got stung and died and they wanted
Law Smith
they found him in Washington or something and then since it's so slow news before cops are killing black people again. Video Yeah, yeah. That What's it called? That it just That story broke like fucking Joe exotic, you know? Oh yeah. Well, Tiger kings only popular because there's nothing going on.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, I did see a dude online that I didn't know what it was but he was like, I'm gonna I'm gonna sting myself for the murder on it. And
Law Smith
so now you've seen it
Eric Readinger
well, I saw that I didn't know the story behind why everybody was talking about it.
Law Smith
But sorry, cuz you're smarter and yeah was even worth looking into
Eric Readinger
right? That's that story I was like okay what would be the legit answers to fixing murder Mike I'm not doing anything that would be necessary to protect myself from murder Hornets they come at me they're coming at me
Law Smith
you know in your marketing one on one class they'll break up audiences like in a wave you got your first movers that are first adopters, then you got your laggard, that is the biggest part of the bell curve of everybody. That's your that's your, you know, Apple would consider their laggard audience. You know, parent my parents that are over 70 or whatever, you know. Or, or actually my mom turned 69 and nice. Didn't like the joke I made. Was it?
Eric Readinger
Was it that?
Law Smith
What have you, I know you're
Eric Readinger
asked your mom if yours she's gonna 69 your dad. First. I wish
Law Smith
that that's Tom cigarettes bit from your mom's house. God, that's so funny. But what's it called? Now I've lost my train of thought, Oh, yeah. So that's the laggard audience for them. Right. Any tech stuff there. My mom just got like an iPhone five and is fired up about it. Yeah. And what's it called? For, I think our approach to taking on news stories because we don't trust the media is we're that now we're in that the That part of the bell curve, you know, how how stories hit and how people find out about it? Because it's like celebrity news. I don't look at any of that shit. I really try to not avert my eyes, you know, at the grocery store because I don't like, I don't want to know. It doesn't. It doesn't do any value for me. No. I get it. Like, I don't make fun of people as much anymore that like it, but, you know, I feel like it's gonna make me forget math. At some point, like, you just know too much shit from TMZ Yeah, it's useless.
Eric Readinger
You only have so much harddrive space. But like,
Law Smith
I'm gonna hear about it eventually. Right?
Law Smith
Let it come to you. A Kardashian was ugly and now hot. I see it because so many people are gonna talk about it. Yeah, it's gonna trickle over.
Yeah, it looks like different people.
Law Smith
Another side tip we'll talk
Eric Readinger
about Okay, you won't bring it back around. I saw Chloe Kardashian on Kevin Hart's what the fit YouTube show? And she was on there for five minutes talking. And I she's like, Oh, you know because of I don't even remember he said Lamar or something talking about tomorrow and I was like, no
way. Yeah, but she looks just so weird. Just like
Eric Readinger
the plastic surgery and whatnot.
Law Smith
Oh, like recently? Yes. Oh, because the picture she looks like Denise Richards now and the pictures I saw. I was like, Damn,
Eric Readinger
yeah, it was a positive change, but knowing that it was that dramatic. It's also negative. I'm like, Dude, what do you do? Like, I can't imagine the amount of money and surgeries and whatnot going on. And
Law Smith
it bums me out. When I think about how many women know about that. Think about it, think about it as an option. And I have a He's kind of any. Anybody I've taught any female friend of mine I've talked to about, like, any of that kind of stuff like, you want to make fun of them. Hey, yeah, go spin, you know, after your life getting ready to go out, right? But I'd be like, you know what the best way to look good is like, just taking care of herself and like getting really in shape. Yeah. magically, those clothes fit a lot better. You don't have to use Spanx.
Eric Readinger
Okay, so who have we alienated today?
Law Smith
Everybody? All of Asia? Oh, white people. Terrible to
look. Uh, we're clearly we're
Law Smith
not doing really well right now. Okay,
we get lumped in with probably the cops. Yeah. Yeah.
Law Smith
It's a fun game to go on Facebook, to see how people are reacting to this news. And like, how many white men I know that are not even saying anything,
Eric Readinger
dude. Yeah, that one. That one's just, that's another one where I'm like, I don't have the energy to it's a bummer again, man. Like, it's just so gross. So gross. Someone
Law Smith
was like, I'm sorry, my friend is she was like, it sounds like you're just, you don't care about it. I care but it's it's like I don't I don't really have an opinion on it. That's gonna be a lot different than is just disgusting and I never will. And I don't speak for any group anyway, and I wouldn't speak for another group. I'm not in the demographic of, you know, like, I look it's gross. It's terrible. I think I still think we have more access to this stuff now. Sure has been going on. Statistically, you can make an argument. More white people get killed by cops. Okay, but yes Maybe no that's I doubt it. Okay, look it up. What worldwide?
Eric Readinger
Google it bro Google and Google anything right now?
Law Smith
No, no, no, not worldwide. That's gonna juke my stash. Yeah, I don't reply people kill other black people at a high rate. Like there's, there's a lot of things you can look at. It's the it's it's the angle of statistics to make your point,
Eric Readinger
you know? Sure. And I'm not it's more of just a I like to let her make sure if this guy goes to jail, let's make sure this specific guy and the guys that didn't do anything that were watching this happen, they should be in jail not like they're fired. That's what the bullshit is when they don't go to jail like dude murdered a person like, that's if you're not a cop, you go to jail, like, neck on foot on your neck, and then that's the problem. It's like, Yes, all this like, Well, you know, protocols is it's like, No, just let's worry about this one guy. or two, three guys, whatever. It was. Were there and handle it case by case I guess
Law Smith
they have to know they're aware it's there that Primal Rage of it's from Michael lewis's book Boomerang I think where he talks about you you become a fireman because you want to help people but you become a cop because you like authority. Yeah. And what's really still interesting is they know there's cameras like in a conscious level that there's cameras everywhere. It's not like they're that they're that out of it out of touch. They're very aware that there's cameras everywhere yet that primal fuck it, like just overrides that
Eric Readinger
Yeah, man. It's crazy.
Law Smith
You would think that would be a deterrent, but just like red light cameras, it's not
Eric Readinger
it's a it's it's a hard job that's for sure. Like, I know
That's gotta be I do understand the time
Eric Readinger
people snapping and like that can happen. But like, if that guy was just like, bro, you know, you he had many chances to not make that happen. You know, it's like it's worse. I didn't look at the video. Well, I mean, you can look at a steel still picture and realize, Oh, he could have ended that he could have let him up. You know like that's all he had to do. It's not like a pulling a trigger. Boom it's done. I can't go back. I
Law Smith
don't know what happened before the neon.
Eric Readinger
I don't know either. But I'm just saying like just seeing a neon on there. He could have stood up and that would have been he had a choice to make any kept making that choice the wrong way.
Law Smith
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And then to bring it to a little bit business of the writing. I just thought it was interesting. They because Minneapolis apparently invited a bunch of targets.
Eric Readinger
Yeah, CNN headquarters in Atlanta was like getting destroyed right now.
Law Smith
Well, it's like it's weird that the the business that prospered out of the metropolis that came from is getting back targeted for the riot I don't understand that it's funny to me so it's like in Tampa if that happened like Hooters with
Eric Readinger
Amazon warehouse in Ruskin wherever
Law Smith
checkers drive thru be a fucking mess awaited already is.
Yes, of course. Oh, they fucked up your order one at every one time I'll be dining in today.
Law Smith
I'll be dining in at your outdoor patio this pack is bolted in, and it's 95 degrees outside. Yeah.
Eric Readinger
But yeah, man, we're ending this on a real bummer.
Law Smith
Here's pragmatic one I meant to mention earlier. For those subscriptions, you've got a bunch of them right? trim CO is a bot. It's kind of a bot app but it will do not
Eric Readinger
put that M on the end.
Law Smith
Yeah, don't put that in this probably don't do it. The fun side are really bad trim CO and it'll go through your subscription. So, what's cool about it is it'll look at like your, whatever you have for cable internet at your house, you know, go, Hey, we know, our bots know that we can negotiate a rate down because they're doing this promotion. And he'll kind of do it for you. Would you like us to handle that? You know, get we can knock off $50 and it's very seamless. But it'll show you all the subscriptions you have. And it's just good to go through them and go like, do I need Netflix? Like cancel Netflix for a month and then you know binge on it. You know, go get quill be
Eric Readinger
the new one with Reno 911 is their like, flagship show heard it? Oh, God. I didn't hear Reno 911 was horrible, but I heard that whatever they're doing is not good. Could be I thought maybe I thought there was a nail I don't know that
Law Smith
lead you to sketches and rapping on. The last episode was hysterical But yeah, yeah, I think we've got some good guests coming up and
yeah, keep it in your pants, guys. Keep your Piero everybody